
Chapter 1327: From hope to disappointment

Vajra Dao?

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and after half a second, a sincere smile finally appeared on his face.

It's Chu Zhaonan...

Has he become a young master?

As expected, any cultivator from Earth is not a vegetarian.

"His realm?" He said happily.

"In the early stage of the Venerable Saint, but ten years earlier than the Young Master, his realm is almost stable now."

"Please ask him to come." Xu Yangyi couldn't help rubbing his chin. He was really entangled. Now he wanted to step into the Source Blood Realm, but Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi also wanted to see him.

After hundreds of years of not seeing each other, as the only Earthling who hid his identity in the Seven Realms, as a companion who shared hardships with Earth, he really couldn't wait.

"Forget it." He waved his hand: "Ku Gu Guan, leave me a place to go to the Source Blood Realm, the Source Blood makes me have it. Let them wait, this Saint Lord will be back soon."

Before he finished speaking, he had turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky.

It was not until his figure disappeared that the two cultivators looked at each other as if awakened from a dream. Blinking their eyes, after a few seconds, the middle-aged man laughed first. The laughter was hearty, without a trace of gloom.

"Hahahaha...hahahaha!" He laughed up to the sky, venting the frustration in his heart: "A Yang Saint! This is a Yang Saint! The young master is so lucky, so lucky!"

Fairy Lenghun also blushed with excitement: "Tianjian Villa is going to be prosperous... One Yang Saint is listed among the upper B sects, and two Yang Saints... The Seven Realms Chain is about to start! This time... I'm afraid Tianjian Villa has the hope of impacting the A-level forces!"

"Not only that!" The middle-aged man shook Fairy Lenghun's hand with great excitement: "Our Kugu Temple has been suppressed by the Tianluo Sect in Tianniuzhou, because the master was seriously injured before, and any villain dared to reach out! Now... once there is a strong reinforcement, our life will be much better! Especially when the master is healed, the general situation can be expected!"

"The inheritance of a Yang Saint What can Nuo bring... not only here, the selection of the Seven Realms Chain has begun, at least our people have one more guarantee! I never expected... the Thunder Saint who disappeared for nearly two hundred years actually returned to the Seven Realms! "

Fairy Lenghun breathed rapidly, and after a few seconds, she took a deep breath and said with a fiery look: "Quick! Let's inform Tianjian Villa immediately! Use the Instantaneous Talisman! Make sure to make friends with each other! We have had this intention in the past, but Master has too many things to do, and now we must convey this news to Tianjian Villa first! "

Calm down... Calm down... In the face of this great opportunity, the middle-aged man took several deep breaths, gritted his teeth and took out a black talisman, bit his index finger and wrote it with blood, and with a move of the wind, the talisman rushed into the sky at an incredible speed and sank into the void.


Tianjian Villa.

The atmosphere here is not good, and all the disciples have a little sadness on their faces.

More than 170 years ago, the eldest brother was enshrined in Anlin City, and the King of the Sea of ​​the World personally sent gifts to congratulate him. This was a statement, which meant that in the other party's heart, the eldest brother would sooner or later reach his level.

How excited was Tianjian Villa at that time? The head of the sect, Wanzhong Shengjun, personally appointed several elders to go to Anlin City, and Dan Lao Jiang Shengping came out. The whole sect was set up as Yangsheng, and invitations were sent out, waiting for the eldest brother to come back and invite fellow disciples to prove the name of Tianjian.

However... the difference between imagination and reality is too big. After a month, the head of the sect and Jiang Lao returned, but they did not bring the eldest brother back. At that time, all Tianjian disciples knew that the eldest brother was missing!

From hope to disappointment, Tianjian Villa has been trying to become a Class A force for a hundred years, and each time it was just a hair's breadth away. This time, seeing that the Seven Realms Chain was about to be held, the two Yang Saints from the same sect were so powerful, but they didn't expect...

Afterwards, Wanzhong Saint and Wuxiang Venerable Jiang Laoguang sent visiting cards, almost all over the Seven Realms, hoping that fellow practitioners would help find the trace of Benlei Saint. However, from the first fifty years of full of hope and looking forward to it every day, to the numb fifty years later, to a hundred years later, everyone almost gave up hope, and their hot hearts gradually turned cold.

A hundred years later, Wanzhong Saint really couldn't help it, and personally met the absolute leader of Xu Kunlun, the Nine True Nine Difficult Sect, the Five Kings and Two Queens, the Sea King. When the other party heard that it was the matter of Benlei Saint, he also agreed to count it himself, but the result was far beyond expectations.

Even the Sea King couldn't find Xu Yangyi's trace!

The Sea King did not neglect it. The absence of a Yang Saint in the Seven Realms was too big a matter, so he immediately reported it to the Immortal Holy Mountain, but it was intercepted by Guanghan Palace. Guanghan Great Saint actually took over the matter and calculated it for Xu Yangyi.

The result is unknown. We only know that Fairy Guanghan has been in seclusion for ten years, and it seems that she has suffered great damage. And Wanzhong Saint Lord also returned with a look of despair.

The backlash of calculating the quasi-immortal world of Tiragangdis from the lower upper realms is unbearable even for Guanghan Great Saint.

Who can be interested?

Under this background, even the atmosphere of cultivation has weakened by several points. For the upcoming selection of the Seven Realms Chain, he is even more worried.

"Hey..." In a towering attic, a foundation-building disciple held a cup of spiritual tea and looked at the crowded martial arts field below. It was obviously prosperous, but he sighed.

This is an antique attic, with crane incense burners, clouds and smoke, and carved beams and painted buildings showing the true colors of the immortals. Countless ropes were used to pull small wooden swords at the top. From time to time, wooden swords would fly in and land on the ropes, and from time to time, wooden swords would fly out and disappear into the void.

On the big stone at the entrance were three large characters written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like style: Tianyin Pavilion.

"Today, a total of 7,500 disciples have been admitted. Why are you sighing, Junior Brother?" A white figure came up and asked in a deep voice.

The disciple glanced at the man next to him, who was tall and handsome, and shook his head and said, "I am sighing that my Tianjian Villa has been getting worse and worse recently, and people's minds have changed."

He looked at the square and sighed again: "Because of this, the master is such a god that he has lifted the ban and allowed people to enter. We are all body cultivators. Thanks to the master's kindness, we were promoted from the small world. But these..."

He stretched out his hand and drew a circle below with some anger: "Most of them are Dharma cultivators, what is this?"

"Are we at Tianjian Villa going to practice both body and Dharma? Wouldn't that be a fall from the body? The momentum of cultivating the first sect? Moreover, can their qualifications be comparable to one percent of the senior brother? "

"If the positioning is unclear, they will be lost in the crowd sooner or later!"

"Nonsense." The senior brother calmed down a little, frowned and said: "What the master does is not for us to guess casually."

However, he paused and sighed: "If the senior brother is here... two saints in one sect, what an honor... This time the seven realms chain... I heard that the master's injury has not healed, I am afraid... he will also be injured. If there is another accident..."

The wind and rain are precarious...

No one said this. These 170 years are really too depressing.

Just then, there was a clanging sound, and a black light suddenly appeared in the room, turning into a black wooden sword, shaking constantly.

"Black sword transmits sound?" The junior brother was stunned, and then his eyes immediately became serious. He put down the teacup and rushed over immediately, casting a ban to prepare to open the sound transmission sword.

"Tianyin Pavilion, count all the news from foreign countries, black is the special grade... We haven't received any black news for more than a hundred years." The senior brother also came over with great solemnity. With a wave of his hand, the entire Tianyin Pavilion's ban was activated, and it suddenly turned into a rosy glow. Even if the saint came, it could resist for ten breaths.

Swish... The talisman sword ban slowly opened, and the junior brother took a closer look: "It's the Kugu Temple. Speaking of it... The senior brother's friend is also there. Now he is honored as the young master of the temple. It is said that they are not living too well. Is this... coming for help?"

"Take a look first, and then decide whether to present it to the Political Affairs Hall or the Law Hall." The senior brother said calmly.

The spiritual energy was input, and the golden light flashed. Suddenly, a piece of golden handwriting appeared in front of the two.


Both of them were stunned.

Then, the two of them pounced on it like wolves, reading every word.

There was only one sentence on it.

"The Saint of Thunder is now in the Little Thunder Sound Blood Temple. The Withered Bone Temple has received him."

The Saint of Thunder...

The eldest brother... It's the eldest brother!

He, he's back?

This thought was like a shot of stimulant piercing the minds of the two people. They were so greedy that they read this line of words again and again, as if they wanted to swallow it.

Their breathing became heavier and more rapid, and their eyes began to turn red. They knew too well that as long as the eldest brother came back, it would be a great honor to have two saints in one sect! This time, they also have a backbone for the Seven Realms Chain! No... the entire Tianjian Villa has a backbone!

Who would be willing to stay in a sect where even the young master can't decide?

You may be famous for a generation, but not for a lifetime!

"Big Brother..." It took five minutes for the junior brother to take his eyes off the golden words. His voice was hoarse, and he grabbed the senior brother's sleeve tightly, and said excitedly: "Big Brother is back! Big Brother is back!!"

"I knew it! With Big Brother's strength, good luck will come to him!"

"Don't worry!!" The senior brother was also trembling with excitement. The excitement of being the first in the sect to know the news about Big Brother made him feel like being pricked by needles all over his body, tingling and refreshing.

His chest rose and fell sharply, his face flushed, and he grabbed the junior brother's arm and said in a deep voice: "This matter is too big, we can't make a decision! Immediately... present it to the head of the sect!"

"Okay, okay! I'll do it now!"

After a while, the black talisman sword flew away. The two held tea cups in Tianyin Pavilion, but their hands were jumping around, like cramps. They looked at each other, feeling that they had a common secret, and were extremely excited to expect Big Brother, so that the tea spilled.

"Junior brother, you are not good at cultivating your Qi."

"Haha... Senior brother, don't pretend, you are the same, aren't you? What does the return of the senior brother mean? Our Tianjian Villa... can finally get a glimpse of the first-class!"

"Don't talk nonsense everywhere! This matter cannot be said until it is settled! We have to keep it in our hearts! Otherwise... Tianjian Villa may not be able to withstand another 170 years!"

In just one stick of incense, the cave of Wanzhong Shengjun, who was recuperating from his injuries, burst into a golden light. The next second, the Dantang cave shot out another golden light, and then several rays of light flew straight into the sky, without even a little explanation! There was no concealment!

They were more anxious than anyone else. They knew more clearly than anyone else the significance of Tianjian Villa establishing a young master, and... the significance of the senior brother's Dinghaishenzhen before the selection of the Seven Realms Chain!

"Don't... let this Saint Lord down again..." In the void, Wanzhong Shengjun, regardless of his injuries, his beard and hair were all flying, but his face was ruddy, his eyes were like lightning, and he spoke hoarsely.

"Boy... have your alchemy skills improved in the past two hundred years?" On the other side, the disrespectful Wuxiang Venerable Jiang Lao, with Hong Chen who was ready to fight, also rushed towards the long-distance teleportation array like a fly, pointing directly at Xiao Leiyin.

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