
Chapter 1342: God's Choice

This is... the Sea of ​​Desire, the supreme kingdom occupied by the remaining six gods of desire! The source of the dusk that makes all planes feel like they are facing a great enemy!

Between the two star regions. A long, dark river with dense stars splits the Milky Way in half.

The Sea of ​​Eternal Life!

The planes of the Seven Realms are on the edge of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, and what is even more terrifying is... there is an extremely huge phantom in this Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

Emperor Senluo!

Xu Yangyi took a breath and shook his head absentmindedly.

What the hell... Sea of ​​Eternal Life...

This is... the primordial world!

The primordial... splits the Milky Way in two! It becomes the isolation zone between the God Creation Dynasty and the heavens and all the worlds! If you want to go to the other side, you must cross this primordial ocean!

This is the truth of the universe.

The true face of the Milky Way is fully revealed in Xu Yangyi's mind, and he finally has an understanding of the entire Milky Way.

It turns out... the so-called Seven Realms are just a little bigger than a grain of rice. It turns out that even a powerful one like Tiragangdis is only the size of an egg.

There are more star maps that cannot be explored by the vast interstellar space and the myriad races in the universe.

Compared with this star map, everyone is extremely small, no one is brilliant, just a drop in the ocean of equality of all beings.

Right next to the Seven Realms, the Devouring Talisman representing Xu Yangyi shines, and not far away, another talisman that has never been seen is forming hazily. It is the Eternal Life Talisman.

"I can be sure that it will appear in the Changsheng Sea, not far from you. But the specific location, I can't detect, after all..." He seemed to be hesitant to speak, and sighed: "Come on, go to our position and see the truth of the universe."

"True seeker of knowledge, I give you a right."

The picture in his mind suddenly flew away, passing through the Changsheng Sea, through the huge dark forest of the God Creation Dynasty, and reached a blue planet behind the God Creation Dynasty.


"You have the right to return to Earth once. What the monks cultivate is the Supreme Forgetfulness of Love, and also the Heaven If There Is Love. At least I am sure of your approach. There are not many people who can reach this step in the Immortal Realm, and even know so many secrets of Yahweh..."

"This is the beginning of contacting the highest realm. Only when you understand your pursuit and what you want, you will have the opportunity to knock on this door. The heavens and the worlds, the universe and the races, have developed to this day, and there is no space for Yahweh to be born, unless it is replaced by a godhead, but such Yahweh... is it really Yahweh?"

"It is better to say that they are the incarnations of Yahweh who once fell... That's all..."

"Your pursuit is the nobility that those monks who simply pursue power, desire, and authority can never touch. Only because of instinctive desire can you touch the door of the highest, so I give you this convenience."


He paused: "In order to make you safer, I... will erase some of your memories until you have enough strength to open it again..."

Erase your own memory?

Xu Yangyi felt unwilling. He knew that Chaos must have erased the memory related to the Book of Hongmeng Contract. He must also know that Mammon was in the Seven Realms. As the first generation of Yawe, even if Mammon was not that strong, he could not be weak. He was a person who could rule the world with one word.

The other party did not want to have any entanglement with Mammon, and did not want the monks of the Immortal Realm of No Return who had only appeared for a long time to die. In the end, he sacrificed his own memory.

The spiritual energy tentacles had already sunk into his body, and the unwillingness and unwillingness in his heart had already turned into a river.

This was his own thing... He rushed through the Tower of Babel on Earth, fought Su Xingyao to death in the Seven Realms, and went to hell to get the treasure!

It was a page that he, as a small ant seeking knowledge, finally opened!

As a person seeking the truth, this was the most precious wealth. How could he bear to be erased?

"No!!" Just when the spiritual energy was about to touch his brain, the seed of Chaos in his chest suddenly shook. He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted with all his strength.

However, he was stunned immediately.

This is not Chaos...

Not far in front of him, there is a huge sculpture, mud? Clay?

Plump breasts, huge buttocks, big eyes with tribal characteristics, round mouth, just like unearthed pottery figurines.

Is it funny?

Very funny, but no one can laugh, because the other party exudes the magnificent pressure of Yahweh! The body... is as huge as a star! It is a pure spirit, illusory, like a dream. The stars in the sky will feel ashamed in front of this ridiculous pottery figurine.

"You are..." Photographic memory immediately started. There are too many similar pottery figurines on the earth. Most of them are from Africa. There are also ancient Chinese and Aztec civilizations... Almost without thinking, Xu Yangyi blurted out: "Great Mother Goddess!"

"You... are not Chaos!"

Great Mother Goddess. Before the emergence of paternal clans, it was the world of maternal clans, and the remains of civilization development at that time had a common symbol.

All civilizations on Earth at that time had such a pottery figurine. Maybe their appearances were different, but their plump breasts and huge buttocks were equally prominent. The Great Mother Goddess was not only the patron saint of the tribe, but also a mark of mutual recognition between tribes. After the emergence of the tribal alliance, the tribal god with leadership rose to become the common god of the entire alliance, and then became the common god of the chiefdom and kingdom.

This is also a legend, a not very famous legend, but this god did exist.

The terracotta warrior was filled with surprise and looked at his chest: "The legacy of the God of Chaos... actually recognized you... rejected me?"


Xu Yangyi knew that in front of a true Yahweh, let alone him, even if he was unique, what peaks after that were all jokes. These were the essence of a species, the characteristics of life civilization, and had transcended the universe, even if this was a spirit body with residual consciousness. He could only hope that the other party would not do this.

The other party did not speak for several minutes before retracting his hand.

"I agree with his refusal."

"I didn't to see me. I'm not a famous Yahweh, but I'm a rare second-generation Yahweh who doesn't rely on the fallen godhead of the first Ragnarok. There are different levels of strength among Yahwehs. The Yahweh created by the fallen better called a false god."

"You, want to keep those memories?"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak, he slowly said: "These memories have touched certain taboos. Moreover, you are in the same plane with a very dangerous first-generation Yahweh. The Battle of Kunlun...There are too many rules in this place. Although he can't do anything to you, you...are on the tightrope."

"A little off, it's a bottomless abyss."

"Junior understands." Xu Yangyi still couldn't move. The other party's attitude was very easy-going. At their level, they no longer cared about hypocritical etiquette.

"But... please keep these memories." His voice was extremely complicated: "This is my request... please be merciful."

It is meaningless to say that this is your treasure and your country. Negotiation is useless when the balance is completely unbalanced.

After a long time, the figure of the Great Mother Goddess radiated thousands of rays of light, and began to turn into dust and disappear into the void: "I promise you."

"But you violated the will of a Yahweh. As a punishment, I will take back your right to go to the Immortal Realm of No Return once. Only when you reach Taixu can you go."

Everything around him began to pass by quickly. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, suppressed the fear in his heart, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Senior! Where is Chaos?"

"Where is Lord Beichen?"

"Can the junior still see them?"

There was no answer. Everything was passing by quickly. Until he thought the other party would not answer, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "I hope... another modern Yahweh will come out in the Immortal Realm of No Return..."

"This is the wish of all of us Yahweh."

"When you arrive, you will naturally see Beichen. And Chaos..."

"You...will never see it..."


As if hearing his words, the star map in his mind changed again, turning into the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, and then without saying anything, the time around Xu Yangyi flowed again, moving forward, and he was infinitely close to the time of "now".

"Ha..." He stood up suddenly, sweating all over his head, and everything around him reappeared. He shook his head and found that he was still in the hall of the God Guide.

The God Guide opposite him, although his whole body was still wrapped in bandages, an extremely old aura was already revealed from inside.

"Do you know why the life span of a divine guide is calculated in ten thousand years?" The other party seemed to be too old to stand, but he firmly withdrew his hand from the crystal and laughed bitterly: "Because... every divine guide requires a life span of ten thousand years..."

"This is our fate... The stargazer is dead, and he died a hundred years after he came back. He told me to let you protect us... But I also have a request..."

"We don't need your protection... You... are a creature that can bring destruction... You will destroy all dreams... We can't accommodate you, the Nether Dragon Clan can't accommodate you, you go... The farther the better, never come back, this divine guide is the price we pay to get rid of you..."

Xu Yangyi withdrew his hand, bowed deeply to the old divine guide, and walked out.

When he reached the door, he paused and said slowly: "I owe you a favor."

"If you have anything, you can come to Tianjian Villa to find me. I will repay you for this favor."

After that, he left the valley, and all the divine guides on the road made way, and no one was willing to look at him.

After walking out of the valley, he finally raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief, his brows were already furrowed.

The sixth talisman of the origin of eternal life finally appeared, but the Great Mother Goddess did not give him the exact location. Looking at the star map, the distance may not be far, about a few millimeters, but... the Seven Realms are only the size of a grain of rice!

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