
Chapter 1337: Sect Welcomes


All the blood clans were looking at Xu Yangyi's hand, and more were looking at the side of the Jiuji Tailai. Their nervous eyes met between the two, and from time to time, they could hear the sound of dry swallowing saliva.

A few seconds, just a few seconds, the blood clans seemed to have passed a year, and Xu Yangyi finally let go of his hand: "Thank you."

"However, I have two final conditions, I hope you can agree."

What else?

The three corpse gods of the blood clan jumped up, a respected saint... a mere respected saint... pressing him step by step...

However, after seeing the other party looking at Jiuji Tailai vaguely, the eyes full of murderous intent gritted their teeth fiercely: "Speak!"

"First, I hope that others will not know about what happened today."


"Second..." Xu Yangyi was silent for a while, and his spiritual consciousness transmitted: "If I participate in the world of great contention, senior... can you help me?"

You still dare to ask if this king can help? !

Where do you get the face!

The blood ancestor wanted to slap this human to death, but after the rage, he immediately calmed down.

He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a few times, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching. Don't say... this kid... once he joins the world of great contention, who can be his?

This is simply the rhythm of a heavy cavalry crushing infantry! How could there be a contender comparable to this perverted one in the Seven Realms?

Once he can make friends with a future Five Kings and Two Queens, the benefits...

He had to be tempted.

Under this kind of heartbeat, the previous unhappiness disappeared in an instant. He pondered for a moment and replied: "Let me think twice."

Xu Yangyi nodded. He was not as optimistic as the Blood Ancestor. The three talismans were scattered outside, representing the three fragments of the three godheads. It was a mystery what realm the other party had reached. Anyway... it would never be weaker than Su Xingyao!

Now everything, the other party's realm, rules, I'm afraid, are all fake. He couldn't ignore the true strength of the three holders and the powerful foundation of the Five Kings and Two Queens' disciples.

He bowed deeply and turned into a stream of light and flew out of the blood lake. Blood Ancestor looked at his back with a complicated expression, and after a few seconds, he snorted coldly: "Get out."

"The people have left. Do you see the gap between you and the real cultivators?"

"If you continue to eat and wait for death like this, you will wait for the day when the source blood world collapses!"

No one dared to answer, and only the angry voice of Blood Ancestor spread throughout the ground.

Xu Yangyi rushed straight to the teleportation array. He couldn't wait any longer, and this time it seemed that Blood Ancestor took special care of him. All the restrictions along the way gave way and he didn't encounter any obstacles.

Soon he returned to the teleportation array of the huge palace. A blood clan member stood humbly by and immediately opened the teleportation array.

The light and shadow in front of him changed, and soon he felt the familiar breath of the Seven Realms. Just as he stepped out of the teleportation array, his consciousness suddenly became alert, and his spiritual power exploded without any concealment.

Many figures had appeared in his consciousness, but they did not move. When everything in front of him was clear, dozens of disciples wearing Tianjian Villa monk robes were standing in front of him respectfully, with a look of shock in their eyes, trying to remain calm. Dozens of meters away, Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan were leaning against a big tree and smiling at him.

Completely unprepared, Xu Yangyi was stunned for a second. The next moment, all the disciples of Tianjian Villa bowed together and shouted in unison, almost with all their strength: "Welcome Senior Brother back to the mountain!"

Dozens of people shouted out the momentum of thousands of troops. After a sentence, their backs were straightened and their voices echoed in this space. Xu Yangyi was stunned: "What are you doing..."

"Reply to the senior brother." At the front of the team, a monk with a flushed face took a deep breath, quickly straightened his clothes, stepped forward and bowed deeply, his voice was a little hoarse due to excessive excitement: "We are, we are executing the sect trial nearby, and we heard that the senior brother returned... no, returned to the mountain. We were excited and admired him, so we... no, spontaneously came to welcome the senior brother!"

So angry!

The more excited this young monk was, the more he stuttered. As a leader of Tianjian Villa fifty years ago, he had heard of the name of the senior brother who had disappeared for more than a hundred years since he entered the sect. In the sect, Xu Feng's name has become a legend. He was originally on a mission this time. When he heard that the senior brother appeared, he immediately applied to pick him up and prepared to see the senior brother's style.

These words were memorized on the way, but he didn't expect to see the other party. He was hit by the huge spiritual power that suddenly burst out just now. He realized that the legend of the sect was still light.

At that moment, he was like a leaf in a storm, swaying and about to fall. How could he say a complete sentence?

This was bad...

Just when the monk was secretly regretting, a gentle voice sounded: "It turned out to be Junior Brother, no need to be polite. I wonder if the Fourth Daozi is here?"

It's different from the legend...

The Junior Brother was stunned. He ascended to Sainthood after a hundred years. The Sea King of the Five Kings and Two Queens personally ordered congratulations, but the gifts could not be delivered... According to the legend, this Senior Brother was two feet tall, ate fighting bulls, and destroyed the other party's soul at a disagreement. How could he be so gentle?

However, the daze was only temporary. He immediately said respectfully: "Fourth Daozi... Senior Brother, Tianjian Villa has always had only three Daozi..."

Before he finished speaking, the spiritual energy in front suddenly fluctuated. The calm sea surface just now suddenly set off a raging tide. He was in the Golden Core Stage and was sweating profusely. His legs were weak and sweating like rain. But the next second, all the spiritual power disappeared.

"I misremembered." Xu Yangyi nodded with a smile and pushed out a jade bottle: "If you are serious about it, I have to accept the little greeting gift from senior brother."

No one saw that a cold light flashed in his smiling eyes.

found it……

However, what makes him even more chilling is that Yahweh... This kind of existence cannot be explained at all. Everyone's memory has been tampered with, and they have spontaneously helped each other complete their lives. How terrible is this?

"Senior Brother?" Seeing him closing his eyes and sinking in thought, the young monk was about to speak when Xu Yangyi raised his hand and the other man shut up knowingly. His mind was already racing.

Knowing Mamen's true identity, he had no intention of provoking him, but more importantly, what was Mamen doing at Tianjian Villa?

He didn't think he was waiting for him on purpose. To put it bluntly, when he was still Nascent Soul, he deserved special attention from the first generation of Yahweh?

Totally impossible.

"Is he looking for something? What is there in Tianjian Villa that is worthy of a Yahweh to look for himself?" He thought secretly in his heart, and glanced at his chest without leaving any trace, where the newly born Devouring Desire Talisman was quietly The ground was silent.

This is probably the closest to the real answer.

Now that I think about it, he probably did it by chance. Mammon didn't plant the mark of gods and demons on him, "the ant trying to expose history," until he discovered that the gate of Tiragandis was open.

"That's not the case." At this moment, a voice came from the sky: "Tianjian Villa did have four disciples."

Before he finished speaking, the sky light bloomed, and two figures appeared in the air. The one on the right waved slowly, building a magnificent wall of aura in front of the monks at Tianjian Villa. As the figure on the left raised his hand, a vast hand came down from the sky, as if it were weighed down by a hundred thousand mountains.

The power of Yang Sheng.

The rich power of flesh and blood instantly shattered the surrounding sky. Faced with this palm, Xu Yangyi laughed and slapped it with his backhand.

Rumble... Even across the wall of spiritual energy, the faces of the monks in Tianjian Villa were earthy. How powerful was the fight between the two Yang Sages? An invisible shock wave instantly surged in all directions, the big trees thousands of meters away were rustling, and the ground was shaking.

The two giant hands transformed by spiritual energy were eliminated at the same time. Above the sky, two figures looked up to the sky and laughed. The figure on the left shot down like an arrow. The strong wind blew the beard and hair flying, but there was only excitement between the eyebrows.

"I've met the leader! I've met the second elder!" All the monks of Tianjian Villa knelt down on the ground, kneeling sincerely.

"It's really Yang Sheng..." Wan Zhong Shengjun had never heard of it. At this moment, he could only look at the figure on the ground, and his eyes were a little red.

This is the foundation of Tianjian Villa...

At first, I thought it was ridiculous that this was a chess piece of the Immortal Mountain. How could the Immortal Saint be willing to release a chess piece with such potential?

"The name of the Heavenly Sword is destined to shine in the seven realms in the hands of this son!"

The figures of Wan Zhongshengjun and Mr. Jiang landed in front of Xu Yangyi almost at the same time. In the next second, they made almost the same movement and grabbed his left and right hands.

Xu Yangyi smiled and did not stop him. The opponent's spiritual energy rushed into his body like a wave. This was to test his strength, to see if the foundation was solid, and to see if he was lucky enough to be promoted to the Saint. The deeper the spiritual energy deepened, the uneasiness in the eyebrows of the two old men turned into anticipation.

The meridians are smooth and the spiritual energy is smooth, proving that the road to advancement is smooth. The pulse is stable, and the extremely rich spiritual energy waves like the tide. The eight extraordinary meridians, the twelve main meridians, have a long history, are moderate and thick, and there is no blockage that advances too quickly...

The two sages looked at each other, and both saw incredulity in each other's eyes.

After being respected for hundreds of years, the body is unimpeded and smooth, but the foundation is still so solid. This... is the foundation of the great road! The foundation of Taixu!

They knew clearly that they shouldn't go deeper, and continuing would be a violation of each other's privacy, but the two sages still couldn't bear it. They wanted to see where the other party's limits were. I even wanted to dissect the most evil Daozi in the history of Tianjian Villa to see if there were any hidden injuries.

Just when they were deep inside the body, the Ten Thousand Layers Saint Monarch's eyes suddenly moved slightly, and a long spiritual power emerged without roots, as if the bright moon was shining in the sky and shining on the ocean. His spiritual power seemed to be blocked from the moonlight, and he could no longer make any progress.

"How vast..." Wan Zhong Shengjun understood. This was the other party's implicit rejection, but it was enough, it was enough. He recalled the sight of the other party's spiritual power being as vast as the sea, and almost groaned.

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