
Chapter 1315: The Final Kill (Part 2)

"Gudu..." The ecstasy disappeared instantly. It swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked forward tremblingly.

Right in front of the skeleton, sat a creature with a ragged cloak. He was not tall, about 1.67 meters at most. In the far distance, there are seven small coffins.

Not grand.

It's not grand at all, more like some ancient lynching prison on Earth. The cloaked creature had a pair of pale hands, and there was an aura of unknown power system surging underneath. It just sat there quietly with its back to the endless void.

But Kendramo's heart almost stopped. The moment he saw this creature, it trembled like a convulsion, and cold sweat spread like a tide.

Brush... It seemed to see countless waves of blood rising behind this creature. It was the Demon King... no, even the Demon King was completely incomparably terrifying. as if it

Plop... without any awareness, its body had fallen to the ground, its teeth were chattering, and its forehead touched the ground, extremely humble.

Unclimbable mountains...

The unnavigable sea…

The deepest sin in the universe...endless desire...

In front of this creature, he was as ridiculous and insignificant as a child.

"Yahwei!?" In his consciousness, Xu Yangyi's spiritual body trembled suddenly when he saw this figure, as if it was about to collapse in the next second. Even through the physical body, the extreme terror swept through the body like an ocean.

He is a leaf.

It was a leaf in the storm. Even if the other party didn't say anything and just sat there quietly, it made him feel chills in his heart and worship rising in his soul.

If you face the stars, you feel like you are standing in front of all the races in the endless universe. The slight wind blew up the dark and tattered cloak on the opponent's body, as if a giant dragon spread its wings and raised an immortal flag.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi felt that his scalp was about to explode and his throat was extremely dry: "The first pillar of desire..."

There is no need for grandeur, its existence is grandeur.

Here it is, eternity.

In his hand, the seed of Khaos has erupted into green light, even... with a murderous aura that he has never seen before.

No one expected that the ninth space would be like this.

Even Xu Yangyi, who understood all this, did not expect that this was completely different from the grand prison he had expected.

Everything was silent, and the time was probably only the last four minutes. The creature seemed to raise its hand with great difficulty. Only then did Xu Yangyi see that the other person's hand was wearing a small shackle, which was locked by a very thin chain. On top of the seven coffins in the distance.

And just when the opponent lifted the shackles, the void of the main film seemed to be pulled, and endless runes erupted from one of them. They were runes that were simply difficult to describe. They were mysterious, ancient, stretching into a sea, and perfect.

A chain drives a void.

"Open it..." The creature's voice seemed hoarse, but with an undisguised urgency: "Immediately."


With this last roar of all his strength, the void rumbled and trembled, and a golden eye opened under the cloak. It was not evil at all, but had an indescribable sense of holiness. After roaring, the figure kept coughing.

"Open it..." it repeated with great difficulty: "I...will fulfill any of your wishes..."

Kendra did not move. Xu Yangyi's vest was soaked. The seed of Khaos had already turned into a light curtain, blocking the terrifying pressure that penetrated all the worlds. He could understand that Kendra could not move or not. He opened his mouth, but in this situation, under such terrifying pressure, he had completely lost the ability to control his body.

Taking a deep breath, he held the Seed of Chaos tightly.

This monster...

This monster that has lived for who knows how many thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years... The source of Ragnarok has been locked here. This kind of thing... I am afraid that it has been tortured by endless years and is extremely hungry. New Luyard... is not The one who was killed...

But was eaten...

In a few seconds, the opponent ate a demon king, revealing his complete body! This body is hundreds of meters in size, but it has no resistance in front of this 1.67 meter creature.

Can't be nervous...

Don't be excited either...

The spirit body fluctuated sharply, and his red eyes looked at Kendramo. He was looking for a possible chance in the hands of this monster.

Kendramo trembled and got up from the ground like a kitten. Under Yahweh, without the protection of Yahweh, it would be impossible to withstand such terrible pressure.

You can only obey the biological instinct.

"Dear Your Excellency..." It prostrated on the ground humbly: "What should I... do?"

The cloaked creature raised his finger with difficulty and hooked it lightly. At the same time, the chain on a coffin suddenly straightened, and another void made a loud noise. Vast runes followed the chain straight towards its arm.

Zilala... Infinite divine patterns burst out from the cloak, and the opponent's muscles became transparent. The divine patterns directly entered the body, killing like crazy. However, the opponent just trembled all over and didn't say a word.

"What a powerful restriction... If it weren't for the restriction, just one glance would be enough to kill me..." Xu Yangyi's heart beat like a drum. Is this place in tatters? Yes, compared to other felons' prisons, they are indeed shabby. However... the six Yawei's locks on this monster are not just restricted, but this area of ​​heaven!

Who can do it?

"It's not that it doesn't hurt, but it can no longer scream. This seems to be a reaction to its power...wait!" A sudden flash occurred in his mind, and it suddenly became brighter.


The other party's different!

When he sensed the seed of Chaos, he begged to let it go. However, its attitude towards Kendramo is completely different, and it has an attitude of "I am the king of all realms in the starry sky."

Why do this?

His breathing became rapid in an instant. It was very possible that...the attitude towards Chaos was its true state! And its attitude towards Kendra Mo... was because... it was pretending!

Also because... the powerless Yahweh is not enough to scare people!

A bold idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

It was very abrupt, but like the roots of a tree, it spread endlessly and penetrated deeply into his mind.

"Tens of millions of years of imprisonment may have exhausted its power. Seeing this opportunity, it had to gather its last strength and fight to the death. It no longer has the time to control Chaos, it can only deal with it. Only with this attitude can we suppress Kendramo without any power!"

A Yahweh in disguise...

A Taixu who was scared to death by Yahweh...

Without saying a word, Xu Yangyi squatted down like a cheetah, every muscle was tense to the limit, his nerves were like a tight bow, and all his spiritual power was adjusted to its peak state.

The sound of the second hand rang in my ears along with my heartbeat, and there was silence in the sea of ​​consciousness, like the ocean before a storm.


The surge of adrenaline is suppressed by the body's instinct. Let him be like the most experienced hunter, waiting with bated breath for the moment of end.

The sound of the second hand seemed to echo in the air, and no one thought that there was a third pair of eyes here. Following the creature's hook just now, something flew out of Xu Yangyi's physical storage ring, exuding rays of brilliance.


It was the key that Kendra Mo gave to Xu Yangyi!

Among the seven coffins, one is the Chinese Golden Dragon Coffin!

"Huh..." The creature let out a painful cry, and the pressure did not dissipate at all. It looked at Kendra Mo with its golden eyes: "The Hongmeng Keystone... I'm afraid you don't even know what it does..."

Xu Yangyi admired this old monster who was still alive after tens of millions of years. There was only one minute and forty seconds left, but the opponent was still unhurried. If it weren't for the previous exchange of consciousness, it would have been impossible to tell that this was a monster at the end of its fight.

"Anyone who gets it will naturally be able to sense the connection between it and the Devil's Oven, so you brought it up even though you didn't know its use. You're very smart. I like smart people."

His voice was as calm as possible, but it seemed like he was trying his best to say a coherent sentence.

I have to admire that in this race against time environment, the other party can still be so stable.

It raised its hand again, flicked it, and Kendramo disappeared on the spot. The next second, he appeared on the side of the golden dragon coffin.

"Open it, kid."

"I promise to give you treasures you cannot imagine."

"Yes..." Kendramo trembled and squatted down, stroking the keyhole in the dragon's mouth on the golden dragon coffin. The huge fear made it become a puppet on strings. He stretched out his hand tremblingly.

Xu Yangyi breathed lightly but hotly, staring at everything.

The distance to that monster is now three thousand meters.

Time, there are two minutes left.

However, the moment Kendramo touched the golden dragon coffin, he was suddenly shocked, and a feeling of electric shock made his skin crawl. His eyes suddenly opened wide, even more than he had just guessed when the first pillar of desire appeared. incredible!

"This is..." He took a few steps back in confusion: "How is it possible..."

On the lid of the golden dragon coffin, there is a line of magnificent characters engraved on it.

Zhenwu Immortal World. Su Xingyao.

The Lord of Desire shattered his godhead and sealed the first pillar of desire in the Tomb of the Eternal God.

He was stunned for half a second and suddenly looked towards the coffin further away.

"Original Insect Nest. Gansu."

"Hold the broken godhead of the unbreakable dragon god, and seal the first pillar of desire in the tomb of the eternal god."

"The Land of Three Colors. Blood Roar. With the fearless god of war, the shattered godhead, the first pillar of desire is sealed in the eternal tomb of the god." and so on.

His eyes were filled with dizziness, and he suddenly understood where Su Xingyao's obsession with the talisman came from.

This is not a talisman at all...


Seven gods, seven divine heads, seven talismans! It makes sense... Everything makes sense. After Su Xingyao destroyed the Dragon Realm, he came to Tiragandis, built the Demon Oven, and... built the God King here!

How did the God King appear?

Fusion of all the fragments of Yahweh's godhead...and he already has two in his hand!

If these gods could be united again... wouldn't it...

He shook his head violently to suppress the sudden fluctuation of desire, but the countless chaotic thoughts could not be suppressed at all.

Why are the Seven Broken Godheads in the Seven Realms?

Are the coincidences of numbers and resumes really coincidences?

What secrets are hidden in the Seven Realms? No... what's even more terrifying is... the seven great talismans appear in the seven realms, so... does it mean that the seal here is about to expire? So... the Devil's Oven erupted early?

The Seven Realms, Kunlun, Tiragandes, Skettios... different spaces, different civilizations, countless light years apart, but looking back now, they are actually on a complete timeline!

Card... At this moment, the sound of the machine turning was heard. Kendramo's hand had already begun to open Su Xingyao's coffin. The sound of the small key turning sounded like a heart in the void.

"Seven realms..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes, filled with heat.

"I want to go back!"

The final minute, victory or defeat depends on this minute!

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