
Chapter 1309: Reaching the Top (I)

More than 400 Eternal Diamonds.

Five people charged into the formation.

However, all the more than 400 magical powers paused. A contestant at the same level as the evil god completely exploded, and another earthly Buddhist saint attacked with all his strength, and this frenzy paused.

All those who can be here are super elites of the original family. It is impossible to be defeated so easily. Even the evil god and the fallen angels can't do it together!

This magical power just paused, and the wailing sound that resounded through hell burst out from it, and then... quickly combined, demonized the world, and actually formed an eternal wall that could not see the end and was unknown how deep it was!

"Looking for death!" Mao Baer shouted violently, and the sky was split in half because of this axe, tearing out the dark void, but the wall just trembled.

This is a challenge by five people to all the elites of the original family who are in charge of the eighteen hells. The resistance is simply unimaginable!

"In front of true knowledge, all obstacles are false..." Alpha muttered to himself, and with his hands together, eight magic rings burst out of his body. Under the giant wall of magic energy, countless vines spread wildly.

"Quasi-forbidden technique... Creation of the world!!"

Crash! With a loud sound of the sea tide, all the vines grew rapidly, trying to tear the wall apart. However, the wall still only trembled, and it was far from collapse!

"Hold on!!" "If we don't hold on, we will die!!" "That's the incarnation of the devil! It doesn't care whether we live or die! The family can't avenge us at all!!"

Behind the wall, hundreds of Eternal Diamonds were completely panicked. Although the giant wall only trembled, the pressure brought by the five opponents made them feel like they were facing the same number of demons charging. I don't know how many contestants have already spewed out rolling magic energy from their seven orifices.

"So strong... too strong!" The sinful Peter Pan was also among so many contestants. It had been eliminated long ago, but no one could stop the gods from pointing it out before. It couldn't choose which side it stood on!

Retreat, Xinluyad is at the top with great power, who dares to take a step back?


The five people in front rushed into the formation, but it brought them tremendous pressure, and they could only be the sandwich.

It felt bitter in its heart, what about the original family? In the face of absolute power, in front of a monster like Xinluyad, in front of the demon god oracle, aren't they still dogs?

Power is eternity.

Boom!!! At the same time, the giant wall in front shook again. All the eternal diamonds roared in unison, "Use all your strength!"

"Stop them! When the demon god incarnation arrives, they will be finished!!" "Too scary... too strong... this, this is actually a human?" "Stop them at the second level! Everyone, fight!"

Both sides of the blade were burning to boiling. They were extremely anxious, and Xu Yangyi, who was separated by a wall, was also anxious!

"Infinite Truth!" Yu Chang suddenly shouted in his consciousness: "So much power is condensed! A short period of running-in will form a huge weakness even for a genius!"

"Only use the Infinite Truth! At that time, you can use it to defeat the Taotie Demon King. Although this wall is strong, it is definitely not as good as Taixu's attack!"


The five streams of light behind him, there are still 10,000 meters left. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly. The authorities are confused. He was too anxious to think of this!

He retreated 500 meters and sent a voice from his consciousness: "Fahai, Alpha, hold them back! Let me do it!"

Before he finished speaking, the Infinite Truth was already running at full power.

Swish, the world turned black and white, and the black and white colors revealed the infinite truth. He could see a wall in his eyes.

But... he couldn't see it clearly!

The opponent's power was equally strong. If they were Taishan, the opponent was the North Sea, vast and boundless. Hundreds of Eternal Diamonds went all out in the crisis of death. With his strength, it was not enough to break through.

"A little clearer... a little more!" He gritted his teeth and said, however, this is a realm, not potential.

If you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly.

"Damn it!!" His eyes were about to spit fire, but suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and in an instant, the blue-black demonic energy was across the sky, and the pale demonic body reappeared. At this moment, what appeared in his pupils was not a black hole. Instead, it was...


The two hexagrams rotated in his pupils and saw clearly... With the demonic body surpassing the human body by a small realm, he finally saw the opponent's weakness!

The wings rose up like gathering power, trembling slightly, and then, with a shocking "Get out of the way!!!" A silver-gray stream of light rushed straight into the endless wall.

The Morning Star Dragon on the top narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Hundreds of Eternal Diamonds... With just one blow from you, you dare to ask others to get out of the way?"

"You are under this power, but..."

Before he finished speaking, the silver-gray streamer had already hit the wall fiercely. The next second, with a deafening explosion, its contemptuous smile froze on its face. This extremely solid Great Wall was actually broken down by this unsurprising collision!

Rumble... From where Xu Yangyi rushed in, the void was annihilated, and a circle of vast demonic energy ripples instantly rushed through the void. Hundreds of figures screamed and were blown away by the terrifying shock wave for thousands of meters.

Xin Luya's huge body suddenly stood up and looked down in disbelief.

How is this possible?

How did he do this?

It's obviously not surprising at all, why can he do it?

No... He... defeated this wall of demonic intent alone? Even it can't do this!

"Useless trash!" It gritted its teeth. Just as the wall was opened, Xu Yangyi shouted "Go!" and a group of people rushed to the third floor! And its pursuers were still three thousand meters away!

However, this was not the most important thing. It stared at the black fog that permeated the original place. This was not demonic energy, but it made it feel very dangerous. It remembered that the opponent's domain blocked the first attack of many Eternal Diamond players, and the domain collapsed, and these mists appeared.

"This is..." It stared for a second and took a breath: "The breath of Yahweh..."

"His domain is related to Yahweh, and even carries Yahweh's death intention... His domain... killed Yahweh?"

"This is impossible!!"

There is no hope... It gritted its teeth and looked at the original place that was staggering like it was swept by the spear of God. The Eternal Diamonds panted and climbed up. It knew that these people were already dead because they were in the center of the black fog!

"Stop..." A hoarse voice sounded in the ears of Descardri Bogu and others. The black fog had become an absolute forbidden zone blocking the first and second layers. It took a deep breath and said.

"Do you think... you can escape the pursuit of the demon god with these tricks?" It ignored the astonishment of other demon god incarnations, but slightly vibrated its wings, and a huge nebula surrounded the mysterious body and flew into the air.

"Do you think... you are invincible in the world? Even this king can't kill you?"

Swish... With the flash of light, all the demon god incarnations disappeared on the spot, and then, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh floors, each floor had an incarnation of the demon god. The eighth floor was a bye, and it personally took charge of the ninth floor!

"Come on... mortals, feel the wrath of the gods!"

Countless starlight projected on all the incarnations, and suddenly, a pattern of a crescent moon inverted cross appeared between their eyebrows, followed by a burst of light, and the breath rose wildly!

"I have stimulated all your potential... Of course, you will not survive today. But, this is the fate of believers like me!!"

"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes."

"Dedicate everything for my Lord!!" All five incarnations roared, and their bodies changed dramatically in the eternal starlight.

Pass five levels and kill six generals.

Xu Yangyi and others no longer looked at it. No matter what was ahead, they only needed to do one thing.

Go to the top!

He must reach the top in 240 minutes!

Silent murderous intent boiled in the void, the ocean before the storm. Only five rays of light could be seen flying upwards. Just when they reached the third floor, suddenly, a scream came from below.

The poison of killing gods completely erupted!

"This... what is this?!" The sinful Peter Pan looked at his completely blackened body and the severe pain of thousands of snakes biting his body. His bones were making a clicking sound, and his huge body was shrinking rapidly. And all the demons around him were like this!

"Poison... Is this poison!?" Another seeded player among the originals looked at the blackened skin in disbelief, and saw red snakes spreading like snakes, and screamed: "Aren't demons immune to all poisons?! What on earth is this..."

"Help... Save me!" "Lord Yi! Please save me! I don't want to die!" "I, I don't want to be your enemy either... Please!"

Only then did they know how sharp the battle consciousness of the evil god was. The battle between it and Xu Yangyi did not destroy the domain at all from beginning to end.

Xu Yangyi's face did not change at all. Those who block the way will die. This is his creed. Since he chose to stand on the side, he had to pay the price.

His feet had already stepped on the third floating pyramid platform, and at the same time, a white sea of ​​demonic energy came.

Very powerful, very powerful, even... not much weaker than the evil god! Definitely far superior to the Eternal Diamond below!

The five figures fell together, and a huge wing cut through their heads in a hair's breadth, so fast that only a residual image remained. The force was so great that the void was split in half.

"The 172nd incarnation of Lord Mammon, the immortal demon Su Weisi." A huge human-shaped bat with four wings and a silver-white body exuded a terrible demonic aura. The stars were shining in all directions, like a diamond bat floating in the void. Its eyes were abnormally red, and its body's aura could be annihilated at any time, but it reached the most powerful peak in its life!

"Stay for me!!" Before the voice fell, its chest suddenly swelled, and the demonic aura rushed into the sky, and then a terrifying demonic breath flashed in the void!

Extremely distorted.

Extremely ominous.

A group of people flashed by, and just when Xu Yangyi had just landed after a somersault, a strange voice that seemed to tempt the soul sounded in his ears at the same time.

"Want to go over..."

"You can't do it... The sequence of the demon god incarnation, the high sequence has absolute control over the low sequence, they can stimulate all the potential of the low sequence incarnation. Child, this is the potential of life, which is more terrible than any potential."

"This is also the method of the Taixu Demon King. Although its realm is suppressed to the Venerable Saint, its methods are definitely not less. Its trump card, the control of spiritual energy, will only be better than yours."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were blank for a moment, and then the purple light flashed suddenly between his eyebrows, and the surging emotions were immediately suppressed. At the same time, a star, with mysterious and boundless rule runes, rushed towards Xu Yangyi frantically. Yu Chang shouted loudly, and together with Mao Ba Er, it split the formation into pieces.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Chang asked immediately.

Xu Yangyi shook his head, his heart sank.

It's raining cats and dogs when it rains. This... is Kendra Mo!

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