
Chapter 1338: All Sects Fight in Cantian City

It’s the beginning of the month! Did you forget something?

Monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Transformed into a life-threatening ghost!


However, at the same time, the corners of his eyes twitched because he saw Mr. Jiang letting go of his hand at the same time, giving Xu Yangyi an extremely vague and shocked look.

This is……

An idea jumped into his mind. If it was a surprise that he had recovered something just now, now it is an incomparable shock!

As soon as an expert stretches out his hand, he will know if there is one. Daozi can actually push back a Yang Sage and a Yin Sage at the same time with ease and clumsiness. This only shows...

He is probably stronger than the two of them combined!

"Okay... okay! Okay!!" His chest heaved up and down violently, and he shouted three good words in a row. Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he waved his hand, and a golden scroll spread out, and he said loudly: "Edict of the Holy Mountain of Immortality .Xu Feng, the Daozi of Tianjian Villa, accepts the order!"

"Disciple is here." Xu Yangyi bowed deeply. The Ten Thousand Levels Saint King looked at the Taoist disciple he was most satisfied with. He fired out a magic formula, and the scroll unfolded in the air, blooming with heavenly light. Rootless lotuses appeared around him, and fairy clouds surrounded him. Characters painted with silver hooks and iron strokes appeared in the void, and in an instant, a glorious imperial edict appeared in the void.

He looked at everyone with scorching eyes and said in a voice like a yellow bell: "From now on, Xu Feng, the Taoist disciple of Tianjian Villa, will be recorded as the 31st Yang Sage, with the Taoist name Ben Lei. He will be entered into the Golden Book and Jade Book. At the same time..."

He and Mr. Jiang looked at each other and bowed slightly to the imperial edict, as if they were hesitating, but they quickly made a decision. Mr. Jiang stood up first, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Tianjian Villa, recommend Daozi Ben Lei Shengjun to lead the team, and rush to support the Chain of Seven Realms in half a year to participate in the Ten Thousand Sects Battle of Towering City!"

Swish, brush, brush!

Suddenly, the monks from Tianjian Villa who were lowering their heads to listen all raised their heads, opened their mouths, and stared at Xu Yangyi. The faces of many junior brothers and sisters instantly turned red, their chests rose and fell sharply, and they pursed their lips and hesitated to speak.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi didn't think so much and immediately bowed in agreement. As he spoke the words, the imperial edict was written like a fairy writing in the air, writing the four characters "Ben Lei Shengjun" incomparably domineering.

The Wan Zhong Shengjun looked extremely solemn. He took a deep breath, bit his fingertips, and wrote his name on it without hesitation.

Buzz... A mysterious ripple rippled from the imperial edict, and the golden lotuses of aura around it swayed slowly, as if witnessing something. After a few seconds, the imperial edict automatically rolled up and turned into a golden light that disappeared into the sky.

"Congratulations, senior brother!" All the disciples of Tianjian Villa shouted in unison, half-kneeling on the ground at the same time. The sound shook the sky.

"How polite." Xu Yangyi was a little surprised. The Chain of the Seven Realms had been prepared the day he came to the Seven Realms. Why did the sect react so bigly?

Just as he was about to raise his hand to help me, Mr. Jiang stopped me with a smile: "You deserve this bow."

"This imperial edict has two meanings. The first level is that once any saint is recorded in a golden book and a jade book, it will be recognized by the Seven Realms, and will soon be decentralized to all the sects in the Seven Realms. This Heaven Realm, including the forces under the Seven Realms, Everyone knows that there are two saints in Tianjian Villa, how noble is the status of the thirty-first Yang Saint?"

"Second..." His expression became more solemn, and he pinched his beard and said: "You are an ascended monk, and you cannot empathize with our deep hatred for Taichu. A monk who has not been on the chain of the Seven Realms will not be recognized by the Seven Realms. of."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and said with deep meaning: "This time you are going, and you are responsible for the life and death of all the disciples of our Tianjian Villa. There is no telling who of the junior brothers and sisters in front of you will fight alongside you. Their lives and paths depend on you, and you deserve it.”

Xu Yangyi's heart moved slightly, and he glanced at Mr. Jiang without any trace, and he suddenly understood something.

The death of Lord Kong Kong is imminent, and the age of great struggle is about to begin. It's fine if they haven't seen his strength. The test of the two sages just now immediately let them know that their Taoist master is fully capable of attacking this supreme position!

Perhaps before they discovered Xu Yangyi's strength, they still wanted him to develop steadily and become famous hundreds of years later, but the two people's resolute choice just now was to instinctively pave a way for him and the sect in advance and not participate. However, once you participate, an identity recognized by the seven worlds is particularly important.

Weiwei nodded towards the two sages, neither denying nor admitting, so as to prepare the other party mentally.

The eyes of Wan Zhong Shengjun and Mr. Jiang flashed, but they didn't say anything. In this era of great conflict, the relationship is too great. They are not more than half sure, and the law will not be spread to the six ears. There are some things that we just have to agree on.

"Brother." At this moment, Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan came over. Zhao Ziqi hugged his fists towards the Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord and said to Xu Yangyi: "This time it's not just Tianjian Villa."

"You are going too?" Xu Yangyi was a little stunned.

Jiang Lao smiled and had to say that in front of outsiders, he was very elegant and intellectual. Xu Yangyi almost didn't associate it with the master who hit him with an alchemy furnace every day more than a hundred years ago: "Vajra Way, Withered Bone Temple, Although we are on different interfaces, we have already concluded a strategic alliance contract with our sect. We have been advancing together and retreating together for more than two hundred years. This is all thanks to you three Taoists. "

"The Chain of Seven Realms is in urgent need. All sects must participate, not just tens of thousands of sects. Of course, no one stipulates that sects with good relations cannot be in the same war zone." Wan Zhongshengjun also answered with a smile.

"Of course I want to go." Chu Zhaonan sneered. He could not forget that Teng Gebar was hunted down by Teng Gebar on the earth. He was hunted from the Pacific Ocean to the Zhenwu Realm, and then from the Zhenwu Realm to the Zhenwu Realm. The frustration of the Tower of Babel.

It's time to settle this account.

"Foreign...fellow Taoist." Chu Zhaonan was used to shouting. He opened his mouth and immediately changed his words under Xu Yangyi's dagger-like gaze: "Let's take a step first. We will definitely come with generous gifts for the sect's grand ceremony in a few months."

Seeing the two of them turning into light and flying away, Xu Yangyi wanted to kick one of them, so what the hell are fellow foreigners!

"What about you?" Looking at the two figures leaving behind, Wan Zhongshengjun asked, "Go back to the sect now?"

"The sect is fully prepared. Just waiting for your return, we will immediately spread your name and invite all major forces to participate in the grand event." Mr. Jiang also smiled and said: "By then, the three major forces around us, as well as the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties, will The sects will send their sages to watch the ceremony, so don’t be shy."

Xu Yangyi sighed: "I'm afraid not now."

"Are you leaving again?" Mr. Jiang was unhappy, his eyebrows raised, and he was about to have a fit. Xu Yangyi already smiled bitterly and said: "This junior is in a hurry and must leave immediately. The viewing ceremony should be postponed."

Jiang Lao glanced around slightly, it was good, no one was around... So the red dust in his sleeves was about to move.

Looking at Mr. Jiang's unkind gaze, Xu Yangyi immediately added: "It's in Kunlun, not far away. Come back as soon as you go. It won't take long."

"Young man is very good at observing people's emotions now..." The disrespectful old man Jiang said curiously, why are his hands so itchy... There seems to be something missing in the past hundred years... maybe it's a smooth hit. Disciple?

Xu Yangyi coughed dryly: "That's because Master taught me well..."

Before Mr. Jiang could speak, he immediately asked: "Master, you said before that there were four disciples in Tianjian Villa?"

The Wan Zhong Shengjun had almost forgotten this incident. When he heard him mention it again, he glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise: "It's true. Thousands of years ago, there was indeed a Fourth Daozi."

Seeing Xu Yangyi listening attentively, he recalled it and said in a deep voice: "This period of history was almost erased by Tianjian Villa. Today I tell you, you must not let anyone other than Daozi know."

Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly, and then he heard the other party's voice speak again: "Your cultivation speed and strength at the same level are unprecedented. But it is not unprecedented."

"Just three thousand two hundred years ago, the sect still only had three Taoists. However, a monk named Ou Fangyu suddenly emerged as a new force. He defeated three Taoists in a row in the sect's competition and practiced for two hundred years to become a saint. He was specially established by the sect as one of the four great disciples in history... He became an undefeated star in the age of great struggle, shining in the heavens and ascending to the throne of Taixu."

Ou Fangyu?

Three thousand two hundred years ago?

Xu Yangyi stared intently at the expression of the Wan Zhong Shengjun, but the other party seemed not to remember that more than a hundred years ago, he had called Ou Fangyu to come to him and tell him about the situation in Anlin City.

"His name is Lord Greedy. He does a lot of weird things, but..." The Ten Thousand Saint Lord paused, and a hint of ambiguity flashed across his face: "This senior Taoist seems to have completely changed since he advanced to Taixu. ”

"He is greedy for everything, wants for everything, he... is like a stomach that swallows everything, and his strength grows at an unusually fast rate. Seven hundred years later... he has actually approached the Doppo state! It can be said that he is the most powerful person in the history of the Seven Realms. Unprecedented rapid advancement! And as his realm grows, his greed becomes even more terrifying. Yan Guo's hair plucking is no longer enough to describe him. His greed targets not only items, but...everything he has. Something that is considered 'useful'."

Greedy Lord?

Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed slightly. He was already sure that Ou Fangyu was descended by Mamen, perhaps through a whisper or a summons. But... Ou Fangyu at this moment can never be him.

Don't you even bother to change your name...

The Wan Zhong Shengjun's expression did not change at all, and he said in a deep voice: "His desire is too strong and too terrifying. Once he becomes Doppo, the Seven Realms will probably enter a period of darkness. So, the two contemporary Doppo Qi took action and fought with Senior Ou in the Chain of Seven Realms, but no one knows the outcome because there is no historical record of the Seven Realms. But..."

He sighed: "Five hundred years later, the Road to Immortality will be opened, which means that Dubu will fall... From then on, Dubu in the past generations has been wary of Tianjian Villa. And... the legendary treasure of Tianjian , was also mentioned again..."

"Master." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes slightly and said word by word: "If you think about it again, has it really been three thousand years since fellow Daoist Ou fell?"

"Of course." Wan Zhongshengjun was a little puzzled: "This matter is clearly recorded in the sect records. From then on, there will be no four disciples in Tianjian Villa."

Xu Yangyi looked at each other in silence, feeling a little cold all around.

Which one is true or false?

Will this memory... be changed again? Does this Ou Fangyu exist now or in the past?

Fragments of memory, butterflies of time, God does not exist in the world, but is everywhere.

In this prison of Yahweh, on this former Kunlun, living on the same plane with a living Yahweh, the first generation of Yahweh, the feeling of walking on thin ice is simply chilling.

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