
Chapter 1326: Domination

"This junior is lucky enough to have met you!" The middle-aged man kowtowed desperately and said hoarsely: "On the day you ascended, this junior accompanied Master and glanced at you from a distance. This junior will keep your grace and grace in mind and aim at you. , Don’t dare to forget!”

"Interesting." The man smiled slightly: "Tell me my name. Don't act like a fool in front of me, otherwise you will know the consequences."

The middle-aged man's heart was beating wildly, he closed his eyes and desperately searched for the other party's name.

He couldn't believe that in a short period of time, the other party had ascended from Nascent Soul, and now... actually stepped into Yin Zun!

The Young Master's talent is terrifying enough, but when faced with this man, he still can't compare! He didn't know which realm of Yin Zun the other party was, but that kind of thick feeling was definitely not the initial stage!

No wonder...

No wonder the people who robbed him were so fierce, even the Holy Land took action. With this kind of talent... the glory of Tianjian Villa is just around the corner.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and after a few seconds, he prostrated respectfully on the ground and said loudly: "Your name is Xu Yangyi, and your nickname is Ben Lei Zhenjun! He cultivated in Tianjian Villa, and stepped into... stepped into... one hundred and seventy-eight years ago. "

He suddenly paused.

His face was dull, and he raised his head suddenly, forgetting that he was facing a venerable saint. His teeth were chattering as he trembled, and he opened his mouth wide. After a few seconds, he said hoarsely: "Step in... step in... step in... ...Yang Sheng?”

"Yang Sheng!?" Before he finished speaking, the steel-bearded man raised his head as if he was pricked by needles, his mouth wide open and his eyes widened. The people behind him reacted a little slower, and now they all raised their heads and gasped. The excessive shock actually made them forget the pressure of the saint at this moment, and stared at the figure in the sky with dumbfounded eyes.

"Yang Sheng... this... this senior, is he Yang Sheng? Is he actually Yang Sheng?"

Fear and awe, these two feelings are still accompanying each other, but more importantly, it is a kind of blazing longing that rushes over instantly!

Yang Sheng!

Yang Sheng with only thirty people?


How many monks have never seen the saint until their death? They actually saw the ultimate goal of all physical training without even expecting it!

What a blessing!

The Nascent Soul cultivator also suddenly raised his head, looking at the figure in the sky with great shock, and his body shook involuntarily.

"This senior...isn't Yin Zun?"

"Yes, yes, is it Yang Sheng?"

"One of the Thirty Saint Kings...?"

Yang Sheng... How could he not know what Yang Sheng's status was in the Seven Realms! When he heard the words "Zhenjun Benlei" again, he finally remembered.

One hundred and seventy-eight years ago, Lord Benlei of Tianjian Villa became a saint in Anlin City. To this day, there are countless Nascent Soul monks there seeking opportunities. Don't think this is funny, the status of the Seven Realms Yang Saint is a strategic resource and cannot be compared. It is usually difficult to see the saint, but a detailed place of sanctification is a small holy place in the hearts of all monks!

What’s even more frightening is that... the Five Kings and Two Queens, the King of Jiehai, this calm king who has never commented on other monks, actually sent a congratulatory gift for the first time, and... this congratulatory gift has not been delivered yet!

Because Ben Lei disappeared!

Tianjian Villa has been searching for traces of this senior disciple for one hundred and fifty years. It is said that Tianjian Villa still does not have a senior disciple. This matter was not settled until twenty years ago. Even the two holy places dispatched too many disciples. After all, it is not a trivial matter for a Yang Saint's level of strategic resources to disappear out of thin air. is said that this Yang Sheng was only over 400 years old at that time.

"I have seen the Holy Lord!!" His mind went blank, but his body involuntarily touched the ground with his forehead, shouting at the top of his lungs: "It is a blessing to see the Holy Lord!! It is really a blessing in this junior's life!! "

"Greetings to Holy Lord Ben Lei!!"

If what was just now was a river of awe, now it is a sea of ​​enthusiasm. The four words "Thirty Yang Saint" were implanted in their minds like a root, making them almost scream!

Congratulations were like clouds and cheers were like thunder. Xu Yangyi took it calmly, looked at the middle-aged man and smiled slightly: "You know better. It seems that you have really met this holy king."

"This junior would never dare to deceive a holy king!" The middle-aged man's face turned red, completely forgetting that he was still being hunted, he suddenly paused and hissed: "Yang Sheng, that is the pinnacle of physical cultivation! The most powerful existence! Even Master will never disrespect a Yang Sage!"

"How dare I hide my ant body from the sky? I am extremely lucky to be able to see the holy face!"

"You can talk." Xu Yangyi stopped smiling, looked at the others, and his voice became colder: "Get out."

This word was like thunder. In an instant, the whole sky trembled slightly. A strong wind suddenly rose and clouds filled the sky. The seven pursuers and Yuanying monks all froze. They were awakened by the thunder and crawled in the air like rabbits. Dare not say a word.

So strong...

very scary!

With just one word, the celestial phenomena changed, thunder and lightning rectified the law, and even their spiritual consciousness was wailing for mercy.

This is the chill that spreads from the top of my heart.

No one dared to move.

No one dares to leave.

"If you don't go away, just stay here." Xu Yangyi waved his hand indifferently. He wanted to kill these people easily, but he had just returned to the Seventh Realm and was not in a hurry. He was not afraid, but there was no need to make enemies for Zhao Ziqi. .

But if the other party doesn't know what's good and what's good, don't blame him for being ruthless.

This sentence finally made the seven people wake up from the shock of cold sweat. The steel-bearded man kowtowed violently, sweating profusely, shivering and hissing: "Thank you, Holy Lord, for not killing!"

"Thank you, Holy Lord, for not killing me!" Even if it was a matter of life and death, none of the seven monks dared to mess up even a little bit. They shouted this sentence in unison, and then turned around quietly without making any sound. However, When they were about to leave, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded again: "Stop."

The seven people trembled all over, their hearts beating so fast that their voices were hoarse. The steel-bearded man turned around and said with a trembling voice: "Sir, do you have any other orders..."

"Go tell everyone here. Don't cause trouble with the Withered Bone Temple." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Also tell your sect that when you want to cause trouble in the future, think carefully."

"Weigh it...see if you can withstand the anger of this Holy Lord."

When Fairy Lenghun and the middle-aged man heard this, they suddenly raised their heads, their lips trembled as if they were having a stroke, and there was only a look of ecstasy in their eyes.

A person of temperament.

This holy king is definitely a man of temperament, and this sentence... means that the other party is willing to take action for the Withered Bone Temple! There is no need for Master to support you alone! And with this kind of strong support, the Young Temple Master is directly linked to the Yishang Sect Tianjian Villa, and he can definitely reach the top safely!

They are both respected saints, but the words of the Yang Saint and the words of the Yin Lord have completely different weights.

"Junior... thank you for your kindness, senior..." The middle-aged man choked and kowtowed. Fairy Lenghun's eyes were also red, and she paused and said: "Junior... report back to the master immediately after you return. I believe the master will come to congratulate you in person. Congratulations to the senior, who has achieved great magical powers and returned to his hometown."

The seven pursuers didn't dare to ask any more questions and left quietly. Xu Yangyi raised his hand to Fairy Lenghun and the middle-aged man: "Get up."

Then, he slowly said: "What happened here? Why are you chasing them? What happened to the young master of the Withered Bone Temple?"

He asked the Nascent Soul cultivator, and asked the seven people to leave, but did not let the Nascent Soul cultivator get up. The other party was kneeling on the ground in cold sweat, and even his breathing was held to the minimum.

The reason why Yuanying is left behind is because the other party has a higher status and knows more.

The plain words made the Yuanying monk tremble all over, and his heart beat so loudly that it almost jumped out of his chest. He spoke subconsciously, but it was: "I...junior...young..."

It took him three seconds to calm down a little, and he said with great respect: "Go back to the Holy Lord. This is the Blood Temple. Today... it is the time when the Origin Blood Realm is opening. All those who have passed the application of the Origin Blood Realm will... Gathered here. A total of 472 sects, 173,500 people. Each sect is led by a Golden Core cultivator, and the one who sits in the Blood Temple is Xiao Leiyin’s Nascent Soul cultivator.”

Origin Blood Realm?

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and his heart beat suddenly.

His consciousness turned slightly in the storage ring. The Origin Blood Token obtained underground in Anlin City was lying there quietly. Next to it, there was the skeleton of a seventh-generation blood ancestor of the Origin Blood Realm. With these two things, he believed that it would not be difficult to get the solution to the curse!

This skeleton is best used as an external incarnation. This is the real Taixu skeleton, which is better than raising two corpses naturally. However, he has not moved, just waiting to stay in the Origin Blood Realm for use.

"Angel..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. My chest felt a little tight, but also a little pleasant. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and glanced at the other person as a sign to continue.

"Yes..." Monk Yuanying wiped his cold sweat, became more respectful, and knelt on the ground with his white hair: "Junior... Junior, like the seven, belongs to the Heavenly Fire Dao, a C-level sect, and will never dare to rob the Heavenly Sword. The Yishang Sect like Villa... This, these are just two private grudges... We, we really don't know you are here. If we knew, lend us a hundred courages, and we wouldn't dare to attack the Withered Bones Temple... …”

"So, do you still have any resentment now?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

In an instant, the Nascent Soul cultivator felt an icy coldness outside his body, and the ubiquitous killing intent was aimed at him like thousands of swords flying into the air. Cold sweat flowed out from his whole body in an instant, and he immediately bowed to Chen Chen and hissed. : "No, no more! Forgive me, senior! I will go back immediately and inform the sect that I am willing to rebuild the old relationship with the Withered Bone Temple!"

"We don't need a traitorous C-level sect!" Fairy Lenghun finally couldn't help but speak, and said bitterly: "After all, Dry Bones Temple is also a subordinate force! Without Tianluo Sect behind you, we will take care of this debt ourselves. discuss!"

"Let's go." After understanding clearly, Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the Nascent Soul cultivator immediately got up, not daring to stay for even half a second, and disappeared into the sky into light.

He took a deep breath and said passionately: "Where is the Blood Temple?"

"I'll take you there." The middle-aged man said immediately. At the same time, he said to Fairy Lenghun: "Go find the Young Master immediately and tell him that Xu Shengjun has returned. Please come here immediately!"

"Yes!" Fairy Lenghun's face turned red with excitement. Just as she was about to leave, a stream of light flew into her body, and Xu Yangyi's voice sounded: "This is the power of this holy king's punch. When encountering an invincible opponent, he will use it. I’ll keep you safe.”

"Thank you, Holy Lord!" Fairy Lenghun trembled all over. She suddenly remembered something and said respectfully: "Thank you, Holy Lord... Young Master Chu of the Vajra Path... is also with the Young Master. Do you want to ask him to come with you?"

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