
Chapter 1351: A family passed down from generation to generation

Lei Dong winked, Chen Yiquan nodded silently, and walked towards the quiet passage. Chu Zhaonan waved his hand: "Third Junior Brother, please lead the three disciples to make arrangements."

The three of them hid in the sea of ​​people and quietly walked towards the passage. No one saw that among the green lotuses flying all over the sky, there were dozens of golden lotuses hidden, which were extremely inconspicuous among the many green lotuses. Next to the golden lotus, all the green lotuses consciously moved out of the way. Those elite monks who had survived hundreds of battles did not show any disdain towards the reinforcements from the Seven Realms monks, but they actively avoided these golden lotuses, like fish and shrimps avoiding the Dragon King.

Standing on one of the green lotuses was a middle-aged man with triangular eyes and an aquiline nose.

He wears an ordinary blue robe, but he wears a purple gold crown, a white jade belt, and the emblem on his chest is different from all second-level sects.

It is alive.

Four spiritual lights surged, and a long sword about three centimeters thrust into the sun. In the center of the sun, there is a golden "Song" character.

His eyes were fixed on Tianjian Villa from beginning to end, and there was a faint light flickering in his sleeves. After a few seconds, there was a slight movement in the sleeves and robe, and the brilliance disappeared.

"Very strong." Beside him, a man covered in a white cloak spoke slowly: "There is no guarantee that he will bow his head, so please be careful, Master."

"His strength is determined to be the number one under Taixu. Even ordinary Taixu cannot defeat him..."

The man with triangular eyes had blood-red eyes. He stared at Xu Yangyi and interrupted him harshly: "Shut up!"

He turned his head and glanced at the man in the cloak with murderous intent: "I asked you to assist Yu'er, but in the end you escaped as a ghost! Even the senior ghost-faced monk who was the inspector fell into the opponent's hands... You actually dare to come back... You Why come back with such dignity!"

"Master, now is not the time to be impulsive." The figure begged: "A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. What we are most worried about whether Senior Lei and Senior Chen will betray us."

The man looked at the passage with a sinister look, almost biting his lip, and after a long time he said in a cold voice: "They don't dare."

"In the final analysis, Yu'er was working for Sandaozi back then. They only dared to say a few words at most, but they didn't dare to betray them at all. Haha... Do you think our branch can't protect them? Have you started looking for another branch? But now... The third Taoist disciple is actually the second Taoist disciple..."

Sen Han followed Xu Yangyi and the others around the corner with his venomous eyes, then withdrew and smiled coldly: "Xu Feng... see you in Towering City."

"I will let you know whose territory this is!"

The crowd was so crowded that no matter how smart Xu Yangyi was, he couldn't feel these two glances. As Lei Dong and Chen Yiquan walked into a secluded passage, the other party opened the spiritual energy shield to block out all sounds to show sincerity.

"Actually, if we stand here, there is no way out." After taking a few steps, Lei Dong finally spoke first: "Everything that happened just now should have been seen... If it weren't for the sect, we really shouldn't have come to see you. "

"By whom?" Zhao Ziqi asked.

There was no answer, it was as if heaven and man were at war in their hearts, and Yin Zun had a look of extreme fear on his face.

Silent footsteps sounded in the passage. After a long time, Lei Dong gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know, fellow Taoist, that there are sixteen Class A sects in Kunlun?"

As if the knot in his heart had been opened, he continued: "Except for the four major sects, which have senior Taixu in charge, the others are all great clans passed down from generation to generation. It can be said that tracing back to their origins, their seniors participated in the establishment of Xu Kunlun and conquered this world together. The foundation is extremely profound, even if there is no Taixu, there is still Taixu’s legacy, and even every Class A sect has a former Taixu who transformed his body into a top-notch treasure.”

"This kind of treasure is called Xu Xiang Bao, and it is powerful enough to threaten or even kill Taixu. Over the past hundred thousand years, they have spread their branches and leaves, and their huge root systems have densely packed the entire seven realms. In addition to Xinxing Taixu, there are eleven others in Kunlun, the entire There are eighty such super powers in the Seven Realms. Countless sect leaders are related to them. They can bring out many things that Taixu cannot."

Chen Yiquan lowered his eyes, his voice trembled with fear: "Seven hundred years ago, the Great Sage Guanghan was looking for a special star field to refine the Guanghan Holy Pill. He did not ask the five kings and two queens, but directly found a Class A family. , Sure enough, there are no five kings and two queens, but this family immediately contributed a star field that fully meets the conditions. "

"Only a family like this that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years can have such a profound heritage. Therefore, these families all have a common name."

The two took a deep breath and were about to speak when Zhao Ziqi said in a deep voice: "It's not easy for thousands of years, it's a family that has been handed down from generation to generation."

Xu Yangyi was silent. Just by imagining, he could imagine how terrifying these families were. The roots are intertwined, like a giant spider lying in the Seven Realms. A single move affects the whole body.

Chen Yiquan looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and said word by word: "The family that gave this star domain to Great Sage Guanghan is called the Towering Song Family."

Song family!

Xu Yangyi's relaxed nerves suddenly tightened: "Go on."

Chen Yiquan and Lei Dong looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and said, "These families are too powerful. They are the shields of the Seven Realms and the swords of the Seven Realms. In order to commemorate their original achievements, every family is in the Seven Realms." There is a feudal fortress in the chain, which is the absolute center of their clan! Even the land of Longxing!"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly: "The Chain of the Seven Realms is the front line. Are these important family towns that have been handed down for thousands of years located here?"

"Brother, you don't know." Zhao Ziqi explained: "This kind of place is an important trial place for these families. It is usually guarded by a Taoist who ranks in the top five. Moreover... the Seven Realms Chain is not just a war. There are many unsolved mysteries here."

Chu Zhaonan continued: "For example, thousands of years ago, the Great Sage Guanghan realized the truth on the immortal road where the Emperor and the Empress shone. When the Great Sage Bu Lao took the lead in entering the unique stage, he won a piece of heavenly secrets and also entered the unique stage. We will talk about these things later. Fellow Daoist Chen, please continue."

Chen Yiquan nodded, took a deep breath, pursed his lips tightly, and said after a few seconds: "And the Cantian Song family... their dragon rises in Cantian City! Therefore, Cantian City is also called Song City, which was directly divided and controlled by the first generation of unique."

He quickened his speech: "If this kind of information is the only one, it can be found everywhere, and it is not worthy of negotiating with you. However... what if the Song family is investigating you?"

A strong sense of uneasiness surged into Xu Yangyi's heart, and he said calmly: "Isn't it that this Saint Lord suddenly appeared and entered the sight of these families? Is it not qualified?"

"No..." Chen Yiquan gritted his teeth and said: "Their investigation... is not an ordinary investigation, and what's more strange is that it is not from the main vein, but from a jade vein. But the investigation is very detailed, even..."

Even though the spiritual energy blocked him, he looked around vigilantly and whispered: "Our Qingyu Sect produces the fastest plane shuttle in Xu Kunlun. It is adjacent to the Song family's jade vein and the Chiyan Rebirth Road. As the supreme elder, I know an extremely secret information."

He looked at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes: "The head of the jade vein entrusted one of our elders to explore the ascension place of fellow Taoist. However, our elder did not come back."

Xu Yangyi's heartbeat accelerated, and he closed his eyes gently: "Is there only this Song family in Xu Kunlun?"

"The Cantian Song family, there is no other semicolon."

What went wrong?

When Song Ziyu died, only he and Jiang Lao were present. Jiang Lao would not betray him, and the other party might even have forgotten about it.

Who leaked it? This person must have been there and knew that he had killed the other party.

A minute later, he opened his eyes: "The news is good."

"But it's not enough to form a strategic alliance."

Chen Yiquan and Lei Dong's faces turned green. They actually had a hunch that a family of a descent investigating you might be a good thing or a bad thing. They could not seek an alliance with the Song family. A jade vein did not represent the entire Song family. Compared with the safety of the elite of the sect and the ten thousand years of the family that could only be touched a little bit, they chose the latter without hesitation.


"I can help you once." Xu Yangyi interrupted them and waved his sleeves to leave: "Bring your communication talisman tonight, your news is only worth this price."

"Daoyou, please stay..." Lei Dong was about to say something, but the surroundings suddenly howled in a cold wind, as if falling into the Nether Hell. Zhao Ziqi's eyes rotated in Tai Chi and turned to look at them: "Any other questions?"

Tongyou pupil?

Has the Four-Illuminating Treasure Mirror of the Dry Bone Temple found a successor?

The two of them shut up rationally and watched the three people leave. Chen Yiquan sighed: "What a pity... What a pity. A number one on the Venerable Saint List, a legendary successor of the Four-Illuminating Treasure Mirror, and the one next to him should be from the Vajra Dao, right? Being able to stand with these two people, his power is definitely not weak..."

"Looks familiar, I seem to have seen him on the Venerable Saint List, and he ranks very high." Lei Dong's eyes flickered, and finally turned into a long sigh: "Forget it, it's good to have this result. If used on the blade, at least the roots of the two sects can be preserved."

They also didn't see that Xu Yangyi's face had become completely solemn when he turned around and left.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi caught it and said in a deep voice: "What the two said just now is related to you?"

"You are really easy to mess with..." Unlike Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan immediately confirmed it and smiled bitterly: "The family that has not changed for thousands of years happens to be the Song family and happens to be Cantian City... The tragic situation when this war breaks out is simply unimaginable... If they really want to take action, it will be more dangerous than Taichu, and much more dangerous!"

"Something is related." Xu Yangyi sneered: "I killed the son of the head of the Yuzi vein, and took something from him."

Both of them were speechless.

"Take it one step at a time." Chu Zhaonan pondered for a while before saying: "Fortunately, it is an unimportant branch. Otherwise... The second son of the Song family, Song Yinfeng, is guarding here. He has been in Cantian City since he was born and has participated in all the Taichu wars in the vicinity of tens of millions of miles for hundreds of years. He is definitely a difficult character."

It can only be like this for the time being.

Speaking of which, Xu Yangyi's foundation is still too shallow. If he is in hell, let alone a jade vein, even if he tells the other party that he killed Song Ziyu, what can the Song family do?

"Let's not talk about this for now. They don't have the courage to do something to me."

"Let's see what kind of hell our 'old friend' has turned this place into."

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