
Chapter 1344: Return to the Clan (Part 2)

Ahhhhh~ Silly, I forgot to update...


However, no one could answer his question.

The only answer to him was that in the complete silence, the black brilliance shone again, slowly but non-stop moving towards a higher index.

Dead silence.

Absolute silence.

All the monks' mouths couldn't help but open wide. They were shocked to see the count that was still rising. I don't know how long it had passed before an old voice screamed in despair: "Still...still rising?!"

Superfluous question. The empty and lonely sky echoed, and what answered him was the count bar on the retina moving forward firmly in the corners of everyone's eyes.

One hundred and sixty million, seventy million, eighty million, ninety million!

It is impossible to describe the mood of all the monks. As the index gets higher and higher, their mouths open wider and wider, and the fear in their eyes becomes stronger and stronger. Ninety-eight million, nine million... are all mentioned in their hearts. When it reached the throat, with a "click" sound, the sky-wide black light suddenly shone on the Spirit-Suppressing Beast Monument.

The red ones turn black, and the black ones turn purple.

Red, this is an extremely dangerous warning that recommends evacuation of the entire city.'s pitch black like never before!

"Click..." The sword in a monk's hand fell to the ground unconsciously, but he didn't feel it at all. He just looked at the stone tablet blankly and took a few steps back absentmindedly: "Oh my God..."

"This... how is this possible..." "It's still rising... It's still rising!" "It has surpassed Master Longhu, who is ranked first on the list of revered saints... This, who is this person!"

The dense array of precious light trembled sharply. A number that was enough to shatter their confidence appeared in the Crimson Tide.

Two hundred million!

And...still doesn't stop!

"Honored, respected, No. 1 on the list of revered saints...changed position..." There was no trace of calmness on Brother Folding Fan's face. His face was pale and he was covered in cold sweat. He only felt that his throat was dry, and his spiritual energy had been stimulated to the maximum extent. The factor called fear is growing crazily in the body.

"But...but Master Longhu is still in seclusion..." The tone of the big man beside him changed, and he looked at the closed city gate tremblingly.

"Stuck..." At this moment, a soft voice sounded, and the closed door clicked open, like the death knell of death. The monks at the door exclaimed, retreating hundreds of meters like an ebbing tide. The monks behind him gasped as if they were pinpricks of cold air. The wave of magic weapons that had almost collapsed shone again, and countless eyes stared at the city gate.

A tall figure wearing a cloak and black attire slowly opened the door as if a devil had come to the world.

I have never heard the sound of the city gate opening being so harsh...

The sour squeaking sound resounded in my heart, and at the same time, there was another soft "click," and the Zhenling Stone Tablet finally stopped. A figure that is almost fantasy to the seven realms and has never appeared before appears on the stone tablet.

Two hundred million... fifty million!

Dead silence.

If 190 million brings endless fear, 200 million... this brings extreme despair.

Nascent Soul Master's eyes turned black and he almost fell from the air.

Two hundred and fifty million saints? There are only 173 million people on Dragon Lake, but that is Yin Zun Dzogchen. Isn’t the 250 million really too empty?

"Um..." Xu Yangyi looked at the crowd who looked at him like a monster inexplicably. What's going on?

Are you so unpopular? Are there so many flying boats behind them preparing to "receive" themselves? All psychic cannons fully open?

Lord Hanxue? Mr. Mianfeng?

Some unkind gazes swept across the audience, and Nascent Soul Master's heart trembled. A chill that seemed to have fallen into the Netherworld spread throughout his body. At that moment, he felt as if he had been turned into ashes by a blow, without any resistance at all.

Never encountered...

He is also a chain of seven realms who has fought hundreds of battles for the rest of his life. He has never encountered such a saint. He can't bear a look from him! Even the top ten ranked saints in the past have never reached such a terrifying level!

Using his last strength, he shouted with all his strength: "Come on, who is coming!"

At the same time, the long river of Baoguang behind him suddenly flashed, and he was waiting in full formation.

Xu Yangyi did not answer. With everyone's extremely vigilant eyes, he slowly scanned the whole place and then said slowly: "Ben Lei."

"Daozi of Tianjian Villa, Holy Lord Ben Lei."

It probably wasn't premeditated.

It's more like I just hit the right spot.


True Lord Nascent Soul frowned, why is this name so familiar... Suddenly, he raised his head and exclaimed: "You... are you Holy Lord Ben Lei?"

He remembered... After ascending, he led many B-level and even A-level forces to compete for...

One hundred and seventy years after entering the Sainthood, King Jiehai’s first congratulation was not delivered, and he disappeared for more than a hundred years...

However, he became a saint more than one hundred and seventy years ago, and one hundred and seventy years later, he directly reached the number one saint?

Are you flying?

Have you inserted invisible wings?

He didn't see that dozens of disciples from Tianjian Villa in the crowd suddenly raised their heads, as if hearing the sound of nature, and then immediately took out a piece of spiritual jade to feel something.

"Is there a problem?" Xu Yangyi didn't pay attention to this and said calmly.

"No, no, no problem!" Yuanying Zhenjun's voice was so loud that he was startled. A huge stone fell to the ground in his heart, and then he realized that he was already covered in cold sweat. Bowing at ninety degrees, he shouted: "Welcome Daozi of Tianjian Villa, Lord Benlei to return to the sect!"

From all directions, first there was a chorus of sighs of relief, and then a wave of cheers sounded: "Welcome the Holy Lord back to the clan!"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, why did he feel like...this monster doesn't eat people, and a big boulder fell to the ground?

Are you so terrible?

At the same time, dozens of rays of light rose in the sky, and many figures rushed forward with great excitement. Nascent Soul Saint-Jun's eyes flashed and he stepped aside knowingly.

"Welcome Senior Brother back to the sect!!" Dozens of shadows knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, wanting the sound to spread to every corner.

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept over everyone, none of them were foundation building, qi refining, or golden elixir. He was wearing a monk's uniform at Tianjian Villa, but at this moment he could feel the other person's agitated mood, and his burning gaze could almost see through his black robe.

"Long wait." He smiled and nodded slowly: "I'm back."

These two short sentences made all the disciples' faces turn red with excitement.

After more than one hundred and seventy years of anticipation...their senior brother is finally back!

And he made a high-profile return with 250 million souls, number one on the list of revered saints! How can such a major event not inspire people?

Look, how amiable! Who is rumored to be able to destroy people’s souls at every turn?

"Senior brother." A disciple suppressed his excitement and tried his best to maintain his demeanor. This was a meeting with senior senior brother. He must not leave any bad impression. He bowed his hands respectfully and said: "The whole sect is waiting eagerly. We... Return to the clan immediately?”

Whatever the mission, let it go to hell! Why is it so important for the senior brother to return to the sect?

Xu Yangyi glanced at True Lord Yuanying, who immediately understood the elegance of the fragrance and said with a respectful smile: "Misunderstanding, just a little misunderstanding. Holy Lord has just returned and has not been entered into the Golden Book and Jade Book. You go alone, and I will inform the sect immediately. "

Naturally, Xu Yangyi was indispensable, and he was afraid that any short-sighted person would dare to trouble him. He turned into a stream of light and enveloped all the monks in Tianjian Villa and disappeared from the sky.

The scene was silent until the two figures completely disappeared. Only then did tens of thousands of gazes return from the sky. Then they took a deep look at the unbelievable Soul-Calling Stone Tablet, with only enthusiasm and longing left in their eyes. Then, the whole street started talking again, and then turned into an overwhelming turbulent wave.

"Did you see it! Did you see it?" "Nonsense! Two hundred and fifty million! Do you think I'm blind?" " this too scary? There have never been more than 200 million spirits in the Seven Realms. Honorable Saint! Even if the two stars shine together, the Great Sage Fu Lao and the Great Sage Guanghan are 197.8 million. Doesn’t it mean that the Holy Lord Ben Lei surpasses the Great Sage of that day? "

They didn't see that there were several Nascent Souls on the floating mothership whose eyes were already shining like flames in the dark night.

"Twenty-five million souls..." A flying boat, with a five-clawed golden dragon flag flying on the bow, the two Nascent Soul monks exchanged heated glances.

The monk on the left tried his best to remain calm, but the white knuckles holding on to the guardrail betrayed his inner feelings, and he spoke in a hoarse voice: "This year's Chain of Seven Realms, Tianjian Villa will probably shine. Two hundred million The above... have never appeared in the history of the Seven Realms!"

"Under the famous reputation, there is no Xu Shi." The monk on the right took a deep breath, his eyes were equally fanatical: "The moment the other party's murderous intent broke out just now, even from such a distance and the mothership's defensive formation, Ben Zhenjun also I feel a chill in my heart, it’s terrible.”

"Then what are you waiting for?" The monk on the left laughed loudly, raised his hand, and a golden paper crane rose into the sky and quickly sank into the void.

"These are the elites, the real super elites! The adults of the Seven Realms Chain are looking forward to the stars and the moon for this kind of super genius. It is said that Lord Jundali has been reading the application list every Monday. I am afraid they can't wait for a long time. …”


At Tianjian Villa, the Ten Thousand Saints, and many other sect elders were sitting under a waterfall. In front of them was a sea of ​​several meters of tea that exuded the fragrance of tea. Everyone was holding a teacup in their hands.

This is the special product of Wanshe Palace under the command of the Five Kings and Two Queens Snake Mother, Tongyou Qingming Tea. One tael is worth ten thousand gold, and there is no market for it. It is the treasure of the Ten Thousand Saints. However, no elder drinks it at this moment. Just hold the tea cup and slowly rotate it between your thumb and index finger.

"Evil disciple." Mr. Jiang looked at the waterfall and cursed fiercely: "I'll go back as promised. How can I be so dishonest!"

It took more than an hour to come and go, and now the sect is asking every day, why doesn't the senior brother come back?

"It should be soon." The Wan Zhong Shengjun's expression was unimpressed, and his heart was also scratching his heart. At this moment, a golden light sank into his hand, and the paper crane turned into a jade slip, unfolding in the void.

After just one glance, Wan Zhongshengjun suddenly stood up. After taking a deep breath, before speaking, several elders immediately asked: "How is it?" "Is Daozi back?"

The Wan Zhong Shengjun nodded vigorously. He still wanted to maintain his image of being as calm as a lake, but a smile appeared on his lips involuntarily: "We have passed Juxian City and reached the sect within one stick of incense!"

"Then what are you waiting for!" Mr. Jiang stood up immediately, his beard fluttering wildly: "Open the Xuannv Heaven Receiving Formation! Let all the disciples know that their boss is back!"

The Wan Zhong Shengjun nodded fiercely, suppressing his expectation and was about to leave. Suddenly, the corners of his eyes were under the jade slip.

There, there is a line of small words.

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