
Chapter 1354: New Species

The center was still an eyeball, but two wings grew on both sides. They were not big, each about the size of a human, but there were too many... the number was calculated in millions. At the same time, all the dark clouds lit up from the inside, and each "eyeball" burst into the red light before the explosion.

Boom! !

The next second, the Star Destroyer Gates opened at the same time, and the brilliant white light tore through the universe, but all the attacks were on the black clouds. Next, there was a big explosion that made this starry sky tremble.

The magnificent shock wave swept in all directions, and the red explosion swallowed everything, and also swallowed dozens of Star Destroyer Cannons. This thick black cloud actually blocked the attacks of all Star Destroyer Gates and also swallowed up the Star Destroyer Gates above. After more than ten minutes, the shock wave finally spread, and dozens of broken Star Destroyer Gates completely announced the direction of the war.

In an instant, the black tide merged into the sea, and the waves rolled in from all directions, completely swallowing up Tenglei Mountain.


The scene ended here, and no one could speak. Even Xu Yangyi's face was extremely cautious.

In the face of such a super-scale battle, even Du Bu was powerless.

The Seven Realms had Du Bu, and Taixu also had Du Bu, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the two saints for so long. Moreover, this is a battlefield calculated in light years. Even if there was no Du Bu, the Seven Realms could not take care of it at all.

This is a war between different species, a war for survival, which is fundamentally different from the war of all realms.

It also made those cultivators who had just walked out of the Seven Realms understand what kind of monster they were facing.

"Every time a new species of Taichu is born, the territory of the Seven Realms is further reduced..." Seventy-eight's voice was a little hoarse: "From two light years outside Tenglei Mountain tens of thousands of years ago, Tenglei Mountain has now been captured..."

Xu Yangyi stood up: "Then, let's get ready."

"The battle in Cantian City must be extremely tragic. Taichu is coming with the power of a new species, everyone." He arched his hands slightly, and suddenly, in a voice of "I dare not be polite to my lord", all the Yuanying elders stood up. He said slowly: "Instead of raising others' ambitions and destroying your own prestige here, it is better to make full preparations."

"I hope to see you all again after this battle."

After saying that, he turned into a light and flew away. Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi also led their people away.

The Wild Goose Returns is very large. Compared with the hurried and solemn cultivators of the Seven Realms, Xu Yangyi is very relaxed. He knows his position. Apart from military exploits, the survival of the Seven Realms has nothing to do with them.

So, if you understand it clearly, you don't have to stay any longer. He has no psychological burden for the Seven Realms.

The light stopped halfway.

I don't know which part of the Wild Goose Returns is here. It should be the outermost part, not far from the Tianjian Villa. From here, you can see the beautiful galaxy.

The galaxy without war is so peaceful, and the irritable nebula has become peaceful and peaceful. Purple and blue, mixed with the virtual light belts of the shining stars, sprinkle the galaxy, and the slowly flowing planetary belt even shows a kind of tranquility.

He looked at the starry sky outside with some emotion. How long has it been since he had a peaceful time? But when he entered the practice, how could he still be quiet? Unless he was content with mediocrity.

His eyes were slightly complicated. Just when he had just retracted them, a thousand-foot green light suddenly burst out in front of him.

Everything was rendered in dark green. His nerves, which had just relaxed a little, immediately tensed up. Someone attacked him?

Looking for death?

The name of the Song family just appeared in his mind, but the next second, he was stunned.


Subconsciously, he thought that an enemy domain was launched, but he immediately found that it was wrong. This was the green that emerged from his body, or from his retina.

"It's Chaos's legacy!" Half a second later, with the help of his photographic memory, his eyes suddenly lit up. However, he was not relaxed at all. Instead, his breathing became rapid in an instant, and his whole body of spiritual energy was immediately like a fully drawn bowstring, ready to be launched.

When the seed of Chaos entered his body, he discovered in the Earth era that he could see the existence of Taichu, just like a radar scan.

He almost forgot, but this Taichu net suddenly started up by itself...

His palm was a little damp, and he saw... In the green, endless red dots appeared like a tide, rushing over from all directions!


The speed was extremely fast. It was not big, but there was no end! In just a dozen seconds, it was one thousandth closer to the Yan Guilai!

How is it possible!

All the sounds disappeared from his mind, even he had only this thought in his mind.

He looked out the window in disbelief. There was nothing at the edge of the Milky Way. The Taichu that came was a net-shaped encirclement, and they were in the center of this huge net. But there was no trace at all!

Impossible... Completely disappeared, and his own consciousness could not feel it. If it were not for the warning of the Seed of Chaos, he would have been kept in the dark. He would never believe that there were cultivators of the same realm who could hide in front of him, and this was not the same realm, this was an army of countless foundation building, golden elixir, and a small number of Nascent Souls!

His eyes were fixed on the end of the void. After one minute, two minutes, the red dot in his retina had surpassed one percent. Finally... he finally saw that at the end of the void, there was an extremely tiny black dot.

The flat triangular body was pitch black with a faint purple glow, like a devil ray, and was inconspicuous in the vast void. However, below it... the entire void was boiling!

The Taichu Army!

His pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked around. He suddenly discovered that dozens of these weird Taichus were rushing towards him from all directions. The void below was shaking in a blur. It was a sign of thousands of troops crossing the galaxy. The huge spiritual energy shook the void! But this kind of shock was covered up very well. If he didn't know it in advance, if it weren't for his strength and his realm, it would be impossible for others to discover it!

"New species..." A cold thought came to the bottom of his heart, and he suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Tianjian Villa.

This new species... can actually cover up other traces of Taichu!

Now, there are more than hundreds of millions of red dots in my eyes! It’s simply overwhelming! After the needle-sized red dot, there are dozens of huge red dots approaching quickly!

There is no doubt about the ability of the Seed of Chaos, and I believe that the Yan Return will be on full alert soon. Now we must gather with our own people. Before this species war, the bravery of ordinary people will eventually come to an end.

"Warning, it is forbidden to take off in the non-lifting area on the ship. Warning, it is forbidden to take off in the non-lifting area on the ship." A cold consciousness came, Xu Yangyi didn't care at all, and his consciousness had been completely released , spread out like a carpet.

Taichu came too unexpectedly, but in his desperation, he did not catch up with Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi.

"Damn it!" He moved faster, his heart was on fire, and the harsh sound of consciousness spread along with his figure. The monks who occasionally passed by were all dumbfounded as they watched a terrifying stream of light disappear in an instant, and only half a second later there was another sound. A strong wind blew.

"What's wrong? Which senior saint is this? This...isn't this too disrespectful to His Majesty Pluto?"

Cranes burn incense, unicorn camel furnaces, in a huge space, runes shine from all directions, a statue of the King of Purgatory, with three heads and twelve arms, is ten thousand meters in size.

In the twelve hands, sit twelve venerable saints, Venerable Qingdeng, and the six saint Yuanlings are among them. And inside the statue of King Ming, countless monks are working hard.

In a space hundreds of meters in size, three white-haired old men were surrounded by the vast void in all directions. They sat cross-legged on the aura green lotus, and countless talismans formed gorgeous golden haloes that circled around them, a full hundred meters in size. Suddenly, an old man slowly opened his eyes and placed his finger on the talisman wheel that was spinning in front of him. Circles of golden ripples appeared on it, and two pictures appeared.

To the left, an extremely powerful spiritual energy was flying at full speed regardless of warnings. On the right, a dozen Taichu appeared in the vast void, flying over slowly.

"This is..." The old man looked at Xu Yangyi's flying figure displeased: "This senior is too bold and blatantly violated the prohibition. I'm afraid the sect won't be able to protect him."

"The new arrival in the Seven Realms Chain is like this." Another old man took a look and closed his eyes: "They are all elites of the sect, and they are all arrogant. But this is Lord Yangsheng, and it is not our responsibility. Yes. We just need to record the footage and report it."

The old man withdrew his gaze and looked at Taichu on the other side, a little confused: "What Taichu is this? It seems that it has never appeared before?"

"There are twenty-three in total. I also found them here." The last old man opened his eyes. His eyes seemed to be pregnant with the universe and saw through the sky. They were extremely profound and said slowly: "No matter what they are, twenty-three, geese." It’s impossible for the Return Ship to destroy them.”

He took a deep look: "I have never seen this before, but in order to create a new race, there will be too many failures of this kind of monster. As for this senior..."

He took another look and closed his eyes: "Report it now."

"When a newcomer comes, adults naturally need to kill tigers and scare monkeys. We also need to figure out what is better..."

A few seconds later, the eyes of a sage slowly opened on King Ming's hand.

When he closed his eyes, it was like a thousand-year-old snow-capped mountain. When he opened his eyes, it was like a volcano erupting, with one cold and one hot, but it wrapped around his body without any violation. It was extremely strange.

A picture flashed before my eyes, it was the picture of Xu Yangyi flying illegally. He snorted coldly: "What a bold newcomer."

"Does this mean that the top two hundred saints in the Yanguihui No. 12 rankings are regarded as nothing?"

With a slap on the palm of his sitting hand, the aura lingered into a stream of red and blue colors, ice and fire, just as he was about to leave. Lord Qingdeng suddenly raised his eyelids: "Yin Yang Tianzun. Are you really going to make yourself miserable?"

"Ha..." A sneer came from the stream of light: "You were forced to retreat by the opponent's move, but I don't believe it!"

"A newcomer who I have never heard of is actually stronger than us? No matter how strong he is, it is not a reason to violate the rules!"

"Military discipline is iron law."

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