
Chapter 1346: Successor of the Dan Ding (I)

"What is this? What's going on?" All the cultivators in front of the mountain gate looked at each other, and the Wanzhong Saint Lord, Jiang Lao's face had become solemn. They exchanged glances and said nothing.


The sound of waves crashing against the shore suddenly sounded in the white fog, and the invisible wind swept across the whole place with solemn majesty. A magnificent holy mountain built of spiritual energy slowly rose from the sea of ​​fairy mist with a loud noise.

If the sun rises, the clouds shine everywhere, the white sea and the black mountain form a wonder of sea and sky in the dark night. A verdant giant tree shook off the stars in the sky, becoming the only color in the night.

"The Imperial Edict of the Immortal Mountain?" Jiang Lao's eyes condensed, and he immediately pulled Xu Yangyi to stand respectfully. Due to the golden light in the air, all the revelry Tianjian cultivators were stunned and immediately bowed down.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi keenly felt that the light ball in his palm trembled.

That night, he did not let go of the observation of the light ball at all. The other party was very cautious and kept a distance of about 10,000 meters from him. Not far, not close. Once he tried to get close, the light ball would move away immediately.

"Is it related to the Immortal Mountain..." He narrowed his eyes: "So, you have been waiting for the Imperial Edict of the Immortal Mountain to appear? Afraid of being discovered?"

Swish... The green trees of Yaochi, the wind rolled up the clouds, with an indescribable sacredness. Five minutes later, dozens of golden lights broke through the clouds and condensed into human figures above Tianjian Villa.

The female cultivator in the lead, wearing a snow-white robe and a golden veil, was already standing proudly in the void with a royal edict in her right hand. Behind her, ten Yuanyings on both sides were lined up in a goose shape. But what made people look solemn was that the ten Yuanyings behind her were not wearing the sect robes, but black armor with floating waves on it.

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt a very faint taste of Taixu on these black armors. Each one was exposed, covered with iron walls, and every joint was carefully carved. Moreover, it exuded a murderous aura.

This is not a toy.

This is the murderous aura of a real battlefield. These twenty Yuanying are also veterans who have just come down from the battlefield.

Where does the Seven Realms need such a battlefield with so many Yuanying?

"Tianjian Villa, listen to the announcement." Her voice was like a faint orchid in the valley, and Xu Yangyi could not even see her cultivation. Wanzhong Shengjun took the lead and bowed deeply: "Tianjian Villa's head, Wanzhong Shengjun, is at your disposal."

The word is "listen to the announcement", not "receive the order".

Listening to the announcement is the highest order in the Seven Realms, which can only be obeyed and cannot be refused. Such an incongruous scene appeared on such a festive occasion, and the murderous aura rose. There is only one answer.

"There are changes on the battlefield ahead." Jiang Lao said in a deep voice: "Boy, I'm afraid your initiation ceremony will be postponed. If it's not a particularly major change, the Great Sage Bu Lao will definitely give you a face no matter how much he dislikes Tianjian Villa."

"Now I can't even do this..." His hand, which was gently pinching his beard, turned slightly pale: "Tenglei Mountain... I'm afraid it's not just a 'change,' but a sudden huge shock."

The woman waved her hand lightly, and the red rope of the Bu Lao Mountain Imperial Edict broke, bursting with golden light, and a row of golden characters appeared in the air. She didn't smile at all, and read in a deep voice: "From now on, the seven realms will enter the whole The world is in a state of preparation for war. All major sects, above level C, and above the middle stage of foundation building, draw six out of ten, Jindan Zhenren draw five out of ten, and Yuanying Zhenjun draw three out of ten. Go to Jiuzhen Jiunan Gate before midnight tomorrow. "

"From now on, all external channels of the seven realms will be closed, and trade with all realms will be stopped. All teleportation arrays between realms will be opened, and the Santu River arsenal will be opened, and will be delivered to the main array of the five kings and two queens at the same time before midnight tomorrow. Tomorrow at Wushi..."

She took a deep breath: "One thousand plane motherships will be dispatched from the Seven Realms Chain, and all reinforcements will rush to Cangtian City. Participate in the battle of all sects."

The sound of silent breathing suddenly became heavy. The young monks in the back looked at the sky uneasily.


The word "Seven Realms Chain" was so far away from them, but now it is close at hand.

"Who dares to disobey the order..." The woman's voice became cold, and the twenty Yuanying monks behind her pressed the hilts of the swords on their waists in unison, and their movements were uniform. With a clang, half a foot of autumn water shone at the same time. The cold air was pressing.

"The five kings and two queens will kill them on behalf of the saint!"

No one spoke.

The murderous aura was like clouds, and the eyes were like lightning. A few seconds later, there was another neat "clang!" The swords were sheathed, and the golden weapons were on the iron horses.

"Who has any questions?" She was obviously a woman, but at this moment, she was so solemn and majestic that it was difficult to look directly at her. Of course, this majesty had no effect on the saints like Wanzhong Saint who had already been on the chain of the seven realms. He also knew that this was not targeted. Before any war, whether it was the five kings and two queens, or the two great saints, they had to show a posture of killing one to warn the hundred.

Those who retreated were killed, those who surrendered were killed, those who rebelled were killed, and those who feared were killed!

If it weren't for this, the seven realms would not have survived until today.

"Heavenly Sword Villa, obey the order!" He took a deep breath and said, and with this sentence, the scroll rolled up with a swish, swallowed up the golden light, and flew into his hands.

"The viewing ceremony is cancelled. All the main peaks must count the number of participants and report immediately. No omissions or misreporting are allowed. Do it immediately!" With a wave of his hand, all the cultivators turned into streams of light and left the place.

However, the woman did not leave. After all the cultivators in the sect disappeared, she bowed: "I am the Venerable Qingluan. Thank you for your understanding, Master. If it is not an emergency, the Great Saint will have the Holy Ritual Department come. I hope Brother Benlei will not mind disturbing the Young Master's ceremony."

"What happened?" Xu Yangyi's face was calm. During the more than one month of trekking, he had heard many similar remarks, but he never expected the situation to be so critical.

Venerable Qingluan raised his head and smiled bitterly without hesitation: "It's more than critical..."

"A week ago, the Tenth, Twelfth, Third, First, and Two Flags of the Void Legion attacked the first line of defense outside Cantian City, Sirius Lake. The King of Hell, Jundali, went to rescue him, but was seriously injured by the Legion Commander Tenggerbal. At the critical moment, Venerable Kongxu detonated his spiritual power and saved the King of Hell. However..."

"Venerable Kongxu detonated his spiritual power again and reached his peak state. Seven Taixu attacked at the same time to resist Tenggerbal's attack across light years. His condition..."

She gritted her teeth: "It's already very bad."

No one spoke, and the eyes of the three flashed at the same time.

Perhaps it was because this time, Xu Yangyi could not be given too much pomp, and the other party's 250 million spirits were already the top combat power, and the future was too empty. This sentence seemed to be nothing, but it actually revealed too much.

This sentence can be said in another way: A queen is about to fall, and the world of great struggle is about to open in advance. If you have an idea, then prepare early.

250 million spirits will not participate in the world of great struggle?

What a joke?

Once the news of his 250 million spirits spreads, I don't know how many families will bet heavily on him and prepare to be the minister of the dragon.

The value of this news is immeasurable. It must have been approved by the Immortal Great Sage. This is the compensation of the Immortal Mountain to Xu Yangyi.

"Two days ago, the Immortal Great Sage had already come to the Seven Realms Chain." Venerable Qingluan bowed again: "In the battle of ten thousand sects, I don't know how many sects have emerged, and I don't know how many sects have perished. Young Sect Master, I am waiting for you at the Seven Realms Chain."

After saying this, all the strange phenomena in the sky suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared, and disappeared in this sky.


After a few seconds, Wanzhong Saint Lord suddenly spoke: "Are you willing?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly. This question was inexplicable, but there was only one answer.

The other party was asking Xu Yangyi whether he wanted to participate in the Great Struggle World. It was also the first time that this question was asked.

Changes happened, and Venerable Xukong was about to fall. I'm afraid that the other party has made up his mind to bury his bones in Cangtian City, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to return to the sect now. And the last sentence of Venerable Qingluan just now was to remind them that the battle of Cangtian City was an opportunity to finalize the admission ticket to the Great Struggle World.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi looked directly into the eyes of the two people, and the hidden edge gradually revealed: "I am determined to win this great struggle!"

There was no answer, but Wanzhong Shengjun and Jiang Lao's breathing suddenly became rapid.

A great struggle...

The road to heaven for the queen of one step will never be opened unless the queen dies. If a Taixu appears in Tianjian Villa...

The dream of a Class A sect is just around the corner!

This is a great achievement for the expansion of territory! It is an unparalleled cause that no head of the past generations can do!

A few seconds later, Wanzhong Shengjun said with murderous intent: "Then, this sect will definitely do its best to help you ascend the throne!"

The promise was heavy but not heavy, and there was no need to say more. The two left together. Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly sneered.

He was laughing at himself.

He had some feelings for these two, especially Jiang Lao, who was a true master-disciple relationship. The other party was able to keep him under the hands of the three divine fragment holders, which was worthy of his true feelings.

But he was ruthless to the entire Tianjian Villa.

He knew very well that he was just a passer-by in the entire Seven Realms. Envy? Maybe he did, but after seeing the truly powerful planes, the Seven Realms that seemed powerful after fighting out of Tiragangdis could no longer arouse his excitement.

No envy, perhaps there was still a lot of hatred. If the Seven Realms had not blocked the earth so much, why would it be so difficult for them to ascend?

But the Immortal Holy Mountain threw out this bait again, tempting the world of great struggle, and he was a little uneasy again.

"Forget it." After a long while, he said lightly: "How to act depends on your heart."

"There are only a few Taixu, and this is such a big battlefield. This Saint is the King of Blades. What should I do? I'm afraid that the Taixu seniors can't take care of it."

"Now..." He smiled and pulled up his sleeves. The green light dots representing the other party jumped, as if calling him.

His figure suddenly disappeared, passing through the oasis, flying over weathered rock walls, and after a few minutes, he finally stopped when he saw that his green dot was almost overlapping with the other one.

This is a secluded place, surrounded by countless scarred hills, and the wind blowing through is like the cry of ghosts. As soon as he stepped into this place, his consciousness fluctuated slightly, very lightly, and everything around him seemed to be separated from the world, but he could not see a single person.

He fell from the clouds, walked slowly in the desert with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "More than two hundred years ago. When I just ascended here, a senior left me something."

"For so many years, I almost forgot its existence. I didn't remember it until I came back."

He looked around and said softly and sincerely: "It said that there is another cultivator from Earth in the Seven Realms. Once we meet, it will guide us to meet."

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