
Chapter 1302: The Fall of the Evil God, the Gate of History (Part 3)

After the New Year, I will update... Sorry, dear readers...


Xu Yangyi saw the ocean of demonic energy below, but he did not retreat at all!

There was no way to retreat. He had already tried his best. This was just one attack, but it gathered all his strength so far, which was a stroke of genius.

**The talisman exploded, confusing the opponent's thinking. The real deception was launched, and he deceived the opponent twice in a row, and he only created a time difference. He had so much combat experience that he knew the moment he saw it that when he rushed down, these magical powers could not reach the peak of the outbreak!

This attack missed, and all the cards were exposed. Facing such a cautious evil god, he had no chance of winning.

"Kill!" The sound was like thunder, and he did not retreat but advanced, rushing straight towards the vortex of demonic energy below.

The momentum of the charge, there is only advance and no retreat. The will to break through the formation, there is only death and no life!

Ten thousand thunders went crazy with the impact of the Thunder God, trying their best to tear apart the countless quasi-forbidden techniques below. The quasi-forbidden spells swirled and entangled, forming a majestic thousand-meter-long ancient shield with countless demon faces carved on it!

"Forbidden spell ring... Nine-ring magic... The protection of the demon god!!" The evil god was completely crazy. All the demonic hands gathered into a strange spell. Those seemingly unconnected forbidden spells were completely gathered together, making this huge shield more solid. The demon's eyes, which were as tangled as the sea, were slowly opening. This was its trump card. Only it could show dozens of quasi-forbidden spells at the same time!

It's not that I don't want to hide, but I can't hide! The opponent's momentum locked it tightly, and the power of the rule treasure nailed its center. It came from the sky and covered the earth. The entire arena was within the opponent's attack range!

The demons were stunned. This scene of the sky was so terrible. The wailing that filled the sky, the extremely ominous and distorted demonic energy, as the demon opened his eyes, began to transform into a huge face.

Majestic, sacred, majestic... All adjectives cannot describe it, because all demons know who it is.

Angry Samael, the demon god who once ranked first among the seven kings of hell! It was not until the appearance of Lucifer that he stepped down to second place!

Samael's angry shield divides victory and defeat, heaven and earth, into two extremes. Thunders roared above the shield, silver snakes danced wildly, and no one could guess who would win between the rules and the phantom of the demon god.

The next second, a thunderous roar resounded through the void, and the shield that had not yet completely condensed was actually broken by a lightning strike! Before the demons could exclaim, they saw the remnants of the shield turned into shock waves all over the sky, spreading like an ocean!

Puff! Xu Yangyi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the protection of the demon god turned into layers of explosions, which were absolutely as powerful as any nuclear weapon king!

The explosion that filled the sky instantly engulfed him. With the strength of his body, more than a dozen huge cracks suddenly appeared, deep enough to see the bones, and countless blood flew, and was instantly evaporated by the terrifying shock wave.


Can't retreat!

He marched forward without hesitation, his spear flashed like lightning, his sword flew like a star, the second oncoming impact, the vast demonic energy tore everything apart, his whole body vibrated, his brain, chest, internal organs, as if hit by an invisible hammer, blood rushed out from his teeth like a dam bursting. However, he held his breath and did not cry out in pain.

His eyes shone brightly as never before, he had seen that he was only 500 meters away from the opponent!

Five hundred meters away, the evil god breathed a sigh of relief silently, the protection of the demon god was not just a defense, once someone dared to break it, the quasi-forbidden technique it condensed would explode completely, enough to destroy everything.

The horror of being shrouded in death in his heart was withdrawn, he saw that the opponent had rushed into the center of the explosion, all the quasi-forbidden techniques tore through the absolute space of the void, and his figure was annihilated. It was only 500 meters away from him, but for a cultivator, this short 500 meters was now a natural chasm.

"You lost." The two looked at each other across the ocean of exploding demonic energy, and the evil god spoke silently.

But strangely, it saw the corner of the other party's mouth curled up.


In this situation, he actually laughed?

Even if he broke through this layer of magical power that was enough to annihilate all creatures under the void, his body had been severely damaged to the extent of annihilation. Even if he tried his best, how fast could he be? How strong could he be?

But at this moment, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly exploded with countless black air, and then, his speed increased instead of decreasing, and he rushed straight to the evil god at an incredible speed!

Swish... In the black magic sea that was spinning like a whirlpool, a meteor rushed out brilliantly, attracting billions of eyes and illuminating the stars in the sky.

Then, the crazy sea of ​​thunder tore through the magic energy, and swept across the heavens with the advent of the Thunder God!

How could it be possible!

The pupils of the evil god were sharp. This was impossible. It was impossible to exert such strength after being severely damaged enough to annihilate the body!

Its mind was blank for a moment, followed by the danger of screaming. The magic hands around the eyeballs spread across the sky like crazy, forming the last barrier. Then... it saw that behind the opponent, the wings of a demon were spread out, the body was completely pale, and the demon horns that belonged to the demon also grew out.

**Talisman in hand, until this time, Xu Yangyi chose to burst out completely without reservation.

Two talismans, rule treasure, killing field, deception truth, four trump cards were all out, he didn't know what the consequences would be if this attack didn't hit.

"You are..." Too much shock, one after another, it was stunned again, when it was about to control the magic power, the whole body was boiling, screaming wildly.

Get out of the way!

Get out of the way! !

Otherwise, you will die!

"Damn..." It took a deep breath and was about to mobilize all its trump cards, but at this moment, countless runes suddenly spread from the bottom of its eyeballs and rushed into its pupils in an instant.

It shook violently, facing the moment of life and death, but there was a strange feeling in its mind.

"The door is open..." A voice, extremely long and ancient, slowly spoke in the divine consciousness: "Fulfill your mission... Come, come to me..."

"As the guardian of the tomb keeper, open the door, everything... will begin..."

This falling meteor, accompanied by the dancing sea of ​​thunder, was so eye-catching that all the demons saw it. Similarly, they also saw the figure in the air that dominated everything, which was actually wrapped in rolling demonic energy, grew demonic wings, became larger, and was pale all over. The inscription of the demon god was engraved on his body.

The extremely pure demonic breath and the extremely refined demonic energy all explained Xu Yangyi's identity.

Wow! !

The noise was like the sea, and the whole audience was boiling!

"God of Devil... Devil!? I, I'm not seeing things?! He, he, he's a demon?!" All the demons leaned forward, staring at the sky with their mouths wide open. God's grace was like the sea, and God's might was like a prison. They couldn't believe their eyes at all!

Countless demons crowded on the front row of fences, screaming, shouting, and roaring, forming an ocean that resounded through the heavens, complementing the sea of ​​thunder, as if they were playing this magnificent chapter of killing together.

"He is a demon?! How is this possible!! He is a demon! He is really a demon! Oh my God! I have never seen such a demon! So powerful... Even looking at it makes me feel terrified! Is he really a demon in human skin? Why does he disguise himself as a human?"

"Master Yi, is... is he a demon!?"

"How is this possible?!" The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant was also unbelievable. His reaction was not much weaker than that of the Grizzly Prince, but was even more shocked. His voice could not help but rise one degree: "I have come into contact with him countless times! He, he is actually a demon!?"

All the demon kings in the first row looked at each other. They guessed every possible step of the other party to win. No one expected that the final trump card that appeared in the end was actually the body of the real demon!

The human's injuries could not be transmitted to the demon's body. He insisted on using the human body to penetrate the protection of the demon god. The demon's body exploded just for this moment!


When the Thunder God landed, all the thunder seas returned to silence. A dull sound, accompanied by the shrill cry of the evil god, resounded through the sky. The expressions on the faces of the demons were completely frozen. They had seen the power of the previous attack. Could it be that... Could it be that this human did something that no demon had ever done?

Boom! ! The black light formed a shock wave of lightning, sweeping across the sky, attracting the devil energy like a tide, completely blocking everything. Then it returned to silence.

No one spoke, and all the fiery eyes looked at the center of the arena, which no longer looked like an arena. There were terrible spider web patterns covered with restrictions and were still spreading wildly. The rolling devil energy gathered in it. Neither the evil god nor Xu Yangyi could be seen.

At this moment, the arena was so quiet, even dead. No one dared to look away, for fear of missing this scene that rewrote history.

An alien race, a human, killed the evil god in the abyss arena...?

The God Guider held the fence tightly, his lips trembling, and his eyes fixed on the center.

The demonic energy slowly dissipated. In this battle, the Taixu restriction collapsed. Even the winner could no longer maintain the normal operation of the demonic energy in the body.

Swish... a gust of wind swept away the remaining black fog. When the center appeared, all the demons' eyes were straight. Then, they opened their mouths, shook their heads, and stepped back unconsciously.

They were looking for safety.

Because they felt that it was not safe to get closer to the center.

"My God..." A succubus covered her mouth, her lips were dry, and she couldn't help shaking, her voice trembling: "He... actually... won..."

"Demon God... How could this be... This is impossible... I saw it wrong..."

Their voices were very calm, calm because of excessive shock, and the top nobles of Ferres in the first row also opened their mouths at this moment, looking at the field in disbelief.

There, a spear pierced the center of the eyeball of the evil god, and the huge body of the evil god lay on the cracked surface, no longer making any sound.

Xu Yangyi couldn't even maintain his demonic body. He returned to his human form and sat on the ground covered in blood, leaning against the huge body of the evil god, like a dragon slayer, with his eyes closed, silent, and his chest rising and falling slightly.

In the heavens and the worlds, how many people were watching the battle of the evil gods, and at this moment, they all saw this scene.

The evil gods... lost...

"The evil gods lost?" In front of a light curtain, the seeded player of the original family, the Eternal Diamond, the original Kaler, looked at the light curtain like a wooden man at this moment, and the team around him shouted a few times but there was no response.

Lost... Lost... Lost...

This does not mean that the evil gods lost, but that this alien race did something that no one had done!

This was a loud slap in the face of all the so-called "top three ancient demon seeded players" in front of the heavens and the worlds!

In front of another light curtain, a grand duke held a wine glass, slightly opened his mouth, and couldn't say a word for a long time. And the team behind it, the pens fell to the ground, unconscious.

More light curtains, more demons who saw this scene, no one spoke. The shock was so great that they could not speak, and could only stare blankly at the light screen.

At this moment, all the arenas were silent.

Finally, in the 100 duel arena, the arena where Xu Yangyi was, a shrill voice rang out, the God Guide was burning with silver-white flames, and his face looked like crying and laughing: "You killed it..."

"You killed it... You still killed it..."


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