
Chapter 1319: One-day Prisoner (Part 2)

Swish... invisible eyes swept over, and Kendramo screamed and turned into ashes. Countless vast demonic energy rushed towards the sky.

But at this moment, Xu Yangyi in the thick light column suddenly moved. With a wave of his right hand, a huge vortex appeared above Kendramo's head, and then swallowed it with all his strength!

"No... No!!" Kendramo's remaining consciousness seemed to feel something, and he screamed desperately, but without a body, his consciousness was close to collapse, how could he resist the swallowing of the swallowing talisman.

In the void pyramid, the demon furnace bloomed with supreme majesty, and countless biological phantoms were absorbed from the heavens and the worlds, entering the center of the sun like a food chain, and then transformed into more demonic figures and burst out, endless and continuous.

The broken wolf poison moved, and then a sky-high black light rose, turning into Xu Yangyi's figure.

His condition cannot be said to be good, but only extremely bad.

The demon's body was broken beyond recognition. The entire left half of the body was completely gone, and the right leg was also missing. Only two limbs were left. Blood was gushing under the body, forming a large pool of blood.

The injured part was wriggling desperately, but such a serious injury, even with the demon's regenerative ability, would not be healed in a few years.

However, he was not desperate, but very calm. He was at the center of the moon pattern at this moment, his eyes were like the sea of ​​stars, looking at the void above his head.

"It's over..."

After a long time, he spoke hoarsely: "Everything is over..."

"Tiragangdis... the nest of all demons... I can actually kill my way out of here..." He closed his eyes, and the power of the elixir ran through his body, desperately repairing his body. The severe pain had passed, and now only the severe itching of the new body remained.

After a few seconds, a burst of laughter sounded, and then it turned into a laugh with blood foam and cough: "The last one standing... is me..."

"I stood to the end..."

In the vast void, there was only one human voice left. Mao Baer, ​​Fahai, and Alpha could not be seen at all.

Sad, but proud enough.

As a human, he engraved his name in the Ten Thousand Demons Festival in Tiragangdis.

As a mortal, he escaped from the game between two demon kings and one Yahweh.

In this battle where he could not survive at all, he survived and became the final winner.

"I came to Tiragangdis, starting with the body of wolf poison, and leaving, and ending with the body of wolf poison... Is this the so-called reincarnation..." Endless sleepiness rushed into his heart, and the sequelae of demonization filled his body. He took a deep look at the void of the eternal night and murmured: "Live well..."

"I will come back..."

At this moment, a thousand-foot light suddenly burst out from his head, and the figure of the first pillar of desire appeared in it.

"It's started..." It didn't look at Xu Yangyi, but the voice was to Xu Yangyi: "The endless prison... finally started..."

"Let's take a look... take a look at Yahweh's methods. If you can get to this point in the future, remember this scene today..."

Before the voice fell, the whole sky suddenly flashed, the seven chains suddenly straightened, and the talisman at the end flashed. The next second, the world changed!

This place became a starry sky, with countless broken stars around, and the figure of the First Pillar of Desire stood proudly.

"This is..." Suppressing the shock in his heart, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes hard and stared at everything in front of him.

There are still too many unsolved puzzles here, such as what Su Xingyao did specifically, such as the relationship between the Abyss Arena and the Demonic Furnace, he didn't want to miss a single bit.

From the moment the starry sky changed, he had a kind of enlightenment. This place has changed to another space. Except for him, the seven coffins are in the same space. The First Pillar of Desire is here, but not here.

You can see it, but you can never touch it. The other party... has reached a prison of the gods.

It lowered its hands, and countless purple arms stretched out from the tattered cloak. Xu Yangyi felt that the other party's consciousness was no longer on him, but... as if facing a great enemy.

It had reached its peak state. Although this sky curtain separated the two of them, he could not feel how strong the other party was, but he had this feeling.

This was the real, perfect, and strongest state of the First Pillar God of Desire, the first generation of Yahweh who had lived for who knows how many years.

It stood in the void calmly, and the stars in the sky seemed to tremble. One second... two seconds... three seconds later, a blue hand suddenly pressed down from the top of the head. At the same time, the First Pillar God of Desire seemed to have encountered an unprecedented strong enemy who had traveled through countless time and space, and roared and hit him with a palm.

Boom! !

Even though the space was isolated, Xu Yangyi could feel how powerful this attack was. The planetary belts on all sides shattered and turned into dust in the universe.

However, before he could sigh, the blue hand suddenly grabbed the First Pillar of Desire, holding the opponent tightly in his hand with irresistible force, and suddenly squeezed!

With a heart-wrenching scream, countless purple lights collapsed from the giant hand, countless cracks appeared in the universe, and the starry sky was trembling.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly widened, and he almost sat up.

Killed with one blow...

The First Pillar of Desire was actually killed with one blow!

Without any hesitation, without any resistance, as strong as the opponent, it was like a mosquito encountering a slap, without any resistance!

"Is this... the God King?" He took a deep breath and murmured.

He didn't know how to describe this palm. It was very simple and ordinary, but it was very simple. Just looking at the appearance, he imagined it himself, but he didn't know how to dodge it.

Under one palm, the sky was controlled by it. No matter where he fled, it was the Buddha's kingdom in the other party's palm.

All under heaven is the king's land.

This is not a palm.

This is the way, a way of the God King. Except for the God King, no living being can master it.

"Is this... the scene when the God King defeated the First Pillar God of Desire that day?" He looked at the sky above his head in astonishment, with great emotion. That palm was churning in his mind, almost dispelling the sequelae of the wolf poison outbreak.

It was getting darker and darker in front of his eyes, but at this moment, the sky was bright again.

The First Pillar God of Desire was still standing there, still in the same posture, and his momentum was still magnificent. Even the planetary belt that had just been broken in the galaxy was completely restored.

"What's going on?" Xu Yangyi bit his tongue fiercely and looked at the sky in surprise. However, the next second, another majestic giant hand came from the sky, and the opponent was defeated with one blow again!

The violent shock wave seemed to burst through the isolated space. Before he could be surprised, the sky changed again, and the First Pillar of Desire appeared for the third time! And in less than ten seconds, it was the third attack of the God King, and the opponent was annihilated for the third time!

He forced himself to hold on to his drowsy spirit. In just one minute, the opponent perished several times. However, this infinite reincarnation had no end in sight!

One-day prisoner!

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air. He understood that this restriction was fully activated to imprison the famous Yahweh forever at the moment of failure.

There is no end, no time. It will make endless repentance in these ten seconds, and it will never escape the infinite hell of death!

"No... this... is not a day..." After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and retracted his gaze: "This is... a moment of prison..."

"Ten seconds of eternal life, ten seconds of death... infinite cycle..."

"Too terrible... Is this Yahweh's method? It has completely surpassed the understanding of time and space..."

From then on, he became more determined to be cautious.

He has not received such supreme treatment yet, because he is not strong enough. Yahweh doesn't mind at all. The other party is high above and covers up the truth of history. But once he reaches Taixu, or walks alone, he will inevitably attract terrible eyes.

Mammon is just the beginning.

It is far from the end.

And Mammon's true body is watching him somewhere in the Seven Realms. Looking down on the Seven Realms in the infinite darkness, he is extremely powerful.

The darkness follows him like a shadow, and his eyes are getting heavier and heavier. Just as he is about to close them completely, suddenly, a golden light flows from the corner of his eyes.

"Su Xingyao's coffin?" With only a crack left in his eyelids, he used up his last bit of strength, hooked his fingers, and shot out like a soul-hunting dragon, gently rolling in the coffin, as if he had rolled up something, but he could no longer look carefully, and finally fell asleep completely.

A vortex fell into his body with his last bit of strength. If he was awake, he would find that this vortex was exactly the same as the Desire Talisman! No... It was as if the Desire Talisman was incomplete, and here, it made up for its last shortcoming!

Kakaka... The void collapsed, the demon furnace hung high on the top, and below was the First Pillar of Desire who was imprisoned here forever. The furnace was like a king who reigned over everything, swallowing and spitting, gushing, becoming the most brilliant light in the universe, creating and destroying.

Countless cracks appeared in the space, like a collapsed house, and fragments of the void kept falling. He didn't see that not long after he fainted, endless light flashed in all directions, forming eighteen tree-shaped diagrams, and flowed into the demon furnace like rivers into the sea.

The overwhelming golden light rushed from the tree-shaped diagram, becoming more and more intense and majestic. With the last bang, the demon furnace shrank and burst into the most brilliant flash in history. Not only here, but also the entire Tiragangdis can be seen.

And in this flash, he has quietly restored his human form.

The human form is still a body covered with the silver-white scar of the Heart of Entropy Demon. At this moment, under the light of the torch that illuminates the universe, the scar faded like a tide. After a few seconds, all his flesh and blood turned into ashes, leaving only a skeleton and a beating heart. Finally, with an extremely unwilling whine, thousands of black lights bloomed on the heart, and a twisted talisman turned into black smoke and rose to the sky.

Like spring sun melting snow.

Under the furnace, return to the original state. Even the mark of Mammon cannot escape, let alone Kendramo.

As long as it exists, it will recover. At this point, Kendramo, the deputy speaker of the Ferrers family, has completely turned into cosmic dust.

At the same time, two vicissitudes of life talismans appeared on the throbbing heart, Desire and Devouring, one black and one purple, quietly emerged, and then... a crazy fight began around Xu Yangyi!

No one saw this scene. Tiragangdis and the demons in "Beijing" were looking at the splendor of the sky, watching the magnificent shock waves gushing out in the universe. All the heavens and the worlds bowed their heads and worshiped this once-in-a-millennium cosmic grandeur.

Boom! ! Seizing the creation of heaven and earth, competing for the essence of the sun and the moon, the brilliance of the furnace illuminated the lonely universe. This was an unprecedented explosion, a condensation of ten thousand years, an unprecedented brilliance, accompanied by a light that made all the demons close their eyes, and the eighteen hells shook together.

At the same time, the space where Xu Yangyi was located also shook violently. He was like a leaf in the wind, and was completely rushed towards an unknown direction by this extremely violent explosion.

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