
Chapter 1339: Ambush

The Wanzhong Saint Lord was about to continue speaking, when suddenly, Xu Yangyi shook his head and said firmly: "I understand. I'll go ahead and I'll be back soon."

Without waiting for the two masters to answer, he had already turned into a stream of light and fled.

Boom, boom, boom...

Flying into the air, his heart was still beating wildly. Just now, he felt... the seed of Chaos jumped gently, as if... there was an extremely terrifying creature, indescribable, far beyond the level of Kendramo and Xinluyad, like a chaotic black hole opening its evil and deep eyes and sweeping the earth.

Can't ask any more...

The Seven Star Divination immediately moved between his fingers. He only took a look and felt a lingering fear.

A great omen!

He didn't know that in the faraway Flowing Fire River, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

This is a magnificent palace. A venerable saint is sitting in the main seat, drinking and talking happily with another venerable saint. The surrounding palace maids danced, the fairy music was ethereal, and the pure white spiritual mist transformed into various rare beasts in the air, what a scene of immortals.

However, at the moment when Wanzhong Shengjun mentioned Ou Fangyu's life, the venerable saint sitting at the bottom suddenly stopped drinking, raised his eyebrows and looked into the void.

"Daoyou, what's wrong..." Yin Zun at the top had not finished speaking, and a hand had slowly raised.

It was very strange. Obviously the top was the host and the bottom was the guest, but Yin Zun, the host, was stunned. This ordinary action made him feel as if he saw the feeling of splitting the blue sky.

Natural Taoism, Taoism is natural.

After a few seconds, the Venerable Saint lowered his head, his face expressionless: "Vigilance ant..."

"Even if I am imprisoned by the rules of the ruins of the gods here, and belong to the same camp, you are so vigilant, no wonder you can come back alive from the place where I was born. The lovely demons are really inferior to the previous generation..."

"Fellow Daoist Ou, what are you talking about?" The Venerable Saint in the first seat felt a sense of vigilance for no reason, and his body moved unnaturally, but at this moment, the light shone in all directions, only him and it, and the palace, maids, and fairy music all disappeared.

"My God!" Yin Zun took a breath of cold air, suddenly stood up from his sitting position, and the majestic spiritual energy of the Venerable Saint realm burst out, but the next second, he was stunned.

De De De... His teeth couldn't help but shiver, sweating like rain, and then, he was terrified and worshiped with a sincere heart.

Just behind him, in the vast universe, a huge black shadow as huge as a star had quietly appeared. Indescribable evil, indescribable nobility, that is natural, reaching the top, extremely powerful without disguise!

"Bye, yes, yes, see you..."

"Don't panic." The majestic figure stretched out a silver claw and gently pressed on his head: "Have a good sleep, you won't remember anything."

"Yes, yes... yes..." A dignified Yin Zun couldn't even speak incompletely at this moment.

"But before going to bed, can you answer a question for this god, a small doubt?"

"I am willing, I am willing... please say..."

"Very good." The voice said lightly: "There used to be a huge library in the Flowing Fire River, right?"

Yin Zun nodded tremblingly.

"It was not built by you, but the Flowing Fire River has been standing until now. No one can understand the words recorded in it. Am I wrong?"

Yin Zun shook his head desperately and wanted to speak, but his tongue was like a knot and he couldn't say anything.

"Yes... Then, have you ever seen such a book?"

"It's only half a copy, the surface is pitch black, although there is no name, but the words do mention the Hongmeng Measurement Method."

"No, no..." Yin Zun said tremblingly: "You, are you looking for a book? I, I, I will dispatch someone to open it for you..."

"No hurry." The voice slowly said: "Think about it carefully, as the head of the Liuhuo River Library, you should be very clear about your responsibilities. The book is called the Hongmeng Contract Book, do you have any impression of it?"

"Really not! My lord!" Yin Zun's voice trembled with extreme fear, and he almost screamed under great pressure: "I will open the library for you! Please, spare my life!"

"Is that so..." The voice disappeared quietly: "Go to sleep, nothing will exist... Remember, no matter who it is, especially a Yangsheng from Tianjian Villa, you can't open the library for him..."

Yin Zun only felt a surge of sleepiness, and everything just now was gradually forgotten. I don't know how long it took, he suddenly opened his eyes. The maids around him called out anxiously. He shook his head vigorously and asked in confusion: "Is this master asleep?"

"Yes." A favored maid said anxiously: "You suddenly fell asleep while sitting, and we couldn't wake you up. We were so worried."

"My lord, please don't let anything happen to you." "If something happens to you, what should we do?" "My lord, take care of your body..."

Yin Zun waved his hand anxiously, interrupting all the voices, and stood up irritably.

I always feel like I forgot something... What is it? I... seem to have met someone just now?

After a few seconds of puzzlement, he waved his hand, a token flew out, and he said something he couldn't think of: "From now on, the Ancient Book Mountain will be closed, and the Book Pavilion will be completely closed. Especially... it will not be open to Tianjian Villa!"

What's going on? How could I... say this?


A rich spiritual energy brought up the fallen leaves and flying flowers all over the sky, blew across the mountains and seas, and came towards my face.

Behind Xu Yangyi is a black desert. This is the most famous endless Dead Sea in Kunlun. The entire desert is boundless, and few people know what is at the end of the desert. On the map of Xu Kunlun, this place is located in the far south, with nothing but desert.

It's a pity that just because a few people know about it, it doesn't mean that no one knows about it. For example, Xu Yangyi knows what's behind this.

He slowly raised his hand, feeling the petals flying in the wind and the fresh and moist water. He looked at the endless mountains at the end of the desert.

A place that is both invisible and visible... This is the home of the Minglong clan that is legendary throughout the seven realms. It is the secluded place where the divine guides of Kunlun, the ruins of Kunlun, live.

There was no mark on the map. If the stargazer hadn't mentioned it to him, no one would have imagined that there would be such a gorgeous scene at the end of the desert.

After a month of walking, even a monk is tired enough. It is impossible to fly here. As soon as he entered the desert, Xu Yangyi felt the pressure of Yahweh. Unless his strength exceeds Yahweh, he will definitely not be able to fly here.

"No wonder no one knows what's going on behind this." He smiled and shook off the petals in his hand, raising his brows: "Come out, follow us all the way, aren't you tired?"

No one answered, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Not coming out?"

"You're welcome, Holy Lord." There was a hint of solemnity in his eyes, and he slowly raised his hand. At the same time, the sky in all directions suddenly trembled, and black sand and dust with a radius of ten thousand meters rotated crazily towards the center, forming a A huge whirlpool.


He glanced around calmly and spoke slowly: "You are very good for being able to lurk for so long without me finding your exact location. But..."

"I advise you to take action quickly, otherwise, after I take action, you will have no chance."

"What a shameless statement!" A thunderous cold snort resounded through the void. The next second, the sound of splashing in the yellow sand was endless, and black figures were like thousands of dragons coming out of the sea. Thousands of them, with an indomitable murderous intent, pointed directly at the vital points of Xu Yangyi's body. !

They were countless sand soldiers, with strong armor and huge shields, and spears in their hands chasing souls. The wind blew their sand-turned bodies, raising a black tide all over the sky.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi smiled coldly. The moment the sand soldiers came into contact, the void shook violently, and a circle of golden river rose into the night, forming a 300-meter divine kingdom around it. All the sand soldiers had just rushed into the golden light range. , it was like encountering a huge mouth that swallowed everything, and was eaten clean in an instant. It turned into a black sandstorm and flew up.

The mutated Devouring Desire Talisman merges and covers the soul hunter. Except for Taixu, Zunsheng has almost absolute defense!

"Black Soul Coffin!" At this moment, a sharp shout resounded through the void, and all the scattered black sand suddenly moved toward the center. Each dust particle was like a falling morning star. At this moment, thousands of stars returned to the sea, and the impact was so intense that The soul hunter buzzed endlessly, but it still could not break through the soul hunter's defense, but it formed a 500-meter black sand dome in place like a magnet.

"Sticking hands." In the void, several spiritual consciousnesses alternated. Immediately after the sky changed, the desert seemed to be sucked into the air by a tornado, forming a thousand-meter black sand cloud cave. In the cloud cave, a blue and white thunder dragon was galloping, and a terrifying thunder light was contained but not emitted. The whole world was shaken. Under the sea of ​​thunder and thunder, in an instant, thousands of trees were in spring again, flowers were blooming all over the ground, and huge trees tightly surrounded the Black Sand Dome.

Brushing... golden light bloomed, an extremely sharp sword energy hung high on the top of the dome, a giant sword that was a hundred meters long was heaving in and out, the black sand was floating beside him, and the thunder dragon was circling, which was comparable to the scene of the Destruction Domain. Following several shouts in the void: "Death!" "Destruction!"

The suppressed thunder in the cloud cave suddenly fell, hitting the giant sword directly, and slashed downwards like the sanction of the God of Thunder. The entire pitch-black desert was wailing and sinking under the majestic power of several saints.

boom! !

Shock waves mixed with black sand blew across the desert like a typhoon. In the depths of the distant valley, a pair of old eyes shrouded in nebulae opened, blinked, and closed again.

The sky was bright and the earth was turned upside down. The black sand completely formed a wave of destruction, covering everything and swallowing everything. In the midst of this terrible explosion, a voice sounded leisurely: "The Code of Sand, the Code of Wood, the Code of Thunder, the Code of Sword... One, two, three... There are six Yin Lords in total, and their cooperation is wonderful. Dianhao, you are pretty good if you can execute this killing move in ten seconds."


The six divine consciousnesses in the void were all stunned. They knew their strength well, and they were definitely among the top ranks of Yin Zun. The power of their attacks together was so spectacular that even the top three saints had to retreat. This unknown Ben Lei... is okay?

"Who sent you here?" Xu Yangyi's voice continued, talking leisurely as if talking about the most ordinary things: "Venerable Hanxue or Master Mianfeng? They..."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't come back if you leave?"

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