
Chapter 1316: The Final Kill (Part 3)

Three pairs of eyes stared at Kendramo's hand, and the invisible competition was treading on thin ice in silence. Xu Yangyi still did not move, although his heart was beating like a drum.

He knew that the monster was also very nervous. Kendramo might not have noticed it, but he could feel that an extremely mysterious force enveloped him ten meters outside his body. It was not strong, but it was as sharp as thousands of knives flying in the air, and every knife was cold.

As long as there was a slight movement, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Never use your life to test the depth of Yahweh. Weakness is relative. A Yahweh who can eat a demon king in a few seconds, no matter how weak he is, is definitely not his opponent.

There is only one chance...

The last fifty seconds.

In the air, with a dead silence, only the click of the key hitting the heart can be heard. Kendramo's trembling hand twisted the key little by little. With a slight "click", the entire golden dragon coffin suddenly ejected countless golden lights from the inside. The four corners of the coffin pushed outwards together, and a golden light curtain suddenly rushed into the sky.

The First Pillar of Desire's breathing became a little heavier without a trace, and the body under the tattered cloak trembled slightly, but it was suppressed by its great control, and said hoarsely: "Hurry up, child."

Kendramo's lips trembled, and his whole body was like sifting chaff. He gritted his teeth and turned the key gently. In an instant, the light curtain opened up, the sky was countless, and the ground was surging with golden lotus. From all directions, a magnificent chanting sound rang out from the void, like a mountain or a sea, and the aurora-like curtain covered the void. Countless mysterious runes, with vicissitudes and ancient flavors, traveled through hundreds of millions of years, like beautiful embroidery on the curtain.

Forty seconds, Kendramo held his breath, and the key slowly twisted with his shaking hands. With each turn, the chanting sound in the sky became more and more magnificent, attracting everyone's attention.

It was strange that when the time came, facing an ancient Yahweh, Xu Yangyi actually became completely quiet.

His hands were already pressed to the ground, the knuckles of his five slender fingers were white, and his body was like the best athlete, stretched into a fully drawn longbow. The arc was beautiful and full of explosive power.

That was the song of ice and fire, with the appearance of ice, wrapped in the inner flames of war and turbulent waves.

The sound of Kakaka was endless, and with the sound of a mechanism that came out quietly, the chanting covering the sky from all directions suddenly stopped. The eyes of the First Pillar of Desire suddenly opened, and his whole body trembled, and then he raised his left hand with all his strength and pulled forward!

Just like Gonggong crashed into Mount Buzhou, in an instant, the entire void pyramid let out a whine of being overwhelmed, and the chain piercing its wrist was stretched straight with a clatter, like the sword of the void, the moment of conferring the gods, and then it raised the sky and let out a sigh that had been suppressed for tens of thousands of years!


Nothing else, this time... no talisman appeared!

The sound was so loud that Xu Yangyi almost didn't hear it. At that moment, his ears seemed to be deaf. He could only see the entire ninth space shaking, comparable to a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Thirty seconds later, Kendramo was already sweating all over. It occupied Xu Yangyi's human body. The original wild young appearance was now full of white hair, skin covered with age spots, and wrinkles all over the face. The hand was like a candle in the wind. The key sank into the hole a few millimeters with each turn. Now, only a few centimeters were exposed.

This was the last moment. The First Pillar of Desire had used all its accumulated power, forcing Kendramo to be silent under this terrible power. Xu Yangyi's human form... was on the verge of collapse.

However, Xu Yangyi in the sea of ​​consciousness still did not move.

Fast as the wind, slow as the forest, invasive as fire, immovable as a mountain, difficult to know as the shadow, and moving like thunder.

Around his spirit body, the clouds of divine consciousness had been completely cleared. It seemed that there was no power overflowing at all, but a vacuum zone was formed in the surrounding kilometers. The invisible gust of wind blew his hair, turning it into a series of spiritual light threads that rose everywhere, like an eagle spreading its wings and a yellow dragon leaving the sea.

The last thirty seconds.

No matter what, he had to take action.

Twenty seconds.

With a click, all the keys were inserted into the coffin. The several-meter-long coffin shook violently, swaying with golden light all over the sky. The boundless Buddha Kingdom began to slowly dissipate, drifting with the wind, and became golden light spots flying all over the sky like catkins.

On the sky, endless talismans exploded, and as these firefly-like light spots rotated, they began to dim, collapse, and collapse. Kendramo had already crawled on the coffin as if he was exhausted. He didn't even have the strength to pull out the key, and he was panting like a dried fish.

In just a few dozen seconds, it exhausted all its energy.

Swish... In the endless golden light, the First Pillar of Desire slowly stood up, raised his hands, as if embracing the universe, and a cry and laughter sounded from under his cloak, and his chest rose and fell sharply.

"Heh..." The overwhelming golden talismans formed an ocean surrounding it, reflecting a deep and sacred figure, and its voice trembled and hoarse: "I... am back..."

As the last word fell, the chain on its left hand broke with a sound, and the next second, its body suddenly expanded, and the tattered cloak seemed endless, forming a deep purple nebula vortex!

Getting bigger and bigger, more and more violent, swallowing everything, destroying everything.

"Ah... what a wonderful taste..."

"This is a refreshing air..."

"Beichen... Chaos... Eklis, Michael... we really haven't seen each other for a long time..."


Death spreads its wings.

In the last fifteen seconds, the devil, who had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, was about to escape from the confinement of the six Yahwehs!

Swish, brush, brush! Magnificent purple lights burst out from the whirlpool, as brilliantly as the plane was reborn and the stars were destroyed. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly lit up in the sea of ​​consciousness!

The power outside Kendramo's body, the blockade as tight as a river embankment, loosened a little!


Finally...this immortal monster finally relaxed!

After being imprisoned for countless years, once he was released... no matter who it was, he could no longer remain calm at this moment.

He even felt a unique calm in the storm.

It's as if birds have disappeared from thousands of mountains and all traces of people have disappeared.

In this tranquility where time stopped, his nerves had not yet reacted, and his body was already moving on its own like the most precise instrument!

His pupils turned into black holes in an instant, and the infinite truth rushed into his physical right hand like lava under the ice-like calm. Kendramo's right hand also...

The hand that holds the key.

boom! ! A black demonic energy rose into the sky, and the maniacal laughter of the First Pillar God of Desire stopped abruptly, and he looked at Kendra Mo in shock. The next second, it heard a heart-shaking sound.


The key... is turning back!

A tenth of a second of dead silence.

"No!!!" The next second, two voices sounded at the same time!

At the same time, the talisman that was about to dissipate turned into a golden ocean vortex, and the light spots rotating around the ninth space suddenly stopped, and then... the gods returned to their places!

Swish, brush, brush! The sound of wind and rain filled the sky, and all the talismans flowed backwards in an orderly manner as if time were reversed, the first, the second... the tenth, the hundredth, the ten thousand... the... countless ones!

Amidst the buzzing sounds, all the talismans that were about to collapse returned to their original positions! Blooming with brilliance all over the sky!

From hope to disappointment.

From heaven to hell.

The control of his body faded away, and Kendramo immediately woke up from the majestic pressure, but before he could take action, thousands of meters away, an indescribable vast force had erupted!

"Open it!!!" In the deep purple whirlpool, a sound like thunder exploded in the void. A pale giant hand tens of meters wide suddenly stretched out. An iron chain tightened in the void, and endless talismans Pierced into its body, transparent and sacred, strangulating everything in its body.

"In the name of God, I promise to give you an undefeated life!!"

"Open it!!"

What answered it was the sound of the key twisting rapidly. The void talismans in all directions became more and more solidified. The voice of the First Pillar God of Desire was trembling, and then completely exploded: "Mortal... you are looking for death!!"

The sky wind exploded and the stars roared. The talismans flashed in the empty space, and the gods suppressed the demons. With the first pillar of desire groaning in pain, a black ball thousands of meters long appeared in the palm of his hand. It was unknown what kind of power it was composed of, and the silver-white The talismans linger in it, as if the universe is collapsing.

It was a power that had never been experienced before, a power that could destroy the world. The long waves are vast, the flying mirror has no roots, the Milky Way hangs upside down, and thousands of stars hang high.

Under this black sphere that annihilates everything, man alone faces the fear of the universe. It is the sand of the Ganges River, a sharp contrast between infinity and infinitesimal.

This trembling feeling engulfs everything and sweeps over the soul. In the sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the next second, demonic energy soared into the sky! In the mighty black tide, a figure was like a sharp sword leaving the string, rushing straight into the universe-like whirlpool on the opposite side!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Nine seconds.

"Get back!!" The black ball of light exploded! The stars are dim, the sky is obscure, and the experience from heaven to hell is by no means wonderful. The voice of the First Pillar God of Desire has already brought an unspeakable resentment: "Open it...Humans, I promise to let bygones be bygones!"

"I swear in the name of God!!"

What answered it was a magnificent black mist in full bloom, a black lotus in the void, overlooking hell in the sky. Countless ferocious barbs towered into the sky in an instant, one after another, tangled into a magnificent door!

Boom! With a loud noise, the invincible killing was instantly shattered, like paper, and a black mist surged in all directions, like billions of flags heading towards the whirlpool of the universe.

God-killing poison!

Eight seconds!

In the vast black mist, the eyes of the First Pillar God of Desire are filled with endless murderous intent. There are still three seconds left. As long as you give it five seconds, it can hope to break this restriction. The premise is that the other party completely opens the coffin.

There was no time to talk, no chance to think.

This is the final moment, this is the Ragnarok of the first pillar of desire.

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