
Chapter 1347: Successor of the Dan Ding (Part 2)

"I really can't think of it..."

"I didn't meet you back then. I thought you had left or... died. This mark has never been triggered, and it has no self-guiding function."

"I'm very curious." He looked at the starry sky with emotion: "Who are you, who is the top power in Chinese history? You can find my existence from clues. Where did I show my flaws?"

There was silence in every direction.

After a long time, a powerful voice sounded: "In your opinion, who is better or worse between the monks from the non-returning realm and the seven realms?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and spoke, his voice equally calm. Both of them seemed to be filled with intense emotions, but they didn't reach the point of exploding: "It's not important."


Xu Yangyi licked his lips, and his hand suddenly turned into a demonic form, and a power belonging to Taixu spread across the void: "Now, I am the strongest of their seven realms. Even if I face Taixu, I still have the means to protect myself. force."


A faint spiritual consciousness surrounded Xu Yangyi's right hand. A few seconds later, a gentle laughter suddenly sounded in the sky, and then got louder and louder, and finally turned into a wild laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"


This sound was almost a roar, and the suppressed emotions exploded instantly. A dim light flickered in the void, and then, a middle-aged man with a banana fan under his feet, a bearded face, wearing baggy white trousers, a blue short coat, and two red braids on his head, slowly emerged from the void. Get out.

Their eyes met each other, and everyone was filled with emotion.

Meeting an old friend in another world after thousands of years of separation is a feeling that only monks cannot understand.

There were no hugs or screams, just a kind of implicitness that belongs to the strong.

Xu Yangyi lifted up his robe, half-knelt on the ground, cupped his hands and said, "Junior Xu Yangyi. A Chinese person."

"Senior has been alone for thousands of years. Thank you for your hard work."

The other party did not help him, but accepted the gift calmly with emotion. His voice was hoarse with excitement. After Xu Yangyi stood up, he also bowed sincerely to the end: "I am Zhong Liquan."

"Senior Zhong..." Before Xu Yangyi could finish his sentence, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the man in surprise: "Zhongli Quan... Han Zhongli?! The Eight Immortals?!"

Although I have known for a long time that those who can survive in Kunlun for a thousand years and even advance to the Taixu realm are definitely the top monks on earth. But he never expected that it was Zhong Liquan!

The second eldest monk among the Eight Immortals, the True Monarch of Zhengyang Enlightenment and Preaching, the Emperor of Zhengyang Enlightenment and Religious Teaching, the Zhengyang Patriarch of the Quanzhen Sect, Lu Dongbin, the Patriarch of Chunyang in the Ten Trials... I have too many titles to count. There are all kinds of legendary stories, but this kind of person who ranks among the immortals actually appears in front of him.

The power of Taixu in the other party was so incredible that it was even... no less than that of Kendra Mo and Xin Luyard, but he didn't have the airs of Taixu at all. He looked at Xu Yangyi with a smile: "What? You don't believe it?"

"I believe it." Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "It's just a little hard to accept. We almost grew up listening to your stories, but it was also hundreds of years ago."

Zhong Liquan laughed, walked down from the fan with bare feet, and walked to Xu Yangyi. The two of them looked at each other deeply.

"You are very good." After a few seconds, Zhong Liquan said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, a jade box flew out: "It's just a small greeting gift, and it's all gone if you refuse."

Xu Yangyi reached out to take it. As soon as he touched the jade box, he trembled violently, as if there was a spirit that wanted to rush out of his hand and escape into the void.

"This is this?" Feeling the rich aura of vegetation in the jade box, he had a hunch in his heart. When he opened it, he saw a pill the size of a dragon's eye. It seemed to contain the universe inside. It was crystal clear and exuded a spirit that he had never felt before. force.

Even Mr. Jiang's elixir is not even one-tenth as good as it!

The moment the lid was opened, the elixir turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky like a living thing. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "The elixir contains spirit?"

Although I had known that the other party could produce the Holy Elixir and his alchemy level was absolutely extremely high, the fact that the elixir contains spirit is almost a legend in the alchemy world!

"Hey!" Zhong Liquan shouted softly without raising his eyelids, and the void in all directions trembled. The elixir let out a mournful cry and was accurately inserted into the jade box.

"What state of alchemy do you have?" Xu Yangyi asked in astonishment.

Zhong Liquan chuckled, took out a small fan and shook it: "I'm just chatting and joking around, no one knows I'm a true immortal."


Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, Alchemy Master will not even record it in the Alchemy Alliance! This is a true cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops are coming to meet it. Talk and laugh with ru, no contacts STOMATOLOGY. I don’t know how many levels higher than Mr. Jiang.

"Do you know why that senior left a mark and stayed with us?" Zhong Liquan looked at Xu Yangyi complicatedly: "You... are one of my fellow disciples."

The scope of this group of people is a bit large. Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said: "What's the explanation?"

"Have you ever practiced Zhouyi Shen Tongqi?" Zhong Liquan broke through the confusion with one sentence: "I also have another identity, the founder of the Southern Alchemy Sect and one of the Five Southern Ancestors. The King of the Ancient Alchemy Sutra is a secret that has not been passed down. , you and I are masters and disciples separated by thousands of years, but it’s a pity..."

He sighed: "You have changed your skills, and I think your skills are even better than those of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra. But I can't do this uncle."

At this moment, the void suddenly fluctuated. Zhong Liquan looked solemnly and looked around solemnly. After a long time, he turned his head, and the smile on his face had completely faded.

"You must be wondering why it took me so long to meet you?" He spoke a little faster: "It's really a helpless move. I went to the Immortal Mountain thousands of years ago, but that monster never believed it. Pass me. He knows that I am not a person who will return to the immortal world. Fortunately, Old Man Dan was able to save his life. "

"Monster?" Xu Yangyi also became cautious and said in a deep voice.

Zhong Liquan took a deep breath, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Your level is not enough now. When you truly advance to Taixu, I will try to see you again. This pill is called the Seven Treasures Barrier-Breaking Pill, but After half a year of helping you absorb spiritual energy a hundred times, you are not far from the late stage of Yang Sage. The battle in Towering City is extremely dangerous. The more confidence you have, the more chance you have to survive. "

Xu Yangyi pondered: "Do I have to participate?"

"Must!" Zhong Liquan immediately affirmed: "I asked your friend to give you a message. God knows it, do you remember it?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, this was also a sentence that he couldn't understand.

"This is the great road. Only Dubu can explore it, and only Dubu can see it clearly. I only vaguely know it after being imprisoned in the Immortal Mountain by that monster for thousands of years."

"Once you reach Taixu, you will see a hexagonal crystal generated in your body. It is called the Virtual Crystal, and it is where all the essence of Taixu lies. All the rules of heaven and earth we have learned, and our understanding of life, are all concentrated in it. In a world of great strife, only by using it can we awaken!"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "Awakening? How to awaken? This should be the great road of heaven and earth, right? If it doesn't exist in form, how can we talk about awakening?"

Zhong Liquan's eyes were deep and he said with deep meaning: "What if... it is a magic weapon?"

magic weapon?

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhong Liquan. The other person didn't seem to feel it. He hesitated for something, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "What if... it is a magic weapon that can only be opened by virtual crystals? Maybe, another world that can be opened by virtual crystals? "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound from all directions, and whirlpools in the void appeared indistinctly. An indescribable will looked towards this place through the infinite starry sky.

very familiar……

very familiar.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi felt it and immediately opened his eyes: "The Immortal Sage?"

Boom! When these four words appeared, a scream like the Nine Nether Hell suddenly came from the crack in the void, and there were gusts of dark wind, and something was about to appear from inside.

"You..." Zhong Liquan's eyes fluctuated, and he immediately opened his mouth and said a few words silently.

Xu Yangyi could see clearly, that was... the holy name cannot be said!

Countless thoughts immediately intertwined in my heart. The hexagonal crystal was almost exactly the same as the Godhead. It seemed that it was only in Taixu that I began to truly touch the path of Yahweh. Dubu may have already possessed some characteristics of Yahwei, such as... Once... When you mention your name, the other person in all the worlds will feel it vaguely.

"Don't worry." Zhong Liquan smiled bitterly: "I can't be out for too long. You just accelerated the time for the other party to notice."

Xu Yangyi took a step forward and took the time to ask: "The age of great strife can only begin after the death of the five kings and two queens. Is it... really as you just said?"

"Who knows?" Thunder was already roaring behind Zhong Liquan, and the strong wind was stirring, blowing his clothes and clothes flying. He looked at the sky in a daze: "Maybe... all the souls of Taixu and Dubu are in this magic weapon. , Heaven’s way is flawless, and only once it falls can it be counted... I don’t have time to find this answer, but you may have a chance.”

At this moment, dark purple tentacles, not human at all, quietly stretched out from the cracks in the void, exploring and spreading wantonly, like blind snakes. At the same time, a voice as loud as a monster filled the void.

"Zhong Liquan."

Its voice carries a rich echo, full of terror and killing, like a night demon awakening ghosts, making people shudder.

The Immortal Saint? Xu Yangyi said silently. However, just after saying these four words, even if there was no sound at all, the hands in the thousands of cracks paused, and then they all raised up, staring at him like snakes!

"Damn it!" Zhong Liquan's expression turned cold. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of rays of cold light suddenly filled the starry sky. With a soft drink, all the cold stars instantly turned into pieces. A thick and dense mist enveloped the two of them, completely destroying those strange tentacles. Isolated.

"I can't delay for long!" He couldn't calm down anymore. He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes and spoke quickly: "The words below are far more important than the words above! You must remember it! Don't forget a word!"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to nod, he immediately said: "Someone has been to Feiliu Sea!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. This was the biggest hidden danger. He believed that no one would verify his fake ascension path. Now someone is finally tempted.


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