
Chapter 1340: How to repay kindness?

"Retreat!" A slightly sharp divine sense shook the world, and then six beams of light shot up from the black sand. Six figures hiding in cloaks stepped on magic weapons, golden lotus, flying sword, giant beast, fan... and drew six sandstorms on the desert, and rushed in different directions without hesitation.

"If you miss the attack, you will flee thousands of miles away... It's a pity that you want to leave now, don't you think it's a little late?" Xu Yangyi's leisurely voice resounded through the void like a demon: "Leave them all to this Saint."

The sound was like thunder, and the ground exploded with a black sand shock wave. In this shock wave, more than a dozen deep purple whirlpools suddenly opened in the void.

Endless desires condensed in it, and evil hands tore through the cracks in the space, accompanied by the majestic flames of Tiragangdis roaring in the sky.

"This is..." In the distant valley, the eyes that had just been closed opened again, the stars shone, and he suddenly raised his head to look outside the valley: "One of the seven major races... the demons of hell... currently the strongest race on par with the Zerg?"

"Monsters from the quasi-immortal world... how could they appear here?"

"Who brought these monsters here! This is too bold!"

"Roar!!" Outside the valley, black sand flew all over the sky, and more than ten roars that did not belong to the seven realms sounded in this world for the first time. The six figures who were running drew out their consciousness and looked back, and they all gasped.

"Six Yang Saints?" "No... this is not a human, what kind of creature is this?" "What a terrible feeling, these creatures have gathered too many desires, just like a collection of desires!"

Kakaka... A pair of deep purple hands excitedly tore open the cracks, plane summoning... This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years! How many great demon kings have grown fat from plane summoning? How many creatures in the plane are fools who think they can master the power of demons? As long as he can find a way to kill this summoner who has high ambitions but a weak life, he will be the only master of this plane!

It spread its wings and burst into a heart-thumping scream. Look... this beautiful plane, these weak... weak... weak...

"Yi. Ferres?!" Its voice rose eight degrees in an instant, and it almost flew away with its wings. The other demons who had just appeared also had sharp eyes and were about to flee screaming. Xu Yangyi frowned and said, "Stop."

Then, he raised his chin towards the fleeing saints.


Can you not be so arrogant?

Then, roars of resignation sounded one after another, chasing the six fleeing figures frantically.

"Damn..." The monk of the sword principle just escaped three thousand meters, and felt a huge force behind him. This was not spiritual energy, but an evil force that he had never felt before. The speed was surprisingly fast, even in the Seven Realms, he could enter the top 100 saints!

What the hell is this field?

He actually summoned seventeen saints in one go? How to fight in this kind of domain?

"Hehehe..." A hateful voice came from behind: "Little white rabbit, why are you running? You are just a lower-level upper realm, and you think you can compete with us in the quasi-immortal realm?"

Summoning domain? Creatures are highly intelligent?

The monks of the sword code didn't dare to think too much. The air is forbidden here, but the spiritual power is forbidden to rise into the air. The speed of the legs is simply different from that of the winged demon. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and the cold light burst out between his hands. A sword ball whistled into the air, tearing a heart-shaking mark in the void.

"Kill!" He was in a state of emergency, and he didn't hold back at all. With a loud shout, the sword ball drew a long rainbow in the sky, cutting through the four fields, and the desert was neatly divided into hundreds of bottomless gullies, and then buried by black sand, rushing straight to the devil behind him.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The screams continued, but his heart was heavier. The natal sword ball attacked and hurt the opponent, but the opponent's strength did not decrease at all, but became faster as if stimulated.

"How dare you hurt me..." The voice sounded again, almost close to his ears. With great shock in his heart, the cultivator's spiritual crane soared into the sky, straight up to the sky, and with the help of spiritual energy, it soared dozens of meters high. His hands were raised like a white crane spreading its wings, and thousands of swords flew into the air. The rain of swords whistled and turned the surroundings into a sea of ​​swords.

Boom! !

What greeted him was a huge mouth, like a black hole, swallowing all the sword lights and people together.

"You actually provoked Yi... and even involved me... You really don't know how to live or die... The King of the Abyss from Tiragangdis can also be provoked by you ants from the lower upper realm?"

Almost at the same time, six screams sounded at the same time, and six magic light pillars covered the sky, raising a bloody color on the black desert. After more than ten minutes, more than a dozen big demons came back and bowed respectfully: "Mr. Yi, do you have any other instructions? Do you want to keep them alive?"

"No need." Xu Yangyi walked slowly towards the mountains without even looking at them. He saw that an old figure had been standing on the top of the mountain.


Six of the seventeen demons had bulging stomachs that were several meters wide. Something was struggling inside. When they heard this, their eyes lit up and their stomachs shrank like pythons. With a loud sound of "kakaka", a scream sounded through their stomachs. They had already licked their lips comfortably.

It's really delicious...

It's just that the power is a little weak...

At the same time, in the faraway Seven Realms, six saints who were in retreat opened their eyes at the same time and spit out a mouthful of blood.

A female Yin Zun panted, wiped the blood from the corner of her lips with her snow-white sleeve, and trembled to open the light curtain. In the rippling waves, Liu Mianfeng's handsome face appeared on it. However, as soon as she saw the other party, her pupils suddenly shrank.

"Mianfeng..." The female cultivator's chest rose and fell sharply, and a trace of hatred rippled on her face: "What kind of monster did you offend?"


"What?" The female cultivator opened a bottle of elixir, swallowed it with a pale face, and panted heavily: "The six great saints didn't last half an hour under the opponent's hands. Is this what Su Liu and Qian Qi said to test the bottom?"


"Don't say it." The female cultivator waved her hand and stood up, saying coldly: "Although I, Ling Xiao Fairy, am not strong, I am also a Yin Zun ranked 231st on the Saint List. I have repaid the favor I owe you. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other!"

Without waiting for Liu Mianfeng to speak, she had closed the light curtain by herself. She closed her eyes and felt her body for a while, then opened them again after a long time: "The incarnation was completely destroyed, what a loss. What kind of monster is that, so terrible? What's more terrible is to make an enemy with a Yang Saint of this realm... Come... Come!!"

As she shouted, dozens of maids filed in, half-knelt on the ground in fear and trepidation: "Venerable?"

"Prepare a generous gift for this Venerable." Fairy Lingxiao closed her eyes painfully: "Be ready to receive news from Tianjian Villa at any time. Once the hero invitation is widely distributed, send it to this Venerable immediately. Give it to Saint Benlei in person."

The maid was about to agree, but Fairy Lingxiao sighed: "Forget it."

"This Venerable will go in person..."

A maid hesitated and said: "Your injury..."

"Not as important as life!" Fairy Lingxiao snorted coldly, waved her hand with a sullen face, and all the maids exclaimed and flew out together, and then the door was closed.

In the 4492nd year of the Seven Realms Tenghuang Year, Fairy Lingxiao was in retreat in the Moonlit Xiaoxiang Realm. At the same time, Jin Guangzong Wen Jian Daojun of Santu River was in retreat, Beiju Shen Wuyazi, Liuhuo Zhichuan Yin Fengjun... and other six saints were in retreat at the same time.

All this was just a small drop of water in the majestic Seven Realms, no one noticed it, and Xu Yangyi was even less likely to know that at this moment, he had already walked to the front of the mountains and bowed to the old figure floating in the air on the top of the mountain: "God Guide?"

The other party's body could not be seen clearly. He was wearing a black cloak with bandages wrapped underneath. From a distance, he looked like a human figure. Under the bandages, there was a kind of lucky power that was no different from that of a stargazer, and strands of starlight leaked out from the gaps.

It did not speak, but just looked at Xu Yangyi deeply. There was silence in the wind and sand. After a long time, the other party said: "Tenglei Mountain was defeated, and the seven realms are in danger. It can be said to be the first great disaster in tens of thousands of years. I have seen... a city of devastation... a starry sky piled with flesh and blood..."

"When the army is at your disposal, you actually killed six Yin Zun incarnations in one breath and even summoned the devil to come... Is it too cruel?"

"People say to repay evil with virtue. As the top Yang Saint of the Seven Realms, can't you let them go just because of the general situation?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the God Guide in astonishment, and suddenly laughed.

He laughed very arrogantly and wantonly, looking at the God Guide with some disappointment: "When this Saint saw the Stargazer, I thought the Nether Dragon Clan was a... not bad clan."

"Unfortunately, meeting is not as good as hearing."

The figure did not speak, but just looked at him quietly.

Xu Yangyi restrained his smile and spoke in a cold voice: "Repay evil with kindness..."

"Then how to repay kindness!!"

The other party still didn't speak. After a long time, the figure floated into the valley: "Open the ban."

"Let him in."

The light in the mountains bloomed, and it took half an hour to extinguish. Xu Yangyi walked slowly into the valley.

Stepping into the mountain pass, Yawei's pressure suddenly lightened, the forbidden air completely disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a paradise.

This is an oasis in the valley. Perhaps this mountain is too high and not buried by the desert. Their buildings are extremely rich in the style of ancient Chinese clans. They farm and raise livestock, and live around a large lake in the center.

Looking far away, the tribesmen around are wearing black robes, but they are not wrapped in bandages. They stretch out their hands wrapped in nebulae from their sleeves, just like the stargazers. And many members of the Nether Dragon tribe are also looking at this uninvited guest with curious eyes.

"Inquire without permission, is this human etiquette?" At this moment, a familiar old voice sounded. Looking up, the God Guide who had met him once before was standing outside the largest building in the center of the basin, looking at him unkindly.

The cultivation of the Nether Dragon Clan is not high, a small number of them are Yuanying, and most of them are below Jindan. Only this clan member has reached the realm of Venerable Saint. And his stature is much taller than other clan members, probably about three meters.

"Why did you come?" Facing Xu Yangyi, who had just killed six Yinzun incarnations, the God Guide was not afraid at all, and spoke hoarsely: "You have... a trembling breath, which is closely related to the gods we worship. But more... is killing, destruction, and... great destruction."

He took a step forward, his voice was extremely complicated: "You are the savior, but also the devil, the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water will eventually be destroyed... all are Nan Ke's dream... No one's fate has ever been as chaotic as yours, you should not be here at all..."

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