
Chapter 1312: Reaching the Top (IV)

As soon as he finished speaking, sixteen golden wings suddenly spread out behind him, rushing towards the sixth space like a meteor.

What greeted him was the extremely terrifying demonic energy that was as powerful as the evil gods!

It was as vast as the sea and as majestic as the mountains, making the entire sixth space tremble.

"True knower, are you sure you want to wade into this muddy water?" The voice of the Lord of Dusk crossed the sky, like the roar of thousands of demons, and it had been distorted to the extreme.

Swish... Alpha's face gradually became younger, with cold murderous intent in his eyes. He descended into the sixth space like a god, surrounded by countless arcane talismans, and sneered: "Just based on you, you are not qualified to question this curator."

"This curator comes when he wants and manages when he wants. Who do you think you are? Without the blessing of the magic of the devil, this curator will not let you hold on for an hour."

Without nonsense, the sixth space instantly erupted with a terrifying tide of spiritual energy and demonic energy, and the sun, moon, and stars seemed to come out of it, and the stars seemed to come out of it. Circles of colorful ripples tore through the void and burst out from above. Xu Yangyi, who was half squatting on the stairs, had already concentrated his whole body on capturing everything above.

Only himself was left...

No one could share the burden for him anymore. But precisely because of this, he could not let down others' efforts.

The battle in the sixth space was extremely fierce. Alpha and the Lord of Dusk met each other in a decisive battle. The true knower and the incarnation of the devil tore through the void. He was anxious, but he suppressed the anxiety of the beast that was about to be released from the cage. His muscles were tense but his face was calm as he waited.

Five minutes, ten minutes... At twelve minutes, his figure suddenly shot out, turned into a black light, and rushed through the door in an instant.

The sixth space has become a real hell, with demonic energy boiling, flames burning in pieces of plants, and countless voids collapsing. He rushed to the stone stairs at the edge with all his strength. The Lord of Dusk's eyes flashed, and just as he was about to attack, he suddenly turned around and stared at Alpha.

Forbidden technique...

Nine-ring magic!

In front of Alpha, nine magic rings were formed, light and darkness, plants, air, water... one circle after another, turning into a deep universe. In the center, he seemed to be protected by the gods, and raised his finger slightly.

"God's punishment!!"

Boom! A majestic beam of light rushed down from the sky, completely covering the Lord of Dusk. At the same time, Xu Yangyi had already stepped onto the stone stairs of the seventh space.

One hundred and forty minutes had passed, and there were still seven, eight, and nine layers of space, and two guardians.

Like a lonely falcon soaring in the void, as it approached the seventh space, a demonic energy that exceeded the evil of the gods erupted like a declaration of war, and... very familiar.

Descadri Bo Valley!

"It's you..." He took a deep breath and suppressed the fluctuations in his heart. He bit his teeth hard. He spoke hoarsely: "Kendramo."

Be bold when the time comes!

Along the way, Alpha had completed the entire plan with him. No one had time to hesitate, let alone the chance to regret. Once the bet was placed, it was a done deal.

Calling the other party's name directly, Kendramo did not show any anger. Instead, he asked with a well-hidden rapid breath: "Have you decided?"

Xu Yangyi opened his mouth slightly, his heart was already beating wildly. To plan Taixu, from language to attitude, and even speaking speed, he had to reach the peak of acting skills.

"The opponent... is very strong." He answered the question without asking.

Kendramo's hoarse voice was deeply hidden with an extreme throbbing: "Stronger than the evil gods. After all, this is a complete explosion of tapping all the potential of life and exchanging thousands of years of life for one day."

The psychological battle has been launched silently.

Everyone thought that the other party didn't know that the two people with ulterior motives were competing with each other in acting on this small but extremely dangerous stage.

Xu Yangyi fell silent again. After a few seconds, Kendramo finally couldn't help asking: "So, have you decided?"

Xu Yangyi seemed to be extremely hesitant, and finally nodded and shook his head.


"But, only part of it."

"Part of it?" Kendramo's voice also revealed a kind of concern, as if he really considered everything for the other party. Xu Yangyi pulled his cloak to hide his obscure eyes, and said hoarsely: "You are Taixu."

"No matter how weak you are, you are still Taixu!"

"If you can't even kill a saint in a few minutes, then why do I bring you with me? In addition, if you dare to take the opportunity to do something, I... will drag you into a spiritual battle, and it won't stop until you die!"

"You worry too much." Kendramo just paused slightly, and immediately said: "We are one, how can I hurt you?"

Xu Yangyi's face has already emerged with a sneer. In the vision of infinite truth, the silver-gray scar has swallowed up two-fifths of his body.

Won't hurt me?

Concentrating the cold light in his eyes, he completely let go of the control of his body in his spiritual consciousness. Suddenly, a chaotic, cold breath, like hungry sand, instantly rushed into his body.

The monstrous demonic energy instantly spun, forming a terrifying vortex, and Kendramo descended!

One inside and one outside, seemingly united but spiritually alienated. Xu Yangyi's consciousness was breathing rapidly in the sea of ​​consciousness, suppressing his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, staring at the other party's every move.

Come on... take the bait...

"Ah..." Xu Yangyi's body showed an evil smile, then closed his eyes, almost trembling as he felt the vitality gushing out of his body, and Kendramo's hoarse and tearful voice choked up: "The taste of youth..."

"Really... good..."

"Hurry up!" Xu Yangyi's seemingly urgent urging sounded from his consciousness: "The demon furnace is about to explode, I don't have time!"

A cold light flashed in Kendramo's eyes.

Ignorant maggots...

The heart of the entropy demon is unsolvable. It dared to yell at this king. Humble human... Death is your best destination.

"Don't worry." Although Xu Yangyi had been marked as dead, its voice was as gentle as a spring breeze: "The demon energy above has reached the strongest level among the saints."

"But it's not my opponent."

As soon as the voice fell, he looked up at the top.

"Taixu Demon King... suppressed to the level of the saint..." He looked deeply for a few seconds, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough.

There is a supreme existence here.

That... is his real chance!

In his consciousness, Xu Yangyi stared at all this, not letting go of any expression of Kendramo. He has held his breath.

Just when the other party had just gained control of three-fifths of the body, he felt... the other party's demonic energy fluctuated instantly, very slightly. If he hadn't used the Infinite Truth to pay full attention, he wouldn't have felt it at all.

And it calmed down instantly because he saw the huge New Luyad. Xu Yangyi caught this extremely obscure look.

He bit the hook...

This cunning Taixu finally bit the hook!

He gritted his teeth and touched his chest, closing his eyes: "You are tempted... Just now... You almost took action immediately. After all, gaining three-fifths of control over me is also a big step forward."

He raised a cold smile: "But... What if you can gain full ownership?"

"As a demon, can you miss this opportunity to seize the body without any danger?"

Will Xu Yangyi be able to open up full use rights?


Because... New Luyad!

If Deskadri Bogu is an opponent that Kendramo can kill after gaining partial control of the body, New Luyad is definitely not!

This is an opponent that Kendramo, who is extremely weak, must go all out against. It is a real battle of the great void. To put it bluntly, Xinlu Yade is not an opponent that Kendramo can defeat after obtaining three-fifths of Xu Yangyi's "body authority".

As long as Xu Yangyi wants to reach the peak of the Demonic Furnace, he must give Kendramo a complete body. This is an unsolvable deadlock.

Therefore, Kendramo did not move. He wanted to let go of all his fears of Xu Yangyi. Even if he got two-fifths of the control this time, he still chose to endure.

"Is it really a deadlock?" Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "It is still unknown who will win..."

The so-called planning is not about how detailed it is, but whether the other party's obsession is deep enough.

Brush... His body flashed flat on the ground and appeared directly in the seventh space. Right in front of it, a huge demon like a centaur, burning with green flames, with a deep ravine on his head, and scales all over his body, stood proudly in the center of the seventh space, and let out a violent roar at him.


"We finally meet!"

"Come on, die under my knife, it is your honor!"

"Maggot." Xu Yangyi's body looked unspeakably evil, his black hair and cloak fluttered, and he laughed: "Fools who don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a black bone palm-this is his life magic weapon. Hidden in the soul.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with black clouds, and Xinlu Yade on the top took a deep look. Just now, it felt that this human was different?

However, it found that its consciousness could not penetrate the black fog. Sneered: "Maggot, playing tricks."

It didn't know that in the black fog, Xu Yangyi's body suddenly burst out with a scream that was not like a human at all, and rushed towards the seventh space like lightning.

Deskadri Bogu waved a huge sword, but at the moment of this scream, his whole body trembled.

"This is..." It thought it had heard wrong, and its scales stood up, a fear that shocked its heart silently invaded its heart.

All around, it was dark, and it felt like an isolated island in the sea, and a terrifying sea monster was staring at its panicked self in the layers of darkness.

How could it be possible...

It knew very well how strong it was now. The power of the demon god had stimulated all its potential. Even if there was only one day left, it would be enough to stop that damn human!

Swish... Suddenly, the black fog separated silently, and Xu Yangyi's figure slowly walked out with a wicked smile. It couldn't help shaking, wanting to roar, wanting to shout, but couldn't shout anything.

Instead, it tightly grasped the long sword in its hand.

"Because I'm in a hurry." Xu Yangyi's body said hoarsely: "So, you should be glad. You will die happily."

"Who... who are you?!" Descadripo took a deep breath and spoke solemnly.

This is not that human! The other party opened his mouth, and every word he uttered seemed to open a crack in hell. Just like... just like Taixu...

It tried madly to transmit its spiritual consciousness, but it couldn't get out at all. Xu Yangyi said hoarsely: "Don't bother, you can still transmit this king's life magic weapon, it's a joke."

He slammed his hands together, and the void collapsed, blood-red cracks appeared in all directions, mixed with broken rule chains, and rushed towards Deskadribo Valley.

The Taixu demonic energy surged, covering the clouds and the sun, and Deskadribo Valley was stunned for a moment, and the next second burst into a scream of extreme fear!

Not like the Demon King...

This terrifying demonic energy, this murderous intent from the depths of hell... This terrifying feeling of being isolated from the world...

He, he is the Demon King!

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