
Chapter 1301: The Fall of the Godly Evil, the Forbidden Gate of God (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi's figure traveled through the void, with only endless black and white in his eyes. His expression was extremely solemn, and the two swords in his hands were flying across the sky with lightning speed.

The other party may only be relaxed for this tenth and one second. He has already planned too much and considered too much for this attack. When a creature has a premonition of imminent danger, its nerves are most tense. But no danger was found. At this time, no matter who it was, they would definitely relax.

This is instinctive.

It was this hint that made him choose to take the lead.

Tsk... The two swords in his hands pulled out terrible flames in the void. In the next second, the god of evil suddenly raised his hands. The eyes of countless demon kings in the void circle were intertwined with him, weaving the chains of runes, and the muscles of his body were all intertwined. It swelled crazily and was covered in bone, but in an instant, it turned into a three-meter-tall giant statue!

No blind spots, complete defense!

"Come on! Humanity!!" It roared into the sky, roaring at the invisible enemy: "Here, give us an explanation!"

as you wish.

brush! Xu Yangyi had already rushed to the side of the god, and every second of the fifteen seconds of swallowing talismans was precious enough.

The sword is like a swimming dragon, and the body is like a frightening phoenix. Amidst the turmoil, he has already made one of the top three sword strikes so far!

Still a sword.

But he gathered all the energy and energy in his body, and the sword was close to the Tao.

It's a sword, but it doesn't look like a sword.

At the same time, the god's whole body was spinning wildly. The opponent was the invisible god of death, but this rotation completely avoided all its vital points. Even it didn't know where the opponent's sword could penetrate. It became faster and faster, more and more violent, and finally formed a silver tornado, raging across the entire place.

Dang Dang Dang! One sword, and more than one sword. At the point of the sword light, a tornado fan exploded and filled the sky with fireworks. A coiling dragon-like wave of sword light traveled through the whole body, almost as if it was going to divide the opponent.

"That's it?" A voice like thunder came from the storm: "Then... just go die!"

Rumble... The tornado connected with the sky and the earth, and a huge cloud hole spread out from above. Magnificent rivers of demonic energy poured into the wind, and the opponent's demonic energy actually started to rise again and again!

This is how terrifying it is, endless, never seeing an end, and never falling... the endless mountain!

However, its outbreak ushered in an outbreak that was equal to killing all living things! At the same time, countless phantoms suddenly appeared in the killing, exactly like Xu Yangyi, overwhelming the sky, just like Sun Xingzhe pulled out his hair and transformed tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, and rushed over at the same time with a majestic cry of killing!

Thousands of swords cross the sky and shine in the sky. This moment belongs to the ultimate sword and the youth of the sword.


Silent murderous intent boiled over the whole place, and all the demons held their breath. Seeing this moment that might be the decisive moment of victory or defeat, the transition between movement and stillness was so natural that they didn't even dare to take a big breath. Only the ten directions of heaven can be seen, with sword light raging.

The god's eyes narrowed slightly, but he calmed down in this seemingly extremely dangerous scene. Only one of these people was the real person. Why did the other party do this?

cover up. The other party is concealing his true identity and distracting his energy. Why should the other party cover it up?

Because...the other party is sure that he will kill him?

There is also a trump card!

Its heartbeat accelerated for a moment. He couldn't even imagine how a human could have so many trump cards. But now is not the time to think about this at all. As it roared, the demonic body changed again, and all the shadows of the demon king in the void array rushed into its body, reaching the strongest moment in history!

"Roar!!" The whole body cracked, and then the demonic energy, which was similar to substance, was extremely sticky and rushed out of the body. No... that's not demonic energy anymore, but the ocean of desire, the distortion of all negative emotions. Incomparably grand and extremely evil. transformed into a huge eyeball, burning with countless flames, spreading across the void with a radius of ten meters.

The evil entity!

It felt the opponent's sword with all its strength, and it would fight it in its most perfect form!

This is respect for the strong and respect for each other. When it was at the door of the magic crystal exchange house, it had never thought of respect for a foreigner.

Suspended in the dark nebula is the sinful eyeball left behind by the god. The runes in the pupils are entangled in circles, and the tide of black light bursts out in the sky, splitting everything, tearing everything to pieces, and destroying everything. However, at the same time, it suddenly paused and burst out with an earth-shattering scream.

The second time, he roared with unbearable pain.

A bit of purple light arrived first in the void, and then the sword came out like a dragon. Black light swept across the sky, and all the shadows collapsed. The fifteen seconds were almost up, and Xu Yangyi's figure was already flying alone in the sky. A sword came from the west, and his whole body was wrapped in endless black. In the breath, it is facing its pupils!

Just now, he activated the Talisman of Desire. It made the opponent's movements slow for a moment. Only for a moment.

Breaking through the silver tornado and reaching the body of the god, the swallowing talisman has been activated to the maximum. At this moment, his clothes were so tattered that he was forced to pass through this storm, causing his injuries to completely explode and blood gushing out like a fountain. However, his eyes were as bright as stars, staring straight at the huge eyeball in front of him.

"Eternal Black Hole!" All the runes in the pupils of the abomination lit up, the sound was like thunder, the huge black hole rotated behind him, a terrifying shadow condensed in the void, surrounded by sixteen hands, and in the center was the abominable entity. It is indescribably huge, indescribably majestic, and all the shadows seem to be pulled and sucked into the black hole.

However, at this moment, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly flashed and passed through the evil being.

A gorgeous purple light stretched across the sky, and it lasted for a long time. The evil spirit seemed to be stagnant. It did not expect that the opponent's speed suddenly increased. This was impossible, and it increased to a degree that it could not catch at all, just like... Taixu.



Some of the scattered pupils suddenly turned into vertical pupils, and the tide of consciousness spilled out. It immediately knew that this was not the body... This was the domain... It was the real deception of the Fellers family in the domain!

This was a deception within a deception. The ten thousand swords flying in the air just now were a deception, seemingly to cover the body, but this body was still a deception! That sword was also a deception!

The severe pain was entangled in the central nervous system of the evil spirit. The purple light was very strange. It first broke out, making all its desires boil and making mistakes in judgment. The real deception that followed almost made it think that it was defeated, but when it was carefully captured, there was no scar. It was impossible for the opponent to have the speed of Taixu, who came and went without a trace and traveled thousands of miles!

The opponent's 15-second absolute domain has not yet been fully reached! There are still about a few tenths of a second!

Where is it?

The divine consciousness exploded, forming a substantial Rashomon. At the same time, in the audience, a demon stood up with his mouth covered, followed by the second, the third... countless others!

All the demons stood up unconsciously, staring at this scene that would be remembered for a lifetime.

Above the sky, a ragged figure appeared, facing the sky above the evil god, and then... turned into a blue-black lightning, slashing directly at the incarnation of sin below.

That was not a sword, nor a person.

It was just lightning, because it was so fast that the movement could not be seen clearly. Because the beauty of this sword could no longer be described. He pulled the sunlight and pulled the stars, and all the power was concentrated on this sword, which could no longer be described in any language.

"This is..." The God Guide stood up with his mouth wide open, his whole body trembling, his eyes red, and he roared desperately: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!!"

"Treasure of rules..." All the Taixu stood up together, especially the demon kings of the Ferrers family, their hearts instantly jumped to their throats, never... never had a battle of the Holy Saint made them look sideways.

Because they saw the possibility of truly creating history.

The other party was not holding a sword in his hand.

But a golden cylinder! Sharp spears were stabbed from both the upper and lower sides! As he turned into thunder and lightning, rumbling sounds came from all directions. The rules of the Morning Star Dragon sounded in the mortal world, the stars shone, the dark night was bright, and the thunder of rules rotated in the galaxy of the universe. In an instant, a sea of ​​thunder that was more violent and fierce than Baal's thunder of destruction walked across the sky!

Ten thousand thunders are righteous!

"Demon God is above..." The evil god finally felt the crisis of death. This is the treasure of rules! How could he have the treasure of rules? But now is not the time to think about these things. If you are hit by the treasure of rules, you will die! Everyone under the void is the same!

"Ten thousand demons!" At a critical moment, the brilliant light of the Milky Way Starburst burst out from his eyeballs, shining like a dark gem. A rune suddenly rushed out of his pupils and turned into a demon warrior, roaring and punching Xu Yangyi.

"Yuchang!!" Xu Yangyi shouted loudly. Before he could speak, Yuchang had already turned into a huge sword lotus behind him, indestructible and unbreakable, stabbing downward with the force of thunder!

"Damn it!!" The runes spun rapidly in the roar of the evil god. In an instant, a group of illusory hands with demonic energy formed around the eyeballs, twisting the ancient spells, and the voices that made the void tremble exploded one by one.

"Samael's Furious Finger." "Requiem of Ten Thousand Demons." "Rest." "Roar of Destruction of Gods and Demons." "Enemy of the Gods!"

Boom boom boom... The terrifying runes gathered the bottom into a wave of demonic energy. At least dozens of magical powers condensed in an instant below. They were so huge and magnificent that the light curtain covering the arena finally had cracks, and even got bigger and bigger!

The strength of the saint caused cracks in the Taixu ban!

"Explode!!!" With the killer of the evil god doing his best, this broken ban finally turned into a sky full of spiritual light and exploded! The terrifying demonic shockwave swept across the entire arena in an instant. Black light rose from the ground and fell from the sky. The talismans collapsed, the ground cracked, and the silver-gray flames engulfed the sky. The arena was almost destroyed!

According to the rules of the magic ring, each magic is an eight-ring, a quasi-forbidden technique!


Starting today with one update... Time, 5pm, thank you so much...

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