
Chapter 1310: Reaching the Top (Part 2)

It didn't know how it saw Xu Yangyi's situation, but it didn't matter. What mattered was... there was an extremely weak Taixu inside his body, and a real Taixu outside his body that was suppressed to the level of a saint. All his hidden dangers had completely erupted!

"There's only one way for you to get over there." Feeling that he had regained consciousness immediately, the Heart of Entropy seemed to be stunned, but immediately said, "I'll help you."

"Give me your body... I can do it! I'm also Taixu, I'm also a demon king! I... can fight it!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. At the same time, Su Weisi had slashed out dozens of magical powers in succession, with demonic energy surging and blooming with the last madness.

He tried his best to judge. But the result was not optimistic.

Su Weisi... the demonic energy was still rising! It was getting closer and closer to the level of a godly evil!

Even at the cost of his life, he could stop Xu Yangyi for an unknown period of time! At least five or six hours!


What to do?

His heart was in a mess. At this moment, a black and white figure suddenly stood in front of Xu Yangyi. He stood up, his chest also bulged, and suddenly let out a shocking roar, and an equally ferocious demonic breath burst out crazily!

Two demonic breaths burst into brilliant sparks in the air. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely. Another ten minutes had passed...

He was blocked under the second platform for another ten minutes!

How many ten minutes does he have left? !

"You go." Mao Baer's voice was very calm. At the same time, all the hair on his body stood up, his shoulders bulged, two huge dog heads rushed out, a single wing raised, six arms grew on the side of his abdomen, a dry sword in his left hand, and a huge shield in his right hand. The demonic energy that was not much worse than Su Weiss rushed into the sky and confronted the opponent head-on.

"You..." Xu Yangyi was stunned, and just as he was about to say something, Mao Baer's voice lazily rang out: "Oh my... Why are you so rude?"

"Just go if I tell you to go, why are you talking so much nonsense? Can you squeeze out a few minutes? Thirty? Twenty?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, gritted his teeth, turned around, but didn't move, and still asked: "I'll wait for you in the Seventh Realm."

"Who said I'm going to the Seventh Realm?" Mao Baer was shocked: "I'm living well here, didn't I say that? Do you think you're kidding?"

"With the foundation you laid down and Xing Tian, ​​this place is much more comfortable than the damn Seventh Realm! And... As your team, I still have hundreds of millions of magic crystals in my hands. Can this broken thing be used in the Seventh Realm?"

Xu Yangyi's Adam's apple moved, and he nodded with it on his back: "Take care."

Then, he turned into black light and rushed to the fourth floor.

"Want to leave?" Su Weiss laughed sharply, and the four wings spread out, and a bright morning star appeared in front of Xu Yangyi and his group. However, at the same time, an axe broke the sky and the earth, and the morning star suddenly shattered!

"Just now, what I said was the truth..." Mao Baer's cynical look has become majestic, and the golden magic pattern wanders all over his body. The magic energy is as magnificent as a volcano. He sneered: "Little guy, have you heard of the name of the God of War Xingtian tens of thousands of years ago?"

"Eastern genealogy?" Su Weisi also became serious. The opponent's magic energy is as vast as the sea and as majestic as the clouds. It has completely surrounded the two. If you don't defeat it, you can't track others at all.

"I've heard of it..." It flew in the air with a fiery smile on its face: "Isn't it that headless maggot... Dare to do evil in front of the Western genealogy? When I, Su Weisi, was created, your dog master Chi You didn't know where he was..."

Before the voice fell, the shadows of the axe cut through the sky and the sky, and the demons of the three realms screamed together, and this place instantly became a sea of ​​death.

Three thousand magic dances!

Xu Yangyi's teeth were grinding and clacking, but he had no way to stop. If he didn't leave now, he would have failed Mao Baer's painstaking efforts.

"I'll wait for you in the Seven Realms..." With red eyes, his lips were bitten and bleeding, he stared at the top of the new road Yade, and rushed to the top at full speed.

"Why bother?" Kendramo's voice resounded through the divine consciousness, but even if you didn't listen carefully, you could feel the incomparable heat in the other party's words, and... the ups and downs under the seemingly calm.

The other party... couldn't hold back either.

Even Kendramo didn't know that Xu Yangyi's infinite truth in the demon form could see through everything. He had discovered that Kendramo's silver-gray scars in his body were spreading like cancer cells. It was harder to see with the naked eye than before, but now it was almost unconcealed, tearing off the last fig leaf!

The dagger was revealed.

He and Kendramo, he and Xinlu Yade, the three parties were entangled, and in the end only one party could be born.

"Damn..." Even he was rarely confused in his heart. Two Taixu, is there really hope for him?

"Don't worry!" Alpha suddenly rushed to his side and whispered, "There is still a chance!"

"Entropy... represents the coefficient of chaos. Entropy demons, especially the magic of the Heart of Entropy Demon, cannot see anything outside the ban. It relies on the coefficient of chaos of the magic energy to judge that you have encountered an extremely difficult opponent!"

"Does it know that you have the mark of the demon god?"

Xu Yangyi took a few deep breaths. The fourth floor was in sight, and nearly an hour and fifteen minutes had passed. There was still halfway to the top. The more this time, the more he had to calm down.

Calm down... Only with absolute calmness can you grasp the ethereal life in a huge crisis.

"Yes, it knows." He said in a deep voice.

The fourth level was already in sight, Alpha gritted his teeth and said: "That's right! It still can't see everything, but its grasp of the situation is extremely keen! This is an old lady with many years of experience! The fluctuations of your battle with the gods , it has sensed it and must have guessed that you have either encountered a divine being or a fallen angel!”

"And now you have encountered a second powerful opponent, even stronger than the evil one. It is easy to guess that it has encountered the mark of the devil. The one who inspired the mark of the devil must be the incarnation at the top of the sequence, and these incarnations must also be Taixu. . It knows that you can’t get away from it now, so it becomes unscrupulous.”

Xu Yangyi felt the scars spreading rapidly inside his body. Wherever he passed, the resistance of the genetic talismans in his body became weaker and weaker, which was swallowing him up from the foundation.

"How to do it?" For professional matters, you have to ask professionals. With this sound, the remaining four people suddenly leaped forward and rushed up to the fourth step.

Swipe and pull! The overwhelming sea of ​​venomous snakes set off a fishy tsunami, and the crazy magic cloud formed a vortex of sin. The four people were like dragons swimming in the clouds, and they evaded one after another, and then they saw clearly the true face of the demon in the Nest of Snakes.

"Endless snake, Lord of Aman Hell!" All the poisonous snakes are coiled on a huge and ugly head, becoming the hair of the poisonous snakes. Countless flames jump among the snakes, and the huge devil horns are entangled with thousands of snakes, and the body is covered with The scales, hands, and lower body are all venomous snakes.

"Human, your steps will stop here!!" As it roared crazily, millions of poisonous snakes roared in unison. The faces of the group were extremely solemn.

If Suweis was still a little worse than a god just now, now... Aman is not much different from a god.

He spent everything he had and burned his life just to stop him from reaching the top.

"Human...have you thought about it?" Kendramo's urgent voice could no longer be hidden and he spoke hoarsely.

Xu Yangyi's eyes met with Alpha's, and the two nodded silently. Before they said anything, Fa Hai took a step forward with the sound of the Buddha's name. He gently turned the beads with his hand and looked at Aman with majestic and cold eyes without saying a word.

"So...are you the first wild dog to die?" Aman's eyes burst out with bloodthirsty light, and with a sharp cry, millions of lightnings erupted again, and a cloud of ten thousand snakes swept across the Fahai.

boom! ! At the moment when the poisonous snake was about to touch Fahai, overwhelming golden light erupted from behind Fahai. The bright moon appeared on the sea, bridges were painted with smoke and willows, green curtains of wind, and hundreds of thousands of houses. Clouds and trees surround the dike and sand, raging waves roll up frost and snow, and the sky is boundless.

Under the bright moon, a lonely ancient pagoda stands proudly on the top of the mountain.


Jinshan Temple!

Fa Hai’s domain!

"Speaking of which, I and the snake are really destined." Fa Hai rubbed his rosary beads, and his eyes burst out with a majesty that Xu Yangyi had never seen before: "However, compared to that snake, you are far behind."

Aman did not speak, his body lay on the ground, and millions of venomous snakes made a heart-shaking sound. It felt that this old man may not be his opponent now, but he is definitely an enemy that cannot be underestimated!

The power of the sage, even if he is willing to bow his head in front of Xu Yangyi, is still a sage, a being that all the world must look up to, a giant that no upper world can despise.

"You..." Xu Yangyi looked at Fahai in astonishment. Before he could speak, Fahai said calmly: "Don't get me wrong, I am not loyal to you for any childish reason."

He looked deeply at the huge demonic dragon at the top: "Lao Na... is no match for that monster. Only you can defeat it. Secondly, Alpha can't help me. Thirdly, even if you don't leave, stay here Here, you can keep us all safe even if you survive alone.”

"Fourth, I haven't been to the Seven Realms yet. Only when you arrive can it be possible to build a teleportation array and pull us there."

"No matter what the situation is, it is much better for you to leave than for me to leave." He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "I am not as great as you think, and we are not very familiar with each other. But you must promise me that once you have the opportunity to reach the Seventh Realm, You will definitely take me away in the future.”

"I promise you." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened his eyes: "Let's go!!"

Yuchang, he and Alpha, only three of the five were left, and they rushed towards the fifth floor.

"Want to leave? Have you asked me?" Aman laughed loudly, and the black snake flew into the air, thundering and lightning. However, at the same time, a huge red suddenly rose from within a radius of 10,000 meters, covering both of them. .

It was a cassock with no edges to be seen.

"If you want to stay, have you asked me?" Fahai looked at Aman with a sneer. The murderous intention that had been concealed for a long time, the pain in Danxia Palace, and the grievance of Tiragandes, all found a way to vent at this moment. object.

"You...are guilty of anger."

Golden rootless lotuses slowly bloomed in the sky. In the golden light, Fa Hai put his left foot on his right leg, pointed to the sky with one hand, and held the flower with the other hand. He was in the state of avalokitesvara, and the nine magic formations behind him were inscribed with countless Sanskrit majesty. , the divine power is majestic.

"The lotus blooms in the pure land. One flower, one Buddha, and one world." As he turned his fingers, the voice was neither male nor female. Thunder sounded in the air, and all the lotus flowers swayed together.

"For a while..." Aman became completely serious and said, licking his tongue.

The realm within this golden cassock is very powerful. It can feel that it cannot get out without defeating this old man.

Fahai stretched out a finger and pointed at Aman: "Muni Pearl Offering, Sama Samyao Sam Bodhi."

Boom boom boom... As the last word fell, the lotus sea burst out with thousands of feet of golden light, and the magnificent Sanskrit sounds enveloped the void, making this place a Buddhist pure land.

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