
Chapter 1317: Final Kill (IV)

There was wordless anxiety and urgency, and as it roared loudly throughout the void, all the power it had accumulated exploded, and from the vortex... a giant hand with seventy-two talismans stretched out.

Carrara! As the trapped beast broke out in full force, the seven chains in the void were like sharp swords cutting through the sky, tightly holding its figure and stretching it straight. With each violent vibration of the chain, the sky seemed to collapse. Countless runes gathered on the chain and turned into a sea tide, locking this crazy ancient god with all its strength.

"Meteor annihilates Huazhang..." Accompanied by its murmuring voice, the seventy-two hands twisted into a regular circle, in which the smoke was vast and the glow shone. In less than half a second, a star actually appeared.

It did not take action immediately. The majestic divine power tore through the void that was on the verge of collapse. The remaining trace of divine consciousness swept around wildly, but there was no trace of Xu Yangyi at all!

Devouring Talisman is activated!

The demon walked in the void, and the First Pillar God of Desire just glanced at it. Then all the chains buzzed crazily, and the overwhelming sea of ​​talismans stretched across the sky. However, none of this can stop the star-like brilliance in its hand from shining. The light cracks the earth, and the god comes to the world. The shadow of the star explodes with its heart-wrenching groan!

With it as the center, endless, endless mountains of pitch-black brilliance sweep across the nine heavens and ten lands. Shock hundreds of millions of living beings. Under the sweep of the majestic skylight, a figure flew out with a groan. The devil's appearance is revealed in the cloud-like black mist.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and was covered in blood. At this moment, he was in the form of a demon, but his demon wings were almost completely broken, and horrific scars appeared on his body, deep into the bones. It's like being in a Category 10 typhoon, unable to control your body at all!

"Damn monster!" He looked at the Devil's Oven anxiously. Circles of black ripples in the void were being absorbed crazily, trembling from the violent absorption, and a waning moon projection had been formed on the ninth floor. At this moment Evolving rapidly towards the full moon!

And the other party is in the full moon.

One should only be able to withstand the explosion of the Devil's Oven in the shadow of the moon... His bloody wings suddenly shook, and he stopped abruptly. Regardless of the burning pain in his body, he rushed forward crazily again!

The momentum of charge is forward but never retreat!

There is no time to hesitate at all. All we can do now is rush, rush, rush!

Kakaka! The arms became shields, the lower body and legs expanded, and countless barbs sprouted from the whole body, covered in armor, like a heavy tank, pulling the wind and violence, the extremely fast impact set the whole body on fire, and it crashed in like a meteor!

"Maggots!!" At this moment, an extremely furious voice broke out in Xu Yangyi's body, Kendra Mo almost went crazy, and the voice in his consciousness was like a sea of ​​thunder: "How dare did you do it! "

"Twin souls... How dare you deceive the great Kendramo!!"

Tu Qiong saw that as the sound fell, he gritted his teeth while he was attacking with all his strength. An unspeakable feeling broke out from his body. Kendramo could no longer hide it. His body was in full panic. The power of the entropy demon It turned into pieces of silver scars, madly impacting all his genes.

"Damn it!!" He cursed fiercely and suddenly stopped his forward movement. He was worried about internal and external troubles, and this strength was simply not enough to break through the prison of the gods.

Seven seconds!

The last seven seconds!

The full moon cannot reach a kilometer within seven seconds, the mark of the demon cannot be erased, and the heart of the entropic demon cannot disappear! And he... was still eight thousand meters away from the Devil's Oven!

"You are looking for death!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were also red. What kind of back-up plan? Now there is no need for it at all. There is no need to worry about the moment of racing against time. Let go of everything and just fight to the death!


Divine consciousness suddenly rioted, and the Mingli Fire in the Dantian Zhongnan exploded, rolling up a huge wave of fire. Immediately afterwards, the desire talisman swallowed the talisman, like the sun and the moon setting, one east and one west, slowly emerging from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, rotating around the heart Incessantly.

"This is..." In his consciousness, Kendramo gasped, but Xu Yangyi could no longer care about it. The moment he mobilized these three killer moves, he was like a sharp sword and struck again. go out!

The colonization armor changed for the second time, this time... His hands turned into long swords, and defense was impossible. The battle in Kendramo's body turned upside down in an instant, and streams of blood spurted out from his pores and seven orifices. Now we can only use the strongest offense in exchange for defense.

"Damn..." The eyes of the First Pillar God of Desire were also red, and the dark purple cosmic vortex suddenly expanded, with stars floating in it.

"Galaxy Starburst!!"

boom! !

There is no one alive here. If there were, they would be able to see a dazzling sun burst from the top of the pyramid, illuminating the heavens and the world, illuminating the depths of the eternal night.

Rebirth and destruction are intertwined, and the corners of its eyes are twitching. The last six seconds... may not be enough time! But how will you know if you don’t try!

The explosion of falling stars bloomed into the void, pulling out the nothingness of death. In this scene of destruction, it suddenly saw a green shadow, piercing towards it like lightning!

brush! The purple nebula suddenly unfolded, and there were countless hands inside, clawing at the shadow frantically with shrill screams. Suddenly, the shadow paused and trembled.

The battle of consciousness...

Kendramo launched a battle of consciousness in his consciousness without hesitation! In the pale sea of ​​consciousness, there were lightning and thunder at this moment. One side was as vast as the sea, and the other side was as surging as lightning. Two huge castles rose from the clouds and mist with a roar, becoming the distant cloud-top palace!

"Maggots..." Kendramo's face was extremely hideous, and his body was trembling. He couldn't imagine that the other party could do this and force him to start a battle of consciousness.

The flame was okay, but the two talismans, as soon as he touched them, he knew that he was no match for them.

Long-term planning... hundreds of years of patience... it couldn't stand it, let alone accept it!

Even if he died, he had to drag this damn human with him!

"Come on..." Its eyes were red, and its hands were raised. Outside the city gate, countless black fogs condensed and turned into an endless sea of ​​demons that connected the sky and the earth.

Xu Yangyi's nerves were also tense to the peak. He raised his right hand, and murderous aura filled the air. Thousands of drums sounded at the same time. Countless ancient Chinese soldiers in the white sea tide took up their weapons. The demonic sea tide on the opposite side was separated by the galaxy.


Both sides gave orders almost at the same time. The desolate horn sounded through the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless flags fluttered. Ten thousand drums thundered and thousands of flags were on fire. The battle between humans and demons instantly turned into a sea of ​​killing. Every minute and every second, countless spiritual consciousnesses flew away.

At the same time, countless hands of desire outside the body had already tightly grasped the green shadow. Because it used its power, the seven chains burst out the Tongtian Talisman again. As it wailed and wailed through the sky, the nebula vortex trembled suddenly and pulled the shadow over desperately!

"Human..." The voice of the first pillar god of desire was hoarse: "Open it! You have the last four seconds!"

"Otherwise, die with me..."

Before the voice fell, the vortex suddenly shook, and it looked at the shadow in disbelief.

This is not a human hand...

It is...a plant...

Its eyes trembled slightly, and an ominous premonition surged into his heart. Looking around, the clouds and fog dispersed. In the deep sky, a towering figure of hundreds of thousands of meters stood silently and proudly. The huge branches covered the clouds and the sun, and the roots that spread over the ground were twisted and vigorous. Endless black poisonous fog lingered on it, like a Titan standing in the dark night.

The original form of wolf poison!

The branches and leaves swayed like the Milky Way, connecting the sky and the earth, and the leaf crown covered the clouds. The next second, all the branches and leaves were raised, and they stabbed at the huge vortex like spears.

If thousands of dragons ran, the void would break in an instant. At this second, the heart of the First Pillar of Desire sank to the bottom of the valley.

There was no way...

The demon form was too huge. With its current strength, the power that had been sealed for countless years could not kill such a huge creature in one second!

"Heh..." It closed its eyes, and the nebula trembled: "I can't believe it..."

"It's just a human..."


"The punishment for killing God will make you never reincarnate!!"

With this roar, all directions instantly turned into the darkness of eternal night, rippling the vortex of death, and purple hands stretched out from the vortex, condensing into strange seals.

"Just go with me..."

"Go to the Styx, where you can never wake up, and repent your original sin!"

"Eternal Night Heaven Splendor!"


It's impossible to describe the horror of this move. The entire void pyramid shattered in an instant, becoming a planetary belt-like stone lingering around, and then annihilated and swallowed by the terrifying shock wave. A black hole with a radius of more than 100,000 meters and a boundless distance appeared with a roar, and all the wolf poison roots... those branches and leaves that were invincible were shattered like glass, becoming a green storm.

Three seconds.

The last three seconds that decided everything.

In the divine consciousness, the ancient Chinese soldiers suddenly paused, and then, with a wail, 60 to 70 percent of them became flying sand in the wind, drifting in the sea of ​​consciousness, representing that Xu Yangyi's divine consciousness castle had only the last thin layer of military protection.

The body was severely damaged, how could the divine consciousness be preserved?

Kendramo's eyes were fierce, and he roared hoarsely: "Kill!!"

No need to ask why.

The best answer is that the other party is dead!

How can the tiles be intact if the jade is broken?

With the shouts that resounded through the space, an endless tide of demons rushed towards Xu Yangyi's castle. The castle was like a soldier who had taken off his heavy armor, and was completely exposed in front of them.

Xu Yangyi's spirit body fluctuated violently, and his body was severely damaged... Even the divine consciousness could not be protected...

"Meet the enemy!!" With his loud shout, all the remaining soldiers held spears in their hands, and met the surging demon tide from all directions like reefs in the sea.

The void pyramid, with its destructive power, shattered the wolf poison into pieces. At the moment when the shock wave arrived, Xu Yangyi had already formed a series of defenses with branches and leaves, but it was useless! With the resentment of the god for tens of thousands of years and the power accumulated by the other party for countless years, his power was completely insufficient to resist.

"Die..." The first pillar of desire closed his eyes, and the voice of despair resounded through the void: "End it... Let everything return to silence..."

However, at this moment, after the layers of branches and leaves collapsed, an eye suddenly opened in the nebula vortex, looking at the top of the head in disbelief.

Above the head, green leaves were flying.

The poison of killing the gods was completely useless to it, but... it felt a more terrifying throbbing!

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