
Chapter 1314: Final Kill (I)

"Boom!" Endless demonic energy wandered around the ninth space, the void shattered, and the two great voids attacked with all their strength. The demons' fighting methods were different from those of humans, and they mostly relied on their bodies. The violent demonic energy brought by their bodies was simply destructive. The shock waves visible to the naked eye exploded wildly.

A sick tiger met a hungry wolf, and they fought evenly.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness where thunder was running, Xu Yangyi held his breath and stared at everything.

Use the power to fight the power, drive the tiger to swallow the wolf. New Lu Yade will not allow Kendramo to pass, and Kendramo will definitely pass. The demon furnace is the key to its hope of attacking the demon king again.

He was waiting, waiting for the two demon kings to lose both, as long as he activated the infinite truth, he could transform the demon body and regain the initiative!

Then the demon furnace exploded, and everything ended here.

It's easier said than done. One second more, one second later, the results are completely different! How quickly the two great void demon kings fought, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity may just be a fleeting moment. The explosion of the demon furnace outside was getting closer and closer. The huge pressure from the three parties made the hairs on his body stand up.

Click... click... the silent second hand seemed to ring through his mind, and his heartbeat was quieted. Suddenly, his brows frowned. Then he stood up immediately and looked around with great vigilance.

Just now, it seemed that there was a sound passing by his ear, but it disappeared immediately.

Swish!! Before he could listen carefully, the Desire Talisman suddenly drew a purple light all over the sky, wrapping Xu Yangyi tightly inside.

Like a sea of ​​thunder, in the sea of ​​consciousness where the sky was about to fall, the Desire Talisman was like a vigilant eye, guarding against an unspeakable thing in the void.

Xu Yangyi's expression became solemn, because... he also felt that an unspeakable existence had quietly entered here.

Very... tiny, but with an unspeakable grandeur, it is difficult to describe this feeling.

This is his consciousness space! His sea of ​​consciousness!

And... Kendramo didn't notice it at all!

What is it...who is it?

He stared at the surroundings in his spiritual form, but everything was peaceful.

After a few seconds, there was no movement, and he frowned: "Did I hear it wrong?"

At this moment, a very low voice sounded again in his ears: "Ka... Chaos..."

"You...are here..."

"I'm already me...I don't want to die...someone...someone has opened the immortality ban of the Furnace of the Gods...please...for the sake of..."

"For the sake of...we have also fought for tens of thousands of years..."

The voice was humble, even pitiful. However, it was this voice that made Xu Yangyi's whole body covered with goosebumps, and his entire spiritual body was shaking!

In the Tomb of the Gods, there is only one person who can call out Chaos's name!

The first pillar of desire! The source of Ragnarok!

It is indeed not dead yet!

As the other party's last word fell, the Chaos Seed in his chest, which had never actively responded, burst out with thousands of green lights, and the meridians were densely covered with Xu Yangyi's body. It flashed several times, then dimmed and returned to Xu Yangyi's chest.

"You..." The voice trembled: "I give up... Don't... There are only a few minutes left... I don't want to be a prisoner of this terrible restriction..."

Swish... Chaos Seed burst out with a green light again, and with a scream that was exhausted but without any breath, the voice was completely cut off.

Xu Yangyi stood there for a few seconds, then looked at the light curtain with rapid breathing and cursed fiercely.


A huge change is coming...

What he doesn't want to see most now is change!

And... it is a change that cannot be controlled by human power at all!


"Get out." Outside, Kendramo, who had been completely demonized, spread his wings, and rolled out the magic breath between the swings. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body has become a tall silver-gray demon, with a huge eye in the middle of his body, which is extremely demonic.

In response to it, there was a violent roar, and silver starlight filled the sky. Wherever it passed, the void turned into nothingness. The star dragon wings crossed the sky, and while walking, the stars fell under his feet, the wind tore the void, and a huge rotating black hole erupted behind him.

"Want to go to the demon furnace? Then you have to pass this level of the king first! However, I really want to thank you for helping me crush that disgusting maggot to death."

"Damn..." Kendramo cursed secretly. The strength of this demon dragon is far beyond imagination. After all, it is the Taixu of the suppression realm. The Taixu pressure and some small tricks are useless to the opponent! And time... I'm afraid there are only the last five minutes left!

Above the void, the sun-like demon furnace was already expanding and contracting, black light surged, and a pressure that could annihilate the universe suddenly rose. The void was trembling under its condensation. Those circles of runes even formed a strange vortex at this moment, surging towards the center of the sun like a food chain.

It can't be delayed any longer...

"I will say it again." Kendramo flapped his wings and retreated a hundred meters, with a look of determination in his eyes: "Leave here, I owe you a favor."

"You dare to negotiate with me as a junior?" New Lu Yade laughed up to the sky: "Tremble... and then destroy, no matter who it is, there is only one way to die in front of the spokesperson of the demon god!"

"Very good..." Kendramo took a deep breath, and the next second, the demonic energy behind him surged, layer by layer, like a tsunami.

This piece of demonic energy was so vast that it was like a sky curtain, and the stars around New Luyard instantly dimmed. And a huge shadow, majestic and boundless, has been vaguely condensed behind Kendramo.

It is so huge, even compared to the ninth space, it is not small at all.

It is so majestic that as long as you look at it from a distance, you will be impressed by this supreme magical power.

Black mist spread across the sky, demonic energy cracked the ground, and a huge void giant condensed behind it.

Kendramo slowly raised his hand, and the demonic giant statue that spread across the void also raised his hand at the same time. There was no joy or sadness on its face, with an unspeakable indifference, and it suddenly pressed down with a palm.

brush! A huge cloud hole suddenly appeared above New Luyard, and a huge hand of demonic energy burst out from it with soaring flames, covering a radius of tens of thousands of meters, and the ground sank slightly.

"No wonder you dare to bark at me." Xinlu Yade's pupils sharpened, and the star map all over his body immediately shone: "You are very confident..."

Rumble...the wings spread out, and if the universe rotates, the vast stars gather into a sea, and the waves become a twisted void, in which a shadow that is countless times larger and more majestic than New Luyard is rising.

"The Oracle of Greed!"

Thousands of stars flashed together, and a bright nebula shock wave suddenly spread from its body, instantly passing through the void of ten thousand years. This is Xu Yangyi's best chance to make a move, and Taixu's two trump cards are fully revealed! The winner will be decided in the next second. However, he did not take action.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he was half-kneeling on the ground in cold sweat. The Seed of Chaos in his hand was trembling, and bursts of lightning-like green light erupted. It was deep and vast, no words could describe it, and it was far more terrifying than the treasure of rules. !

The seed of Khaos seemed to be alive. Xu Yangyi's spirit body, which was holding it tightly, was shaking. He actually felt the presence of emotions from the other party!

Anger... murderous intent, and boundless, like the will to fight against the universe. He didn't know whether New Luyard and Kendramo felt it, but he had clearly felt that there was something... above the ninth floor, a kind of... indescribable, even exhaustive words could not describe it. The great terror is taking place silently.

Can not Go Out……

These four words echoed in his mind very clearly at this moment. Even though he saw the two demon kings attacking with all their strength, he knew better.

Now, whoever comes out will die.

Boom! The two magical powers connected in the sky, and this place became a sky of storm and power, tearing apart everything and swallowing everything. There was no sound, no light, and everything returned to the original "nothing."

"Zi..." Kendramo's demon wing almost shattered into pieces and flew out like a kite with its string broken. New Luyard's claws dragged a deep ravine on the ground and flew back hundreds of meters with a hoarse scream. . The void behind him was shattered layer by layer like glass.

"Damn..." Kendra Mo's eyes were red, four and a half minutes...the last four and a half minutes! The strength of this demonic dragon is unbelievable! It suddenly stopped the flying figure with force, and the shadow of the demon behind it bloomed with thousands of black lights. It clasped its hands together, and the circles of chain-like runes were about to ripple and spread, but suddenly, its eyes moved.


New Luyard is missing?

The demonic energy has disappeared, and the other party's presence can no longer be felt in the consciousness?

It was stunned for three seconds, and then a feeling of extreme excitement filled its body like an electric shock. It burst out with an earth-shattering scream and rushed towards the ninth floor crazily!

The new Luyard was shot away, and there was finally no one in front of the gate on the ninth floor!

"I'm coming..." Looking at the ninth floor that was getting closer and closer, it finally let out an extremely excited shout. Its face was distorted and its limbs began to become uncoordinated. It was like a madman who saw an oasis in the desert, hoarse. Screaming and screaming, he rushed towards the ninth space crazily, his eyes were blood red.

"I'm coming...I'm coming! Hahahaha!"

Getting closer, fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters!

brush! A figure spread its wings and rushed to the top with a roar. The next second, it burst into ecstatic laughter.

"Ah ha ha ha ha!!!" It stood proudly on top of the oven, its broken devil wings trembling, and it did not hide the extreme excitement in its heart: "In the history of demons, no demon has ever arrived so close to the devil's oven. ! Only me! ”

"The eighteenth time the Devil's Oven erupts, I am the winner! I am the king!!"

"This king is the chosen one!"

"Look..." It opened its eyes with great excitement, and was about to stretch out its hands that were shaking with excitement, as if to touch the devil's oven. When it lowered its head, its twisted smile had completely frozen.

It looked blankly at the center of the ninth floor, then at the top, and then its whole body trembled slightly.

The skeleton of a giant dragon was walking there, glittering with stars, stained with blood, and countless star-dazzling scars lying across it.

This is the new Luyard...but, how is that possible? !

Silent, with only skeletons left, here... what happened in just a few seconds? ! It is an ant, now standing in front of the star.

A Taixu Demon King, the incarnation of the Demon God...disappeared out of thin air?

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