
Chapter 1353: Dusk Ruins (Part 2)

He continued to look.

There was another sea of ​​flowers, swaying in the void, growing without roots, but undefeated for tens of millions of years, and even growing a bunch of green lotuses, with a terrifyingly rich spiritual energy flying from it and escaping into the void.

Under the sea of ​​flowers, there was a scattered skeleton, burning with flames. These seas of flowers were like golden lotuses in the sea of ​​suffering, eternal and undefeated.

They also saw a picture from who knows how many years ago, a crystal paradise completely different from the style of the Seven Realms, with countless people with wings and golden light rushing down like streamers. Behind them, the divine wheel shone, holding two swords. The white cloak was full of exotic style, like a star falling to the earth.

There was also a drop of fire, and the surrounding millions of miles of void were evaporated. Xu Yangyi felt a terrible demonic energy on it.

One holy realm after another passed by, and just when the next one appeared, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his hand: "Wait."

He saw a sword.

A thousand-meter-long sword, broken, engraved with seven stars, with huge fortresses built on it, so solid that it makes people feel cold.

At the same time, the Chaos seed in his body vibrated wildly.

"This is Huoyun City, another big city in the Seven Realms Chain. Huoyun Chen Family. It is also the only holy realm that can be entered." Seeing his gaze, Seventy-eight said immediately.

Xu Yangyi did not answer, his eyes were fixed on the ancient Chinese sword, and Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi also stood up at the same time.

In the consciousness of the three people, a tremor separated by tens of millions of years came together. It was the resonance of the soul and the call of the consciousness.

Xu Yangyi looked for a long time before he sighed slightly.

This is not Chaos.

This is... Beichen.

Emperor Haotian.

"Huoyun Chen Family..." He sighed slightly: "Really good luck..."

The picture continued to wander, and after half an hour, all the holy realms appeared, and Xu Yangyi's brows were tightly furrowed.

The complete remains of Yahweh, no... even the slightest trace of connection with desire and devouring does not exist!

"Is this all the holy realms?" He looked deeply at Seventy-Eight. This shouldn't be the case. The existence of the Book of Hongmeng Contract shows that Yahweh does not want future generations to know these things. And if Yahweh really doesn't want to, this battlefield will not exist. But now that it exists, it is not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't.

Perhaps it is because time does not allow it, or perhaps it is for other reasons, Yahweh stayed here. The God King's Godhead was found here, indicating that the seven Yahwehs must have fallen here.

But now it can't be found!

"My Lord, yes." Seventy-Eight replied respectfully: "This is the holy realm that can be found at present."

What can be found? Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, and Seventy-Eight immediately said: "The White Realm occupies 70%, the Spirit Realm occupies two layers, and the Holy Realm is less than one layer."

He pondered for a moment and said: "In this layer, the Holy Realm occupies only one-tenth at most, and the rest... is called the Realm of Destruction."

After saying this, he turned the command again, and suddenly, a dark vortex appeared on the surrounding light curtain.

That is not the starry sky...

But black air, forming a black hole in the shape of the Milky Way! After tens of millions of years, it is still rotating quietly, and every time it rotates, endless waves are rippling around it. It's like a storm hitting the shore.

However, these waves are not energy at all, but runes. One by one, the runes are extremely complex and have never been seen before.

It looks messy, but it forms a long river that separates immortals from mortals forever, and it hides the secrets in it.

"This is the realm of extinction." Seeing everyone's eyes, Seventy-eight explained: "It is 54,320,000 miles in radius. This is an unexplored space, and it is also a place that cannot be entered or seen at all. It is also called the realm of extinction. It is an abyss sealed by immortals and a place that mortals cannot cross."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and when the realm of extinction appeared, he clearly felt that the seed of Chaos exuded a sense of nostalgia.

"Give me its star map." He said after taking a deep look. Seventy-eight immediately wrote something on a jade slip with his spiritual consciousness and pushed it over. Xu Yangyi glanced at them and nodded: "Forget it, let's talk about Taichu."

Everyone woke up from the shock, and everyone had a solemn look on their faces.

Seventy-eight was no exception. For the first time, a moved look appeared on his face. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "Taichu... They are demons that devour everything. They can devour and assimilate the talismans of all creatures. If they find a race, they can even create a brand new Taichu branch."

"High-level Taichu have complete command capabilities over low-level Taichu. According to the class of Taichu, they are divided into five levels: leader, chief, master, immortal, and supreme. The leader is equivalent to the foundation-building stage, and the position is generally a small captain. The leader is equivalent to the golden elixir stage, and the position is generally a big captain."

"The master is more Special, their cultivation is equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage, but they have no specific duties. They are like floating brains in the sky, conveying various orders for the immortal Taichu. "

"Their communication is not transmitted by spiritual power, but a strange resonance of the mind. The speed of thinking is much faster than spiritual energy." Seventy-eight calmed down the fluctuations of his mood and turned the order again: "In order to let the seniors understand Taichu more clearly, I have a photo of the last defeat in Tenglei Mountain. I hope...the seniors can understand our opponents more clearly."

"This is a powerful devil that makes people despair... greedy to unimaginable..."

The room became quiet, and in the light, a heart-stirring picture appeared on the dome.

This is the first time Xu Yangyi, Chu Zhaonan, and Zhao Ziqi have seen Taichu in the Chain of Seven Realms, and it is also the first time they know how shallow their previous understanding of Taichu was.

In the picture, a majestic mountain stands proudly in the void, with precious light rising all over its body, and countless floating battleships floating left and right. This is a photo recorded from a distance. With the brilliance shining in the center of the nine heavens and ten earths beating, thousands of The battleship suddenly condensed a white spiritual light, and then, it gathered here into a sea of ​​spiritual energy.

The terrifying spiritual energy cannon shook the sky and cracked the earth, illuminating the starry sky and leaving all the stars without light. At the same time, it also illuminates the devil in the dark night.

"Ha..." Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath with a solemn look. Under the brilliance, overwhelming, tide-like monsters were impacting the mountain like water flooding the golden mountain.

It is a kind of Taichu that is completely different from the skulls, teeth and eyeballs of the earth. It looks like a skinned person, with sharp bone spurs all over its body. Its claws are dark, but they have the power to split metal and crack stones. In front of them, there is another kind of Taichu. , covered in a green-blue carapace, without a head, with a huge eye in the center, and his hands merged into a shield, and along with the tide of skinned monsters, they slammed into the mountain guarding formation.

Outside Tenglei Mountain, there is a golden light, and countless runes are surging. With each impact of countless monsters from all directions, there are ripples in circles, and the spiritual energy runs back fiercely. Every moment on the plane spaceship Pieces of precious light are rising, dozens of Nascent Souls, foundation-building monks carrying thousands of golden elixirs, and protective talismans, turning into sharp blades on the battlefield, surrounding the hanging mountain like petrels.

boom! ! Something like a meteor hit the mountain guarding formation. Suddenly, the ripples became more fierce and the whole mountain trembled. Moreover, these meteors are by no means one, but numerous, falling on them like rain, very regularly.

The screen zooms out, and tens of thousands of meters away, there are huge, bud-like fleshy creatures, about several thousand meters in size. Countless tentacles below are bulging all over the body. The surrounding spiritual energy is being poured in crazily. Purple light shines through the thick flesh. The petals shone out, and with bursts of loud noises, the stars fell like rain, uniformly, and the endless meteors crazily impacted the mountain guarding formation.

The picture is clearly messy, but it exudes a strange arm-like movement. The sky dominates the sky, the surrounding void vibrates, and instructions are desperately conveyed from their spiritual consciousness. Farther away, a crab-like creature with an belly full of eyeballs was raining down their spores. These spores are not as powerful as the flower bud monsters, but there are more of them. It is like a downpour!

The mountain-protecting formation was shaking, and the light was extinguishing. It was obvious that it was on the verge of collapse.

"The most terrifying thing about Taichu... is that they will run out of new species at any time..." Seventy-eight's voice was very low and full of hatred: "These siege Taichu have never been seen before. Their power is so great." Big, every blow is equivalent to the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul, and it is tireless..."

"In the past tens of thousands of years, we have witnessed the growth of Taichu. From the beginning..." He pointed at the skinned Taichu and the armored Taichu who were besieging the mountain gate, grinding his teeth hoarsely: "There are more than a dozen variants in the back. High-level people in the Seven Realms It has been surmised that there are definitely more than just us in Taichu, and there are countless other planes under their attack.”

"They attack, destroy, devour, and repeat over and over again, creating more Taichu branches suitable for fighting and throwing them into other battlefields. Once a new variant of Taichu appears, a race will definitely be wiped out by them..."

He almost bit his lip: "The moment of Tenglei Mountain's defeat is coming soon. This time... Towering City faces unprecedented dangers."

Before he finished speaking, dozens of huge white dots suddenly lit up outside Tenglei Mountain, like dozens of suns rising, and the terrifying spiritual energy could be felt even through the light curtain. It makes the hairs all over your body stand up!

"Star Destroyer Gate... Star Destroyer Cannon!" Chu Zhaonan's eyes sparkled. During the World War, the earth suffered a lot.

At the same time, doubts appeared in everyone's mind.

Star Destroyer Cannons, the ultimate weapon in plane wars. The claim to destroy stars is no joke. Dozens of Star Destroyer Cannons... are enough to show how much the Seven Realms value Tenglei Mountain. This didn't stop Taichu's progress?

At the moment when the brilliance shone, dense black clouds suddenly surged behind countless surrounding planes.

It was the Crow God spreading his wings, the tide of bats, the sky full of Taichu clouds blocking the sun, rushing towards Tenglei Mountain crazily, and actually formed pieces of funnel-shaped dark clouds below the Star Destroyer Gate.

This is a kind of Taichu that has never been seen before.

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