
Chapter 1331: Gate of Blood (II)

"The two great saints have already contacted other planes, and reinforcements will arrive in the Seven Realms in three years. However, it is said that the fourth and twelfth flags of the Void Legion are advancing together. The first city of the Seven Realms Chain, Cantian City, is in danger, and they have to reopen the Source Blood Realm. After this forced opening, it may take nine hundred years to enter again."

"The people you see are all disciples of our sect who have been designated to participate in the battle of Cantian City. Most of the military forces of the Seven Realms are ready to fight, all ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays are open, and the alchemy masters are ready to support Cantian City at any time. I was fortunate to be awarded the position of the head of the Hall in the Ku Gu Temple. Just a week ago, I received news that twelve of the seventy-two towns in front of Cantian City have been swallowed up!"

"Once Cantian City is broken, the three major towns in the rear are in danger..."

"Okay, I know." Xu Yangyi stopped the other party from talking. What does the Seven Realms have to do with him? If there is any benefit, he can get some, but if there is no benefit, he wants to get on the Seven Realms Chain?

Dream on!

Even if the Seventh World was swallowed by the Primordial Beginning, he would go to hell. As a Saint-level alchemist, there was nothing wrong with that.

Besides, who would care about the Seventh World now?

At this moment, a buzzing sound rang out, and countless brilliances bloomed in the gate to heaven, forming a gorgeous vortex.

Xu Yangyi's conversation with the cold soul fairy was just killing time. Now that the road to the source blood world was open again, how could he hide the burning in his heart? With a flash of inspiration, he was the first to rush into the teleportation gate.

The light and shadows flowed in front of him, but this level was nothing to him. After a full hour, he felt the pressure around him relax and slowly opened his eyes.

He was standing in a magnificent palace, still in the ancient Chinese style. If the Seventh World was the culmination of architecture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, this place was full of the Han and Tang styles, with a strong rough and aggressive simplicity.

One by one, the crane and beast candlesticks, exaggerated and exquisite, spread like fire dragons towards the passage outside. Below was the white marble ground, majestic and vast. This palace was at least a thousand meters high, and two-thirds of it had sunk into the clouds. Surrounded by fairy clouds, teams of heavy armored soldiers covered in black armor spread out along the only tall archway in front, looking like a steel Great Wall under the illumination of the fire.

Xu Yangyi's spiritual sense spread, and his vast spiritual sense took in everything around him. Suddenly, his eyes flashed.

On the extremely tall walls in all directions, there were endless murals carved. They were winding upwards and hidden in the clouds. The first thing he saw was a huge tail.

It looked like a snake's tail, but with small wings with countless feathers. An extremely familiar feeling rushed to his heart. He stepped into the void. All the murals became clearer and clearer as he rose. After a few dozen seconds, the murals surrounding the palace were in full view, which made him take a deep breath.

It was a collapsed starry sky. However, in the planetary belts and nebulae that had almost turned into cosmic dust, there was an extremely huge, feathered galaxy snake!


It is hard to describe how vivid this mural is. The fish and dragons in the deep valleys are howling, the reflected stars are shaking, the sea air is long at night, and the silver palace is surging. The feathered serpent seems to have come alive across thousands of years, dancing around this fairy palace.

"Is this... when the feathered serpent destroyed the trapped dragon world and the blood ancestor fell?" He looked thoughtful and looked up. Near the clouds and mist, all the murals of the feathered serpent were completely carved.

"This... is only two-thirds, so the last third, could it be..."

He pursed his lips, turned into a beam of light and rushed hundreds of meters. In the clouds and mist, a huge monster reigned on the top of the palace.

It was a huge whirlpool.

Infinity, Ganges sand, more majestic than the feathered serpent. If you feel the extreme tyranny when you see the relief of the feathered serpent, then when you see this whirlpool, you can only feel the smallness and grandeur, and worship from the bottom of your heart. It seems not a whirlpool, but a creature!

"This is Chaos." He took a deep breath and fell back to the ground: "The father of chaos... Only it has the qualification to surpass Quetzalcoatl... Only its relationship with the Blood Ancestor is qualified to be engraved here."

"Do you enjoy watching, fellow Daoist?" At this moment, a cold voice came into Xu Yangyi's ears, and at the same time, an extremely strong breath of vigilance and hostility that did not conceal its presence rose to the sky.

Xu Yangyi looked up, and in the middle of the passage, a stream of light flowed, and a "human" with an extremely strange appearance appeared in front of him.

His face even had traces of beasts, his mouth stretched out like a bat, his nose collapsed, and almost only his nostrils could be seen, his hair was sparse, but his vitality was extremely young, and there was no sign of hair loss due to aging. His ears were very large, more than three times larger than those of ordinary people, and they were as sharp as an elf. He wore a loose black robe, on which the picture of the bright moon and eagle flying was vivid, and his sparse white hair was tied into a Taoist bun.

The powerful force confronted Xu Yangyi tit for tat, and the strength of the early stage of the Venerable Saint was fully revealed.

No matter who sees it, they can only feel two words, demon cultivator, weird. However, Xu Yangyi only felt his lips dry and his heart beat suddenly.

This is not a demon cultivator...

This is... a vampire!

Countless light years away from the earth, a vampire actually appeared in the Seventh World!

Even if he is wearing ancient Chinese clothes, even if he has a pure Chinese flavor, under the infinite truth, he can't completely hide the genetic talisman that is fundamentally different from humans!

The meaning, opportunity, and too long of waiting made him almost impatient.

"Fellow Taoist's heartbeat is very fast." The venerable saint clasped his hands, his eyes never leaving Xu Yangyi: "Fellow Taoist should also know that the techniques practiced in the Origin Blood Realm are different. I can hear the changes in my fellow Taoist's body from the fluctuations in the blood. . Fellow Taoist, are you... panicking?"

He took a step forward and said coldly: "My fellow Taoist is a stranger. He has no respect at all when he comes to my origin blood world. He dares to look at me without permission. I don't know what the name is? Why don't you let me know more about it? Let's take a look at the blood ancestor Under your eyes, who is this person who doesn’t take my Origin Blood Realm into consideration?”

Every word is sharp, pressing every step of the way, and he will be slapped with a big hat when he comes up. Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. According to his character and strength, there is no nonsense. Now his strength can speak for itself. A Yin Lord dares to challenge the Yang Saint. Does he think he is a sinner?

However, he came here for Angel, and did not want to quarrel with the Origin Blood Realm. He cupped his hands with an indifferent expression: "Sage Ben Lei, please give me some advice."

"Yang Sheng?" The vampire's eyes flashed and suddenly turned into vertical pupils. However, he was not as surprised as the Seven Realms. He sneered: "You are indeed confident. No wonder you dare to act unscrupulously in the Blood Temple. But by coincidence, I am the successor this time. "I have never heard of Yang Sage coming."

"I have never seen such a ignorant Yang Sheng." He glanced at Xu Yangyi coldly: "Where is the Origin Blood Order?"

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and a ray of light flew into the opponent's hand. It was the blood order of the Seventh Generation Blood Ancestor obtained at the foot of Anlin City.

The vampire stretched out his hand to summon it, and the token fell firmly into his hand. He looked at it carefully for a few seconds, then flicked it back: "You are not welcome here, go back immediately."

"What?" Xu Yangyi didn't have such good patience. He had to come to the Origin Blood Realm. The anxiety in his heart made him no longer want to wait. His voice became colder: "Isn't this the Origin Blood Order?"

"Yes, but not this round of Origin Blood Order! The Origin Blood Order changes every time. You use the Origin Blood Order from hundreds of years ago to enter this time's Origin Blood Realm? The sword of the previous dynasty can kill the officials of this dynasty. ?” The vampire snorted and turned away: “I will not report you for your first offense, so go back. Otherwise, I will let the Blood God Guard put you in the blood prison just because you just wantonly inquired about the Blood Temple.”

Just after taking three steps, a voice slowly sounded from behind: "I, the Holy Lord, have urgent matters to visit the Blood Ancestor. Please inform me. I will thank you very much."

"The Blood Demon Army." The vampire spoke calmly without looking back. The black-armored guards on both sides of the passage immediately knelt on the ground and said loudly: "Listen to the Lord's orders!"

"Anyone who does not retreat within thirty seconds will be killed and will be regarded as provoking the Blood Realm."

He sneered: "How can it be that you, a Seven Realm Saint, can see the beauty of Lord Blood Ancestor whenever you want? Who do you think you are?"

The figure is like a king inspecting his ministers, walking proudly through the passage.

Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes and smiled with an unknown meaning on his lips: "What if I have to go there?"

The vampire suddenly turned around, with a fierce light in his eyes: "Don't be shameless, the status of the Origin Blood Realm is as stable as Mount Tai, and the rules protect it. Even the top three Yang Sages of the Seven Realms can train you, let alone you, a little-known Yang Sage!"

"It's just a Yawei dog..." Xu Yangyi gently stroked his sleeves: "How dare you be so aboveboard."

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his five fingers and clenched his fist. The air in all directions suddenly tightened, and the sound of strings tightening could be heard in the air.

"A sharp-tongued wild dog, you are seeking death if you attack the Origin Blood Realm." The vampire licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "Did you know that once you take action, the regular divine thunder of the Origin Blood Realm will immediately blast you to pieces? …”

Before the last word fell, bang bang bang, there were four sounds of bow strings breaking, the void was broken by the wind, and four invisible but lightning-like finger flicks were pointed directly at the four vital points between his eyebrows, throat, chest, and Dantian!

So fast!

So strong!

The vampire's pupils suddenly shrank, and as soon as he took action, he knew that he had made a mistake. Following these four sounds, terrifying cracks were immediately torn out in the void, and a harsh buzzing could be heard. However, he didn't move. Even the aura shield was not opened.

Why would a Yin Lord like him have such an attitude towards Yang Sheng?

Because...this is the Origin Blood Realm.

The gods promised that the origin blood would be forever suppressed, the ancestor blood would never be extinguished, and the origin blood would never be extinguished.

Anyone who takes action here will be attacked by the god's regular divine thunder, ranging from serious injuries to death, without exception!

This is one of the trump cards of the Origin Blood Realm that dares to stand aloof and even ignore the battle between Taichu and the Seven Realms!

So what about the beginning? So what if you are alone? In the Origin Blood Realm, even a dragon must be coiled, and a tiger must lie down.

I have already warned this Yang Sheng and given him a face. Since he doesn't understand, don't blame Blood Prison for being ruthless!


The week of committing suicide is finally over... I will reply with 2 updates tomorrow... Let me take a rest... All my brain cells are dead, I feel like I have become stupid... I mean stupider than before...

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