
Chapter 1330: Gate of Blood (I)


"Second sentence: You must participate in the Age of Great Conflict, must win. You are the most promising monk among us to impact the Age of Great Contest. Otherwise, you will not be able to advance to Taixu."

Xu Yangyi's eyes fluctuated and he pondered for a long time: "This person... knows our relationship very well and values ​​me very much. The last sentence is God's way... the worst guess..."

The three of them looked at each other, and Chu Zhaonan was the first to speak: "I checked, and from the establishment of the Seven Realms to now, the number of Taixu every time is thirty-six."

"Thirty people are in office and can be traced, and six people live in seclusion in the countryside. There has been no change for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Dubu, there are only two of them, never more, never less!" He glanced at Zhao Ziqi: "We speculate...this Heavenly Dao knows, could it mean that the Seven Realms can only accommodate so many Taixu and Dubu?"

No one said anything. If this is really the case, it is terrible!

Because, this time, it was the death of Lord Kong Kong that opened up the world of great struggle. So... what if we want to rush into Doppo?

Will... we have to wait until Dubu falls?

Where did they get this kind of time? Instead of waiting, why not...


A murderous intent flashed through the eyes of the three of them. Xu Yangyi flicked his fingers slightly, and then said after a moment: "Don't worry yet."

"You haven't seen Doppo, I have. That... is a nearly invincible existence, which is not comparable to Taixu. First of all, we need to confirm what this sentence means."

"How to prove it?"

"Simple." Xu Yangyi sneered: "This person... I have a little guess. If it's correct, he will come here as soon as he knows I'm back!"

At this moment, a bloody light pillar suddenly bloomed in a distant place. Countless figures seemed to be boiling in the light pillar, opening the door to a new world.

"The Blood Temple is open." Zhao Ziqi glanced twice, turned around, and suddenly saw Xu Yangyi looking at them deeply.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Your eyes are very strange. I have a bold idea." He blinked.

"Shut your mind." Xu Yangyi held the wine and looked at the glass with deep eyes: "Are you... going to the Blood Realm?"

Zhao Ziqi looked at Chu Zhaonan, and they both shook their heads.

"Don't lie to me." Xu Yangyi drank the wine in one gulp and downed the glass heavily: "Thank you."

"I don't regret coming here with you, and we will leave here together in the future."

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and flew away.

The strong wind blew through his hair, and he felt his heart surge. Why did the other party go to the Blood Realm?

There is only one answer. When they don't know it, they silently search for a way to solve Angel's curse.

With such a brother, what more could I ask for?

Zhao Ziqi and Zhao Ziqi watched his retreating figure from behind. After a long time, Zhao Ziqi smiled bitterly and said: "Big brother is still so capable of picking up and letting go...I can't make more trouble with him even if I want to."

But Chu Zhaonan frowned and pondered for a few seconds before saying, "Do you have any idea what happened to Yang Yao?"


"Wangchen!" Chu Zhaonan said in a deep voice, "That's his direct disciple, and he didn't even ask."

"Of course I won't ask, and we don't have to worry about Wangchen's affairs." Zhao Ziqi restrained his smile and said solemnly: "Don't forget. According to what the eldest brother said, the people who followed him in the end, except for that The two mercenaries are Ou Fangyu and Wangchen, and it was at this time that the demon mark was planted on him. For the eldest brother, Mamen's true form is among them!"

Chu Zhaonan nodded, looked deeply at the starry sky, and said nothing.


The real devil, one of the Seven Lords, is... really in the Seven Realms?


Xu Yangyi flew straight towards the light pillar. The closer he got, the stronger his heartbeat became.

It was as if I had seen the Tower of Babel, when receiving the seed of Chaos, the other party bit him resolutely.

This bite took away the other person's life and also bit into his heart.

Hundreds of years of waiting, promises made hundreds of years ago, and now there is finally hope of completion.

"Wait for me..." He took a deep breath and turned into a rainbow and rushed straight over.

At the same time, in the Immortal Palace hundreds of thousands of meters away, the old sage pricked up his ears, closed his eyes and listened. A smile appeared on his old face, and he waved his sleeves: "Play music, open the door!"

"Today, welcome all the guests!"

All the disciples and disciples below looked at each other, what happened to Master today? It seems...a little abnormal?

At this moment, Xu Yangyi had already approached the pillar of light, making no secret of the power of the saint. It was like thunder breaking through the sky. He was still thousands of meters away. He had already seen the monks kneeling down in front of the pillar of light and excitedly shouted: "Welcome!" grown ups!"

Pressing the light escape button, he nodded casually, motioned for everyone to get up, and then slowly began to look around.

This is a huge basin, covered with broken white marble on all sides. There is a huge blood-colored square in the center, with countless talismans lighting up the surroundings, and countless spiritual energy rivers flowing into the sea, forming a tall 100-meter giant gate.

There was an aura that was completely inconsistent with spiritual power. He took a deep breath, but felt that something was stirring in his body?

"This is..." He closed his eyes and felt deeply. When he opened them, there was suppressed excitement in his eyes.

The power of blood...

This is the name in the cultivation world. On earth, it is also called...

Vampire power!

The power of vampires comes from blood. If this power can be revealed here, is there really a way to solve the unsolvable curse?

His heart beat wildly involuntarily. He suppressed the throbbing and said hoarsely: "Can I go in?"

I don't want to wait anymore... That delicate figure has been waiting for him in the Tower of Babel for hundreds of years. He doesn't want to wait any longer.

"The guide has not arrived yet." Fairy Lenghun half-knelt on the ground respectfully and said softly: "There is about half an hour left. Please be patient, Saint."

The word "Saint" made the monks who could hear behind him breathe suddenly hot.

Yang Sheng?


I'm not mentally prepared at all... Is it too late to sign now?

Xu Yangyi took several deep breaths to let his pounding heart return to its original position and cleared his throat: "Let's talk about the Source Blood Realm."

Although you can basically walk sideways below the Seventh Realm Taixu now, there is Taixu in the Source Blood Realm. He had not forgotten that the Seventh Generation Blood Ancestor who took the little dragon away should be Taixu.

Moreover, he was not going to rob, so at least he should know some taboos, even though it was said that he had to sharpen his sword before the battle.

"Yes, sir." Fairy Lenghun replied: "The Source Blood Realm opens every 500 years. There were originally 200 years left, but this time there are some other reasons."

"Other reasons?"

"Replying to the Holy Lord, the reason why the Source Blood Realm is important is that they produce a very unique treasure called the Source Blood Divine Crystal. Legend has it that this is a treasure formed after the blood of the gods dries up. Its function is very unique, and it is an incomparable treasure for the Seven Realms. Because..."

She took a deep breath: "Armor made of it can prevent Taichu from swallowing."

"Moreover, several clans have specifically requested the Source Blood Divine Crystal. These clans are very strange, some of which cannot be found in history books. There is one in each realm, and the distribution is very even. However, the order to supply these clans first came from the two holy places. Great Sage Guanghan and Great Sage Bu Lao personally issued an order that even if they could not satisfy the army of the Seven Realms Chain, they must first satisfy these seven clans. Therefore, some cultivators mocked these seven clans that were not allowed to see the light as "the illegitimate children of the Great Sage." "

Xu Yangyi looked at the gate without any fluctuations with some anxiety, and asked casually: "Seven clans, tell me the names?"

"Reply to the Holy Lord, other juniors do not know, but they know the clans of Xu Kunlun. Their name... is called the Dark Dragon. The juniors have never seen this name in any history book. They are like hidden in the long river of history. They have no merits for the Seven Realms, and they will never destroy them. No one even knows where they are. "

Xu Yangyi was stunned. This name awakened him from the anxiety of waiting for hundreds of years, and his mind was clear.

The Dark Dragon Clan!

A clear line immediately emerged in his mind, a line that only he knew.

Countless years ago, Kunlun was the last bastion against the Ragnarok of the Gods. All the clans sent out their own Dubu and Taixu. At that time, the Venerable Saint could only become the center of the formation. With Kunlun as the core, a war lasting ten thousand years was launched.

That was a true war between gods, the heavens were stained with blood, and all the stars were silent. If the source blood crystal is the blood of gods, it is absolutely possible!

And where gods exist, no matter whether the inheritance is cut off or not, there must be god guides.

Even in the Wolf Chief plane, an unknown Yahweh responded to the request. It is not surprising that there are god guides in Xu Kunlun, especially as the former Pantheon, many gods and spirits have spread their beliefs, so it is not surprising that there are many god guides.

They will not be known by anyone, except... God's spokesperson, the top of the middle three realms, unique.

Therefore, the two great saints made an exception to the request of the seven clans, even if the supply of the Seven Realms Chain is insufficient, they must satisfy them first. Because the great saint has already contacted the way of heaven, and knows more about what kind of creature Yahweh is.

What he cares about is not the god guide, but... God's gift.

All things, perfection, legend, heaven's choice, and the final grace of God.

He directly obtained the dominance of the Wolf Chief plane for the lowest level of all things. Since there is a god guide here, there must be something that the gods are paying attention to. Once we can find out what this is, we can trigger the gift of Yahweh. This will be a great help in the world of great struggle!

"Saint Lord?" The voice of the cold soul fairy came, Xu Yangyi pulled himself out of his thoughts and nodded: "Continue."

"Yes. To the Saint Lord, this time the source blood world was opened in advance because..." She shook her lips, and a suppressed anger flashed across her face: "A year ago, Tenglei Mountain was defeated... The defeat was like a landslide... Three Yin Lords died in battle, and the seventh flag of the Taichu Legion stepped into the Seven Realms Chain for the first time. The situation... has become very tense."

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