
Chapter 1335: Blood Ancestor (Part 3)

These gazes were so hot that the burning face of the Blood Ancestor burned for no reason. Taixu couldn't take down Yang Sheng with one move, and it was no exaggeration to say that his majesty was destroyed. He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "This king underestimated you."

After the last word fell, the three mandala formations on his side quietly condensed, and the blood soul killed three times, but this degree was far beyond the extinction of desire. The whole lake was boiling. All the blood in this space trembled, and rushed towards the Blood Ancestor like all the streams returning to the source.

The sky was full of blood, and there was only a scarlet color in sight, which made people palpitate. With a roar, a huge skeleton warrior who was countless times more powerful than the extinction of desire appeared. The armor was meticulously carved, and the soul fire in his eyes was like a volcano. The long sword on his waist had not yet been unsheathed, but it caused a violent wail in the void.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi finally spoke again: "Senior, are you really going to fight this Saint?"

Before he finished speaking, a magnificent black mist suddenly swirled around him, and blood-red talismans crawled all over his body. A power that was equally palpitating and terrifying came crashing down.

Kakaka... His body shook violently, and red horns pierced through his body. The dark magic light illuminated the underground of the Nine Netherworlds, which was deeper than darkness and more evil than the devil.

In the surging black tide, a voice that was almost at the same level as Taixu, like the sound of heaven, like Huangzhong Dalu, was deafening: "Are you sure?"

The sound shook all directions, and all the blood clans looked at this scene in a daze. The heart-trembling power, the pressure of oppressing one world, was like a mad dragon entering the sea, tearing the eight wastelands void. Finally, a vampire opened his mouth wide, trembling and retreating several steps, screaming at the top of his lungs: "Taixu... This is Taixu!!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the vampires were frightened by this sound, and then the unbelievable exclamation sounded like a landslide, "He... He is actually Taixu?" "This is unrealistic! Your Excellency will never fight with Taixu casually!" "Ridiculous... Too ridiculous! Since Your Excellency has taken action, he must not be Taixu! At least not a few seconds ago! What is going on now!?"

In a few seconds, the Saint became Taixu?

What a joke!

"Playing tricks!" The Blood Ancestor shouted, and the three mandalas exploded at the same time. The whole world was red, and the dazzling golden talismans turned into the kingdom of the vampires. At the same time, in full view of the public, the black light outside Xu Yangyi's body covered the sky and earth, rendering the world into a black frenzy.

"The devil's..." The sound like a bell made the underground stalactites tremble. In the rolling black clouds, a little red became the torch light that attracted everyone's attention, and then it exploded!


Boom! !

The black dragon rolled, the chaotic clouds collapsed, and in the layers of black fog, a little red light burst out like the sunlight that illuminated everything, carrying the breath of destroying the world, and instantly collided with the other party's blood tide.

There was no sound, no light, the two great vampires attacked with all their strength, which was beyond the limit of what the eyes and ears could accept. All the vampires instinctively folded their wings in shock and doubt, and hung on the stalactites tremblingly. Where was the arrogance that just clamored to extract Xu Yangyi's soul and refine his spirit?

The underground world seemed to be divided into two pieces. The sea of ​​blood was surging on the left, and the demonic power was overwhelming on the right. The two forces actually formed a black and red vortex in the center. Sometimes the red overwhelmed the black, and sometimes the black swallowed the scarlet, like a black and red giant tearing madly.

"How dare you!" The talisman in the eyes of the Blood Ancestor turned. If he had a mentality of oppression before, he was now completely angry. With a cold snort, the entire ground of the Source Blood Realm trembled slightly, and countless blood mists flew out of his pure white body. Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the cloud-like blood tide was immediately absorbed into his body.

On the opposite side, Xu Yangyi also discovered something, and the demonic energy died down at the same time, as if the two had discussed it.

In the middle of the two people, a huge black and red vortex hummed and rotated, and terrible thunders wandered around. This vortex collapsed madly at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting smaller and smaller, but the smaller it was, the more terrible it was! Finally... a fist-sized black hole was formed.

Deep, endless, with a depressing destructive power.

"This is..." Mie Yu stared at the scene in a daze. At this moment, he could no longer bear it. He fainted with a gurgling sound in his throat: "Good luck will come after bad luck!"

If the two sides of the battle are completely equal in strength, this extremely rare situation will occur.

Although the volume has become smaller, everyone can feel the terrifying power of the lake area. If anyone has a little more, the vortex will explode immediately!

However, the Blood Ancestor's heart, which had just relaxed, had not been completely let go. Suddenly, he saw Xu Yangyi raise his eyes and smile at him.

This moment seemed to be frozen, and all the blood clans saw this evil smile.

Then...completely out of control!

"Stop!!""Your Majesty! Help!""Senior, stop!""No...No!! Don't do this!"

All of a sudden, all the vampires were scared out of their wits. It was really Taixu...Taixu who was comparable to Lord Blood Ancestor! And this Taixu was going to do something that would make them never reincarnate!

Ignoring their screams, a stream of demonic energy had already rushed out of the world of black clouds and shot towards Good luck like an arrow.

Very light.

But this was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Stop!" The Blood Ancestor was also so frightened that his hair stood on end. A cold current ran from his tail to the top of his head. Without thinking, he immediately shouted: "I promise that I will never attack you! I swear in the name of the 347th Blood Ancestor! If you violate it, the Five Thunders will be enforced!"

The void trembled slightly in all directions, and an invisible existence seemed to glance at this place. This was a manifestation of the oath of heaven and earth being certified by heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, this trace of demonic energy disappeared.

Black clouds surged, and Taixu's demonic energy slowly retracted. Xu Yang Yifeng's handsome body stepped forward and slowly glanced around: "These descendants of our predecessors are too bad."

Bang bang bang... If it was a silent slap just now, this time it was all slapped on the face, but no one could say a word and they all lowered their heads.

Everyone knows what happened just now. Once Fu Ji Tai Lai explodes, the power will be several times that of the original magical power. Not to mention how precious the blood lake here is, the loss of ordinary vampires alone can definitely make the Origin Blood World go crazy.

Who can control them?

Even if the Blood Ancestor can, how many can he manage?

It was these blood clans that made the blood ancestors immediately make an oath of heaven and endure humiliation. None of the blood clans who understood this said anything. They were as arrogant as if they had never appeared before. They used bat wings to cover their shameful faces, hanging on stalactites like statues. superior.

Neither leaving nor staying.

It doesn’t matter if you scold or fight.

Can't leave, can't stay, dare not scold, can't fight.

In the dilemma, their shame and face were grinding away like gears, and they looked towards the Blood Ancestor with helpless eyes.

The Blood Ancestor's teeth were grinding together. He knew at the moment of the fight that the opponent was very strong... definitely not weaker than him. He couldn't understand the form of the opponent's power, but he was certain that it was at the same level as spiritual energy. And... he was cruel and ruthless. If he had just spoken slowly for a second, the other party would have dared to blow up Fu Ji Tai Lai.

There was nothing he could do against this despicable and powerful human being. He already regretted letting him come here.

I clearly thought he was a venerable saint, but now I can't eat or vomit.

A broken tooth.

"What are you waiting for!" With boundless anger, he could only vent his anger into the nest. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go back! Trash! No one is allowed to come out without my order!"

"What an embarrassment! It embarrasses the vampires!"

Suddenly, the vampires, who were extremely embarrassed, ashamed, and humiliated, made a flapping sound like crows, and the black clouds flew back to their caves. Restrictions rose up silently, completely blocking the opponent behind the light curtain.

Only the Blood Ancestor and Xu Yangyi were left face to face. Xu Yangyi suddenly took the initiative to speak: "I understand you."

"But it doesn't mean I approve."

"When we first came down, you were riding a tiger and couldn't get off. You are also the leader of the clan, so you had to take action. Moreover, I know so many secrets. With your status as Taixu, you can naturally take action against me. Why should you pay for something that you can get for free? "

After fighting and proving one's own muscles, everyone stands on the same platform, so naturally they have to give each other a step down.

After all, this time I am asking for help from others.

"Fortunately, it was me this time. If it had been another Taixu..." He glanced at the surrounding beehive caves thoughtfully and spoke slowly, word for word, very clearly: "These vampires... are really not very good. Sample."

Here we go again!

All the vampires hiding behind the restrictions had their eyes red, and they were beaten and hit, and this was to make up for it. If it weren't for the fear of the opponent's strength, they would be desperate now!

The Blood Ancestor stared at Xu Yangyi for a long time. After a long time, he closed his wings and suppressed his anger in a thunderous voice: "Say it."

“What you ask for, and what you know.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, his heart beating violently under his palms. Hundreds of years of waiting... everything he just did... was for a fair conversation. He bowed deeply: "My lover, you are a A pure-blood vampire."

"She... gave up her life to save me and became a stone statue..."

"Please ask Blood Ancestor to take action and relieve her of this pain."

"This is my only request." He opened his eyes and looked directly at the Blood Ancestor: "As long as you agree to this condition, everything I said above will be told to you accurately."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes in Blood Ancestor's wings suddenly lit up, and his voice became solemn. The unhappiness just now seemed to have disappeared: "Are you sure it's pure blood?"

"I'm sure!" Xu Yangyi said solemnly.

The Blood Ancestor turned slightly, his huge figure showing an elegant sanctity, and his huge wings made it impossible for Xu Yangyi to observe his expression. It took a full minute before he heard its dry voice: "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"This curse cannot be undone."

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