
Chapter 1311: Reaching the Top (Part 3) (Resume Update)

Well, I want to try my best to update 3 times a week and see if it works... starting from today


Xu Yangyi rushed to the fifth floor without hesitation.

Looking back by chance, the third and fourth floors are already shining brightly. On the third floor, Cat Baer + Xing Tian fights against the immortal demon Suweis. On the fourth floor, Fa Hai singles out Aman, the lord of hell.

The light is dazzling, auras and demonic lights dance together, humans and demons intertwine. They can no longer tell each other apart.

Withdrawing his gaze, he gritted his teeth and rushed higher at full speed. He is the hope of these people. What he can do now is to reach the top instead of being coy.

There were still tens of thousands of meters away from the fifth floor, and Kendramo's voice sounded urgently again: "Don't hesitate, human. Are you sure you can break the cage of Taixu?"

"Although I have been extremely weak, I am still in the realm of Taixu! I can do it! Believe me, we are allies. Even if the devil incarnates... I will kill you!"

Its voice was almost roaring, and he felt it... He completely felt that several consecutive opponents who were not much weaker than the evil god must have encountered the real incarnation of the devil, and this was its chance!

"Why is it so eager?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice. The heart of the Entropy Demon is very accurate in capturing spiritual consciousness and power, but it is completely alienated from everything in the outside world, such as...sound.

"Because he doesn't want to fight a battle of spiritual consciousness with you!" The strong wind passed by the ears of the only two remaining people. No one paused. Alpha gritted his teeth and said: "The battle of spiritual consciousness is at the same level. There is no difference in realm, unless If you can completely control the body of the person you want to seize, then if the other party launches a spiritual war, you will be like a rootless tree, and it will be impossible for you to survive."

"How can the opponent who has been planning for so long, the 'Great Kendramo' and 'Deputy Speaker Ferrers' be willing to engage in such a dangerous battle with a 'humble human being' in his eyes?"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, this was how he defeated Xinlu Yade. It also made the other person’s memory so deep.

At this moment, Alpha suddenly stopped. Blinked.

Xu Yangyi was about to speak, but Alpha raised his hand with an extremely solemn expression, his eyes gradually widened, he slowly raised his head, looked at the other party, and suddenly said in a confused manner: "That's right... you asked a good question, Kende Why is Ramo so anxious?”

A fire flashed in his mind, and Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. The three people's footsteps stopped in unison.


Kendramo definitely didn't know that he had infinite truth, that is to say, it never thought that Xu Yangyi had seen through the truth of the entropy demon's heart. As long as he waited, his body would belong to the other party sooner or later. And in a battle of consciousness without a body, he would have absolutely no chance of winning.

After pondering for a few seconds, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "The Devil's Oven erupted too early this time. It...can't wait?"

"That's right!" Alpha's eyes flashed suddenly, as if something had been connected, and he said hoarsely: "That's why it desperately whispers to you, hoping that you will let go of your body's 'control authority!'"

"As long as the physical body is completely controlled by the other party, the other party will have the confidence to defeat your spiritual consciousness and completely seize the body!"

This was something on paper, but his next words made everyone's hearts tremble.

"So, is it possible for you to gain full physical control over it?"

The eyes of the three people suddenly shone, and they all gasped and looked towards the top of the pyramid.

I see……

The other party has been waiting for this opportunity!

Hidden too deep.

"What a deep scheming." After a few seconds of silence, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and said, "But, it ignored one thing."

Yuchang narrowed his eyes: "I think we are thinking about the same thing."

Alpha also had a murderous intent on his lips.

A subtle demonic energy spread from Xu Yangyi's palm, and his right hand turned into a pale demonic body. With a sudden squeeze, the demonic energy suddenly disappeared.

Some things are hidden in the shadows under the eyelids, in places you wouldn't even think of. But once found, it can never be hidden.

With a burning look in his eyes, he said in a deep voice: "Is it feasible?"

No one answered.

Five minutes later, Alpha raised his head, met his fiery gaze, and nodded deeply: "Yes."

Without saying much, everyone knows how heavy this word is.

Taixu... is the lord of one realm, the existence of exploration rules. Countless planes respect them. Even the weakest Taixu is the lord of a realm.

The plan is too's like dancing on the tip of a knife!

But if we don't move in danger, how can we survive such a dangerous situation?

Time is an invisible and deadly knife.

The three of them nodded calmly, turned into flowing light again, and rushed to the upper level.

There is still the last kilometer to the fifth space.

The fish intestines suddenly erupted, and the four weapon spirits lined up in a row. Thousands of swords behind them soared into the sky and rushed directly to the platform.

At the same time, the demonic energy above, like Mount Tai, surged to the top. This time... he was already on par with the evil being!

"The 301st incarnation of Lord Mammon, Lord Nie Tide is here!"

"Humans who dare to challenge the majesty of the devil, you have entered the forbidden area of ​​death!"

Looking at the figure of Yuchang taking the lead with his sword, Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and said nothing.

Now everyone knows who is more valuable if he stays. Their plans have not been completed yet, and Alpha cannot fall here. So, fish intestines stepped forward.

Therefore, Xu Yangyi did not stop him.

"Boom!" In the fifth space, spiritual energy and demonic energy burst out instantly. Like Mao Baer and Fahai, the first thing Yuchang did when he came up was to open the sky of ten thousand swords, burst out with all his strength, and besieged the Lord of Niechao in the rain of swords.

"Ignorant weapon spirit... Just you? You are still not my opponent!" With the opponent's roar, the demonic energy penetrated the air, and the void was trembling. Xu Yangyi and Alpha half-crouched on the stone stairs. Half a minute later, the two figures rushed to the fifth space with lightning.

Ten thousand swords were suspended in the air, the sword light was fierce, and the four holy swords circled in the air, forming a huge sword lotus, like the sun. Under the rain of thousands of swords, the Lord of Niechao could not split himself for a moment.

No temptation.

No defense.

To attack is to exchange life for life, to fight with all your strength!

No matter how much stronger the Lord of Niechao is than Yuchang, it is difficult to break through the desperate sword domain. At the same time, two figures rushed through the sword domain at a rapid speed and shot directly at the sixth floor!

"Looking for death!" The eyes of the evil tide lords were red. At this moment, they had already developed a little trepidation from the initial victory.

On the second floor, the endless wall of hundreds of eternal diamonds collapsed, and all turned into ashes in the poison.

On the third floor, the immortal demon Su Weisi and Mao Baer were fighting fiercely. On the fourth floor, Fahai stopped the hell lord Aman. Now... they can actually rush through their own floor!

There are only three floors guarded in the back, and they still have two people?

Kakaka... The bones of the evil tide lord suddenly made a loud noise, and huge dog heads spewed flames all over his body, staring at the departing figure: "Ten thousand demons..."

His body expanded rapidly, like a huge balloon: "Breathe!!!"

"How dare you!!" At the same time, Yuchang shouted loudly, and the surroundings suddenly became dark, and a dazzling sword light lay across the void.

Kill them all!

However, unlike the killing at other times, at this moment, Longyuan Qiling, Ganjiang Moye, appeared in the void at the same time, and the four swords killed them all!

Clang! The sword came out like a dragon, the sword light was like a phoenix, the moon was cut in the void, and the sky was shattered by the four swords. Hundreds of demonic breaths that had just been sprayed turned into ashes in an instant.

Xu Yangyi did not stop at all. At this time, he could only choose to trust the other party.

Looking at the two people's gradually disappearing figures, the Lord of Niechao took a deep breath, his eyes were cold, and he turned around with infinite murderous intent: "Spirit of the weapon... It seems that you really don't want to live..."

"Really?" Yu Chang's cold face showed a cold murderous intent: "You may not have heard of the name of the Immortal Realm of No Return..."

"But I hope you can remember it after today."

"If you still have the life to remember it."

In the spiritual consciousness, Xu Yangyi, who was rushing to the edge of the fifth space, turned back suddenly in front of the stone stairs.

Just now, Yu Chang and his spiritual consciousness were cut off.

"What?" Alpha said anxiously: "Are you still not leaving!?"

"Nothing." Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the three spaces, gritted his teeth and rushed upwards.

What love between men and women, sadness in spring and autumn, if you can't leave like this, then you are sorry for others!

You can pick it up, but you also have to put it down.

Buzz buzz buzz... In the fifth space, the whole ground hummed, and a terrifying sword energy burst out from the void.

It was pure gold, with countless runes, mysterious and ancient. The face of the Lord of the Tide of Evil had completely condensed.

It felt... This was the projection of this sword, but... This sword was so powerful with just a projection?

What kind of sword is this?

The phantoms of the four spirits of the weapon stood proudly in the void, and Yuchang's appearance aged rapidly again. He grasped the long sword in the void, and with a sudden pull, all the phantoms on his side whistled into the sword body. Pulling out bright sparks in the sky.

"Half Sword Xuanyuan." Yuchang panted, obviously aging, but it made the Lord of the Tide of Evil's pupils shrink even more.

So strong...

It's not that the spirit of the weapon is strong... but this sword, with a strong will of Yahweh! Even in the hands of the spirit of the weapon, there is the power of opening the sky!

What the hell is this sword?

"Are you ready?" Yuchang did not make a move. The evil tide lord in front of him was ready. He glanced at Xu Yangyi Alpha who had disappeared and shouted: "Point the sword at the three realms!"

Swish... countless lights bloomed in the void, and the breath of destruction engulfed the four fields. The heavens and the worlds seemed to collapse under this sword.

The back turned into a golden ocean, and the void trembled. Xu Yangyi did not look back again. The sixth space was already in sight.

The last three thousand meters.

Alpha's face calmed down. He knew that it was time for him to take action.

Sacrificing the car to save the king, only Xu Yangyi had the strength to pull everyone back.

And the moment the demon furnace exploded, everything would be declared over.

A stream of light flew into Xu Yangyi's hand. He took it and saw that it was a token in the shape of a book with an eye of true knowledge engraved on it.

"Hold my token, as if I were here in person." Alpha looked at the approaching sixth space, and calmed down: "When you are free, come to Liangqin Library, I will wait for you."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Are you sure you won't die?"

"Hehe..." Alpha sneered: "The true knower has ten thousand ways to escape death, you should worry about your companions. If our plan fails, you will all die in Tiragangdis."

He paused, looking at the sixth space with murderous intent: "As for me... I just want peace of mind."

"So many people died here, and I am the only one who survived. Anyway, I should get some interest."

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