
Chapter 1328: Reunion after a long separation, old acquaintances in a foreign land

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Xu Yangyi didn’t know anything about Tianjian Villa.

He was equally excited and looking forward to it.

A friend from Earth, meeting again after two hundred years, this is the only person he can trust here, a partner who has shared hardships. He can’t wait to see each other.

A vast divine consciousness, unconcealedly pouring down, madly covering the surrounding tens of thousands of meters.

In the far distance, a pair of old eyes opened and looked in doubt in the direction of the Blood Temple.

"This is..." After carefully feeling it for a few seconds, he took a breath of cold air: "Yang Sheng?!"

"A Yang Sheng is going to the Blood God Temple? Which Taoist friend is this? Didn't you see the ultimatum to go there?"

"Very scary... extremely powerful power, even among the Yang Sheng, it must be among the top... no... top ten... no, top three! It must be among the top three! But why has this spiritual energy never been felt by me?"

Xu Yangyi also felt the other party's consciousness, but he didn't care. The other party was very respectful and left as soon as he touched him. He searched slowly, but in just a few minutes, he saw two figures.

Tall Chu Zhaonan, wearing a golden robe, embroidered with dragons and tigers, was majestic, and his spiritual energy was much stronger than before. The accessories were all top-grade fine jade, extremely showy.

On the other side, Zhao Ziqi, with a sad face, wore a simple pale robe, seemingly plain, but if you look closely, it is covered with dark patterns, forming a small defensive magic circle on it, with the power of a mid-stage Venerable Saint.

"Nothing has changed..." Looking at the two familiar faces, even he was extremely excited. He laughed loudly and turned into a beam of light that flew thousands of meters away.

These two guys are actually fishing!

At the same time, Chu Zhaonan's eyes flashed, as if he also felt something, and immediately looked out of the void.

"Which Taoist friend?" He stood up solemnly. The power and sharpness of this invisible consciousness were unprecedented. He arched his hands towards the void: "I am Chu Zhaonan, the young master of the Vajra Dao. What do you have to say?"

"Hehe..." After a long separation, Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, but covered it with his backhand.

I went through life and death in Tiragangdis, and finally managed to get out of that terrible plane. You dare to fish!

Where is the care and friendship between friends!

With one palm, the area within a thousand meters changed color. After the tempering of Tiragangdis and the battle of the abyss, his spiritual energy was so strong. He saw pieces of spiritual clouds gathered in the void in an instant, forming a huge cloud cave. In the cloud cave, day turned to night, thunder ran, and a big hand made of lightning fell with a bang.

Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi's expressions became serious in an instant. As both of them were respected saints, they could see at a glance how powerful the person was, and... he was a Yang Saint!

"How courageous." Both of them were not cowards. Chu Zhaonan snorted coldly, and his upper body swelled up like blowing air. Cracks appeared on his body, and his whole body was covered like a spider web. Infinite golden light sprayed from below, and talismans wandered. In an instant, his upper body was almost spiritual, and became a phantom of a Vajra Buddha lying in the void, with three heads and six arms, solemn appearance, demon-subduing pestle, seven treasures, necklace, and canopy in charge of the area, with thousands of precious lights and thousands of auspicious auras.

Buddha has a smile on his face, and also has a fierce look on his face. There is no mercy and compassion on this phantom, only domineering and murderous. Facing the giant thunder palm covering a thousand meters above his head, he took a deep breath calmly, and the stones on all sides rose as if they were weightless. Then he shouted and broke the void with his fist.

The four seas of talismans intersected, and the golden giant fist stirred up the wild wind in all directions. The strong wind against the thunder, the intersection of heaven and earth came in an instant.

Rumble! !

"Arrogant!" In the distance, the old eyes that had just closed opened again, and said angrily: "What are you going to do!"

"Turning the world upside down! This is one of the seventy-six cities under my command of Mingyue Tianzun! Have they asked me!"

This is a magnificent building complex, with laurel palaces, orchid palaces, tall halls and spacious buildings, and spirit beasts walking in between, surrounded by mist. But I saw a flash of light in the tallest attic, and a huge sacred aura spread like a tide, and the trees in the fields bowed down in an uproar. An old figure rushed into the sky.

"120,000 meters away... Humph... I want to see that Saint Lord Fang, how can he not give me face like this!"

He felt the other party's aura was so strong before, so he didn't want to stand out, but now the other party actually attacked him in his old nest, no matter how good his temper was, he couldn't stand it!

The speed of the Saint Lord was so fast that he ran thousands of meters in an instant. His spiritual sense spread and he had seen everything in front of him clearly. Then, the figure paused.

"Two Yang Saints?" The Yin Lord was stunned and flew into the sky, neither in front nor behind.

At this glance, he actually saw three Saint Lords! Two Yang Saints fought, and a Yin Lord swept the battle. This... this...

Quietly left, waved his sleeves, and left without a cloud. The anger in his heart was extinguished in an instant. In less than 30 seconds, a stream of light sank into the palace again, and a majestic voice sounded: "Come here."

"Play music and set up a banquet. Don't come back until you are drunk today. Don't open the door for anyone who comes."

The disciples looked at each other. What happened to the Master? He came back just after going out? Is it leaking? Is it leaking so much that a banquet is suddenly held?

The trees around the stream were instantly cleared, but Chu Zhaonan's punch was actually drowned by the giant hand of thunder, like the sea swallowing the river, disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving only the sky full of lightning.

So strong!

Xu Yangyi was also surprised. The opponent's punch was very domineering, and it actually shook his arm slightly. In an instant, he made a judgment that Chu Zhaonan's current strength might be stronger than the twin demons.

Who are the twin demons? That is the descendant of the ancient demon family, the absolute eternal diamond! A small hot contestant in the quasi-immortal world Tiragangdis Ten Thousand Demons Festival! I didn't expect that Chu Zhaonan, who practiced in the lower upper realm, could reach this level.

"I didn't fall behind..." This strange way of meeting made him feel very happy. He laughed loudly and changed his voice: "How about watching this move of mine?"

The cloud cave in the sky suddenly rotated, and a strange demon face appeared in it, with a bulging chest, blazing flames rising from the seven orifices, and the scene of the whole body was blurred under this terrible high temperature.

"Heh..." Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath, slapped his head, and let out a thunderous roar from his throat, which was not like a human voice at all. The trees within a radius of 100 meters seemed to be hit by an invisible giant fist and turned into powder in an instant. Two short guns, along with a golden armor, attached to his body at the same time, and golden light suddenly appeared around him, as if the gods had descended.

The two short guns were only one meter long, but when he danced, his veins popped out all over his body, as if he had used all his strength. Wherever the short guns passed, the space was erased and became a piece of golden river, which actually condensed into two golden giant hands, approaching the face of the demon in the air.

At the same time, a breath that made all things worship fell from the sky, forming a pillar of fire that could be seen by the naked eye within a radius of 100,000 meters. The air evaporated instantly, forming a vacuum zone, and the void was burned to ashes, turning into eternal nothingness.

Can't stop it!

Chu Zhaonan narrowed his eyes. The man's spiritual power was so strong that even his own life treasure couldn't stop it! Which Yangsheng is this? I'm afraid that Sanjia can also hold on for a few seconds with this move, but it's like paper in front of this person!

"Yanwang!" He shouted loudly, and his reaction was so fast that he immediately retreated hundreds of meters. Two black-faced men, one black and one white, one fat and one thin, holding pens and talismans, appeared on the two spears, one on the left and one on the right, and they shot away with the spears. At the same time, retreating and attacking, the spears burst out with spear shadows all over the sky, across the sky.

"Not a bad spiritual treasure. Is it called Yanwang? An interesting name." Xu Yangyi glanced and knew that the King Kong Dao had invested a lot in Chu Zhaonan. These two spiritual treasures were not weaker than Yuchang, and even he felt a little bit of danger.

But he didn't have time to think about it. At the same time, a dark light exploded below, and there were gusts of cold wind, ghosts crying and wolves howling, and a little ghost fire was hidden in it. A Yama Palace was humming in the dark light!


This is not Chu Zhaonan's domain. His personality will never use such things. Xu Yangyi glanced, then...

Zhao Ziqi had flown into the air without knowing when, his handprints were flying, and he suddenly pressed the ground!

Senluo ghost cave!

Tongyou pupil, communicating with the netherworld, this moment burst out instantly, it was really a thousand ghosts coming, the underworld was opened, overwhelming ghosts, ghost messengers, ghost messengers, impermanence, rushed out of the underworld with screams, tens of thousands of them, twisted and self-destructing ghost energy rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

It's almost done... He was very satisfied. The opponent's strength might not be the top among the saints, but it was definitely a group of the strongest. In particular, both of them had just entered the saint, and it was too surprising for him to have such strength.

The swallowing talisman unfolded, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared beside him, forming a black hole in the whistling, and endless ghosts were swallowed in it, only making the black hole flash.

Zhao Ziqi's pupils shrank suddenly. His domain was very weak in offensiveness, but he was the most difficult to deal with among the saints. He often acted at the same time as Chu Zhaonan, and no one had ever been able to take away his domain in an instant. Just as he was about to continue to uncover the next layer of the domain, he looked up in the air and suddenly paused.

This figure...

So familiar...

"Brother?" His voice was trembling, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he spoke hoarsely with extreme uncertainty and expectation: "Is it... you?"

"Yangtuo?" Chu Zhaonan was raising his two guns in his hands. When he heard Zhao Ziqi's voice, he suddenly stopped and looked up in disbelief.

Swish... Yun Feixia left, and Xu Yangyi's figure completely appeared in the air. Three pairs of eyes looked at each other, too many languages, too many feelings communicated silently. After a long time, Xu Yangyi nodded deeply: "I'm back."

Two streams of light immediately rushed into the air, and Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi opened their eyes wide and stared at Xu Yangyi. As if doubting, as if unsure, Xu Yangyi smiled and greeted their gazes. After three full seconds, Chu Zhaonan stretched out a hand with his chest heaving and punched him in the chest.

"You still remember to come back!?"

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi heard Chu Zhaonan's affirmation and gave Xu Yangyi a hug. His voice was a little choked: "I was worried to death. Where did you go! We almost searched all the seven realms!"

Xu Yangyi hugged the two of them and sighed silently.

No matter how close they are, they are from the same hometown.

They are different. In this upper realm, in this seven realms, only they can rely on each other.

Hiding their origins, they have a hard time in this strange world. But they move forward steadily.

It's great to see them...

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