
Chapter 1300: The Fall of the Godly Evil, the Forbidden Gate of God (I)

I will go back to my hometown tomorrow...I will update once during the Chinese New Year...I will notify you when I resume...I hope you can forgive me...

So embarrassing! I originally said that I would update 2 during the Chinese New Year, but...I didn't update 2!

I am really a well!

I have been restless these days...Could it be that I have reached menopause...


The pupils of the evil god suddenly stood up, and then he stopped this terrifying magical power without hesitation. Because of the interruption of magic power transmission, the giant eye that split the sky slowly closed, and it immediately flapped its wings and rushed into the sky. At the same time, Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers.


It was so crisp, and then, golden light burst out from all directions. The soul hunter had formed a huge encirclement without knowing when! Completely wrapped the evil god! Shrinking towards the center with all his strength!

Soul hunter!

Golden world, golden kingdom of God, swallowing ocean. On the surface of the Soul Hunter, countless black runes rotated. That was the Devouring Talisman that had wrapped around it. Once touched, no matter who it was, even Su Xingyao could not escape this move!

The God of Evil took a deep breath. It was not that it had not repelled this golden color before, but this time, it actually made it feel a strong sense of crisis!

"The side profile of the demon god!" With its earth-shaking roar, all the demon gods in the void array opened their eyes at the same time, and the colorful eyes were like substance, all shining on the golden sun.

They were so magnificent, like the stars in the sky.

They were so vast, as if they penetrated time and space and saw through everything.

Xu Yangyi looked around as nothing. At this moment, the implanted armor changed again, and layers of bone armor devoured the whole body. At the same time, below the elbow, it had turned into two extremely sharp transparent swords.


Yuchang turned into a rain of swords, like Su Xingyao's sword flying flowers, surrounding the soul hunter into a huge sword ball. The next second, the overwhelming sword rain overturned the rivers and the world turned upside down, and Xu Yangyi's figure had turned into a dazzling stream of light, rushing towards the evil god at full speed.

The opponent had only one way.

Break through the peak of the soul hunter, and he would meet it there.

However, just a second after he rushed out, his pupils suddenly widened, and the indestructible swallowing talisman actually... stopped!

The swallowing talisman that even the space god could not break actually slowed down the swallowing under the gaze of countless top demon king phantoms!

Kakaka... The huge pressure made the evil god tremble. If the plane pressed on him, only he knew how terrible this golden ball was. He had seen that the void was completely wiped out wherever the other party passed. At this moment, he felt like he was in the stomach of a giant dragon. If he couldn't resist, he would be at least seriously injured!

"What kind of treasure is this?" His muscles bulged, runes moved, and his hands quickly formed seals: "But do you think you can trap me like this?!"

"I... am the only one among the saints... the strongest one who has not been defeated for 100,000 years!!"

"Break it for me!"

The countless demon shadows looked at each other with great scorching eyes, deception, destruction, malice, jealousy... violent emotions were madly injected into the swallowing talisman, and the soul hunter suddenly swelled up, getting bigger and bigger, and the spiritual energy became more and more chaotic. Xu Yangyi, who was rushing forward, stopped his body without hesitation and suddenly retreated hundreds of meters.

I made a wrong judgment.

The other party... actually wanted to use its huge and boundless demonic energy to force the swallowing talisman to "full"!

Is it impossible to do it?

Su Xingyao couldn't do it, because the other party's spiritual energy was not vast enough, and now... the soul hunter was gradually stretched open by the terrible demonic energy, and you can see the demonic energy empire that almost condensed and surged into substance inside.

"Damn monster..." He reacted so quickly that when the Devouring Talisman returned to Dantian with a wail and entered the next reincarnation, he immediately gave up the original tactics. With his hands pinched, the Gate of Killing opened again, and the black tide spread wildly. The next moment, with a loud bang, the Soul Hunting Light Ball exploded completely!

The first time.

This was the first time a monster could resist the Devouring Talisman, and Xu Yangyi also learned a lesson. The Devouring Talisman was not omnipotent. When encountering some real monsters, human power was limited.

At the same time, before Xu Yangyi could speak, the rain of swords poured down from the sky. The God of Evil took a deep breath and burst into a violent roar. As the sky shook, circles of dark runes swept across the space. All the spirit swords had just entered its radius of one kilometer and immediately turned into spiritual light and drifted away.

This scene was so gorgeous, gorgeous with the coldness of death.

Like falling stars, like flying spirit butterflies. However, after this beautiful scene, the eyes of the God of Evil suddenly flashed.

The flying light illuminates everything, paving the way for the deep darkness behind. This is a feint. Now there is no light in all directions, only the chaos of darkness. There is no opponent either, only the forest of killing sways gently in silence. The entire arena is dark, day turns to night, and the dark night is starless. In the silence of the stars, there is a heart-pounding killing intent.

As if calling: Come, come to the kingdom of killing.

"Have you run out of your trump cards?" It licked its lips and slowly crouched down like a tiger hunting: "Are you asking me... to fight you for the last time?"

"I promise you."

"With your strength, you should be respected by me. Although, you will lose in despair."

Sand... a black tide that no one can see slowly spreads from under its feet. Silently.

Quiet, absolutely quiet.

The rabbit rises and the falcon falls, extreme movement turns into extreme stillness. No one dared to make any noise at the scene. Half an hour, then an hour later, one demon finally couldn't sit still and asked in confusion: "What is he doing? Why is he not moving?"

In the first row, the Grizzly Prince looked at each other cautiously with the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame. He was the first to say: "Their battle has lasted for more than ten hours."

"For such a high-intensity battle, ten hours is already the limit for humans. I have a hunch that Master Yi is looking for an opportunity to kill with one strike."

It considered the words: "I think he knows his situation better than we do."

The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant narrowed his eyes: "His domain construction is very sophisticated, and he uses the theory of assassination. To assassinate an object like the God of Evil, it depends on who can lose his composure first and seize the fleeting moment. The other party's spirit can only be relaxed." Moments. He is using these moments to heal. "

The King of Thousand Throats on the other side interjected: "The evil god also knows it, but tell me, why doesn't it take action?"

The Grizzly Prince's breath was hot, and fire came out from his teeth: " can't find it either!"

"For a whole hour, it didn't find out where the other party was hiding! And out of caution, it didn't dare to destroy the domain." It said with glaring eyes: "Both sides are waiting for Mosha Fanghua."

"This moment will be remembered in history."

The second hour passed, and in the third hour, Xu Yangyi was like the most reliable hunter, staring at the opponent's actions. He believed that the god of evil also knew that he had been in the same place for three hours.

I have to admire the opponent's combat experience and not try to destroy and kill, otherwise... the god-killing poison would kill everything. It is a rule that he cannot actively destroy the domain, otherwise his domain will be invincible.

"How is it?" Yuchang asked solemnly in his consciousness.

"It's not very good." Xu Yangyi replied: "The previous blow was equivalent to giving myself a full-strength punch. There was no time to adjust my breath after that. It seemed that I was evenly matched with it, but in fact..."

He smiled bitterly: "I only have one-fifth of my spiritual power left..."

Yuchang took a breath of cold air. It knew how powerful Xu Yangyi's spiritual power was. Before the divine evil, there had never been an evildoer in the same realm who could let him fight to the end. And when Xu Yangyi was refreshing what Shen Nie thought was "impossible" again and again, wasn't Shen Nie also refreshing their knowledge?

The majestic magic power is as vast as the far there is no sign of even the slightest sign of decline.

The tactics as cunning as a fox... obviously have terrifying demonic aura, but they will not overwhelm people at all. It is there, no matter how strong the wind or the heavy rain, it will never fall, forming a towering mountain. The longer the battle lasts, the more powerful they become. Feel the oppressive weight in my heart.

There is also the terrifying instantaneous explosive power, the swallowing talisman... This thing that Su Xingyao even wanted to have can be forcefully exploded by the opponent! At that time, the opponent's instant burst of demonic energy was probably infinitely approaching Taixu!

What kind of monster can do this?

Xu Yangyi probably knew what Yuchang was thinking, and he said in a deep voice: "Not only that, seems to be motionless now, but its consciousness is searching the entire killing inch by inch. It is too cautious, even if it destroys a little bit Even if I kill, I have the possibility of making a comeback, but it doesn’t.”

Yuchang gritted his teeth and said, "Who can search the entire field?

Xu Yangyi's face was as cold as ice: "It will do."

"Its spiritual consciousness... even if I once drank Wugen Jiuqu Water and tempered it with alchemy, now... it's just neither up nor down. It will search here in about an hour. And. I……"

He closed his eyes and paused: "At that time, I will be able to recover about three to four percent of my spiritual power."

Opening their eyes, the two looked at each other, and both saw a fiery determination in the other's eyes.

In this case, there is only one solution.

All his efforts are accomplished in one battle!

If you drag it on, there will be no chance of victory. The opponent is so stable, like a moving mountain, an unbreakable plane, no matter how strong or fierce it is, it will always stand. The battle so far seems to be almost the same, but if you count the gods in detail, are there any scars?


On the contrary, Xu Yangyi was now covered in blood, and his spiritual power had dropped to the warning level. The opponent was still crushing him with boundless pressure, unhurriedly, slowly but surely.

No one spoke again, and the two of them stared at the evil being. Under the supervision of the infinite truth, the other's consciousness was like a dark sea, a two-color world covering black and white silently, and it was moving toward their location without leaking.

Just wait a moment.

Time seems to have stopped, fifty minutes, and the distance is still 10,000 meters.

Forty minutes, eight thousand meters!

Thirty minutes, six thousand meters... twenty minutes, four thousand meters!

ten minutes.

The last two kilometers are a super cordon that can be directly damaged by the magical powers of both sides!

Under this silent pressure, other monks may have gone crazy. A perfect mythical creature that never falls and has no scars on its body quietly tightens its cage. The suffocation feeling is absolutely numb, and Xu Yangyi died He bit his lip, his pores were constricted, his breathing was inaudible, and even his heartbeat slowed down a bit.

Five minutes, one thousand meters, two minutes, five hundred meters... There are only the last five hundred meters left in the entire field. God's eyes are like a tiger seeing its prey, fluctuating slightly, but his expression on the surface is not wavering. prosper.

The swords of both sides have been polished silently, just waiting for the moment to shine.

It knows, and so does he.

One minute... three hundred meters, the evil god has turned around, and the demon wings slowly rise. The next attack is the peak of the fight between the two sides, and it can also determine who will stand to the end of this battle.

It is very sure that it is not that human.

Zero minutes.

Zero meters!

At this moment, the evil god's suppressed demonic energy suddenly burst out, and when he was about to rush to the last point, he suddenly froze.


He froze, unexpectedly looking at this dead silent area, his mind was a little confused, searching the world, why is there no trace of the other party?

"Not good!!" It suddenly woke up. After ten minutes of reincarnation, the other party was there, but at the moment when its consciousness just swept over, it opened the ability that could make itself disappear completely!

At this moment, its nerves were completely relaxed, and it did not catch even a trace.

Xu Yangyi was waiting for this moment!

The extremely vigilant and cautious evil god relaxed in an instinctive consciousness.


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