
Chapter 1332: Gate of Blood (Part 3)

Thank you to the leaders of Qingshi and Xingchen!

Both of you are old readers, and have been following it since the days of Emperor Superstar. Thank you very much. This book started with 60W-140W, that is, Dongtian Paradise and Kaiyun Realm are indeed poorly written. It has a self-dissuade function, so everyone can stick to it. ,not easy……

I didn't revise it. Firstly, it was a waste of time, and secondly, it taught me a lesson. I used to think that fantasy was simple, and I just wanted to write a book about the cinnabar mole in my heart. However, it's easier said than done, and every line is like a mountain.

By the time I felt my pulse, it was already over a million words long...

In addition, I would like to thank book friends 40055818 and RS Xiaolang for their rewards. Looking at the two avatars... it seems that the superstar is chasing me. I have been with you for several years. Thank you very much.


Here comes the point!

I was a painful and great decision...

Whenever you have a climax, try to update three times!


Boom, boom, boom!

However, the next second, all the black-armored troops were stunned.

Following four muffled sounds, the vampire screamed and flew hundreds of meters away, vomiting blood. He didn't even have a defense, and he had never taken action in the Origin Blood Realm. These four finger bombs actually hit him!

How can it be!

"This..." The stone-carved black-armored army looked in shock at the vampire flying hundreds of meters upside down, with blood drawing a line of blood in the air, and suddenly screamed: "Array! Array!!"

"An enemy invaded the Origin Blood Realm!! The regular divine thunder failed for the first time! The Blood Temple asks for help!!"

Dang Dang Dang! The black-armored troops in all the passages formed a great steel wall in front of Xu Yangyi. With a loud shout, thousands of shields suddenly fell to the ground. The spears engraved with talismans shone with bloody light, blocking the frightened eyes behind. .

"It's just an appearance." Xu Yangyi sneered and waved his hand: "No one has done anything here for a long time. I'm afraid you have all forgotten what a monk is?"

"Today, I will teach you how to become a monk in the Origin Blood Realm."

Are you kidding me?

The one who agreed to this place was Chaos, the God of Chaos.

Now, the thorn of chaos is on him, and he still doesn't believe that a source of blood can stop him!

As the vampire said, if you don't want the face I gave you, then you can't blame me.

Facing thousands of black-armored troops alone, Xu Yangyi was calm and composed, while the other's black-armored troops were all in panic under their masks.

They haven't done anything for a long time, and they have long forgotten what it feels like to do something, let alone the thought of doing something in the Origin Blood Realm, and the people who come here are actually in peace!

What about the rules god thunder?

What about the legendary promises of the gods?

At this moment, their hands holding the spears were shaking. Once the regular divine thunder fails, what will happen to the Origin Blood Realm...

"Get out!!!" At this moment, an angry shout came from behind, and a huge figure of more than ten meters, filled with blood and blood, appeared in front of thousands of black-armored troops like a strong wind.

It was a huge black prototype vampire with the upper body of a bat and the lower body of a human. Its four vital points, including the center of the brow and the throat, had been completely dented, but its powerful regeneration power left it unscathed. Its red eyes stared at Xu Yangyi, its wings Opening it up, he gritted his teeth and said, "Monks from the Seven Realms..."

"I grant you death!!"

Before it finished speaking, its figure had turned into a strong wind, and the ground it passed was cut into pieces like a knife, and it roared towards Xu Yangyi.

brush! Both claws raised a cold light all over the sky, the figure was like a strong wind, and the claws were like lightning. The intertwined spiritual power instantly formed a black ball of light, wrapping Xu Yangyi in it. The surrounding void was shattered layer by layer. Yin Zun Yang Sheng took action, majestic The mighty power of the sage made the forbidden area of ​​​​the Blood Temple shine and buzz continuously.

The claw shadow danced with silver light, but it didn't even reach the corner of Xu Yangyi's clothes. He looked at the vampire coldly and suppressed the killing intent in his heart: "I'll give you one last chance."

"If you don't get out, don't blame this Holy Lord for being ruthless."

"Haha... I want to see how ruthless you are!" Being knocked away like a piece of paper in front of everyone, the vampire's mind was filled with great shame. After missing the consecutive hits, he screamed and moved flexibly in the air. Like an eagle, by the time it flew dozens of meters away, its hands had quickly formed seals on the way. When it was floating in the air, the three magical powers slowly rotated in a triangle shape and shouted: "Go!"

A blood-colored spear, wrapped with countless ghosts, was as fast as lightning, and bursts of wailing sounded throughout the sky. A soul lamp swallows cold bone fire. Among the two magical powers, a bloody skeleton wearing heavy armor and a long sword on his waist roared out, with a surging tide of blood behind him and turbulent waves crashing on the shore.

"Three kills of the blood soul!" The black-armored army below saw the three moves appearing in succession, and his expression suddenly became excited. "The famous magical power of the Hanxue Secret Code, Sir, can you use three moves at the same time?" "I heard that this move is very powerful. It’s so strong that no sage can survive it!”

With majestic power and a sea of ​​blood, the saint's strength was fully displayed. However, just before the bloody skeleton's hand pressed down on the long knife, the other hand had already pressed down on its knife.

The whispers below suddenly stopped, like cold water being poured into a charcoal fire. They all took a breath, and the black Great Wall armor made a noise, and they couldn't help but take a step back.

Only by leaning on the brothers behind can the shock in his heart be alleviated.

"Is this... is this a monster?" "How did he do it... this, this is the three kills of the blood soul!" "Oh my god... the secret book of blood is useless?" "The body is broken and the spirit is broken! This is Is it Yang Sheng? No, no Yang Sheng in the inner world can do this!"

Right in front of them, Xu Yangyi actually used his flesh to hold down the blood-transformed sword before the skeleton drew his sword!

Infinite True Jeet Kune Do.

Before the enemy moves, I move first, preemptive, super strong pre-reading.

Even the mythical creatures dare not underestimate them at all. Both sides are fighting for pre-reading. How can a mere vampire break it?

The scene seemed to be silent. The vampire mechanically flapped its wings and stared at this sci-fi scene in a daze. The bloody skeleton roared and drew his sword, but it seemed to be welded and could not move at all.

Although there were thousands of black-armored soldiers behind him, he felt extremely cold in his heart.

What the hell is this!

Yang Sheng is strong, but how can he be so strong that his flesh can break his spirit! ?

"You have no chance..." Xu Yangyi's impatience has broken through the limit. He clenched his hands suddenly, and there was a loud bang. A circle of blood-colored ripples swept through the void, starting from the blood-qi long sword, and the whole skeleton was broken into pieces. The other two magical powers were like autumn wind blowing fallen leaves, and they could not be seen at all!

At the moment when the magical power was broken, the vampire only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the opponent disappeared in his retina.

His hair stood up all over his body. This was not a magical power, but... but the opponent's fucking speed actually exceeded the reaction of a Yin Zun! The spiritual consciousness can feel the movement of spiritual energy, but the naked eye cannot capture it! And there are only afterimages in the spiritual consciousness!

"Squeak!!" Extremely afraid of the impending disaster, his figure turned into a bloody rain with a bang, and then was wrapped in a blood-colored tornado by a gust of wind, and then...


His heart and courage were broken. An expert could tell whether there was a chance with just a stretch of his hand. He didn't dare to fight anymore.

A physical cultivator who can get close to him at will, a physical cultivator who treats magical powers as toys... This kind of person is not even in the top three? The Seven Realms are too scary... He wants to go home!

"You want to run now?" Xu Yangyi put his hands on his waist and took a deep breath. It was obviously an ordinary breath, but the muscles on his body swelled up, and the spiritual energy from all directions was emptied, like a green dragon sucking water, black hair and clothes flying at the same time, and the surrounding void was instantly covered with countless spider web patterns, and the brilliance of destruction was revealed from the cracks.

Swish! Suddenly, the black-armored soldiers in front screamed and made way for a passage. The next second, a punch seemed to carry the sound of a dragon's roar, and the whole space seemed to be shaken, an unimaginable explosion.

"Your Majesty, save me!!" The vampire heard the raging wind behind him, the space was shattered, and the three souls and seven spirits were gone, and he shouted hoarsely.

In an instant, thousands of ripples rippled in the void, and a huge force instantly dominated this palace. The vampire breathed a sigh of relief, which indicated that Taixu had arrived. According to the unwritten rules, seeing this scene, the younger saint should give way.

Respect Taixu.

Even the vampire breathed a sigh of relief and looked back. That punch was too terrible. He felt like he was annihilated by the wind of the punch... Wait!

"You..." With a scream, a figure appeared behind him, with black hair and black robes fluttering. Who else could it be but Xu Yangyi?

"You... You dare!!" The vampire was stunned for 0.1 seconds, and then shouted in fear. However, before he finished shouting, a hand had grabbed his head and crashed into the ground like a falling meteor!

Karala! Countless cracks appeared on the floor of the white marble hall, and a 100-meter-deep pit suddenly appeared. The surrounding area was covered with spider webs.

"Ahhhhh!" With heart-wrenching coughs and screams, all the black armored soldiers were stunned.

How dare he...

How dare he do it in front of Taixu?

This, this is Taixu!

However, their shock was not over yet.

The clouds and smoke covered the area, and the sand and gravel splashed, so they could not see the scene below clearly. They could only hear the vampire's voice, "You... cough... you actually... dared to do it in front of Taixu..."


The sound of something hitting the ground.

"You will be crushed to pieces..."

Boom! !

The second sound was louder than the first! The ground around them was crackling, and the teeth of many black-armored soldiers were also making sounds along with the ground.

Their hands holding the spears and shields were sweaty and slippery. They felt that they had seen the most incredible scene. They looked at each other, but no one dared to step forward. They surrounded them tremblingly, like clay sculptures and wooden carvings.




Boom! !

Finally, the collision stopped, and when the vampire's voice sounded again, it was with a hint of crying: "Spare my life... Daoist friend..."

"Please spare me..."

Boom! !

A loud and final roar, the terrifying spider web pattern filled the surrounding black-armored soldiers' feet, but no one dared to go up, and they all retreated dozens of meters, like primitive people seeing a Tyrannosaurus, suppressing their rapid breathing and looking at the ground where the smoke and clouds were scattered.

"How dare you!" At the same time, an angry snort came from the sky, and the spiritual light in the sky condensed into a white finger with black nails, a full twenty or thirty meters long, surrounded by golden talismans, and suddenly fell like a jade pillar supporting the sky.

Infinite truth... Xu Yangyi's pupils turned into black holes again, and he saw... The opponent's attack was definitely not as good as the Taotie Demon King, and there was a huge black spot on the upper right. This was just a strike from a distance, and it was still in the form of a spirit. His hand quietly turned into a demon, and he hit it with all his strength!

A circle of blue-black and red spiritual shock waves swept the whole place, and the surrounding ground seemed to have a magnitude 10 earthquake. The black-armored soldiers screamed and were blown hundreds of meters away by the strong wind, crashing into the huge stone pillars around them. In the light, a figure covered in blood suddenly stood up and laughed wildly: "Die! Die!"

"Dare to fight in the Source Blood Realm! You deserve to be beaten by the Lord... um..."

The shock wave was too strong and cleared the dust in an instant. Everyone saw the scene in the center clearly.

"This..." "How is it possible!" "This, this, this is the Lord's attack!" "My God... Is he still human..."

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