
Chapter 1345: Young Master

"Let's go?" Jiang Lao was unhappy and urged.

The Wan Zhong Shengjun blinked, his mind filled with dizziness.

Did I see it wrong?

I must have read it wrong...

Opening his eyes, he took a closer look. Suddenly, he felt a huge sense of happiness that almost made him moan.

"Old ghost, your expression is very suspicious." Mr. Jiang stared at him: "What's going on? Don't be so exciting!"

Card! Wan Zhong Shengjun pinched the jade slip, and the jade slip broke instantly with great strength. His voice was hoarse and his eyes were slightly red: "Two hundred and fifty million..."

"What?" All the elders who were in a hurry to leave frowned.

"Do you remember..." The Ten Thousand Levels Saint took a few deep breaths before speaking in a deep voice: "All hub cities, due to the defeat at Tenglei Mountain, have opened spiritual power protection arrays. All monks who are above the level of the Saint are protected. All will be detected..."

"Wait a minute..." Before he could finish speaking, a Nascent Soul elder, with his beard and hair in full bloom, said with a strong sense of disbelief in his voice: "You mean... Ben Lei Daozi..."

"Spiritual power is 250 million." Wan Zhongshengjun felt his heart beating wildly as he answered solemnly, word for word.

Dead silence.

Even Mr. Jiang was stunned. The other elders felt like stars appeared in front of their eyes.

Happiness comes so suddenly, without any psychological preparation!

"How much?" The third elder took a step forward, his throat dry: "I...I didn't hear clearly."

"Two hundred and fifty million!" The Ten Thousand Level Saint Monarch couldn't bear it any longer and laughed loudly, without concealing his spiritual power. Suddenly, the waterfall in front of him rumbled and flew upside down into the sky, and yellow sand flew outside the oasis. It frightened many monks of Tianjian Villa into confusion.

Mr. Jiang blinked for a long time, then shook his head and muttered: "What a ghost..."

All the voices of 250 million were lingering in the ears of the Fourth Elder. He was breathing extremely heavily and said with red eyes: "Do you remember, Lord Benzhen, that the spiritual power of the Two Saints was only 190 million back then?"

The third elder thought of something and said in a deep voice: "How many people know this news? I think reporting 167 million to the outside world is enough! Protecting Daozi is the first principle!"

"No!" Mr. Jiang had come to his senses and immediately objected: "The edge of a sword is sharpened, and excessive protection is the limit to him! And... if he encounters danger, who can protect him?"

The third elder's face turned red, yes... why are you being so sentimental? Two hundred and fifty million super monks feel the danger, how can they intervene?

"There is no need to hide it." Wan Zhongshengjun smiled and said: "Today, the Nine Realms and Nine Difficulties Sect gather in Immortal City to recruit troops. I am afraid that this news will be spread to the Seven Sichuan Realms today. It doesn't matter if it is like this, some people will chase it, and some people will chase it. It is better to live in peace and die in ignorance.”

"Come here." After saying these two words, his voice rolled through the sect like thunder, loud as if he had breathed out more than 170 years of grievances in one breath: "Open the sect."

"Kai Xuannv's heavenly formation. Welcome Daozi's return!"


Walking through the oasis city surrounding Tianjian Villa, you will come to a vast Gobi Desert. This is also the sword forest that Xu Yangyi walked through.

A stream of light led the way, followed closely by dozens of others. Xu Yangyi did not take care of them too fast, which made the monks behind him grateful.

It is simply a great honor to be able to return with the legend of Tianjian Villa!

Soon, they stood in front of Tianjian Villa. Looking at the familiar sword forest and a 100-meter-large boulder with the four majestic characters of Tianjian Villa painted in silver hooks and iron on it, Xu Yangyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Where does it start and where does it end.

This was his first battle in the Seven Realms, the place where he established his authority. He found the Devouring Talisman among Song Ziyu's relics, then met the ghost-faced monk, beheaded the four young masters, fought against the Yan King and his grandson, and finally entered Tilagang for his battle with Su Xingyao. Dis, now hundreds of years have passed, and he is standing here again.

His hand gently moved across the stone tablet. At this moment, his eyebrows suddenly jumped, and a feeling of being watched emerged spontaneously.

Who is watching me secretly?

His expression didn't change at all, and he said calmly: "Where is Wangchen?"

"Wangchen?" All the disciples behind him looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, a junior brother respectfully handed over his hand: "Which disciple is this? There has never been a disciple in the sect who has forgotten his character."

Memory wiped.

Xu Yangyi calmed down his emotions and saw that it was indeed Mamen's masterpiece, so what was looking at him now... was Wangchen? Or is there someone else?

Is his only apprentice still alive?

Doubts welled up in his heart, but at this moment, a faint green light suddenly bloomed on his wrist. He immediately raised his eyes and looked around cautiously, but no one seemed to see it.

All the disciples looked at the eldest brother standing under the stone monument of Tianjian Villa in confusion, and they just thought they had something in their hearts. No one saw him, but he had quietly lifted up his sleeves and robe. A green light spot suddenly appeared on his wrist, and a kind of pull in his soul quietly filled his consciousness.

"This is..." He looked over calmly, and right at the palm of his hand, another green light spot, very light, was looming in the palm of his hand.

very familiar……

The elixir of photographic memory started to work immediately, and half a second later, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Oh it's you……"

"Isn't it convenient for you to come forward in person? You must have a very high status and have great concerns, so you can only quietly help Da Chu and Zi Qi. I am also very curious...Which amazing and talented monk can hide Qi Qi? The world has been around for so long?”

At this moment, he suddenly heard a horn sound interrupting his thoughts, followed by the sound of a thunderous drum. He quietly put down his sleeves, as if nothing had happened. With a long laugh, the voice of the Wanzhong Saint Lord rang out: "Come, everyone, welcome the first place on the Venerable Saint List, our Tianjian Villa Taoist Xu Feng, back to the sect!"

Swish, swish, swish... a group of black people soared into the air, the Qi Refining Stage was led by the Foundation Building Stage, the Foundation Building Stage stepped on magic weapons, the Golden Pill, the Yuanying was in the air and flew the wind... There were tens of thousands of people, and thousands of treasures soared into the air. Then, all the cultivators bowed together and shouted: "Welcome the Taoist back to the sect! Welcome the eldest brother back to the sect! Welcome the Thunder Saint Lord back to the sect!"

"I wish the Taoist to have profound magic power and be honored with Taixu!"

The sound shook a hundred miles, and the flat ground rolled up wild sand, forming a circle of invisible hot sound waves that pushed across the sky.

"Play music, open the Xuannv Jietian formation!" Jiang Lao shouted majestically.

Woo woo woo... The desolate horn sounded joyful, and the drum beats jumped across the sky and earth, followed by a radiance that sprinkled down, and the entire Gobi Desert of Tianjian Villa seemed to be covered with thousands of auroras, magnificent and beautiful.

Countless celestial maidens flew around in it, lifelike, with layers of petals flying in the air, and a strange fragrance filled the nose. Golden lotuses sprang up from the ground, and strange beasts with spiritual energy ran among them, and fairy trees spit out pearls, and clouds and mists were steaming.

Too many cultivators had never seen such a scene before, and were fascinated by the magnificent scenery. But without waiting for them to look more, and regardless of whether they could see it or not, Jiang Lao's voice sounded again: "This formation requires tens of thousands of spirit stones to be opened once. Disciples, don't be anxious. Once this formation is opened, it will last for a week."

As he said this, as if they had rehearsed it, several carpets woven with golden cicada wings, embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, flew out from the gate of the sect, forming eighteen fairy cloud arches, white cranes, auspicious clouds, and auspicious beasts with flowers on their backs. The entire Gobi sect was full of luxury.

Wanzhong Saint Lord and all the elders stepped on it, holding a golden scroll in both hands, with a solemn look, and gently waved his hand, and the scroll slowly unfolded under the four big characters of Tianjian Villa.

"This is..." All the Nascent Souls and the Golden Cores who had heard of this scene were already extremely solemn when the scroll appeared, and then their bodies trembled with excitement.

"Master, what is this?" A foundation-building cultivator asked with suppressed excitement. His master took a deep breath with great emotion: "From now on... you may not be able to call me Daozi anymore."

"Ah?" The disciples around him said in astonishment.

One after another, their eyes were focused on the scroll, as if it were real. His master trembled and said: "This is... the ceremony of establishing the young master... the most important scene in any sect's inheritance."

"Even your master... I have only heard of it. Today I am fortunate to see it. How lucky I am..."

The scroll has been fully unfolded, with the names of the masters written on it, and there is a blank after the Ten Thousand Saints.

Wanzhong Saint Lord and Jiang Lao spoke at the same time, indescribably solemn and dignified: "Cultivator Xu Feng, Taoist name Benlei, 672 years old. He has the ability of a general, but does not show his edge. He has the wisdom to see things, but can accommodate. He is flexible and can deal with things well, and can help the times."

"Today, all the elders of Tianjian Villa have decided to appoint Benlei as the 1,032nd generation head of Tianjian Villa, and he will take over from the date when the previous head Wanzhong steps down. Benlei Saint Lord, are you willing?"

All eyes were burning on Xu Yangyi. He half-knelt on the ground, arched his hands, and solemnly answered: "Disciple is willing."

Xu Yangyi bit his fingertips and wrote the six characters Xu Feng, Benlei Saint Lord in a flamboyant manner.

No doubt, no jealousy.

Because everything about this person has long exceeded their extravagant expectations. Only the people who are devoted to him can be proud of him.

"Good." Wanzhong Saint Lord solemnly took out a red jade seal, and he and Jiang Lao held one side each, and pressed it hard on the scroll.

In an instant, the scroll burst into golden light, and Xu Yangyi felt that something was connected to his soul. He knew it was cause and effect. Then the scroll closed and turned into a stream of light and flew into the sect's ancestral hall.

As if he had put down a huge stone in his heart, Wanzhong Saint Lord looked a little younger, and his eyes became more and more satisfied. He stroked his long beard and said, "All the cultivators in Tianjian Villa."

"Disciple is here!" The voice of tens of thousands of people was deafening.

"Greetings to the young sect master!"

Pushing the golden mountain, overturning the jade pillar, as if the black cloud was pressing down on the top, all the cultivators half-knelt in the void, and said loudly: "Meet the young sect master! From today on, I will follow the young sect master's lead. I am willing to cut through the thorns and make progress together with the young sect master!"

The voice resounded through the sky, shaking the birds in the sky.

Young sect master?

Xu Yangyi looked at the sky with emotion. Now, all the cultivators on Earth have ascended to the position of young sect master. Hundreds of years later, it will be their era.

Wanzhong Saint Lord laughed loudly. He had never felt so young before. He waved his hand and said, "Come, set up a banquet. Today, the sect will not return until they are drunk!"

"Wait!" At this moment, a thunderous sound crossed the sky. The sky with the scorching sun hanging high suddenly became cloudy, and the day turned into night.

Starlight was revealed from the thick clouds, and the flat ground was surging. The whole Tianjian Villa trembled. Endless fairy mist rolled in from the void, which was indescribably vast and indescribably magnificent. The tide carried the mountains and horses, far exceeding the Xuannv Heavenly Array. In just a blink of an eye, this side of the sky could not see anything else except the magnificent fairy mist.

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