
Chapter 1343: Return to the Clan (I)

The location is unpredictable. I only know that it is in the Changsheng Sea. However, the seven realms of the Changsheng Sea are in danger now. It is said that they were attacked by Taichu and entered Tenglei Mountain. He didn't even know where Tenglei Mountain was.

He subconsciously touched the side of his neck. There were two dark marks there. They were Angel's marks, pure blood marks.

At this moment, his hand paused, and an even weirder idea came to his mind.

"Why did the Great Mother Goddess pretend to be Chaos... He had no ill will towards me, but... was like Chaos's guardian? And finally, why did the Changsheng Sea appear when I asked where Chaos was?"

Taichu... How many years has it only appeared? It can actually form an extremely huge Changsheng Sea that spans the Milky Way? Neither side intervened?

If it is really so strong, it should be destroyed first in the gap between the two major forces. Can Emperor Senluo be compared with the Shenchuang Dynasty? However, the other party created an empire as huge as the Shenchuang Dynasty, which is like a scar on the universe.

I thought for a long time and walked thousands of meters without knowing it, but I had no clue.

"My realm is still not high enough, I don't even have the qualifications to participate in the game..." He sighed and looked at the black desert with sunshine outside: "Forget it, don't think about it. The most important thing now is that now that I know the location of the body outside my body, this time the Seven Realms Chain is the best opportunity!"

Looking at the sky, it seems as if I have seen through the void and reached the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

"Taichu." After a long time, he sneered: "Let's settle the same account in different time and space...


Tianjian Villa. Juxian City.

This center where the three major forces of the seven realms gather, with the Great Xia Dynasty on the top, the Wanling Guiyi Sect on the left, and the Xuesa Kingdom on the right, has become a buffer zone among the three countries. In the small town of the vassal Tianjian Villa, you can see monks in the costumes of the three major forces from time to time.

However, the vassal city, which is usually bustling, is not at all lively today. The crowd is still flowing, but everyone's face is solemn. Even the disciples of the three sects who usually have the most friction, just stared at each other with sparks in their eyes at this moment, and then Hurrying on the road.

The entire Juxian City was shrouded in a solemn silence, and the crowd entered the huge city lord square in the center in silence and tacit understanding. There, more than a dozen giant floating flying boats hundreds of meters long were spread across the sky. This was obviously not an ordinary cargo flying boat. Each one was covered with talismans, and dozens of eyeball-shaped balls were suspended around it, like a group of stars surrounding the moon, emitting a heart-pounding spiritual power fluctuation.

Under the flying boat, there was a stool, a table, a book, and a pen. One hundred platforms were lined up in order, and one hundred foundation-building disciples of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect sat behind them. In front of each platform, there was already a queue of hundreds of meters long.

In front of one platform, a young cultivator handed over a jade talisman with both hands and said in a deep voice: "The Wu-level family, the Chen family of Juxian City wants to fight."

The cultivator of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect arched his hands, took the jade talisman, and drew a line on the jade slip in front of him. Suddenly, a line of small green characters appeared, "Juxian City, Chen Family, Wu-level. "

"Forces of level 5, can you join the auxiliary troops and listen to orders?"

"I am willing to listen to orders." The young cultivator bowed his hands, and suddenly, a beam of light shot down from the floating flying boat in the sky, and the figure of the cultivator disappeared instantly.

There were countless flags fluttering in the sky. On the frontmost flying boat, a Tai Chi flag was dancing in the wind. Below it, a Yuanying Zhenjun wearing a black and white Tai Chi robe gently passed his hands across the huge spiritual power cannons on both sides, feeling the cold steel between his fingers. The strong wind blew his hair like a black crow, and he said hoarsely: "How many people have signed up?"

"So far, the number of people who have signed up in Juxian City is 2,432." A foundation-building cultivator wearing black armor behind him immediately half-knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice: "These people are all the level 5 forces of Juxian City. Xu Kunlun has recruited 10 million and 72 soldiers so far, and there are not many who can go to the battlefield. "

The Nascent Soul cultivator did not speak, but looked outwards. After a long time, he murmured, "Tenglei Mountain was defeated... Your Excellency is in a very bad situation... Even if we recruit soldiers temporarily, the next batch of cultivators have not yet fully grown up. This is killing the chicken to get the eggs..."

The Foundation Building cultivator did not speak. Unlike the cultivators in other cities, they carried a strong murderous aura, and their spirit was completely different from that of ordinary cultivators.

These were elites who had been on the battlefield and survived the galaxy war with Taichu.

Although they were the Great Perfection of Foundation Building, the inferior Golden Core could not guarantee to kill the opponent.

It was precisely because of this that he was more aware of the urgency of the current situation.

Tenglei Mountain, one of the gateways to the Seven Realms, a space fortress for cultivators, known as an unfallen fortress, was finally breached last year, and hundreds of millions of Taichu rushed in like a tide to covet it. For tens of thousands of years, all creatures in the star field of hundreds of thousands of miles were not spared, and all the star beasts died. Now they have annexed the three major general flags to spy on Cantian City. If Cantian City is broken again...

The consequences are disastrous!

The two great saints urgently issued a call for conscription. The immortal great saint personally went to Cantian City. The three deputy commanders of the Void Legion arrived at the same time. The two sides faced each other across the Milky Way, and the entire Seven Realms were completely boiling.

In the heat, everyone is united.

The D-level is the lowest sect power. As for the E-level, there is no such division. This is a small family that is not even a sect. I am afraid there are less than 30 or 40 cultivators, but now I can't care about it at all. People, people, and people! The upcoming battle of Cantian City is like a giant mouth that swallows everything. There is no way except to pile it with the lives of both sides.

No one spoke. After a few seconds, the black-armored monk said in a hoarse voice: "Reply to the True Lord... Even if we kill the chicken to get the eggs, it is better than having no chicken at all..."

Yuanying True Lord sighed and closed his eyes: "Are all the city defenses open?"

"Reply to the True Lord, they have been opened. All the strategic places will be detected if anyone above the level of the Venerable Saint enters the city. Those who are not recorded in the Golden Book and Jade Book are not allowed to enter the city during special periods."

"Okay." Yuanying True Lord opened his eyes, and a fighting spirit flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting. He looked at the crowd of people who signed up below and shook his head: "I hope... after this unprecedented war... they can come back..."

At this moment, the entire Juxian City shook slightly, and the Yuanying monk was stunned for a moment, then his face changed, and in an instant he turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

The wind was howling, and he rushed out with a long sword like a dragon. The monks near the square all raised their heads. Before they could see the other party's movements clearly, a thunderous shout came from the air: "Open the spirit beast!"

Buzz buzz buzz... A stone tablet engraved with a giant beast at the gate of the city glowed with golden brilliance, with countless measurements on it. At this moment, a blue-black spiritual energy was rising rapidly from below!

"This is..." Around the square, a dark-skinned man who was holding a wine gourd and drinking grabbed the gourd and let the wine spill on his chest, and said excitedly: "The restriction set by His Excellency the King of the Sea is activated? Any spiritual power that exceeds the restriction measurement will be fed back to the main formation of the Juxian City. Which saint is here in person?"

A whisper suddenly rose in the square, with suppressed excitement, and countless eyes instantly looked at the spirit-suppressing stone tablet. The blue-black spiritual energy was still being counted, as if it broke through the light of darkness, fluctuating.

"You can still relax?" At this moment, a solemn voice came from the side. The face of a folding fan monk was not only not relaxed, but even more solemn. Gritting his teeth, he said: "Why do you think this Yuanying senior is so anxious?"

The big man was puzzled and asked: "Why? Isn't the saint coming?"

The young monk opened the folding fan with a swish, and the spiritual light on it was running. It had entered the opening stage. He glanced at the crowd and said word by word: "All the saints, once they go out, they must first inform the whole city to avoid misunderstandings that may cause the tragedy of the extinction of the sect or the confrontation of major forces."

The big man blinked, and then suddenly burst into a sharp exclamation. At the same time, the sound of gasps from all directions sounded like a sea tide, and all the monks' faces turned pale.

Juxian City... did not receive any notification of the arrival of the saint!

Coincidentally, Tenglei Mountain was defeated, and the defense of the Seven Realms had cracked...

Is it a person coming, or...

At this moment, the Zhenling Stone Tablet suddenly burst into endless red light, and the silent blue-black spiritual power rushed out like a wild horse, reaching 150 million in an instant!


A sound of sudden braking came from the sky. The running Yuanying Zhenjun looked at the Zhenling Stone Tablet in shock, and then stared blankly at the outside of the city gate. There, a figure wearing a black cloak and whose face could not be seen at all was slowly walking towards Juxian City.

"Snap!" In the crowd, the folding fan monk suddenly closed his folding fan, and all the monks looked at the Zhenling Stone Tablet blankly, not daring to believe their eyes.

One hundred and fifty million, the existence of the top thirty of the Venerable Saints!

The top hundred of the Venerable Saints must be reported when walking around. This is the iron rule of the Seven Realms. Now a super master who is already in the top ten of the Venerable Saints suddenly appeared in Juxian City, and there is no news at all?

It's not that they think too much, but the current situation cannot help but make people think too much!

A feeling called panic instantly grew in everyone's heart, and extremely frightened eyes could not help but exchange with each other, looking for comfort from each other. A magic weapon was quietly activated, followed by the second, the third... Ten seconds later, the whole square was already floating with spiritual light, thousands of arrows were controlled, and countless hands dripping with cold sweat clenched their magic weapons at the same time without reminder.

"Raise the flag!!" Yuanying Zhenjun was worthy of being an old monk who had survived hundreds of battles. He was stunned for only 0.1 second, and suddenly turned back and shouted. Suddenly, a large flag was raised on all the floating flying boats, with a strange pattern on it.

One hand, suppressing the mountains and seas.

The flag of the king of the sea!

Seeing this flag is like the king himself!

The endless stream of monks quickly rushed out of the cabin. The next second, the flying boat made a huge hum, and the hull was arranged diagonally, forming a thousands-meter steel torrent, lying across the sky. Hundreds of spiritual energy cannons were swallowing and spitting out, entering a state of preparation for battle.

"Juxian City can't stop the Saint from showing off his power!" Yuanying Zhenjun unfolded a golden scroll with rapid breathing, and closed it abruptly after a few seconds, his face was ashen.

None of the top fifty Saints... went out!

None of the seven realms' teleportation arrays recorded the use of the top fifty Saints!

Who is this person...?!

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