
Chapter 1313: Reaching the Top (V)

"Blessing from the devil!" In terror, Deskadri Bogu spurted out thousands of feet of blood light, and resisted the earth-shattering blow. Those void cracks devoured the blood light shield frantically, but never broke through.

A minute later, the cracks disappeared, and it stood up with lingering fear, but let out a long sigh of relief: "The extremely weak Taixu... It seems that you are not as terrible as you appear..."

"You are provoking a devil, young fool." Xu Yangyi's body slowly floated in the air, and his smile became more evil: "Then, welcome the real hell..."

The black fog trembled violently. After more than ten minutes, the black fog covering the seventh space collapsed, and the field was full of blood and broken meat. Deskadri Bogu's incredible head was piled in the center like a table, staring at the sky dully. Xu Yangyi appeared in the field panting, and his eyes had regained clarity.

The magic power belonging to the heart of the entropy demon was slowly floating on his body, like a huge butterfly spreading its silver-white wings. The divine consciousness quietly loosened the taut Nanming Lihuo and the two talismans. He clenched his fists fiercely in a place where no one could see.

As expected... Kendramo didn't take action now.

Perhaps it felt that it was not the right time, or perhaps it felt that the grasp was not strong enough. However, he had already got what he wanted.

The opponent's strength assessment.

The opponent was far from its peak! More terrible than the evil god, but definitely not as terrible and desperate as Taixu!

"Quick..." Kendramo's voice sounded in the divine consciousness, with unspeakable urgency: "The demon oven is there, rush over, I will kill it for you! We... complete all the contract exchanges!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi licked his lips,

The dagger was revealed.

Success or failure depends on this gamble.

Swish! He rushed towards the last space.

At the top, Xinlu Yade had stood up suddenly, looking down in disbelief.

This... This is impossible! !

Deskadri Bogu is already a little stronger than the evil god! The potential burst exchanged for life, this did not stop the opponent! ?

And... he was killed in ten minutes!

What happened? !

Could it be that the opponent's strength has already approached his own? This is unrealistic! Even if he fought against the fallen angels of the same level as the gods, it took nearly ten hours!

"You..." The nebula flickered, and it was shocked to see the lonely figure rushing from the void, tiny, but like a heavy sword out of the sheath, cutting through the wind and waves.

Passing five levels and killing six generals... This mere human really broke through all his blockades and stood in front of him!

"Come on..." In a blink of an eye, it has completely calmed down. The nebula rotated, and the huge body stood up completely. Hundreds of eyes lit up, and the demonic energy has climbed to the top.

"This king, the Morning Star Demon Dragon Xinlu Yade, is waiting for you at the top!"

The eighth space, no one guarded.

Rushed quickly, the sword pointed to the top of the pyramid. Closer... Closer, five thousand meters, one thousand meters!

At the top of the ninth floor, circles of black runes, mysterious and boundless, converged into the black sun like tides from all directions. The faces of countless creatures rose and fell in the rolling black tide of the sun, like the prelude to the destruction of stars, and like the chaos of the universe at its birth.

It was a scene that people could not forget at a glance. Billions of runes came from the heavens, swept through the eternal and vast void, and turned into a dazzling river of power. The demon furnace was about to explode. However, below the top of the pyramid, this terrifying fluctuation of the gathering of the power of all worlds could not be felt at all.

The huge body of Xinlu Yade stood proudly at the entrance of the ninth space, and the magnificent demonic energy crossed the void, forming a dazzling river of stars. It was the only master among them. Kendramo's hoarse voice rang out in Xu Yangyi's consciousness: "Human. You are no match for it."

"Trust me, leave it to me, I will handle everything for you!"

"I have been waiting for the Demon Furnace for too long!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak. In the end... everyone's nerves were stretched to the peak. He showed an extremely hesitant look and spoke hoarsely: "Can I... trust you?"

"Of course!!" Kendramo almost screamed: "How could a noble like me deceive you?!"

"I swear in the name of Kendramo that I will never do anything bad to you!"

He did not speak. He was only one thousand meters away from the ninth space! Kendramo's voice was almost like a tsunami: "What are you waiting for! This king does not want to die with you!"

"You have seen my strength! You can't defeat this monster! It is the Taixu of the suppression realm! Do you understand the meaning of the devil!"

Five hundred meters, the hesitation on Xu Yangyi's face became more and more intense. In the magnificent nebula, the star dragon raised its head high and stared at Xu Yangyi like a god.

When the four looked into each other's eyes, there was only cold killing intent and blazing determination.

"Don't hesitate!!" Kendramo's voice had begun to roar.

One hundred meters away, Xu Yangyi still didn't speak, and at the gate of the ninth space, Xinlu Yade had already puffed up his chest, pure white flames shone from the stars, and the flawless dragon condensed a vast magic breath.

"You... are looking for death!" Kendramo was almost crazy. He was absolutely unwilling to die with this human, but he had to suppress his temper and kept whispering.

Playing with fire...

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, he was looking for the most suitable opportunity.

He ignored Kendramo's roar, his eyes flashed, and he did not advance but retreated! Faster!

"The roar of the morning star!!" Fifty meters away, accompanied by a roar from Xinlu Yade, the silver-white magic breath instantly swallowed the sky and the earth, and the stars in the long river of star marks shone at the same time, condensing into a terrifying magic breath of hundreds of meters!

Too strong...

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air. This was the first time he faced the real body of Xinlu Yade. In the infinite truth, he could not see any flaws in this move. This is simply impossible in the Venerable Saint!

I can only feel the vastness of the stars, and I can only feel like a mortal in front of the stars. I am obviously a Venerable Saint, but I hit the power of the void with one blow!

Karala! Lightning roamed around the magic breath. At this moment, Xu Yangyi said nothing, and revoked all control of his body in his consciousness.

"Hehehe!!!" Kendramo's ecstatic voice suddenly resounded through the sky. It's been too long... It's been waiting for this moment for too long! It was always paying attention to Xu Yangyi, and it instantly occupied Xu Yangyi's whole body.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth in the sea of ​​consciousness turned dark, and thunder sounded, as if the world was collapsing.

An extreme sense of powerlessness spread throughout Xu Yangyi's consciousness. He groaned, and his spirit half-knelt on the sea of ​​consciousness. The chain reaction between the body and the soul had already occurred. If he could not get his body back within a day, he would completely disappear from this world.

"Hurry up..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the sea of ​​consciousness where thunder was rolling and it was pitch black, and roared.

"Faster? Faster? Hahahaha!!" Kendramo's crazy laughter resounded through his consciousness: "Kid, you are too naive."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, as if he realized something, and then his consciousness suddenly activated, wanting to take back his body immediately, but his face changed immediately: "How did you... do it?"

"My consciousness can't control my body? This is impossible. Even if I lend you my body, the initiative is still in your hands..."

"Don't be naive, kid." Kendramo's voice revealed the madness of fulfilling his long-cherished wish, and he laughed: "You don't understand the horror of the Heart of Entropy Demon at all. You know nothing about real horror."

Before he finished speaking, a magic light curtain appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and its voice laughed: "As a reward for your stupidity, let you see the last scene."

"Remember with your life, never believe in the devil."

Just on the light curtain, Xu Yangyi's whole body was covered with silver-gray spots the moment Kendramo took over, and the whole person turned into a strange silver, and on his chest, an extremely complicated pattern was slowly unfolding.

The terrifying magic breath of Xinluyad tore the sky apart, Kendramo roared wildly, and the battle between Taixu and Taixu... It actually blocked the blow that eclipsed the stars!

Swish... The starlight disappeared, and Xu Yangyi's body was broken all over, with many scars deep enough to see the bones. Kendramo didn't care at all, but raised his hand tremblingly, feeling the muscles beating and the blood pulsating. A few seconds later, an extremely excited and unbearable scream came from his throat.

"Ah... Hahahaha!" He laughed almost crazily, and the Taixu-level magic energy completely erupted, sweeping across the field. As it laughed wildly, Xu Yangyi's body changed rapidly, growing demon horns and demon wings, and the silver-gray flames belonging to the Ferrers family burned all over his body, and his eyes began to turn red.

Xin Lu Yade looked at this scene in astonishment, and took a deep breath after a few seconds: "The Heart of Entropy Demon... After so many tens of thousands of years, there is still the existence of Entropy Demon."

Across from it, Kendramo's magic energy formed a vortex with a radius of ten thousand meters, and a strange laugh came out: "I don't think we are enemies."

"No?" Xin Lu Yade looked deeply at the vortex in front of him, and the next second, the magic energy in his body also burst out without reservation!

The magnificent nebula turned into a vast galaxy, and constellations shone on its side. Its wings slowly rose up and rose into the sky. One side was the galaxy, and the other side was a black hole. The two great voids faced each other from a distance, with infinite killing intent.

"You don't have the final say!"

"Before the mark of the demon god disappears, the destruction I call it is complete destruction, from body to soul!"

"You don't want to forget it? Then just hold on for the last ten minutes!"

As these words fell, the starry sky in all directions suddenly burst into thousands of starlight, illuminating this ancient demon with sacredness and majesty. An indescribable terrifying demonic energy burst out from the void.

"The morning star falls, and the stars shine forever!"

Boom boom... The galaxy rotates, forming a black hole that swallows everything. The stars in the heavens and the worlds flash together, and the power to destroy the world suddenly bursts out from Xinlu Yade's body!

"It seems that you really want to die..." Kendramo licked his lips, feeling the endless vitality coming from his body, and magic patterns wandering all over his body: "Just right, I also want to try how much potential this human body has."

New Luyad descended like a god in the endless starlight, sneering: "Then... you come and try!"

After the last word fell, an endless hell unfolded behind it, blazing flames soared into the sky, and the chaotic power called entropy filled the void.

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