
Chapter 1350: The Power of a Palm

After saying this, the Six Saints Yuanling had already stood up, his body hundreds of meters high making the ground thump, and he stood like a giant mountain a hundred meters away from Xu Yangyi.

One is a demon cultivator, one is blazing, the other is as calm as a lake, the Six Saint Yuanling has quietly stood up, patted his clothes, and showed an ugly smile: "Interesting."

"It actually makes me feel like I am carrying a ray of light on my back. Newbie, please sign up. With such strength, I have never seen you on the Saint List."

His words were addressed to Xu Yangyi. The monks around him were stunned, looked at Xu Yangyi strangely, and immediately dispersed in a big circle.

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "Are you asking me?"

The Six Saint Yuanling also smiled, his mouth full of sharp teeth. Not only was he unkind, but he looked ferocious and terrifying.

The next second, a golden beast claw suddenly shot down in the void, accompanied by the other party's sneer: "Here, the first thing to answer is: Yes, Holy Lord!"

"Remember it clearly, Xin Ding."

The speed was so fast that all the surrounding saints did not react. At the same time, Shen Shenyang, Mo Yikui, and King Chitian, who were already walking towards the deep passage accompanied by more than a dozen attendants, raised their eyes almost at the same time.

"Can the Six Saint Yuanling be allowed to take action at will?" Shen Chenyang pulled the white crane robe on her body and asked slowly.

"No." The accompanying attendant respectfully replied: "I have returned home, but His Excellency Liu Sheng Yuan Ling is warlike by nature. He was murderous before he became a monk. When he sees an equally matched opponent, he can't help but take action."

Shen Shenyang smiled, walked slowly forward, and muttered as if to himself: "Evenly matched?"

"It's better not to humiliate yourself..."

"Two hundred and fifty million... a ruthless character that even in the early stages of Taixu is difficult to defeat. Little guy, no matter how hard you hit a nail, you must know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world..."

At the entrance of Yanguihui, the Six Saint Yuanling's claws filled the sky with golden light. The weaker saint's face was as pale as dirt, and the low-level monks were even more trembling.

This claw gave them a feeling of the world turning upside down, but at this moment, the calm human seemed to move, and then, a golden shock wave mixed with blue and black exploded in the sky.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and the surrounding bulkheads rattled. Almost no one saw the move, except for the eyes of Lord Qingdeng who suddenly shone.

"Amitabha." He took a deep breath. Even he didn't see it clearly just now. The move was too fast, too fast. There was only a meal, followed by a brilliance.

Swipe, pull, pull... The golden light is like a tide, and the shock wave is like an ocean wave. After a few seconds, the light settles. The Six Saint Yuanling stares at Xu Yangyi with an extremely solemn expression: "What is the Taoist name of fellow Taoist?"

"Tianjian Villa, Holy Lord Ben Lei." Xu Yangyi retracted his hand calmly.

"I've never heard of it." Lord Qingdeng was still like a stone sculpture, but his scorching eyes had already exposed his heart: "A monk like you shouldn't be unknown."

Before he finished speaking, the green lotus at the feet of the Six Saint Yuanling burst into pieces, turning into dots of green light and flying in the wind amid his ugly face.


Facing the third place on the Saint List and winning?

The monks around him all took a breath and looked at Xu Yangyi like a monster.

Before they came, they had been told by their elders who had been on the Chain of Seven Realms that there could only be one voice here, and no self-righteous monks with a heart as high as the sky and a life as thin as paper were allowed to exist. When they first entered, there must be veteran strong men from the Seven Realms Chain coming to suppress them.

The sharpness is ground away and cast into a torrent of steel like arms and fingers. Without exception, the monks who came to the Chain of Seven Realms for the first time were far from the monks who fought here, even if they were in the same realm. But this time I just didn’t get it!

"Your Majesty, Dao Ancestor... this... who is this senior?" "Ben Lei? Have you heard of it?" "No... Tianjian Villa, a powerful force on the upper level, has such a sage?" "This is too much. Too cruel!"

"This... this is second on the list of saints! Where did this vicious person come from!" A Nascent Soul leader of a C-level force almost dropped his eyes: "Venerable Qingdeng... doesn't plan to take action. ?”

"Because even if we join forces, we will only bring humiliation to ourselves." Chaofeng said, the leader of Yishang Sect, the horse-faced Yin Lord, quickly turned his eyes: "A heavy weight seems to be light, a big skill seems to be clumsy. This is the strength of 250 million super Yang Sages. "?"

His heart beat faster. The calmness of the Return of the Wild Goose was just an illusion. The real bloodshed and killings would awaken these newcomers to the battlefield in a few days. If there is such an ally who is willing to lend a helping hand at critical moments...

Looking up, he suddenly found that the eyes of several well-informed sages were flashing, obviously having the same thought. Secretly gritting his teeth, he walked towards the Tianjian Villa area calmly. At the same time, the thunderous voice of the Six Saints Yuanling sounded: "Tianjian Villa... is very good. From now on, Tianjian Villa will be directly dispatched by Jun Da Li Pluto. Without the order of His Excellency Pluto, no sect can Act simultaneously!”

You MMP! !

Several Yin Lords who were walking past wanted to kick the demon cultivator to death.

I finally found a thigh, but it was chopped off before I could hold it. How to make them not angry!

"Not convinced?" The Six Saint Yuanling glanced at the whole audience with contempt, patted his stomach and grinded his teeth, smiling: "Everyone present, I am here to tell you that you have only one identity. That is soldiers!"

"You also only have one code name, which is Xin Ding!"

"Here, you must unconditionally obey the command of this Holy Lord! Until Master Pluto comes out of seclusion! If anyone doesn't obey the command, I don't care who you are! The return of the Goose, and drying your body in the wind of the galaxy is the final destination. !”

"If you don't want to..." He pointed at Xu Yangyi with his fluffy paw: "Then don't talk nonsense until you reach this level!"

"Although I may not listen."

"do you understand!"

"Yes." All the monks answered with their hands raised.

"Very good." Lord Qingdeng said slowly: "Now that you all understand, then go where you should go according to the request of the messenger. Now, leave immediately. I don't want to see anyone there after half an hour. There’s no excuse for showing up where you shouldn’t.”

As these words fell, tens of thousands of green lotuses flew out from the passage behind them, and on each one stood a monk. His spirit was completely different from that of the newcomers in the Seven Realms. If this place was a chattering vegetable market, They are a silent weapons shop, with such restrained killing intent that it makes one's skin feel cold when they see them.

"There are still three weeks to arrive at Towering City. Enjoy the joy of living, Xin Ding." The Six Saint Yuanling grinned ferociously, and turned into spiritual light and dissipated into the void along with Lord Qingdeng.

Reception personnel from all parties arrived, and the entire scene became active again with the departure of the two saints. Xu Yangyi was about to leave when suddenly two voices sounded beside him.

"Chen Yiquan, the supreme elder of the Qingyu Sect of the B-level force, has met fellow Taoist Ben Lei." "Lei Dong, the leader of the Chi Yan Rebirth Path of the B-level force, has met fellow Taoist Ben Lei."

A big man with a red-gold face, an old man with white eyebrows and white beard, wearing a red sun-flying crane robe, walked over at some point, cupped his hands and smiled.

Xu Yangyi smiled and cupped his hands, and when he was about to speak, Chu Zhaonan said first, "I've invited you two fellow Taoists. Why haven't I met you two before?"

The red-gold man smiled quite measuredly: "To be fair to fellow Taoists, we have just entered the chain of the seven realms for the first time. I hope that we can all be of the same spirit and look after each other."

"Of course." Chu Zhaonan also smiled and couldn't find any fault: "The sect has just entered the chain of the seven realms and is about to settle down, so I won't disturb the two sect leaders. I'll take a step first and meet again in the future."

After saying that, he winked at Xu Yangyi, and the three of them quickly left with their sect.

"What?" Xu Yangyi asked in his consciousness.

"Don't get close to them without any real benefits." Chu Zhaonan said lightly: "There are sixteen Class A forces in Kunlun. The so-called Class A is recognized by the entire seven worlds. Their background is unusually powerful. Here, , if the B-level forces want to survive well, the best way is to form a temporary strategic alliance."

Zhao Ziqi said quietly: "The so-called strategic alliance, advancing together and retreating together, how many sects can one Class A force protect? No more than ten at most, but that is tens of thousands. How many are there here? Not to mention those high up. The A-level forces themselves have subordinate B-level sects, and even if they don’t, they won’t be able to take care of them.”

Xu Yangyi nodded: "So, those B-level forces started looking for potential stocks? Is that why I was targeted by them?"

"Brother Chu is right, don't pay attention to them." Zhao Ziqi couldn't help rolling his eyes at the people around him: "Once an alliance is truly formed, it will be presented to Lord Jundali for review. When the time comes that they are not strong enough, they will encounter When the danger comes, do you want to save him or not? In addition to the battle, Taixu is dispatched by the collective, and there are also various other tasks. A small team encounters Taichu and disappears silently. This kind of thing happens a lot. "

"If there is no real benefit worth your taking action, don't pay attention to other people."

Xu Yangyi laughed, he has grown up... Both of them can now stand alone. The monk's ruthlessness and the monk's heart have been sharpened even when he can't see it.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay." At this moment, Chen Yiquan's thunderous voice came almost at the same time. Chu Zhaonan turned around first and said with a smile: "What else do you two fellow Taoists want?"

Chen Yiquan's old eyebrows moved. He was also a newcomer to the Chain of Seven Realms, but any sect had a team left behind, and he had already understood some of the rules. They couldn't climb up to the Class A forces, but as soon as Xu Yangyi took action, they spotted this big tree.

But the other party is also not a newcomer and has done enough homework. They won't give them any chance. Their family knows their own affairs. They can't guarantee that they can keep the sect safe with their ranking of more than 2,000.

Towering city...

"Don't tell secret words in front of Mingren." Lei Dong's expression changed. After three seconds, he stepped forward and whispered: "We have a piece of news in exchange for the strategic alliance of the three of us. How about it?"

"Tell me more." Xu Yangyi remained calm.

Chen Yiquan took a deep look at the two of them, and then said after a long time: "I believe that fellow Daoist Ben Lei is not a dishonest person. You can... let's talk about it first. This news is closely related to you."

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