
Chapter 1320: Taixu? Fake Taixu?

Thanks to the leader of Xingchen... old readers... Thank you!


Xu Yangyi didn't know anything.

The sequelae of complete demonization is sleeping for several years. The final eruption of the demon furnace ejected him like a planet, and he was "spit out" directly from the demon plane without passing through the portal.

"Wave..." The space twisted for a while, and a vortex of more than ten meters in size bloomed. Then his body was wrapped in the stream of light, and he instantly rushed out of the atmosphere of Tiragangdis and rushed straight into the crystal wall system.

"Hmm?" The festering Lelajin, the famous demon king worshiped by all demons, flashed his eyes slightly. In fact, not only it, but everyone saw the sudden appearance of brilliance.

"This is..." It stretched out a giant hand like a continent, driving the whistling of the planet, and gently grasped the stream of light. However, at the moment it touched, the light was like a hot knife cutting tofu, and it passed through its palm with a puff, breaking through the crystal wall system in the blink of an eye and disappearing into the depths of the universe.

All the demon kings looked over, like eighteen stars. Lelajin looked at his hand, and a hole appeared in his palm that was only the size of a pinhole. However, the hole was surrounded by countless golden talismans, which actually blocked the self-healing of a demon king.

"It's Yi.Felus." After a few seconds, it raised its head and said, its voice like thunder: "How could he... leave Tiragondes at this time? Do you want to stop him?"

"No need." Mephistopheles said slowly: "He... does not belong to Tiragondes. It's useless to keep him. We are just caretakers, maintaining the operation of Tiragondes for the seven adults, and there is no need to forcibly intervene in these matters."

"Moreover, he has more than one breath of Yahweh. It is not appropriate for us to intervene."

"Yes..." Shab-Niggurath of Slaanesh looked at the stars in the sky and said lightly: "He... is very strong. If he is willing to change his race, I will teach him personally. . This human... has a promising future. "

"Of course, those who can win the top 100 of the Ten Thousand Demons Festival in Tiragangdis will be the first to bear the brunt of the absolute strong in the same realm in any plane!" "Invincible in the same realm, this is not a joke. There are no gods in other planes, and the fallen angels gave him a try. It can be seen that before meeting the gods, he had been suppressing his strength. Because there is no creature that can be called an opponent. "

"Hehe... Such a small monster, if placed in other planes, it would be a disaster..."

At this moment, a golden light flew from the horizon, and the speed was so fast that even the demon king did not react, and rushed into the deception like a nail.

Swish... There was a muffled sound in the void. It was a chain, a dark purple chain, covered with talismans of desire, coming from the sky, and flew out of Xu Yangyi's streamer. It was like building a bridge.

"Boundary anchor?" Mephistopheles looked at the chain in confusion and frowned, saying, "This is Yi... How can he get through Tiragangdis? Doesn't this mean that he can travel freely between Tiragangdis in the future?"

Xu Yangyi couldn't see these. As he was sprayed into the void by the demon furnace, countless plant roots grew on his bones, wrapping his whole body into a tree cocoon again to protect him.

Time passed day by day. A week, a month, a year...

The least precious thing in the universe is time, and the most precious thing is also time.

I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how far it has been sprayed. Occasionally, I will see a huge plane flying boat sailing by, but I won't see this tree cocoon sleeping in the universe - it's nothing, after a long journey of countless years, the tree cocoon is already covered with stones, just like a small meteorite.

However, his flying speed is getting faster and faster without knowing it. When it is close to an extreme, it has been years, and the tree cocoon suddenly shakes and disappears into the void.

Space folding.

The Demonic Oven is a cosmic treasure created by countless Yawehs and countless races. Its eruption power is so great that it far exceeds the traction of the Flame Demon Lord when Xu Yangyi came, and entered the space folding channel several times in advance.

Black, extreme black.

Even the stars are invisible, and of course he can't see them. In this way, after many years, his eyes finally opened in the tree cocoon.

"Heh..." He stood up with sweat dripping, his chest rising and falling sharply, and the first thing he did was to look at his body.

However, at first glance, he was surprised.

This is the body of the demon...

However, this body is quite huge, at least three or four meters high! It is taller than the pale demon body before! Moreover, the red magic patterns are like complicated carvings, extending all the way to the chest.

The color has completely changed. Now he is no longer pale, but a noble obsidian. The red magic patterns on his body are burning with the blazing flames of Tiragangdis, and even the teeth can be seen under his eyelids.

"Is this... the demonic body has evolved?" He was a little stunned. He waved his hand and a light screen flashed. He shone it and felt even more incredible.

The huge demon horns were majestic and sacred. The demon wings behind him were bigger than his body. What was even more bizarre was that he had grown a demonic tail.

His whole body was pitch black and shone like armor. Every muscle could feel the powerful force bursting out. He felt that he really had a perfect body now, the most perfect he had ever been.

"What's going on?" He was completely confused. The pale demonic body would only evolve when it was advanced... Wait.

The scene before he fainted suddenly appeared in his mind.

That was Kendramo, it swallowed its human body, but the human form was completely annihilated and completely reborn by the demon oven in order to eradicate the demonic heart of entropy. But the opponent's last power was absorbed by him through the Devouring Talisman, which means...

His heart beat violently, and his consciousness suddenly spread out!

Three and a half million meters away, there was a broken planet full of holes, on which an astral beast about several kilometers in size was stepping on a plane spaceship and gnawing at it crazily. Suddenly, it suddenly raised its head, The scales all over his body rustled, and then he let out a frightening scream and rushed into a hole like flying, trembling like a rabbit, not daring to show his head at all.

In the tree cocoon, Xu Yangyi looked solemnly at the black palm, and after a long time he murmured in disbelief: "Taixu?"

" the power of Taixu?"

It's hard to describe, but the dark body contains a terrifying power like the sea, as if it can shatter a small world with just one hand.

Closing his eyes, everything within millions of meters appears in his mind, extremely clear, as if he is the center of the universe and everything in the universe moves with his thoughts.

He savored this feeling carefully. It was definitely not about respecting the saints, respecting the saints... it was as if he had become a plane. When he reached the strongest point in the plane, he would reach the top and see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance.

But now, I have jumped out of this "top" and watched the movement of the planes, the growth of living beings, and the passing of spring and autumn with a pair of vast eyes.

The mood is different.

The view is different.

If I have to explain it in one sentence, it is that the ancients will never be seen before, and the newcomers will never be seen in the future.

Thinking about the long journey of heaven and earth, I shed tears with sadness.

Leaving the world and being independent, becoming immortal and ascending to immortality, jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, just watching the movement of the planes with a silent gaze, not obstructing or destroying.

"This... should be the prototype of Yahweh..." He murmured with enlightenment: "The strength of the individual is too strong, and it has threatened the existence of the plane... Even... I doubt that I can destroy the small one now. Plane, at this time, it’s best to jump out.”

"The stars and the sea can accommodate such a powerful existence. Taixu... should be the first step on the road to Yahweh..."

"From transcendence, to detachment, to finally overlooking all living beings... my road is still long..."

Opening his eyes, suppressing the ups and downs in his heart, he glanced casually and saw the trembling astral beast millions of meters away.

"Ha..." He flexed his fingers, and the astral beast seemed to feel something. Its centipede-like body curled up, all its claws were connected together, and it kowtowed desperately in the cave.

It couldn't feel Xu Yangyi, but it could feel a boundless terror enveloped itself.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, flicked his finger, and a ripple appeared in the void. A few seconds later, the broken planet exploded!

Planet explosions are like fireworks, inconspicuous in the vast universe. His breathing suddenly became heavier, and he pursed his lips without saying a word.

Too weak...

Absolute Taixu power!

If it was speculation just now, it is confirmed now. This kind of greatness at the fingertips will never appear in the saint! This is qualitatively different and cannot be accumulated by quantity!

At this moment, dizziness suddenly came to his mind. Without any warning, his demon form faded away and was replaced by a human form. The demonic energy was suddenly recovered, and in an instant he was only in the middle stage of the Saint.

His eyes flashed, and then he fell silent. He frowned and closed his eyes, recalling the feeling of being too weak just now. He calculated every minute in his mind. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, and the demonic energy flowed through his body again. However, he only felt that all his limbs and bones were being engulfed. Imprisoned and can no longer transform into a demonic form.

"Twenty minutes in total..." He felt the powerful power in his body and said solemnly: "But only in the demon form."

Mastering the power of Taixu in advance has many benefits.

First, you can feel the change of Zunsheng to Taixu. This feeling is impossible even with Duopo's guidance, because no Duppo can make Zunsheng experience the power of Taixu.

Only his special state of having twin souls and extremely inconsistent demon body and human body could get this one-in-a-million opportunity.

The second is the stage of perfection, over-reverence, and emptiness.

Why do we need to retreat after advancing to a greater realm?

It is precisely because the new power system is too huge that oneself cannot accommodate it. It must take a long time to get familiar with the more powerful power system through hard work and perseverance.

But he doesn't need it anymore.

Third...the most important thing is that now, he can say that he is not afraid of Taixu!

It's certain that you won't be able to defeat him, but you definitely won't be able to escape! If you encounter a weaker Taixu, maybe... you may even injure the opponent severely!

"Is it because of the explosion of the Demon Oven? Or is it because I devoured Kendramo?" He frowned slightly, and the spiritual energy in his body surged, and he immediately activated the devouring talisman. No matter what, there would be traces in the devouring talisman. However……

no response!

His eyes suddenly flashed, this was not just a talisman, this... was a godhead!

The Godhead of the first Yahweh!

It can be said that this is the most precious thing in him! How could it suddenly disappear?

Holding his breath, his consciousness searched the body inch by inch. However, he searched through the meridians and Dantian, but could not find any trace of the swallowing talisman!

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