
Chapter 1321: Advent and Summoning (I)

"How could this happen?" His eyes became serious and he thought deeply for a moment before his consciousness activated again, mobilizing the desire talisman.

Swipe... A bright purple light burst out from his chest. The next second, infinite void suddenly appeared behind him. However, what appeared was not the Desire Talisman, but the Devouring Talisman!

No, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it Devouring Godhead now.

"This is..." He stared in astonishment at the huge vortex unfolding behind him, which was more than ten meters in size. The black hole symbolizing devouring was desperately absorbing energy from all directions. Mysterious talismans were sinking and floating in the void, forming ribbon-like ribbons. Tentacles of elegant demonic energy. It was obviously swallowing the talisman, but he always felt something was different.

After looking deeply for a few seconds, his eyes moved and he lost his voice: "Color!"

The swallowing talisman is pure black, deeper than the universe and purer than the void. However, the swallowing talisman at this moment took on a noble deep purple color, as if... stained with the color of desire.

In the dark, he could even feel a grand calling. Closing his eyes, a strange picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

That is the whole picture of the universe, like a spiral whirlpool of stars.

He was just one of the tiny bits of gravel, not even a point of light, but it exuded a dark energy that spread rapidly in all directions like a spider web. Countless planes have been connected.

He looked along and saw Tiragandis, who looked like a throne in the starry sky, and saw the planes of many other creatures, and every plane was filled with strong desires. When he was watching, he seemed to feel something on those planes. Countless complex desires were reflected back along with the strange black cobweb filaments, but they were extremely tiny.

This visual feeling is so clear that if you have to use metaphor, it means that a person's mind is connected to the world and has the right to spy on the desires of any living creature.

"But...this is the Devouring Talisman." He rubbed his eyebrows and opened his eyes: "Unless...for some other reason that I don't know, the Desire Talisman and the Devouring Talisman merged into one."

"But how is this possible? This is a fragment of the godhead. To fuse the godhead, according to the Hongmeng Contract Book, it can only be achieved with eternal fine gold. Not to mention whether I have it or not, I don't know the method of fusion... In my coma, What happened in more than ten years or even decades?”

Puzzled, he decided to put the problem aside for the time being. His consciousness spread along the black thread, and he discovered that Tiragandes' desire was particularly strong. If other places were streams, this place was simply a vast ocean! And the response to his unconscious gaze was especially eager.

It's like...the two are calling each other. It seemed like as soon as he opened his mouth, something would happen.

Try it?

There was always a temptation in his heart. After pondering for a long time, he finally selected one of the strongest desires and tried to touch the other party with his spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, the swallowing talisman behind him suddenly buzzed, and then... a door exuding a strong demonic aura suddenly opened.

In a typical devilish painting style, the door is carved with seventy-two wings of fallen angels, and on the right is a god, with billowing demonic energy surrounding it like a black cloud. Before he could do anything, the door was suddenly pushed open by a big hand with a heart-breaking clicking sound.

"Who is summoning the powerful Firestone Clan?" Following a loud voice, a tall demon walked out proudly with its head held high and a haze-like devilish aura.

"Life in the lower world, have you prepared enough offerings to welcome the great master of Tiragandes... uh... you... you... have met the powerful Great Demon!!"

Before it could finish its sentence, it immediately saw Xu Yangyi, and immediately trembled all over and fell to the ground.

Black, the noblest color of the devil, as well as the powerful devil horns, pure hell flames... Oh my God... How could a great demon summon me! Did you go wrong somewhere? Someone in the Firestone clan has messed with this powerful demon! Just looking at the terrifying demonic energy on the other side is enough to make people tremble with fear... Wait...

It touched its forehead to the ground, wrapped its demon wings around itself like a quail, and sniffed deeply with its ugly, black hole-like nostrils. Then, a trace of doubt appeared on its face. Then he took a deep breath, and the next second... it turned into a kind of pious fanaticism!

"You! You... you are the incomparably powerful Mr. Yi Ferrers!?" Its voice became hoarse due to excessive excitement: "It's such an honor... it's such a surprise! I, I, I’m so excited! I didn’t expect to see you in such a strange place! See the legendary ‘Mythic Transcendent’!”

Brainless fan?

Xu Yangyi looked at the demon in astonishment. The other person's excitement and enthusiasm could not be faked, and it was even a fanaticism erupting from his heart.

"Get up." He waved his hand. The demon, which was five to six meters tall, was as obedient as a rabbit. It secretly looked at him and rubbed its hands nervously, its green body turning red with flames due to excessive excitement.

"Do you know me?" Xu Yangyi said slowly: "What kind of mythical transcendent?"

"Of course, of course I know you!" After hearing these words and confirming his suspicion, the tall demon knelt down again with a plop, his voice hoarse with excitement: "Yi Ferrers, the 18th Abyss The recognized strongest man! In the semi-finals of the Hundred Arena of Deception seventeen years ago, he slayed the mythical creature with his half-human, half-demon body and became the idol of countless demons!"

Has it been seventeen years... Xu Yangyi looked around at the void with a wry smile. In the universe, time is indeed the most inconspicuous thing.

"What happens next?" He raised his head and asked, his voice neither sad nor happy.

"Huh?" The stupid demon blinked his cute eyes, although he was not cute.

"I mean, what about after I leave?"

"Your Excellency!" The devil's seven orifices were breathing fire - this was an expression of extreme excitement: "The whole deception is looking for you! The great and supreme Lord Mephistopheles personally named you and will The magic crystal of your battle is preserved forever, and the original family, the Speaker of the House of Lords of the Ferrers family, the sad Lord Kurt stated in a meeting that once you come back, you will be admitted to the House of Lords immediately! "

"Because you killed the mythical creature and did something that no demon can do, therefore, the Primordial Order issued an order to give you the title of 'Mythic Transcendent.'"

"What about the others?" Xu Yangyi didn't care and continued to ask.

The demon seemed to have remembered something, and the flames on his body extinguished a little, and he coughed lightly: "Ahem... Prince Grizzly Bear, Prince Arcane, the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame, the King of Thousand Maws, the King of Evil Eyes and other dozens of demon kings expressed their opinions. Strong anger, they said... You, you... still owe them hundreds of millions in debt... People have been sent to monitor the invasion point at any time. As long as you show up, you will be ready to come to collect debts... It is said that you will come in person..."


Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched and he almost forgot about this.

He didn't refine many of the promised elixirs, so he ran away decisively. Why do these demons have such good memories?

"Then..." He took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Did you see a dog, a monk, a weapon spirit..."

Before he finished speaking, the demon immediately said: "Of course, as your partners, they have been welcomed by all the demon kings, and now they are all added with the suffix of Fellers. I heard that they are now following the remnants of the Holy Flame. Plane trade business, it is said..."

It glanced at Xu Yangyi carefully and whispered: "The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame is the most angry... I told you that you owe it more than one billion... and threatened that if you don't go back, it will not give even a single shot to those friends of yours. Half of the magic crystal..."

Picking you!

Xu Yangyi smiled very happily. He had already guessed that nothing would happen to his partner. The identity of the holy alchemist is here. As long as they still look forward to their return, those few people will never suffer.

Now that I heard it with my own ears, I finally felt relieved.

In order to get him back, they spent everything they had in the final battle at the Void Pyramid. He would never leave the other party to fend for themselves.

He took a deep look at the huge star map in the sea of ​​consciousness, and paused for a few seconds at the position of Tiragandes. Then he stopped smiling and said solemnly: "I ask, you answer, do you understand?"

"Of course!" the demon almost screamed: "Being able to serve you is the greatest blessing for humble Malygos!"

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi pointed to the door behind him: "Why did you come over when I touched it with my spiritual consciousness?"

"You don't know?" Malygos glanced at Xu Yangyi in astonishment and replied respectfully: "This... is one of the three laws of the devil's arrival."

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, as if he had heard this sentence somewhere before.

Photographic memory started working immediately, and soon I found it from the corner of my memory.

When I was quelling the riot of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame below Anlin City, I heard that there are three ways for the devil to come. One is to whisper, to travel through time and space with a strong will, to capture the strong desire, to trace the source, and to find it on the other side. Whispering in the ears, the person controlling it becomes a puppet, and finally the true form descends.

The second is descent. Through means such as teleportation arrays, the body descends to a plane.

The third is summoning, which comes through the summoning of a certain party and through the summoning circle of the other party.

"This is a reverse summoning." Malygos said respectfully: "The summoning is two-way. You are half human and half demon. Generally, only pure demons can do this. I don't know how you can do it?"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. The truth of Infinity is not that simple. His demon form is a pure demon, but he has no obligation to explain.

He thought of more.

"So...that means I can perform reverse summoning at any time and anywhere? Even...I can now act like a demon? Being summoned by others?"

"Of course! Your fame has spread throughout the world with the eighteen abyss battles. Wherever there are demons, your name will be known! Any plane that knows your location may summon you! After all, we demons are that The most powerful plane in Fang Tianyu! Countless nobles from other planes and reactionaries with evil intentions will try their best to summon demons to achieve some wonderful purposes!"

very good……

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shined. This is the biggest gain from the trip to hell!

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