
Chapter 1349: Six Saint Spirits

The other party seemed to have been used to it for a long time, but he did not give in. Instead, he bowed deeply towards the scene: "Everyone."


"I dare you to die!" tens of millions of people roared excitedly, making the earth shake. The King of Jiehai was furious: "Open the Seven Realms Teleportation Formation!"

As the last word fell, the huge teleportation array behind him erupted into golden light. At this moment, the seven realms and seven planes, Santu River, Beigu Shen, Mandala, River of Flowing Fire, Xiaoxiang under the moon, Xiao Leiyin, Xu Kunlun, all bloom with brilliance reaching the sky.

It was the brilliance of a new star, the splendor of a galaxy lighthouse. Countless low-level monks felt that their hearts were about to stop beating. They desperately wanted to open their eyes, but they couldn't do it at all, so they could only close their eyes reluctantly.

The strong wind swept the ground and the golden light was shining. Only five people at the scene could open their eyes, Jie Hai Wang, Mo Yikui, Shen Shenyang, Chi Tian Wang, and finally, Xu Yangyi.

The four Taixu all said softly "Hmm", glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise, and then saw the banner of Tianjian Villa next to them. They suddenly understood and even showed a kind smile. At the same time, a wave of spiritual energy rushed toward the center of the vortex, forming an aurora-like scene, and a magnificent star curtain slowly unfolded in the void.

The universe without a single star, the universe with the chain of seven realms, the universe in the beginning.

The wind roared violently and the stars dimmed. After more than ten seconds, all the monks finally opened their eyes again. Sobriety, solemnity, anticipation, and apprehension all converged into a long blazing river under the calm appearance. In this chilling silence, the three Taixu in front stood up together. Shen Chenyang took a deep breath and waved his hand: "Taiyi Sect, the entire army advances into the Chain of Seven Realms!"

Rumble... Hundreds of huge flying boats slowly passed over everyone's heads like dark clouds. The brilliant moonlight filtered through the gaps between the dense warships, pulling out swaying shadows on the ground. The spiritual energy spurted out blazing flames, pushing these war beasts into the starry vortex.

A Taiyi cultivator with a solemn face, wearing a black and white Tai Chi robe, stood like a spear on both sides of the battleship, standing straight and unbent under the flying banner like an eagle spreading its wings.

As the Taiyi Sect fired the first shot, in an instant, the desolate sound of horns resounded through the void, flags flew, and the long-suppressed Xun Kunlun reinforcements were fully launched. All the treasures of the land were lifted into the sky, forming a sea of ​​magic treasures that flowed endlessly.

Endless streams of light streak across the night. A huge monster beast, a domesticated astral beast, has a piece of soul fire burning for hundreds of meters. It rushes into the vortex like the sun. Behind it, thousands of soul fires howl in the wind. , turning into a long river of flames and rushing into the black hole. On the other side, huge puppets like giant beasts in the starry sky, each one more than a thousand meters tall, eight in total, eight celestial dragons, stepped on the trembling earth and sank into the endless void.

The ground trembled as tens of thousands of heroes entered. In the sky full of precious light, Xu Yangyi finally raised his eyes, just in time to see the gazes of Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi, and nodded silently.

"Tianjian Villa, go out." "Withered Bone Temple, go out." "Vajra Dao, go out."

They are just a component that makes up the steel torrent, and they are not conspicuous at all. As this giant beast that started killing broke through the ripples of the universe, it slowly entered the space channel.

The light and shadow in front of my eyes were shining, but I didn't feel dizzy at all. Walking in the long corridor of space, I could vaguely see the light spots of the sect in front of me. The excited chatter disappeared, and the low-pitched discussion disappeared without a trace. Instead, there was a The silence was solemn and solemn.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, the space flow speed on both sides became faster and faster. For more than an hour, brilliance suddenly bloomed in front of everyone. The prosperity belonging to the Seven Realms has been left behind, and a deep starry sky has been revealed before our eyes.


Ice cold.

Walking through the country of roses and songs, to the battlefield of blood and guns, this is a completely different scene from the Seven Realms. But there was no time for them to sigh, and right in front of them, a wild goose-type Star Destroyer Mothership with no end in sight, as big as half a moon, stretched across the galaxy like a starry sky fortress.

The exquisite mecha structure, the body covered with endless runes, its wings spread out, lit up with hundreds of kilometer-sized light spots, shining like stars. Countless black dots are lingering around like a planetary belt, and there are endless monks on duty. This huge Star Destroyer Mothership was guarded by stars like a moon.

There was a sound of gasping, and Xiumen, who was on the battlefield for the first time, was simply stunned. Only when they see this kind of behemoth with their own eyes can they feel the vastness and majesty that cannot be realized in books or words. It is like a thunderous wave crashing on the shore, bombarding their hearts.

"Is this the true strength of the Seven Realms?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. The powerful spiritual power on the spread wings of the Dayan Star Destroyer Mothership made him turn his attention.

"This is the Star Destroyer Gate." At this moment, Chu Zhaonan's voice came over through gritted teeth: "It is exactly the same as the Star Destroyer Gate on Earth..."

The three of them were silent for a moment, and Zhao Ziqi said coldly: "There are seven super-giant Star Destroyer Motherships in the Chain of Seven Realms. This is one of them. The Taixu Army that guards the Seven Realms, the Yan who is stationed by Pluto, Return. Taixu ranks eighth in the combat power list, just behind the Five Kings and Two Queens.”

At this moment, the runes all over the Yan Return Star Destroyer Carrier shone brightly, and hundreds of doors opened all over the body. Lines of spiritual light slanted out, forming gorgeous passages in the air.

"Woooooo!" As the horns of the three great Taixu forces were blown, all the monks returned to their clans and entered the wild geese.

Inside is an extremely large space, thousands of meters high, made of pieces of heavenly materials and earthly treasures of unknown materials. All blue. Lifelike murals are carved on it, and even at a glance, you can feel the brutality of flesh and blood inside.

Taichu, like countless eyeballs, has a big skeletal mouth split in the center, like a sea. Opposite them, there are seven relief sculptures of monks shining with golden light. Behind them, monks like black clouds come one after another, and two monks who look like gods. , was volleying in the air and confronting an eyeball as huge as the sun in Taichu.

Five kings and two queens, two great saints, Tengebal... Xu Yangyi looked at this scene uninterested. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he looked towards the center of this huge square.

Not weak spiritual energy.

In the empty and huge space, a thousand-meter-long spiritual green lotus bloomed in the void. A mountain-like thousand-meter monk above it was sleeping softly on a hydrangea ball.

Its voice is so loud, its appearance is so strange, and its stature is so tall that it is impossible to ignore it. But the strange thing is that no one noticed this behemoth before the other party emitted spiritual energy.

There are six lion-like heads, golden manes, exposed upper bodies covered with red tattoos, and a string of beads hanging from the skulls of astral beasts. Wearing a tattered cassock. Beside him, there was a skinny old monk whose aura was not even half inferior to his. He was as skinny as a stone sculpture. He lowered his eyes and closed his eyes. He stood floating in the air with his feet on the aura green lotus. You won't even notice it if you don't look carefully.

The space instantly became silent, and the two powerful spiritual energy waves swept across the entire place. If any saint touched them, the other person would frown and shrink back consciously.

"Six Saint Yuanlings." The lion demon cultivator slowly opened his eyes, took out a gourd tens of meters long and drank wine without looking at anyone at all. The crystal liquid waterfall flowed from the fluffy The corner of his mouth remained: "Maybe you haven't heard of this Holy Lord, but it doesn't matter. You just need to remember to obey my orders completely."

"Venerable Qingdeng." The old monk with cyan skin and fossil-like skin slowly opened his eyes, said a word, and then remained silent.

Zhi... There were gasps of cold air, and Xu Yangyi vaguely heard "The top ten on the list of saints?" "The Six Saints Yuanling is third, the Qingdeng Venerable is fifth... 120 million and 100 million Thirty million super masters...them, are they on this mothership? "

If they were arrogant about themselves before coming here and thought they were the genius of the sect, but in front of these two people, these prides were immediately shattered.

"Show off your power." Chu Zhaonan's voice sneered: "How about it? Can you beat Yangtao? Ziqi and I are both in the teens, and we are already called monsters."

Xu Yangyi glanced at it and lost interest: "The two of them can play together. Every time the same realm exceeds 50 million, it is not as simple as one plus one. These two people...are just a single arena in hell. Top 16 level.”

Naturally, no one knew what he was thinking. The Six Saint Yuanling leaned against the hydrangea casually, tapping his stubby, hairy fingers gently: "One, two, three... I am too lazy to count. This time I am here about There are about five hundred fellow Taoists. I don’t care how high your status is in the sect, but let’s make it clear first…”

His tall body stood up, his joints crackling, and his big mouth full of fangs sneered: "Only the top monks will be put into the Chain of Seven Realms. Of course, I'm not saying You. You only have one identity, that is the newcomer."

"We have the right to kill without mercy and to kill first and then report. Whoever wants to think that respecting the saint is precious can just try." Venerable Qingdeng's eyes were extremely cold and he said in a deep voice.

Naturally, Xu Yangyi and the other three will not stand out. There can only be one voice in the army. In order to prevent anyone from being self-righteous, appropriate beatings are within the acceptable range.

"Who is dissatisfied?" Six Saint Yuanling kicked the embroidered ball away. The embroidered ball burst through the air and made a rustling sound. It was on fire at super high speed and suddenly hit the wall with a loud noise.

"You?" He looked proudly at a Yin Lord and pointed with his finger. The white-haired Yin Lord lowered his eyes and did not dare to face him.

The existence of 130 million spirits... was simply something he couldn't afford to offend.

"Or you?" Six Saint Yuanling sneered and pointed his fingers one by one. In his consciousness, if he was a goshawk, the spiritual power of these people was simply like that of wild geese, and they were no match for him.

"you you?"

The thunderous voice echoed in the hall, and the fingers were pointed one by one, but no one dared to respond. After more than ten seconds, he retracted his finger with a sneer and made a circle: "No one, very good..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly paused. At the same time, Lord Qingdeng suddenly raised his gaze, the fossil revived, and he looked at a certain place.

Just at the end of their fingers, both of them felt a terrible flame, as bright as the sun.

If he is a goshawk, this man is simply a phoenix reborn!

"Or... you?" His eyes suddenly burst out with a burning light, and he pointed at his fingertips. Pointed directly at a monk.

Xu Yangyi was silent.

Does this count as being shot while lying down?

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