
Chapter 1306: Void Pyramid

Xu Yangyi didn't know anything about the City of Eternal Life. He felt like he was walking in a white passage. He immediately looked at his body and found that it had recovered.

"What's going on?" He looked at his body in surprise. Yu Chang's voice immediately sounded: "Don't move! Be careful. This light is very strange! No... or rather, it is completely incomprehensible to our level!"

Xu Yangyi gathered his mind, focused his eyes, and released his consciousness. After a few seconds, he took a breath of cold air: "It... is taking us through space?"

Space God Rule, one of the two major God Rules, can it be done with a magical power now?

Never heard of it, even Taixu can't do it!

"No... not just shuttle..." He closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and said in shock: "This is... space folding!"

If the universe is regarded as a piece of paper, how to go from point A on the left to point B on the right?

The best way is not to make a straight line, but to fold the paper directly so that the two points overlap completely.

Su Xingyao can't do it, no... this is purely theoretical! There is this topic on Earth, but he has never heard of anyone who can do it!

"It should be space folding..." Yu Chang looked at the pure white passage around him solemnly: "I don't know who it is... This is too scary... This is not something that a living creature can master at all!"

At this moment, the end of the white light suddenly bloomed with endless brilliance, like the rising sun, and Xu Yangyi immediately closed his eyes reflexively. Suddenly, there was a solid feeling under his feet.

He opened his eyes immediately, and then immediately took a breath of cold air.

In all directions, it was pitch black. There were countless creatures in front of him, all of them were demons, and all of them were players in the Abyss War! They were standing in a huge square that was larger than the Abyss Arena. Hundreds of huge torches thousands of meters high were lit around. Each one was carefully carved, with Zerg, elves, and humans... guarding countless holy fires, shining in the starry sky.

This square is in the shape of a triangle. Above it, there are nine layers of the same square strangely suspended in the air. Each layer is rotating at a different speed, direction, and angle, like an equilateral triangle that has been decomposed, and each layer is neat and tidy. The stones that make up it are covered with vines, revealing a simple and old meaning.

At the top of this decomposed triangle, something similar to the sun is gushing out endless brilliance, and the terrifying demonic energy is sweeping across the universe like a tide!

Swish... Its demonic energy tides are coming in waves, just gently scraping past, and Xu Yangyi feels that the demon body is roaring and longing. The hunger and thirst that comes from the same body but is completely different is more terrifying than when he advanced to the infinite truth!

Hit the heart directly, there is no escape.

This is instinct.

What makes him most excited is that the mark of Mammon is loose!

Click... Click... This thing stationed in his soul made a whine for the first time, as if it was afraid of the sun.

He closed his eyes and felt for a while, then opened them a few minutes later, and said fiercely through his teeth: "The pyramid tomb of the City of Eternal Life... That is the devil's oven... It must be! Who else can wash away the mark of the devil?"

After a pause, he was angry and gritted his teeth and said: "Alpha... You idiot!"

"You didn't listen to me in the end... We have to pay for your stupidity!"

"Look... How wonderful everything is." At this moment, a tired consciousness entered Xu Yangyi's ears. He was stunned and turned his head suddenly.

The lifespan of elves is extremely long, but at this moment, Alpha, with wrinkles on his face, white hair, staggering, coughing, is just a few hundred meters behind him.

Xu Yangyi looked at him indifferently. Behind him, Mao Baer and Fahai were also here.

Both of them withdrew from the competition after signing up, otherwise they would not be able to go to the City of Eternal Life. In other words, they also have the identity of "players", so they are also here.

Retracting his gaze, he slowly walked towards Alpha.

This place is very big, too big, so big that it is empty and silent. But the place where they appeared was gathered together. At this moment, all the demons gathered together. Xu Yangyi only had Alpha in his eyes, and he immediately bumped into other demons. Those demons were like paper, and they screamed and were knocked away dozens of meters.

"You are looking for death!" A demon like a bull's head was knocked away, and got up from the ground furiously. With a slight shake of his hand, a large axe made of magic appeared in his hand. Just as he was about to see who was so rude, suddenly, a short demon player beside him grabbed it.

"Aye from the Dust and Wheat Swamp?" Two streams of magic energy spurted out of the demon's nostrils, snorted coldly, and was about to rush over. Aye held it tightly and shouted: "Idiot! Do you want to die!"

"Look carefully who hit you!"

The bull-headed demon was stunned, narrowed his eyes, and immediately saw countless demons desperately retreating. Those who didn't have time were all knocked away. The player who knocked it away actually pulled out a blank road in the crowd. The players who were knocked away immediately got up and tried their best to leave, as if they were avoiding some huge horror.

There were too many people... It shook its head and released its spiritual sense. When it saw the creature that was rushing around, its face suddenly became extremely wonderful.

"You still want revenge?" Aye looked at the demon with contempt and sneered.

The bull-headed demon looked at it for three seconds. When he turned back, his eyes were full of fear. Without saying a word, he quietly walked towards the place where there were more demons.

What a joke...

Human beings who can kill evil beings are simply inhuman, okay?

The demonic tide around Xu Yangyi faded away, and every player's eyes were full of fear. This was a sign of surrender to strength. He walked unimpeded to Alpha. With a wave of your hand, isolation is banned. This restriction was used in a hurry and was very fragile, but no one dared to stay on it, let alone anyone trying to unlock it.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Yangyi finally asked slowly: "Did you open the pyramid?"


"Pah!!" Before Alpha could finish speaking, a loud slap hit him on the face. He was slapped to the side in shock, his eyes suddenly turned red, and before he could turn his head, a strong force had already grabbed him. Holding his collar and raising it to the front, he could only see Xu Yangyi's angry face filled with murderous intent.

"are you a pig?"

Boom... There was a cramp in the stomach. Alpha's face was twisted, and he coughed violently. It took him a long time to recover, and he gasped and said, "Vent your anger?"

"Are you venting your anger?"

"Hahaha... you are venting your anger, yes, it must be like this! You are also pursuing truth, but I solved this step earlier than you!" He struggled suddenly, raised his hands high, and laughed: "Look... it's I stepped into this place first! There is no danger... you see it is safe! I understand you because you are jealous!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and looked deeply at Alpha, who was already going crazy. After a while, he said, "Do you regret it?"

Alpha's hoarse laughter suddenly stopped, his lips trembled twice, but he did not speak.

"Do you regret it? Answer me." Xu Yangyi looked directly into his eyes: "Don't say anything against your will. If there is no danger, why are we here?"

"And where are your teammates?"

"Don't lie to me, you can't solve it alone. Tell me, where are your teammates?"

Alpha was silent, and after a few seconds, he suddenly smiled: "So what?"

"We have long been prepared to sacrifice ourselves for true knowledge! We are believers in true knowledge! We are different from you! You pursue the truth like us, but you dare not stand in front of danger! We experienced countless horrors to open this door , see the truth! I..."

His emotions became more and more agitated, but he stopped here, his voice choked and he closed his eyes: "We... I am the only one left..."

"Everyone dead..."

"But...I don't regret it, I'm just a little heartbroken..."

Xu Yangyi put him down and said coldly: "Remember."

"You can be crazy and you can pursue true knowledge. However, I have no obligation to enter such a dangerous situation for your madness."

Wow! He threw it hard, and Alpha fell to the ground like a rag, his head hanging slumped, saying nothing.

"Stand up." Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "Don't you want to know the secret here?"

"Then it's best to assist me with all your strength. Before I think of killing you completely."

"Are you willing to go up?" Alpha suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi with twinkling eyes.

Xu Yangyi sneered: "Is there any other choice now?"

He looked at Alpha with murderous eyes: "If it weren't for you, none of us would have to enter this terrible place! In the future, I will draw a clear line with the Sanctuary of True Knowledge. You are all a bunch of lunatics! Fanatical lunatics!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Mao Baer murmured, leaning next to Xu Yangyi, and sneered: "Old demon, I told you that his warning was not groundless. You have to make people become neither humans nor ghosts. Do you think you Is it Long Aotian?"

Alpha actually didn't refute. After this incident, his mentality seemed to have changed. After pondering for a few seconds, he took out a palm-sized disc.

Countless numbers are engraved on it, with a six-pointed star in the center and the heads of the seven monarchs engraved around it. He gasped and said, "If you want to erase the Demon God's mark, you'd better hurry up."

"I'm afraid you haven't studied the Demonic Oven deeply enough, and we have been studying this topic from beginning to end. The Demonic Oven is the most incredible thing in demonology, so..."

He gritted his teeth: "This thing is called the Ten Thousand Demons Star. It can count all magic powers that are beyond the scope of biological statistics. Every time there is an outbreak, we are doing the same job. But... take a closer look."

Xu Yangyi took a closer look and saw a circle of black magic light in the center, which was advancing slowly at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye. It was very slow, but it never stopped. The current dwell number of this circle of magic light is sixty.

"Six hours ago, it was zero."

Alpha's words made Xu Yangyi suddenly open his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?" Alpha spoke hoarsely, with extremely complex eyes: "Since we came in, the Devil's Oven has been gathering strength at a speed that exceeds any previous one. It has now reached the sixtyth dimension. Once it reaches one One will explode!"

Fahai gasped: "How long will it take?"

"It won't take more than four hours." Alpha closed his eyes: "The eighteenth Devil's Oven will usher in a full-scale outbreak."

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