
Chapter 1348: Troops set out to Cantian City

The mist in the void fluctuated wildly, as if it was being hit by countless giant snakes. Zhongli Quan said without caring: "Did you kill anyone from the Song family in Tianjian Villa?"

Song family?

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "I think I killed a dog."


When this word fell, the mist in all directions collapsed. His eyes moved, and behind Zhongli Quan, countless purple tentacles covered the void like thousands of snakes dancing wildly. Feeling the collapse of the mist, they rushed into their 100-meter restricted area like lightning.

Sizzle... Getting closer and closer, all the tentacles split in half, forming a huge mouth. Zhongli Quan ignored all this and spoke even faster: "Don't underestimate them! The Song family, three dukes for four generations, you may have killed people from the Song family branch, but the main branch of the Song family is undoubtedly a Class A force!"

Swish... one tentacles after another formed a purple ocean around, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy was transported throughout his body, and the demon body was about to explode, but Zhongli Quan tightly grasped his wrist, with unspeakable fear in his eyes, and shook his head deeply.


"You are not its opponent... It is not a human... You will understand when you have a chance to go to the Demon Suppression Palace!"

The invisible storm, the bayonet in the dark night, that terrible sense of coercion is like a substance, sweeping from all directions, tightly grasping people's hearts. At the same time, the magnificent voice sounded again, already carrying an unspeakable anger.

"Zhongli Quan!!"

"Are you... betraying me?"

"I'm calling you, do you hear me?"

Zhongli Quan turned back and walked towards the sea of ​​tentacles: "The Feiliu Sea passage is completely blocked, and it's impossible for anyone to ascend. I've already dealt with this person for you, but the Song family has become suspicious. Two hundred and fifty million spirits... Do you know how much danger your strength has brought you! The Song family already knows that you killed their people, and they went to Feiliu Sea to verify it, but they kept silent. What are they waiting for?"

"It is because of this person that I know that the Song family is investigating you. And their main force is..."

In an instant, the void rotated, and those strange tentacles twisted to form a black hole of nothingness, and Zhongli Quan disappeared instantly.

Snap... A silent shattering sound rang out, and the feeling of being separated from the world completely disappeared. The real starry sky and moonlit night reappeared, but Xu Yangyi did not move, and he was pondering on the spot.

Zhongli Quan's words just now were very brief, and it can be seen that the other party's situation is also walking a tightrope. However, he captured extremely useful information from the brief conversation.

Void Crystal... This should be the prototype of Godhead.

Perfecting the Void Crystal step by step, perfecting the domain, and finally reaching the level of Godhead, and the reaction of the Unaging Great Sage to his own name is the same as Taixu.

"The Road of Yahweh..." He clenched his fist fiercely: "It's not far from me..."

"And if the World of Great Struggle is really a magic weapon, it would be terrible... Who forged it? Why forged it? Is it the legacy of Yahweh in the past? The Battle of Kunlun? Or... the natural generation of the Heavenly Dao?"

Shaking his head, his eyes became firm.

The conversation just now completely dispelled his worries.

"Since you use the quota of the World of Great Struggle as bait, then let me kill the world..." A bloodthirsty sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and the Seed of Chaos in his chest seemed to feel something and hummed softly.


In one day, the entire Seven Realms were in an uproar!

The death of the Venerable Kongxu is imminent. The gates of the seven realms are knocked by Taichu for the first time. Du Bu personally participates in the war. In tens of thousands of years, there has never been such a severe situation!

The war machine based on the plane is fully activated. The Santu River, Beiju God, Mandala... The seven realms are fully prepared for war. Countless streams of light flow between the plane transmission arrays. One by one, famous monks return from the plane travel.

One by one, the hidden sects and heirloom families raise their own battle flags. Following the call of the two great saints, an endless torrent of steel rises from the blessed lands everywhere and rushes straight to the main formation of the five kings and two queens.

Above a huge lake of tens of millions of meters, the entire lake suddenly exploded with huge waves. Countless people living nearby looked at all this in amazement. The huge waves fell, and a puppet giant turtle of hundreds of thousands of meters, with towers and terraces on its back, had already soared into the sky in the mist, with green scars and water plants all over its body. Countless cultivators flew with swords, rushing towards the Santu River like stars surrounding the moon.

Xiao Leiyin, a towering mountain, surrounded by fairy clouds, white cranes flying, suddenly burst into thousands of golden lights, with an old "Amitabha" around thousands of miles of rootless golden lotus floating, a wooden giant fish puppet roared in the Buddha Kingdom of the Heavens, and rushed straight into the sky.

Beiju God, there was no sunlight for a whole morning, and all mortals had never seen such a terrible scene, sword lights were flying in the sky, Beiju God was rich in sword cultivators, and at this moment it was already a world of swords and an ocean of swords.

A sword descended from Tianshan Mountain. A giant sword of 100,000 meters cut through the blue sky and turned into a golden dragon rolling over the sea of ​​clouds. Countless sword cultivators stood on its back. Ten thousand swords flew across the sky. On a fairy mountain that reached the sky, the sword light was like rain. Countless cultivators responded to the call and flew to the Hunyuan Yiqi Palace where the queen of Beiju God, Lingbo Fairy, was.

Under the moon in Xiaoxiang, the terrifying restrictions on the left and right of the Snake Mother's Ten Thousand Snake Palace were fully activated. Layer upon layer, the floating magic weapons were like stars, penetrating through layers of light curtains, creating endless ripples. Thousands of boats gathered at the Ten Thousand Snake Palace, making it the sky of cultivators. Banners representing major forces covered the sky and the sun, and thousands of sects came to pay homage.

On the giant snake iceberg in the center, a figure whose face could not be seen clearly sat cross-legged in the void. The terrifying power of the void swept across the sky, slowing down everything in front of her.

In Kunlun, the Great Xia Dynasty, with the sound of a drum, three hundred warships rose from the ground, all with the same Tai Chi diagram. The Pope of the State Religion, Shen Chenyang, sat cross-legged on the flying boat in the front. At the same time, in a very far place, hundreds of thousands of spirit fires of the Wanling Guiyi Sect were floating. Under the leadership of the soul fire that was like the scorching sun, it became a vortex of spirit fire that connected the sky and the earth, floating towards the Jiuzhen Jiunan Gate like a ghost.

The seven realms rose together, and the momentum was like a surging sea, changing the world. At noon, the three A-level forces of Liuhuo River, Langya Palace, Nanshan Tao Family, and Xingling River Master, joined the battle. The number of people participating in the battle from the seven realms reached 140 million.

At the time of Shen, eight A-class forces including Xiao Leiyin and Mandala, and 172 B-class forces arrived at the main formation of the Five Kings and Two Queens, and the number of participants in the war has exceeded 200 million!

At the end of Shen, the distant sky burst into a silver-gray color, and the evening completely turned into the night. Two armies of tens of thousands of people, one silver-white and one golden, stepped into the teleportation formation like gods descending.

Guanghan Holy Palace, the Great Sage's personal guards, Osmanthus, and Jade Rabbit, went out.

At the beginning of Wu Shi, Kunlun Ruins.

All the monks have gathered, and in all the palaces of the Five Kings and Two Queens, a super-large teleportation formation is slowly opening. Tens of thousands of flying boats are lifted off in the surroundings, and tens of millions of monks are standing on the ground. It spreads from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Gate to the Sea Palace for more than a thousand miles. Black armor covers the ground, and the flags representing the major families are flying. Countless sects, families, and dynasties put aside all disputes and stand together at this moment.

At this moment, the entire Xu Kunlun has gathered a full 400 million young and strong cultivators, three Taixu, twelve Yangsheng, one thousand and thirty Yinzun, five million Yuanying, and countless Jindan foundation building and Qi training. Almost all the strength they can bring out.

Wanzong swords point to Cantian City!

Xu Yangyi is in the position of Tianjian Villa, his eyes calmly sweeping around, this scene reminds him of the war of the ten thousand worlds.

"Heh..." A young cultivator around him rubbed his hands, but in the late stage of foundation building, he held the long spear magic weapon in his hand tightly. The older Yuanying was silent, and Jindan led the disciples to check their final preparations. The entire Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, which was shoulder to shoulder, remained absolutely well organized under the suppressed heat.

Just in front of them, a super teleportation array of a million meters was slowly condensing, and mysterious talismans dotted the void, and strands of spiritual energy gathered the center into a huge vortex. Everyone knows that after passing through here, they will step into the forefront of the Seven Realms. That kind of silent expectation makes many monks who are new to the battlefield nervous and excited.

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and looked at the three figures sitting in the front, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The Pope of Taiyi Sect, Shen Chenyang. Taixu Middle Stage.

The Supreme Elder of Wanling Guiyi Sect, Mo Yikui, Taixu Middle Stage.

The Protector of Xuesa Country, Chi Tianwang, Taixu Early Stage.

The figures of these three people are like three Dinghai magic needles, emitting spiritual power that makes the void tremble. Once those new recruits are afraid, they look at the three people and their expressions are relieved.

The soldiers are the prestige of the generals, and the generals are the courage of the soldiers.

"Ridiculous." He closed his eyes and did the last breath adjustment: "When we really go to the battlefield, who can control who?"

Tianjian Villa, Kugu Temple, and Vajra Dao are in one place, but now everyone's nerves are tense to the highest, and no one is looking for each other in a conspicuous way.

Time passed by minute by minute, and with a clang, the void trembled slightly, and a bell made of exotic animal bones rang under the teleportation array, shaking the surroundings.

The Wu hour ended.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, a magnificent impact suddenly broke out, the wind blew all the monks' clothes, and tens of thousands of flags fluttered. A vague figure, like the bright moon shining on the river, stood in the void without any signs.

This is a man.

It can only be seen that this is a man.

The clothes and appearance were isolated from the external spiritual light and were blurred. However, at this moment, in the eyes of tens of millions of people, there was only this figure.

Only him.

Only him can be seen.

The countless people at the scene, countless saints, and even the three Taixu, were like fireflies in front of him, and even the huge million-meter teleportation array behind the other party was just a grain of light. Only he was worthy of being called the bright moon in the sky.

People always have time to look at the stars around them after seeing the bright moon.

The domineering aura penetrated everywhere. They were like drops of water in the sea, and the other party was the sea. Just one person suppressed the three Taixu.

It was like a god in person.

Xu Yangyi stood up, and the surrounding cultivators... no, all the cultivators in the audience, their hot breaths gathered into a low sound wave at this moment. It got bigger and louder. In the end, tens of millions of people, except for the three Taixu in front, half-knelt on the ground, and their excited voices rushed into the sky, tearing the silence of the night.

"Meet the King of the Sea!"

The dragons bowed their heads, and thousands of cultivators came to pay homage.

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