
Chapter 1308: Reaching the Top (I)

The whole family is going on a trip... Everything is saved... I hope I haven't posted the wrong chapter... I have only 3 days to go home...


“You call and I answer.”

"The humble New Luyard is always at your service."

"Almighty gods, please issue your oracle. Who will sleep here and who will receive your favor is up to you."

The magnificent demonic energy echoed through the top of the pyramid with the majestic voice of Xinlu Yade, the star map that turned into reality, and the majestic demonic energy that caused the void to fluctuate. Making all the demons gasp.

"This..." An Eternal Diamond looked at the majestic demonic energy at the top with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said: "This... what on earth is this... I have never felt such terrifying magic..."

"The black hole of demonic energy..." Among the top four villains, "Deep Blue Eyes" Skoweixin suppressed the majestic pressure that made his body electrify, and said hoarsely: "It's still the level of the saint... but what about the level of the saint? There could be such a terrifying monster..."

"How can it feel...more terrifying than that terrifying human being?"

What answered them was a melodious dragon roar, and the sky was filled with shining stars. Thousands of eyes lit up at the same time. An elegant, majestic, and devilish star dragon stood proudly on the top of the pyramid, bathed in the eternal starlight.

"Devil's Oven!?" The next second, Xinlu Yade's unbelievable exclamation spread throughout the countryside. The majestic demonic energy above his head shocked the void and could not be ignored.

"This is the true body...the true body of the Devil's Oven! No one has ever reached the true body of the Devil's Oven, not even the Demon Lord! I understand..."

The nebula stretched, the stars were bright, and the stars twinkled in the huge figure. New Luyad stood on the top of the pyramid like a god, and his voice was filled with cold and murderous intent: "Get out, humble human beings."

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the entire stadium, and all the surviving players immediately looked at Xu Yangyi. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he rushed towards the top without hesitation.

The last two hundred and forty minutes!

Unexpectedly, the person who finally stood in front of him was Xinlu Yade, the real Taixu who had suppressed his realm!

Not a second can be lost... Millions of meters are not long for a monk. However... there is no airspace here!

I can only use my own legs and rely on his speed for at least three and a half hours!

One blow... The moment he rushed out, he realized that he only had one chance to strike!

The moment he set foot on this ancient road in the void, a powerful pressure from the soul seed suddenly erupted. Between his eyebrows, the waning moon reversed the cross, and the mark of Mammon finally followed the new Luyad. There was a complete explosion!

"Mark of the Demon God?!" All the demons behind them exclaimed in surprise, and now everyone understands why. At the same time, the look towards New Luyad was even more shocking.

The white light of sin shone everywhere, which was the mark of the dead disciples of the gods, and it was extremely dazzling between his eyebrows. However, what made Xu Yangyi's heart sink even more was a throbbing in his genes.

It was extremely ominous, as if a poisonous snake that had been waiting for a long time finally woke up from hibernation.

"Fuck!!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and almost turned into a stream of light. Kendra Mo... Damn it, at this moment, it finally showed its fangs and began to expand visible to the naked eye!

If it weren't for the improvement in the realm of infinite truth, he wouldn't be able to feel it at all.

New Luyad, Kendra Mo, Morning Star Demon Dragon, Deputy Speaker of Councilor Ferrers...the two Taixu, one outside and one inside, the silent strangulation has begun around this venerable saint!

The call of the God of Death resounded throughout this void pyramid.

"Descadripo Valley! Aman! Suvis!!" Like a huge stone smashing into the sea, the calm atmosphere broke out instantly. The murderous intention that had been suppressed for too long made New Luyad's eyes red and roared above the nine heavens. Said: "I give the order in the name of Your Excellency Mamen, and all demons will obey the order!!"

"Here!!" With a roar, Descadripogu, who had long been hiding in the crowd, roared angrily. His mountain-like body held a huge skull knife, and he spurted endless flames from his mouth: "Swear to be great. Lord Mammon will be loyal until death!”

"Aman obeys the order." "Suweis obeys the order!!"

Xu Yangyi's figure has turned into a stream of light, pointing straight to the top. Xinlu Yade seems to be unable to see it, and his voice is like thunder: "Lord of Flame Demon! Lord of Nie Tide! Lord of Twilight!"

"In..." The other two demons jumped out immediately and let out a deafening roar: "The power of the demon is omniscient! Omnipotent!!"

Xinlu Yade's eyes narrowed slightly, but the Fire Demon Lord did not answer. It did not search immediately, but gritted its teeth and said: "Give me... kill that human!!"

It took a step forward, and the spokesperson of God glanced below, took a deep breath, and roared: "The devil's oracle... there is no escape in all the heavens and worlds!!!"

"There is no escape in all the worlds!!" The five Eternal Diamonds' eyes were already red at this moment. This is their belief and their life-long dedication. They all burst out with a roar, and five demonic energy rushed out like meteors. Go up.

All the demons were as silent as death. No one dared to stand up, their whole bodies were trembling, shivering like moths in the wind in front of the fleeting terrifying pressure.

Everyone understands.

The incarnation of the devil...

And it is definitely an advanced incarnation of the devil! Calling myself the king...

This is... Taixu Demon King! This is definitely not something they can get involved in!

"Flame Demon Lord." Xinlu Yade looked at them with satisfaction, feeling extremely emotional. Look... Yi, I admit that you are indeed very strong, and you can even defeat mythical creatures. But do you think that you can escape from the pursuit of the demon god?

"Answer me, Flame Demon Lord." Its eyes looked at a demon covered in flames in the crowd: "As one of the incarnations, when did you learn to disobey the orders of the master?"

The Flame Demon Lord hesitated: "I..."

"No need to explain." Xinlu Yade looked at the other party deeply: "Go or not."

"Yes or no, you have a chance to answer with one word."


Boom! ! ! Before the Flame Demon Lord said the next word, a huge meteor fell with a bang, and the star fell, stirring up a sea of ​​demonic energy. The demons around were not directly lifted up by a thousand meters without exclaiming. When they stood up, they all took a breath of cold air.

There was nothing left at the original place.

The Flame Demon Lord, an eternal diamond disappeared in an instant, leaving no ashes.

All the demons lowered their heads and took a breath of cold air. They lifted heavy objects with ease, moved like a surging river, and were as quiet as clouds and mist, leaving no trace. Between the movement and stillness, a majestic force suddenly emerged, like thunder in the plain, sweeping in all directions.

The opponent's control of the demonic energy has reached an incredible level!

"I asked yes or no." Xin Lu Ya looked at all the contestants with a death-like look: "I don't want to hear your confession."

"What about you?"

"Those who can survive are all the direct descendants of the original family, but don't think..." The stars shone, and its voice floated: "This king dare not kill the direct descendants."

No one spoke.

On this side, the Morning Star Demon Dragon is mighty, and on the other side, it is the evil human who killed the evil gods. No one wants to touch them.

"Hmm?" The Morning Star Demon Dragon's voice like a huge bell sounded, and a little light that illuminates the void has suddenly lit up at the top.

Like a river, like a sea of ​​fog, it is majestic and sacred. The impatience in arrogance and the silent killing intent were already obvious.

"We..." Finally, one of the top three players in the ice end gritted his teeth and said, "We are willing to serve Lord Mammon."

"We... seconded..." "I... am willing to be loyal to Lord Mammon..."

"Very good!" Xinlu Yade's voice was extremely hot. The fleas jumping up and down, the human maggots, here, under the witness of the devil's furnace, let us put an end to it completely!

Swish swish swish... Infinite starlight fell, and suddenly, all the surviving players exclaimed, and the brilliance of the crescent moon inverse cross burst out from their eyebrows. The next second, they broke free from the restriction and flew ten meters above the ground. Hundreds of demonic energy shot straight at Xu Yangyi's back like arrows from a string!

"Don't panic, Lord Mammon's great power can naturally break free from the ban for a few minutes."

Boom, boom, demonic energy is like a tide, Xu Yangyi, who rushed forward, had already heard everything behind him, but he couldn't stop it at all. At this moment, Yuchang was already trembling, and all the spiritual power surrounded it, forming a silver-white vortex around the sword.

Stars were like rain, and the east wind blew down. The figure behind him was extremely fast. The speed of flying and walking was incomparable. Ten minutes later, hundreds of meteor showers were pulled out of the top of his head. The demon contestant had suddenly surpassed him.

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely. Xinlu Yade... was more cruel than he imagined! The opponent wanted to block this road and use the fence formed by hundreds of contestants to block him from the explosion of the demon furnace. As long as the time passed, the opponent could play whatever he wanted!

There was only one way to Huashan. If he went up like this, facing the bombardment of hundreds of Eternal Diamonds, even he had no hope at all!

Behind them, the five great demon gods were approaching like sharp knives. There were wolves in front and tigers behind. Xinlu Yade looked down at the top like a real dragon.

Unsolvable situation!

No one spoke. There were still more than 100,000 meters away from the second floor. Yuchang was already floating beside him, and thousands of swords were shining. Mao Baer raised his single wing and stood up. The demonic energy of the middle stage of the Venerable Saint rushed out.

Fahai's face was neither sad nor happy, but the rosary in his hand was getting faster and faster. Behind him, a statue of Tathagata Buddha was looming and golden light was waving. Alpha's white hair was raised, and the endless arcane and elemental talismans gathered around him to form an ocean of knowledge.

Five VS Four Hundred and Twenty.


No one would give in, and no one could give in.

Meeting on a narrow road... The brave wins!

Closer, closer, no one spoke, the suppressed killing tide surged, making the space blurred, noisy, and boiling. 100,000 meters... 70,000 meters... 50,000 meters...


All the Eternal Diamonds of the Original Family above took a deep breath, and the demonic energy far surpassing that of Xu Yangyi and the other five rushed straight into the sky, forming an endless power that could not be broken. Silver, dark gray, red... all kinds of demonic energy representing the Original Family rushed into the sky. Below, the five people were like dragons going out to sea, and Moses divided the water.

Needle tip and wheat awn.


5,000... 1,000... 500!

"Kill!" The roars of both sides broke out almost at the same time. Xu Yangyi shouted loudly, and Yuchang swung, roaring: "Whoever blocks me will die!!"

A sword flew to immortality, and Yuchang burst out with a thousand-foot brilliance. The sword marks suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. Then, the sword marks that destroyed heaven and earth tore through the void, and the terrifying sword intent burst out. An endless black fog emerged from under his feet, and killing began again!

The mountains and ridges were like mountains and seas, and the Rashomon composed of the roots of killing reappeared, rumbling! ! Hundreds of Eternal Diamond-level magic powers bombarded at the same time, and suddenly, Rashomon was shattered layer by layer.

No one could see, the bottomless darkness, the poison of killing gods, had begun to spread quietly throughout the venue.

"Amitabha." Fahai chanted the Buddha's name. At this time, he also used all his power. He held a orchid in one hand: "Veluphratica."

The gesture changed again: "Potijia!" "Chizhenzhu!"

In a moment, seven rays of light shone in the void, forming a huge mandala. His beard and hair were all flying, and he suddenly pressed: "Seven Treasures Split!!"

Boom! A golden hand fell from the sky, sweeping away the demons.

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