
Chapter 1318: One-day Prisoner (I)

Two seconds!

The Devil's Oven has exploded with brilliance, and the projection is almost full moon. At the same time, the green leaves flying above the nebula vortex gradually disappear, revealing one of the bright brilliance!

Like green crystal, dazzling and flawless, like the bright moon in the sky, shining brightly all over the world.

It was a one-foot-long crystal covered with extremely mysterious talismans. Hidden among the branches and leaves cut off by Wolfsbane, I had never seen it before.

"This is..." It was stunned for a moment, and then hoarsely exclaimed: "The legacy of Chaos... the Thorn of Chaos?!"

"Just now...were you here!?"

How can this be!

Mortal things cannot mobilize the things of Yahweh! Chaos... How could it not know the reputation of the other party's Father of Chaos? In the war that year, this damn creature blocked one of its own armies! How could such a high-level Yahweh be mobilized by humans!

Even if it is a legacy, it is only stored in a mortal body and cannot escape from the body at all!

But now it is like this, hanging alone in the sky, becoming the God-killing Sword!

There was no answer. Wolfsbane was almost naked at the moment. With a loud noise that tore through the space, the Sword of Damocles fell, becoming the only light at the moment.

"You..."** The First Pillar God glanced at Wolfsbane in disbelief, and then his power exploded. With a roar like an angry wave, the remaining power of Yahweh rushed forward like a volcano.


Green light flashed, and the thorn of chaos penetrated the body.

No matter how much resistance there is.

It doesn’t matter who resists.

If God says kill, then he must kill.

A trace of emerald green was left in the void, which lasted for a long time. The nebula vortex trembled and was silent for half a second. Then, an earth-shattering roar broke out!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" The unspeakable severe pain impacted every nerve of the First Pillar God, the Void Restriction, the Thorn of Chaos, and the complete disillusionment of hope. Under the triple oppression, it finally couldn't Stay calm.

Kalara... it felt that every cell in its body was being swallowed by chaos. The God of Chaos, the father of all things... its intuition could be blocked. After all, it was a legacy and not under my control, but the fact was far beyond its expectations. .

However, in just a fraction of a second, the nebula vortex trembled again, and it suddenly opened its eyes.


wrong! !

This is...real deception!

It has rich combat experience, and it immediately understood that it could indeed block the thorn of chaos, but this was an illusion.

It can be seen at any time, but it is definitely not now after being sealed for countless years and only two seconds left!

In order to resist this blow, it poured out all its strength, so... what about the real attack?

"It's really unexpected..." It didn't move anymore and sighed: "After being sealed for so long...this universe...has such a descendant already appeared..."


The next second, a little emerald light burst out from the center of the vortex! With the wail of the First Pillar God tearing apart the sky, it started out as just a little green light, and then turned into a sky full of green clouds. Talismans ran all over the nebula and whirlpool. The seven chains in the void were stretched straight, and the green leaves surrounded it like an ocean. Endless cracks appeared in the entire pyramid instantly!

Just behind him, the soul hunter flashed silently, covered with devouring talismans, hiding in the void, pulling the thorn of chaos, and stabbed out a fatal sword silently.

The sound of Carrara's chain shaking filled the space, and countless biological spirits flew out from the whirlpool, as if the souls swallowed by it formed an endless ocean, fluctuating with every cry of it, quietly floating in the sky Zhong looked at the final outcome of this Yahweh.


There is only light, infinite light, divine light.

Brilliant, gorgeous, indescribable, the green chaos makes this place a green temple, showing new life in the midst of destruction.

"You're not bad." The voice of the First Pillar God sounded: "Quite good."

"I appreciate you."

It looked towards the opposite side. In the storm of green leaves in the sky, there was a remaining plant. The crown of the tree was completely destroyed, not a single branch or leaf was left, and the body was also mutilated. But its root system has spread into the halo of the full moon, right under the oven.

It is conceivable what kind of state his physical body has reached. It is no exaggeration to say that it is on the verge of being broken.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" The next second, the green light spun, and along with its desperate cry, the entire vortex shrank crazily, and finally, it once again became the creature that was only 1.67 meters long, with a crystal clear green crystal on its back. , panting and lying on the ground, shaking.

Zero seconds.

Rumble...a force that makes the soul tremble comes overwhelmingly. That is the magnificence accumulated over tens of thousands of years, and it is the mystery of the universe.

In the Eighteen Hells, all the demons looked up to the sky. Just above them, a black sun had been fully formed, and the endless power coming from the universe formed a vast whirlpool. In these whirlpools, there are demon shadows composed of demonic energy, and there are the shadows of many other creatures. They are like chains of biological evolution, and the demon oven is their center.

"Finally..." Above the void, the Eighteen Demon Lords looked up at the sky with emotion. One by one, the Demon Lords raised their wings to cover their eyes: "Although many things have happened, even we don't know what happened now. finally started..."

In countless arenas, countless demons stood up with pious and humble expressions. Then, led by the Demon King, all the demons knelt on the ground.

A low moan sounded, and then it got louder and louder. Between the deceptions, between the origins, between the endings of the ice... Hell after hell, devil after devil, recited a beautiful chapter that resounded through hell, as if to declare The end of everything.

The Grizzly Prince was half kneeling on the ground, with confusion in his eyes. What happened?

This eruption of the Devil's Oven is too weird. How many things are there that I don't know about?

However, there was no time for the demons to think about it. After a few tenths of a second, the black sun shrank, and then, everyone in the world could see the peak of Tiragondis, erupting into an extremely magnificent brilliance!


Pure black.

Cutting through the silence of the universe, tearing apart the silence of the eternal night.

It is obviously black, but it is more dazzling than the sun and more brilliant than the stars.

That is the stalwart that stays in the heart, and has nothing to do with light.

That was the divine awakening of the plane, a glorious moment that occurs once every tens of thousands of years.

Kingdom of Void God.

Countless light-years away, one can see a black light that cannot be seen directly. The destruction and rebirth of any plane are incomparable.

Wherever the light passes, all creatures worship him. In all the planes under Tiragandes, no creature can stand under this great power. Immediately afterwards, with earth-shaking creaking sounds, the overwhelming black spots, like sunspots, exploded with black light and turned into endless meteors, spraying in all directions of Tiragandes.

This is new life and the end of reincarnation.

Xu Yangyi can no longer see this scene in the Void Pyramid. The space here is completely different from the outside. He could only see the sun above his head blooming with thousands of rays of light, shining on countless planes.

Wolfsbane's body did not enter the full moon mark, but right there, several root systems had stretched out without knowing when, swimming in the black tide.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, his spirit body suddenly trembled, and then he looked up to the sky and roared. He raised his head, and a silvery brilliance bloomed between his eyebrows. The image of the waning moon with an inverted cross appeared without any warning, and a silvery white power of Yahweh rushed out like a fountain. out.

Right in front of him, there were the last few hundred soldiers, protecting him firmly. On the periphery, there are countless demons like mountains and seas.

It's like the dawn of dawn, illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is..." Kendramo's eyes trembled, and then he shouted angrily: "Kill him!! The whole army attacks!!"

"Kill!!" At the same time, all the Chinese soldiers protecting Xu Yangyi raised their spears and shouted in unison.

What greeted them was the endless black tide.

Evil demons, succubus demons, immortal demons, space demons... one after another, they burst into crazy roars, and the strong impact made the sea of ​​​​consciousness tremble. Everywhere he looked were demonic bodies burning with flames, and Xu Yangyi's soldiers were isolated islands in the sea of ​​hell fire.

All demons gather in the sea.

The demonic shadow covered the clouds and the sun, and the few hundred remaining soldiers instantly collapsed and turned into spiritual energy flying into the air. Three hundred meters...two hundred meters...Kendramo's eyes already revealed the incomparable murderous intent.

As long as I can kill this bastard and completely seize his body... I still have a way to survive!

However, at this moment, the entire sea of ​​consciousness shook!

Something is coming...

Kendramo's whole body trembled, and his spirit body kept rising as if evaporating. Then, with a heartbreaking "Damn!!!", he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

The power of the oven comes.

The ancestors of all demons, gestation and birth, death and destruction, have rushed into Xu Yangyi's sea of ​​consciousness as he was illuminated.

Rumble... rays of golden rays of light are projected from the clouds and mists in the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, as if the Kingdom of God is coming. Whether it is thunder or clouds, at this moment, the clouds are light and the wind is gentle, gathering into a huge cloud cave.

The next second, a huge beam of light suddenly enveloped Xu Yangyi's body. Immediately afterwards, a voice that traveled through the stars, transcended time and space, was long and majestic, angry and desperate, sounded in Kendramo's ears.


Kendramo knelt on the ground, gritting his teeth. He knew that this came from Mammon, coming from mythology, breaking through the void of thousands of years, and hitting the soul directly.

"Why..." it roared into the sky, its voice was sad: "The one outside... must be Yahweh... the devil! How could he... how could he escape from the hands of Yahweh!"

"This is impossible...this is simply impossible!"

"I do not believe!!"

It stared intently at Xu Yangyi in the beam of light. The other person was bathed in the divine light, appearing quiet and peaceful. Countless silver-white brilliance spurts from the center of the eyebrows were sucked into the air by huge light pillars and dissipated into the world.

The brilliance grew stronger and stronger, and the resistance became weaker and weaker. Ten seconds later, with a plaintive "No!!!", the entire mark finally collapsed completely!

Zhila... The waning moon reversed the cross, turned into a black smoke, and suddenly dissipated.

"Ha..." Kendra Mo shook his head with a wry smile, put his hands on the ground, and moaned desperately: "Why... why is this happening..."

It’s not scary that the demon mark disappears, it has nothing to do with it.

What is related to it is... the demon oven can remove anything that does not belong to the original body, and its entropic demon heart... is one of them!

It had already felt that at the moment when the Mammon mark disappeared, a gaze from the void, irresistible and unable to resist, had already looked at it.

"Yi. Ferrus..." Its entire body flew apart and rose under this gaze, and the demon army, like a tide, collapsed like sand. Kendramo opened his red eyes, looked at the spirit body suspended in the light column, and gritted his teeth and said: "I curse you..."

"I curse you forever and ever!! You will not die a good death! You will definitely be reduced to ashes in the flames of hell!! Your soul will be tortured by the devil without regard for reincarnation!!"

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