
Chapter 1334: Blood Ancestor (II)

"This is all my price, in exchange for my senior." He bowed deeply, extremely sincerely. Not for the Blood Ancestor, but for the Earth’s Watcher Stone.

"How did you know!" Before he finished speaking, the Blood Ancestor finally couldn't help but speak. His voice fluctuated violently. This feeling of having all the secrets revealed in front of this junior... made him feel as uncomfortable as being naked.

"How do you know so clearly!"

"There was someone else around the Blood Ancestor before his death? Who was it? Why is there no record?"

"Senior." Xu Yangyi had a needle in his hair, and his gentle voice was extremely strong: "Junior didn't was before he died..."

Wow! !

The blood lake rotated crazily, forming a huge whirlpool, and a one-meter-sized white lotus floated out of it and flew to Xu Yangyi's feet. In the center of the vortex, a spiral staircase winds downward.

"Come in." The Blood Ancestor said hoarsely: "In the past thousand years... you are the first monk to step into my palace."

"You'd better explain those things clearly, otherwise... you won't be able to leave the Origin Blood Realm!"

"If you can really do it, I don't mind giving you a false promise!"

As the words fell, the shadow disappeared from the blood lake, and Xu Yangyi turned into a ray of light and flew into the whirlpool.

Compared with the luxury of the Origin Blood Realm, the inside is unremarkable. Circles of tall candles extend along the rotating downward stairs. There are countless murals carved around them, but they have no meaning. They are the development history and records of the Origin Blood Realm. Xu Yangyi didn't care about the great achievements of each blood ancestor.

It took dozens of minutes to reach the bottom of the stairs. Surprisingly, this place was a huge cave without a trace of light. The candlelight of the coiling dragon completely disappeared at this point. A sound like falling raindrops echoed in the darkness. In the middle, it arises from the void and disappears into the depths.

"Brush..." At this moment, two golden rays of light lit up in the darkness, and the golden talismans shone brightly, revealing themselves to be the Blood Ancestor himself.


It is very big, each eye is several meters in size, and the mysterious talismans are running endlessly, like a creature of God's grace.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. With the brilliance of his torch-like eyeballs, he had already seen a little bit. This was a huge cave with countless stalactites hanging above it. The blood lake on the surface seemed to have passed through a layer of filter, and the stalactites were ticking. When it fell to the ground, it formed a crystalline black semi-crystalline body, forming a kilometer-sized lake on the ground.

It is ten times smaller than the blood lake above, but the spiritual energy is more than ten times richer! The spiritual energy is so strong that it has almost turned into reality. You can even feel a moist feeling when you reach out your hand.

"Your Majesty!!" A heartbreaking voice sounded. The vampire just now was lying in the lake. The surrounding lake water quickly repaired his broken body, like a living thing. The Manhan roared viciously: "You want to Make the decision for your children!”

"A human being...a mere human being! He dares to enter the Source Blood Realm to stir up trouble! This is contempt for the dignity of our blood clan...cough cough is also contempt for the dignity of your blood ancestor!"

Sand... a silent sound, and in the center of all the stalactites, a huge white figure hangs upside down. Silent in the darkness, spread your wings in the vastness. He slowly unfolded his wings in the fairy mist. As his wings unfolded together, countless red dots suddenly lit up in the darkness that could not be illuminated by light. More and more, they densely covered the entire cave!

In all directions, the surrounding caves were covered with honeycomb-like holes. One by one, half human and half bat, of different sizes, like vampires of demonic cultivators, are hanging upside down in the cave, staring at this uninvited guest who has been here for thousands of years with blood-red eyes.

The vampire's lair.

"Human!" A voice with hidden anger sounded, like thunder in the cave: "You are the one who beat Taoist Fellow Taoist Destroyer into this state?"

"Your Majesty, how could you allow a foreigner to enter the ancestral land of my blood clan! For provoking the blood clan that rules the origin blood world, even death is not enough to atone for it! How dare you step into the ancestral land of the origin blood world? Do you think you are in the ancestral land of the origin blood world? Can you repay your sin of hurting the noble vampire by kowtowing and confessing your sins?"

In an instant, a wave of rebuke surged up, but Xu Yangyi seemed to have not heard it at all, and said slowly: "So, is this the real ruler of the Origin Blood Realm?"

"So, the humans in the Origin Blood Realm are the blood slaves you raised?"

The golden gaze fluctuated for a moment, and he looked at Xu Yangyi with the same probing look: "The word "feeding" is too unpleasant. It is a human description of livestock. And we have not sucked human blood for thousands of years of evolution. It is not so much "raising". , rather than co-prosperity.”

"Co-prosperity between different species?" Xu Yangyi said thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty!" Mie Yu in the lake cried and roared again: "Ahem... we are the only children you have! We work hard for the origin of the blood clan, how can you have the heart to let go of this person who tramples on the dignity of the blood clan? murderer……"

"Yes! Your Majesty! If the monks from the Seven Realms are allowed to come and go freely, the reputation of the Blood Realm that cannot be offended will be in jeopardy! If not for the promise of God, I would have been annexed by the Seven Realms. This person is not afraid of the thunder of the God of Rules. I think it should be Skinning and cramping, searching for souls, this hole must not be opened! I heard from fellow Taoist Mie Yu that when he saw your great power, he dared to take action, and he was so bold as to challenge the promise of the gods with a mortal body. He must not be transformed into a blood slave! It’s not enough to shock the Seven Realms!”

The waves of sound surged again, and the Blood Ancestor was like stars over the moon, but did not express his position.

After a long time, his voice sounded again: "I'm very confused."

"You are just a saint, but you are not afraid of Taixu."

"Do you really think you have enough cards to treat my source blood world as nothing?"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "I am afraid that you will not be willing to kill me."

After a few seconds of silent staring, the Blood Ancestor used his wings to cover himself again: "People... know themselves."

Before he finished speaking, a blood light tore through the void at a speed that was difficult to identify, and slashed directly into Xu Yangyi's chest.

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly contracted. It happened suddenly. He immediately felt that this move was not false. The other party really wanted to kill him and then look for the answer in his soul.

As expected...those who have come to this step have never been merciful and soft-hearted. Decisive killing is their basic attribute...

At the critical moment, Xu Yangyi actually closed his eyes, and suddenly opened them, and his pupils had turned into black holes.


This red light was formed by countless palm-sized, blood-colored bats with tangled spiritual energy. Wherever it passed, the void was stained with blood, carrying the vast power of the Blood Ancestor, but...

Not perfect!

It was far behind the Taotie Demon King. The shortcomings of this move were not hidden in the infinite truth. The next second, he did not retreat but advanced, turning into a black light and rushing straight into the blood tide.

Wow! !

All the vampires in all directions spread their wings together, and thousands of black figures flew together like ghosts, forming a dark tornado beside the Blood Ancestor who was like a silver mountain, and the harsh shouting was endless.

"Your Majesty dares to face Taixu's attack?! You are so arrogant! Facing Taixu, a pure-blooded vampire, with your humble body, you dare to fight back?! You should kneel on the ground and repent your sins! Then take the initiative to welcome the fall! Treason... This is simply treason! If the king wants his subjects to die, how dare the subjects not die!"

Xu Yangyi couldn't hear this at all. The colonized armor exploded instantly. In the endless roar of the vampires, it became faster and faster, and its shape became more and more distorted. After a few tenths of a second, a golden stream of light and rolling demonic energy crossed the lonely void, crushing the waves of blood mist, and turned into a golden spear of killing gods, facing the vast blood tide without fear.


The red light exploded, like the rising sun, like the bright moon falling to the ground, the wind was mighty, and the invisible shock waves exploded in succession. Countless vampires waved their hands happily, and the demons under the nine lands danced wildly. The independent source blood world once again proved its strength.

Proud? Complacent?

In front of the Blood Ancestor of the Source Blood Realm, how dare a saint put on airs?

It will only take a few seconds to crush you to death!

The Blood Ancestor stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and all the blood light gathered in his hand like a tide. He opened his consciousness and searched for Xu Yangyi's soul. He was absolutely confident in this move.

However, at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked up in astonishment, looking at the center of the magical power with some disbelief.


The screams from all directions disappeared as suddenly as they came. The second vampire stared at the center dully, followed by the third, the fourth... In less than three seconds, tens of thousands of blood clans seemed to have all become fossils, and the black tornado stopped dancing, looking at the center of the smoke dissipating in shock.

Was it... did I see it wrong?

How... there seemed to be a figure between the shock waves?

A few seconds later, the smoke and clouds dissipated, and the wind blew Xu Yangyi's black hair. He calmly glanced at the scene that suddenly became silent. It was a real dead silence. The blood clans all folded their wings, opened their mouths wide, and hung upside down on the stalactites, so that you could hear a pin drop.

It was like a silent slap, invisible but loud, blowing their cheers and so-called pride into the ground, and then stepped on them hard.

"Are you surprised?" In the silence, Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at his mouth. He was obviously just one person, but his demeanor at this moment shocked all the blood clans and made them speechless. They could only exchange doubtful looks with each other.

"How... How is it possible..." After a few seconds, a hoarse scream like a trapped beast sounded from the lake. Mie Yu stared at Xu Yangyi, opened his mouth wide, and shouted: "This is impossible... This is impossible!"

"You... You, you are a saint! You, how could you be safe and sound under Taixu's attack!"

The emotion called unbelievable spread throughout the scene like electricity. The mouths of all the blood clans seemed to be sealed. Mie Yu shouted out the doubts in their hearts. The scene was so weird, so weird that they could only shoot at the blood ancestor with a horrified look, conveying the same meaning.

Did you let it go?

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