
Chapter 1341: Sea of ​​Eternal Life

There was silence all around. The old divine guide was flanked by several tribesmen. They all looked at the tall divine guide in astonishment. They had almost never heard such a terrifying prediction from each other.

"Clan leader..." One of the divine guides looked at Xu Yangyi unkindly. Before he could speak, the tall stargazer had already regained his composure and shook his head: "Back off."

"You are no match for him." He turned and left with a complex voice: "How can a mortal creature understand a person who survived hell? That is a devil in human skin... Come with me."

There's something about it...

He was not surprised that the other party revealed his details in one breath, but the expectation hidden in his heart deepened.

As long as Angel can be rescued, what does it matter if the other party has thoroughly studied him?

The two of them entered the palace behind them together. The palace was very large, made of stone, with huge animal tooth decorations, and exquisite bone tools occupying half of it. The surrounding walls were all runes engraved with unknown blood, and the rich... Tribal cultural styles come to mind.

In the center of this palace, there is a crystal over one meter high. Mounted on the head of a beast skeleton, the shape is irregular polygonal and somewhat elongated. The interior seems to contain an infinite universe, with nebulae swirling. Just looking at it is like being immersed in a vast mystery.

The Divine Guide waved his hand, and all the tribesmen left. He groaned slowly, his voice getting louder and louder. It was a type of writing that he had never heard before. Tens of seconds later, the entire basin echoed with this god-like voice.

One by one, the divine guides put down their work, looked at the temple in astonishment, and then knelt down devoutly. More and more chants gathered in it, and finally... formed a sound wave that seemed to reach directly to heaven.

Carrara... The sky seemed to have heard the call, and the clouds rushed around, forming a majestic and boundless cloud hole, spinning like a clock. The strong wind blew through the basin, the huge tree crowns were swaying, and the grass was low. Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly froze, and a power he had never felt before appeared in his heart without warning.

The body of the Divine Inducer bloomed with rays of brilliance, and slowly floated up. The voice became louder and louder. It was impossible to believe that it came from this tiny body. Xu Yangyi took a breath, and his heart kept fluctuating with the voice, as if it were a giant voice. The mountain is pressing down on the top, half kneeling on the ground.



The extremely powerful existence that I had experienced once in the Wolf Chief's plane seemed to have heard the call from the sky. He slowly opened his eyes and took a look here.

At this glance, all creatures worship him and all ministers are in awe.

Yahweh... A Yahweh looked at this place. He knew that this was different from the divine guide from the wolf chief plane. This was a person who had never cut off his inheritance and had been listening to the oracle for hundreds of thousands of years. The true guide of God!

That kind of boundless majesty, that kind of majestic majesty like the sky, there is no resistance at all under the pressure that envelopes the heavens.

Its appearance is an oracle.

Its existence is eternity.

Far more powerful than Yahweh in the Wolf Chief plane...even...more terrifying than the extremely weak First Pillar God of Desire...However, at this moment, the seed of Chaos in his chest suddenly started beating!

"This is..." He looked in shock. The next second, a green light suddenly bloomed in his chest, gradually disappearing into the void and turning into chaotic black. Wuji and Taiji, chaos and boundlessness, he is simply like being at the center of the rebirth of the universe, stepping into the deepest void.

After being stunned for half a second, he suddenly looked at the Divine Guide, gritted his teeth under the terrifying pressure and said: "Which Yahweh are you serving!?"

But there was no answer.

The bandages all over the Divine Guide's body stretched like clouds, revealing a body surrounded by nebulae and dense star maps below. The whole person had slowly risen into the void, blooming with thousands of rays of light, echoing the chaotic aperture on Xu Yangyi's body. He didn't seem to hear it. Shout: "Put your hand on the void crystal!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and immediately put his hand up. In an instant, a brilliance suddenly shone, and the two figures disappeared from the palace.

Blah blah blah... Countless memories rushed into Xu Yangyi's mind in an instant. It was hard to describe, as if at this moment he had walked through a civilization that spanned thousands of years, and it was an extremely familiar civilization.


The development history of the only civilized galaxy in the solar system!

He saw the cultural revolution, the scientific and technological revolution, the dark ages in Europe, and going further, he actually reached the tribal age and the maternal age!

Walking in the corridor of time, through the river of history and civilization, the reverse journey of all things, the passers-by of generations, thousands of years become the bright moments of fireworks in the universe, fleeting but eternal.

Pictures all over the sky passed before his eyes. He had already seen the Stone Age, but it was not over yet!

Still moving forward!

Going further... he saw a vast civilization, something he had never seen before... an indescribable civilization!

Incomparably brilliant, extremely brilliant. The monks' hall far exceeds the pyramid, towering into the clouds, the majestic Buddha statue, the relief of the Taoist monarch, blocking out the clouds and the sun, the Buddha land in nine directions, the Taoist kingdom in the ten heavens, the floating boat from the east traveling through the planes, the coming of all nations, and the sword from the west With magic, countless sword masters, crusaders, and countless great magisters...each of them is not inferior to the Demon King of Hell!


It can only be described as incomparable. Even hell cannot catch up with this plane, but he already has an understanding in his heart.

Not returning to the fairyland...

This was the last spiritual era before the Tower of Babel fell and before Chaos destroyed and saved the earth! The non-returning fairyland that shocks the heavens!

Cloudtop Palace, Deep Sea Dragon City, Nine Nether Demon Palace, Heavenly Dao Ancestor... Everything that could be in the legend appeared here... However, this is not over yet, the picture is still moving forward!

He vaguely saw the birth of the first monk, and saw the struggle between the Homo sapiens and the Heavenly Dao before him. Finally, after an unknown period of time, even before the emergence of humans, two pieces of light bloomed almost simultaneously in the east and west of the earth.

So brilliant, so eye-catching, far beyond the birth of all new stars, like pearls in the Ganges.

In this east and west light, two... bodies that cannot be described in words... no, spirits, separated from the earth and slowly stood up.

"This... is Beichen... and Chaos?" He sighed and stirred, the chaos in the west, the seven stars in the east, the two stars shining on the earth, this piece of light even transcended the solar system and spread to farther places.

The birth of Yahweh...

Before humans, before the Cretaceous period, and even... earlier...

Swish, swish, swish... At this moment, all the images suddenly paused, and nothing could be seen except the huge chaos.

Even the chaos could not be seen. He was in an endless black space, his body could not move, and it shifted with the universe. Like a broken planetary belt cruising in the void.

However, a warm feeling lingered around him, and he felt like he was in the mother's womb now, with an unusual attachment.

A melodious sigh came into his ears, and through countless years and endless light years, Xu Yangyi felt countless hands, hands composed of spiritual energy, touching his body.

"You got my legacy..."

"Did Quetzalcoatl give it to you..."

This was an accent, and it was hard to tell whether he was a man or a woman, as if he was kneeling in front of the Roman Cathedral, listening to the oracles of the gods. Xu Yangyi tried hard to open his eyes, and sure enough... sure enough, from the moment the Seed of Chaos vibrated, he thought of the stargazer, and he had guessed that the god served by the Nether Dragon Clan... was Chaos!

As expected...

At this moment, he actually felt a slight sourness in his nose, which was the feeling of finally finding the roots after wandering in the galaxy for a long time.

The leaves fall back to their roots. not dead.

This god is right in front of him, he wants to see, want to see what this god who is older than trilobites and even coexists with the earth looks like. Look at the true appearance of the top Yahweh who interspersed this cosmic epic and experienced the twilight of the gods twice, but unfortunately, he can't do it.

"You have a lot to ask." He tried hard to move his mouth, as if sensing his emotional fluctuations, Chaos's voice was soft: "But, it's not the time."

"I really didn't expect... After so many tens of thousands of years, I can still hear the call of the immortal world... What's going on there?"

Let me speak!

Xu Yangyi had too many questions and things to say, and the blood in his chest was desperately surging, but Chaos did not give him a chance. After just one second, he said with some emotion: "So that's how it is. Has the Immortal Realm of No Return become like this... It seems that I did a good job..."

"I know you want to say it, and I know you want to do it, but it's not the right time. You are too weak... Your actions have attracted the attention of some of the fourth generation of Yawei... However, you have the hope of reaching our level..."

"We will wait for you, come... Walk through Taixu, step into Dubu, step into the realm of the peak, and then... Aim for the highest Supreme existence. Only then can you see the truth you pursue. "

"Real desire for knowledge... I haven't seen a cultivator like you for too long. You are very good, really very good..."

"In return, I will tell you the answer you want to know."

"The body outside the body, the eternal life of the origin, comes from the Eternal King Albatros Tagris. He was swallowed by the third pillar of desire in the second Ragnarok, and the godhead was scattered. You already have a fragment of the God King, and it is not difficult to find it. "

Xu Yangyi suppressed his fluctuating emotions and listened carefully to the words of the creature that should be Chaos, not daring to miss a single bit.

"But it is also very dangerous. The ownerless godhead is a killing weapon for mortals, you must be fully prepared. It... will appear in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life in a year. "

The Sea of ​​Eternal Life?

Xu Yangyi was anxious, where is the Sea of ​​Eternal Life? There is no such place on the map of the seven realms!

His mood was completely exposed under Yahweh's eyes. The next second, the sky light bloomed in his consciousness, and a vast star map appeared in it. Far more detailed than the ancient Starry Sky Road that Quetzalcoatl had walked.

On this star map, the Milky Way was divided into two sides. On the right side, where he was now, there were seven realms, the three-color land of the dragon clan, the original nest of the Zerg clan, and many planes.

On the left side... was a dark area. A consciousness entered his mind, and four big words suddenly appeared.

The Dynasty of God's Creation!

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