
Chapter 1352: Dusk Ruins (I)

The three of them returned to their own areas and issued orders one by one. Soon, ten Nascent Souls gathered in the conference room.

However, none of them were at the main seat. On the main seat, a golden elixir monk with an eye patch stood there respectfully. Watching the three people come in, he immediately half-knelt on the ground: "Vajra Dao's guarding monk, number seven 18. I’ve met the young sect master, I’ve met senior Ben Lei, and senior Zhao.”

"No courtesy." Chu Zhaonan is an authentic high-ranking official on earth, and he has a sense of nobility for these occasions. He waved his hand casually: "Get up, don't be restrained, and explain the situation here clearly to everyone."


Chu Zhaonan then turned around and smiled: "Each sect has only two-thirds of its strength in the sect, and the remaining one-third, or in other words, the most elite troops are in the chain of seven realms. Those who can enter the top hundred, At least he is an elite veteran who has lived through hundreds of battles.”

The conference room is very simple, with a small sand table in front and a circular vault. Seventy-eight was a typical military style. He nodded silently, and without saying anything else, he took out a general order, which emitted wisps of golden light. These golden lights seemed to be attracted by the round vault and were absorbed by it. Then, The entire vault filled with mist, and a clear star map appeared.

It was a field of shattered stars, deep and endless, with nebula-like planetary belts everywhere, and countless wreckage of motherships. The shattered, dead atmosphere evoked the cruelty of war. Seventy-eight's expression did not fluctuate at all, and his voice did not change at all: "The chain of seven realms is divided into three parts: the 'white realm', the 'spiritual realm' and the 'holy realm'."

"The so-called White Realm, as you seniors have seen, these starry skies have no aura at all, nor a trace of heavenly material and earthly treasure resources. They are not far or close to Taichu and us, occupying the entire seventh layer of the Seven Realms Chain. Almost all wars occur in these areas.”

"Opposite to the White Realm is the Spiritual Realm. There is scattered spiritual energy everywhere, and it is no weaker than some cave heaven paradises in the Seven Realms. The seniors are already qualified to travel in the galaxy, and they should know that there is no spiritual energy in the galaxy. For example, Yan Yan now The place where the Return is located is the No. 21 Spiritual Realm Area classified as 'Kui Mulang'."

He bowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "Because the spiritual power required to activate all super teleportation arrays is too huge. In areas where war breaks out, if one family alone activates it, even the heirloom family cannot afford it. And because of the war, As the situation changes, the super teleportation array is destined to be opened at any time. Therefore, occupying the spiritual realm is equivalent to occupying the opening address of the teleportation array."

A Nascent Soul elder from the Withered Bone Temple wondered: "How is it possible for spiritual energy to appear in the galaxy?"

This simply goes against the monk's worldview.

"My lord, your eyes are as bright as fire." Seventy-Eight complimented, but still said in that dead voice: "This is inseparable from the final holy realm."

His voice became solemn: "The Holy Realm is the biggest mystery of the Seven Realms. Not to mention the far ones, but the near ones, such as the Great Sage Guanghan who became the Supreme Thousands of years ago, are unsolved mysteries. No one can tell clearly what they are. What, no one knows how they appeared. They even appeared earlier than the Chain of Seven Realms, and they cannot be erased by any means, let alone broken."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed the spell, and the sky of the entire vault changed again. Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared on the dome.

This is a black hole, a pure black hole, swallowing endlessly. The surrounding planetary belt and the remains of the mothership are slowly absorbed, forming tentacle-like debris nebulae. The interior of the black hole should have been an eternal chaos, but there are many stars shining inside this black hole, which are neither rejected nor swallowed up. It seems to be split into two spaces, but they are strangely overlapping. Looking across the vast chaos into the void.

What’s even more weird is that there are two huge planes like seven-layered petals, one red and one black, in which Tai Chi slowly revolves and rotates, and each other is each other’s star, which simply goes against the common sense of the universe!

"This is..." "Is there such a place in the universe?" "It's unbelievable, is this the so-called holy realm?" For the monks who set foot on the Chain of Seven Realms for the first time, the scene in front of them was simply a galactic wonder. In admiration, Seventy-eight raised his hand and said: "The black hole in the plane of 'Bingdihua' is like a tide. It surges out once a hundred years. The spiritual power tide is as high as 30 billion souls, which is equivalent to the death of a top-notch single-step almighty."

Xu Yangyi has seen too many plane wonders. Although Bingtihua is weird, it is far from the demon oven in the prison of the gods. The kind of spewing, creation and destruction that swallows up thousands of light years of power is definitely not these. The monks who were trapped in the Seven Realms by Taichu can imagine.

He just glanced lightly and stroked the teacup: "Are all spiritual realms caused by the leakage of spiritual power from the holy realm?"

"Sir, yes, this is also true, including the Kuimulang No. 21 spiritual realm area where the Yanguihui is currently located. But no human effort can break the holy realm and let their spiritual power fully spurt out. These mysteries... seem to be able to conquer All they have is time.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at Bingdihua. He already had a possible guess in his mind and said slowly: "What is the holy realm nearby?"

Seventy-eight bowed again. Under the flash of light, the starry sky changed again. In the deep starry sky, a huge palm print was sunk deep into the void.

The moment he saw this palm print, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly jumped.

Big, incomparably big, this palm print can't be seen at a glance. The planes and stars in it are constantly being destroyed and reborn. However, outside of the palm print, everything is safe.

It is like an ocean that separates life and death. It will not be erased and will never disappear. It witnesses the years and also witnesses... power.

"Daozu..." A Yuanying twisted his beard with trembling hands and took a breath of cold air: "This is... what a great power..."

Even the wooden Seventy-Eight had a burning look in his eyes when he saw this palm print. "'True Immortal Seal' is the name of this holy realm. It is also the most famous one in the past five thousand years, because the place where Guanghan Great Sage attained enlightenment was here."

"She said in person that this was a palm print made by an unknown existence tens of millions of years ago. This palm was too powerful, and the power was so wonderful that it was difficult for the Seven Realms to guess, resulting in countless years, and the spiritual power it contained did not collapse at all."

Xu Yangyi did not hear what he said, because at the moment he saw this palm print, something in his body began to vibrate wildly, and then, a feeling of worship rose from his body.

Respectful worship, thousands of years away.

This is not a human palm print.

It is like the knuckles of an insect, with three fingers, two long and one short, and looks like the remains of some insect. Xu Yangyi happens to know a creature that can absolutely make its spiritual power indestructible after ten thousand disasters, and its will survive beyond time.

The original insect nest, the apostle of zero.

The first generation of Yahweh, one of the seven major races, the insect Yahweh who can be as famous as Beichen and Chaos, jointly sealed the first pillar of desire and created the existence of the terrifying moment prisoner!

Only gods of this level can make spiritual power immortal and imprint its illustrious reputation in the sky.

"Sure enough." He closed his eyes and adjusted the timeline again: "The Book of Hongmeng Contract said that the final battle that ended the twilight took place in Kunlun, and it also made all Yahweh fear the 'universe'. They even suspected that the universe was a living thing... However, they won at that time, but the scene was not cleaned up."

"These... are not holy places at all, but the real battle of the gods! The remains of the gods! Witnesses of the twilight of the gods!"

The remains of Yahweh are not important. He has seen the true body of the first pillar of desire in the final battle of Tiragangdis. What is important is...

The Great Sage Guanghan once realized the truth in the palm print of the Apostle of Zero!

"This is a true battle of gods. No Yahweh dares to hold back. Every move is engraved with the path of Yahweh himself." His heart began to beat violently: "An outsider who has nothing to do with me can do it, but I am the legacy of the Lord of Desire and the Lord of Devouring... Once I can find these two fallen first-generation Yahwehs, will I... also be able to get a glimpse of Yahweh's gate?"

This idea is too greedy, but the existence of this glimmer of hope makes his heart beat wildly.

How was Yahweh born? This is an unsolvable puzzle. Maybe Yahweh himself doesn't know, and most of the later Yahwehs were born from the broken godheads lost in the two Ragnaroks. What did the first generation of Yahweh see? What did he understand? How to step into this supreme road?

As long as this door opens a little and gives him a little chance, he will never let it go!

For the first time, he was full of expectations for the Seven Realms Chain.

"Take a look at other holy realms." Suppressing his accelerating heart, he spoke in a deep voice with some impatience. Seventy-eight immediately turned the order, and suddenly, pictures flashed by like a revolving lantern.

In the shocked eyes of many monks, they saw scenes that they would never forget.

There were huge dragons, nine-headed dragons, and western dragons. The complete skeleton had begun to calcify over countless years, forming a rock-like skeleton plane, more than a million meters in size, with small star beasts shuttling back and forth in it. And this skeleton still maintained its appearance before death, with nine huge dragon heads roaring at the front.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of enemy it encountered. It is even more impossible to imagine what level of Yahweh was that made this creature that surpassed the star beast fight with all its strength and fall into the galaxy.

"The complete remains of Yahweh..." Xu Yangyi's breathing became more and more hot. According to the time calculation, the godheads of the seven masters all fell here. Since a complete remains of Yahweh can be seen, then... the Lord of Desire and the Lord of Devouring... and even the other five masters?

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