
Chapter 1307: The Contest of Yahweh

Four hours...

Xu Yangyi clenched his fist silently, and his heart, which had just calmed down, suddenly became extremely heavy.

Two hundred and forty minutes.

He looked at the top again, and there were at least millions of meters to go.

Fortunately, here, he was at the top, and no one dared to challenge him. The reputation of killing the evil gods became a halo.

Unfortunately, no one blocked him, but it did not mean that there was no "thing" that would block him. This strange huge tomb was the biggest obstacle.

No one could predict what else was in the center. This was the tomb of the source of dusk! It was not a place they could set foot in at all!

"Let's go." There was no time to delay, and the cloak appeared. It turned into a black light and rushed over, and all the demons that blocked the way were all washed away.

Leading the way, Fahai also knew how urgent the situation was. This old Yinzun, who had never exerted his strength, chanted a Buddhist name, and then a lotus flower appeared under his feet, which was not slower than Xu Yangyi!

"Wait, wait for me!" Mao Baer opened his demon wings and followed.

The last 240 minutes...

Planning for so long to participate in the Abyss Arena, using all his trump cards to kill the evil spirit... Everything is for this moment. If there is any mistake, he must be prepared to sleep forever in Tiragangdis.

Whoever dares to stop him will be killed without mercy!

Swish, swish, swish, several people are like lightning, leading the way, and rushing straight to the nearest gate, while all the demons behind them have flashing eyes.

"What should we do?" A demon gritted his teeth and looked at the other contestants: "You should have seen... We don't know why we came here, but..."

It pointed to the top of its head: "There should be the demon furnace, this kind of throbbing in the soul will not be fake. In previous years, the demon furnace would only baptize the top 100, but now... Just watch him go by?"

"Do you want to die?" Another tall demon looked in the direction of Xu Yangyi with lingering fear: "That is the monster who killed the evil spirit... Without the fallen angel, he is undoubtedly the strongest. Ah... Are you trying to instigate us to deal with him together? Don't be ridiculous, even if it is the same as in previous years, there are still ninety-nine seats here. ”

A succubus-like contestant took a deep breath: "Put away your little thoughts. If it is not necessary, I will never touch that human!"

"Me too." "Don't try to challenge the monster that can defeat the evil gods, unless you don't understand what the word evil gods means." "I have no intention of being an enemy of such monsters." "If you want to die, this is a shortcut, but I don't want to go with you."

Xu Yangyi and his group moved like lightning and soon arrived in front of the passage. Only then did they see clearly that the gate of the passage was surging like waves, as if countless star maps were floating in it. Nothing could be seen behind the door. He seemed to be stepping into the unknown depths of the universe. A huge sense of mystery and majesty was added to him. It turned into a mysterious and quiet light curtain.

Just when he was about to enter the gate, he was stunned, then took a breath, and suddenly knelt on one knee. Fahai behind him exclaimed and also half-knelt down, and Alpha had touched the ground with his forehead at the same time, trembling all over.

As magnificent as the sea and as gorgeous as the stars, the light curtain of the starry sky slowly rotated, and the 100-meter gate instantly became a 100-meter starry black hole. In it, a hair-thin brilliance spread out like a spirit snake.

Very slightly, when it appeared, the bottom of the entire pyramid suddenly sprinkled with overwhelming aurora, which was extremely gorgeous and brought an intoxicating celestial phenomenon. The aurora dividing line that cuts open the sky is silent in the splendor and brilliant in the silence.

"This is..." The demon players who were discussing were all stunned. The next second, a kind of instinctive awe in life rushed to their hearts like a tide. There was no mentality of resistance at all. With a piece of suppressed exclamation, they all knelt down.

In an instant, the entire bottom of the pyramid was silent.

"Yahweh..." Xu Yangyi, who was closest, was already sweating profusely. The silk thread naturally and without any affectation turned into a slender hand. With every change, the aurora in the void danced at the same time, beautiful to the extreme.

"Is this... a projection of Yahweh?" Yu Chang gritted his teeth and spoke in his spiritual consciousness. Xu Yangyi's voice was filled with suppressed panting: "No... this is not a projection..."

"This is spiritual consciousness... a spiritual consciousness left by the other party tens of thousands of years ago... Have you ever seen a spiritual consciousness that can transform, has self-awareness, and has formed a trigger switch?"

"No... I haven't seen it... Wait... Damn it!!"

After being stunned for a second, he suddenly shouted in his spiritual consciousness. Because at this moment, the hand casually pinched out several seals, and then the aurora sky shook violently!

Swish... In an instant, the invisible stars lit up the void, and the aurora suddenly fluctuated violently. The extremely beautiful scene brought a hint of cold murderous intent, turning into a swaying sword. Before everyone could react, there was another second star. The hand of the aurora was soft and agile, but the entire space changed from heaven to hell with every move it made!

The second star, the third star! One seal for one star, after seven hand seals, the Big Dipper spread across the sky!

The sky of the earth!

As the seven stars shone, the terrifying murderous aura finally erupted like a tide! However... no one could move!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and tried his best. The spiritual energy roamed wildly throughout his body, but he couldn't move at all! No... Don't even think about moving, he couldn't even lift his neck!

An invisible pressure, inexplicable, far beyond any Taixu he had seen, even the unique Mephistopheles. This was a complete crushing of ideology and life realm, just like a baby facing the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and all beasts facing the real dragon, instinctively surrendering.

This Yahweh's consciousness... is going to kill everyone!

"Move... move!" He screamed desperately in his heart. The opponent's consciousness was cold and infinite. At the same time, the seven stars flashed together, and the dazzling light was overwhelming!

Boom! Countless demons were annihilated in an instant. That was the real erasure, disappearing on the spot without leaving any trace.

Only less than one-tenth of the demons survived. Their faces were extremely shocked and terrified, but their bodies could not move at all. A mysterious talisman instantly rushed out of their bodies to resist everything. But the next second, above the seven stars, another star suddenly lit up.


North Star!

Am I going to die...

Despair flashed in Xu Yangyi's eyes. It was too powerful, and he could not resist it at all. Why... After trying his best to get here, this would be the end?

A divine consciousness, Dao slashed the sky, this kind of thing... This is not a place where the saints can get involved!

He already knew that this was Beichen... It was Haotian, and he... died in the hands of the original Yawei in the immortal world of no return? Is it ironic?

The extreme terror, the unsurpassed power, made the fear and unwillingness come so slowly, this is the art of death. He almost heard the silent shattering of the void in his ears. At the moment when the aurora fell on him, a green light suddenly burst out from his chest.

Swish... The green tide covered the sky and formed a huge chaos. The towering aurora sky phenomenon actually began to hum, and the mountain-like pressure on everyone suddenly disappeared. His eyes flashed, and he immediately jumped up and retreated a hundred meters without hesitation.

"This is..." The ecstasy of surviving the catastrophe surged in his heart. Before he could look carefully, Alpha's screaming voice had already sounded: "Yahweh's relics?!"

"You actually brought Yahweh's relics?!"

The Seed of Chaos!

In the silent moment of life and death just now, the Seed of Chaos, which had never actively responded to him, moved. Only Yahweh could fight against Yahweh.

That could only be Beichen's hand stopped, as if he was feeling something. After a few seconds, an ethereal voice with infinite echoes sounded on this floor: "The last chance."

"Tell me the name of one of the six Yahwehs buried here."

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear, and then immediately looked at Alpha, his eyes were burning, and the other party must have touched something!

Alpha's face was livid. This was the biggest secret in his heart. The Yahweh named Beichen once asked them a question, and none of them could answer it. However, the door opened!

They knew there was something strange, but it had never happened. Unexpectedly, after all the players gathered, it broke out at this moment!

"You have three minutes."

"Alpha." Xu Yangyi stared at the other party: "Speak."

"Chiyou..." Alpha no longer dared to hide, and said in a hoarse voice: "It asked me the same question before, but I swear, nothing happened! The door is still open! It only said that Chiyou was buried here!"

"Jiang Ciqi!!" Xu Yangyi immediately turned around and shouted at the door.

Swish... The door shook, and as these three words sounded, the nebula cracked layer by layer, the aurora in the sky disappeared, revealing the deep void behind, and endless boulders emerged from the bottom of the void with a loud bang, forming a winding upward road.

The answer is correct!

Ha... Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Chiyou's real name back then, but he didn't expect to use it here.

This is hell...

Yahweh's hell.

Say the wrong word, do the wrong thing, and you will die, and there is no escape!

He opened his eyes, still feeling the extreme fear from before. This road leads to the second floor, and then there is the same road on each floor, spiraling up to the top.

"Let's go!" He dared not think any more, he pulled his cloak and was about to rush up, at this moment, a thousand-foot-long light suddenly burst out from his brow, and a terrifying demonic energy formed a sky-high light column on his forehead.

This is Yahweh's restriction.

But this divine attention with a thousand-foot-long light ignored this restriction! It rose higher and higher, more and more magnificent, and rushed to the top of the demon furnace. With the explosion of a brilliant white light, an extremely clear morning star symbol flashed in the void.

"This is..." All the demons were stunned. What happened here was completely beyond their understanding. This symbol carries too strong a demonic mark, a demonic energy comparable to the evil of God... no, more terrible than the evil of God, is slowly condensing from the void as the symbol flashes.

"Super, super high-level demon one-way summoning array?!" Alpha looked up in shock, then looked at Xu Yangyi, his face uglier than crying: "The Demon God Mark... has begun to resist..."

"This is Yahweh's battle, greedy Mammon... It is also a Yahweh, even if it is weak, it can't be much weaker than the Yahweh just now... It has a premonition that it will be eliminated, and has already erupted in the last resistance..."

As if to confirm his words, the demonic energy surrounding the symbol became stronger and stronger, and finally... became a vast ocean! Sprinkling the sky with starlight!

Swish... a brilliant nebula ripples on the top of the pyramid, countless stars shine in the transparent wings, thousands of eyes slowly open, the huge figure raises its elegant neck, spreads its nebula wings, and roars loudly. The ancient nightmare reappears in the tomb of the gods!

Morning Star Dragon! New Luard!

From the ancient legend, responding to the call of the Demon God's mark, traveling through countless light years, and being summoned here by the greedy Mammon in an instant!

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