
Chapter 1355: First Encounter with Taichu

Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear to the surprises on both sides. Five minutes later, he finally saw the Tianjian Villa's headquarters, the Withered Bones Temple, and the Vajra Way on both sides. The wave of his spiritual consciousness was released, forcibly breaking through all the monks' spiritual defenses, like thunder. The voice resounded in his mind: "Taichu is attacking! The numbers are huge! The people of Vajra Dao and Withered Bone Temple are going to find your young sect master immediately! Tianjian Villa, the entire army is on alert! Until the young sect masters of the three sects do not return, all follow the orders of this Holy Lord! "

Everyone was stunned. The monk on duty at the door stared blankly at the young sect master who was looming over like a demon. The scene was shocked into silence.

Xu Yangyi's heart was also sinking.

It has been fifteen minutes since he saw Taichu...

The red dot had already covered more than half of the distance, but the Return Goose didn't notice it at all!

Inform the top management of Yanguihui and the person who is looking for him. Xu Yangyi undoubtedly chose the latter. Compared with the Seven Realms, he believed in himself more. Therefore, he did not have time to inform Venerable Qingdeng, the Six Saint Yuanling.

I just hope they can find out in advance...

"Yes!" The monks from Tianjian Villa were the first to react and shouted in unison. Suddenly, the entire sect's treasure light rose up and everyone was covered in armor. The monks from the other two sects have already recovered from the shock.

"Master Xu." An elderly Nascent Soul from the Withered Bone Temple took a step forward and said with cupped hands: "Didn't you hear the call from Yangui? Did you..."

Did you read it wrong?

He didn't dare to say this.

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but looked at him coldly, and then said for a moment: "If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility for it. Didn't your young sect master tell you that he is no longer listening to my orders?"

"Yes!" Monk Yuanying didn't dare to say anything anymore. Just as he was about to turn around and give the order, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute."

A piece of ice appeared in the void and turned into a crystal ice lotus. Then the ice lotus ignited fire, and a figure of immortal wind quietly stepped out. Behind him were a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Flying in violation of the ban, lying about military information, and plotting against evil will be punished according to the law." This is a thin, middle-aged monk. Yin Zun's later cultivation level unabashedly exploded, and he went straight towards Xu Yangyi like a sword: "Fellow Taoist is really How brave. There are no orders on the Yanguihuihui and it disrupts the morale of the troops. Do you really think that the military discipline of the Yanguihuihui is nothing?"

The voice suddenly rose, shocking the void. The monks in all directions trembled slightly. The monks of Withered Bone Temple and Vajra Path, without the young sect master nearby, immediately knelt down: "Welcome..."

"What welcome?!" Xu Yangyi's voice was louder than his. He looked directly at the other party and cupped his hands: "Fellow Taoist, the situation is extremely urgent. Taichu is attacking! Are you still in the mood to care about this now?"

The tension between the two of them suddenly became tense. The monk took a step forward and looked directly into his eyes: "How did you know?"

"Of course I have my own way."

"Is there any evidence?"

"Are you still in the mood to talk to me about this?" Xu Yangyi felt angry in his heart. He had no sense of belonging to the Seven Realms. To be able to tell the other party would be the end of his benevolence. He said coldly: "If you believe it, you will have it. If you don't believe it, there will be nothing. Three sects, all Army array!"

"Let's see who dares!!!" With a loud shout, the whirlpool of ice and fire exploded instantly. In the tens of thousands of meters of ice, a thin monk with black hair flying like a god descended: "Sage Lord Benlei of Tianjian Villa, the intention I don’t know, I lied about the military information, and I concealed it from you. I will grant you a week of ice prison on behalf of Lord Pluto!"

Everyone has their own position, and the monks around him were dumbfounded. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, ignored the other party, and looked at everyone: "Why are you still not moving? I can't wait for this Holy Lord to put on your armor!!"

"You are arrogant!" The monk was really angry. There was no evidence, and he was talking nonsense. Unprinted troop deployment was a capital crime. He only punished the opponent's Ice Prison and his team and showed mercy outside the law. He didn't expect that the opponent would go all the way to the dark side!

"You want to rebel, but you can't!" He dodged and appeared in front of Xu Yangyi, angrily saying: "Without evidence, instigating Taichu to attack, what a heinous crime it is! Do you think the Supervision Department of Yanguihui is blind?"

"Prison Controller, don't let me take him down yet!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen Nascent Souls behind him all raised their hands and cleverly surrounded Xu Yangyi. The leader, a burly man, raised his hands and said, "Holy Lord, I'm sorry."

Xu Yangyi sighed, looked at these people with pity, and waved his hand: "It's too late."

"Of course it's too late to regret." The lean monk said coldly: "The state has national laws, and every family has its own rules. When you come to the Chain of Seven Realms, I will put down the previous sect's domineering atmosphere to me! This is not your heaven." Sword Villa!”

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the entire mothership shook slightly.

This sound was like the morning bell of hell, shattering all the hostility in this place and making it audible to hear the drop of a pin.

The vibration is not scary, but what is scary is... The Yanguihuihui is so big, with a mountain guard outside, a real mobile fortress. What can make the Yanguihuihui shake?

Meteorite? Impossible. Once it appears, the entire ship will report it or directly bypass it.

An ominous premonition appeared in everyone's heart. The monks from the Withered Bone Temple and the Vajra Path did not hesitate to put on their armor. It was a pitch-black armor, which was issued to everyone and was made of the Origin Blood Divine Crystal from the Origin Blood Realm. , to prevent Taichu from being swallowed.

"Boom..." As if to confirm this ominous speculation, another shock came, and it was stronger than before!

A kind of whistling sound, like the sound of spring silkworms gnawing mulberry trees, came from all directions extremely faintly. It was obviously soft, but it made the thin monk open his mouth wide and his face turned ashen, as if he had heard the sound of hell.

"I said it was late, I meant you have already spent ten minutes. And at this moment, the Taichu army has landed." Xu Yangyi stepped forward and looked at the thin monk coldly: "New species, understand? Taichu's new species has appeared, which can cover the physical aura of other Taichu. What are you still standing there for?"

The words were very calm, but the thin monk woke up as if from a dream. At this moment, he was already sweating all over. Without hesitation, a token in his hand flew into the sky, and then spread at the speed of light, spreading in all directions.

"Taichu board the ship! All troops attack!!" He roared in a hoarse voice, and the regret in his heart almost turned into a river.

How could it be true?

How did he find out?

Taichu had never approached the Yan Guilai within ten thousand meters, how dare he be so bold now!

"Daoyou!" Putting down the token, his eyes were red, and he bowed deeply to Xu Yangyi: "Please... please help!"

The three sects were the fastest, prepared, and mentally prepared. He gritted his teeth and said, "Afterwards... I will take the blame! Landing Port No. 7 is 30,000 meters southwest of here! All landing ports are the weakest places in the ship's defense..."

Before he finished speaking, there was already a stream of light in front of him. Xu Yangyi ignored him and led the three sects to fly towards the landing port.

If the Yan Guilai fell, so many Taichu... no one at the scene could survive!

"Have you found the young sect master?" On the way, he said in a deep voice.

"Found it! Young sect master, go directly to the landing port to meet up!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were deep. In his mind, the battle situation was constantly reorganizing. He suddenly realized that this was not a surprise attack. This premeditated attack had been foreshadowed long ago.

The White Realm could not build a super teleportation array, and there were only a few places where it could be built. Cangtian City was in danger. Could the Seven Realms not reinforce it?

And Taichu... just surround Cantian City, and then send out a little bit to eat up the reinforcements!

Besiege a point and attack the reinforcements... He who has seen the master can hardly imagine that Taichu's wisdom is so high. This is simply a master of war command.

The whole Yan Guilai was in chaos.

The attack was too sudden, and I don't know how many monks were not prepared. Due to the strength of the three sects, countless streams of light flew in the air. The monks who were reminiscing in other sects and visiting Yan Guilai, men and women, old and young, and the newcomers who had never been on the battlefield were flying desperately with terrified shouts, looking for their own sects.

The stream of light flew, the treasure light filled the sky, and the exclamations were endless, as if the end of the world was coming. Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "How far is it?"

"Ten thousand meters!" A Yuanying from Tianjian Villa was next to him, holding an eight-diagram plate in his hand, on which a figure of a monk holding a sword danced wildly, and then he pointed his sword straight at a place without moving.

Yuanying gasped: "Young Master, five kilometers ahead, a large amount of spiritual energy has reacted! At least hundreds of millions!"

Damn it!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and the stream of light of the crowd was like a galaxy pouring down. He quickly turned a corner, and the huge beast-headed doors in front of him were opening with a bang. There was no combat preparation, and the Yan Guilai No. 1 had not even opened the passage!

Kakakaka... As the door opened, everyone gasped.

The ground was covered with blood...

Limb fragments were everywhere... and on the walls in all directions, tumor-like eyes were spreading countless fleshy tentacles, covering the surviving monks one by one, and the people below were faintly visible trembling.

As the door of hell opened, all the eyes of Taichu turned over, like the gaze of a devil.

"Kill." Seeing the familiar face, Xu Yangyi's mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile.


Long time no see.

Let's...calculate the total account of being chased by you to the heavens and the earth.

Before he finished speaking, more than ten Yuanying figures behind him flew out like lightning, swords rose in the vastness, and Hong flew into the dark. In just a moment, hundreds of Taichu were instantly wiped out.

The battlefield seemed relaxed, but Xu Yangyi was not relaxed at all. His eyes were already looking deeply at the slowly opening door opposite.

The Taichu just now was just a small fish...

Behind this door, there were countless red dots, which were clearly visible in the retina! Densely packed, like flies and ants!

At the same time, a harsh voice suddenly broke out beside him. The cultivator holding the Bagua plate, the Bagua plate rose a red light, buzzing and trembling, extremely sharp.

Dead silence.

Any change on the battlefield was enough to attract attention, and everyone stared at this cultivator.

The monk's eyes were dull. Half a second later, he mechanically turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, trembling: "390 million spirits..."

"My Lord... the main force of Taichu... is behind that door. They... they have arrived..."

"Really?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, not nervous at all, but relieved.

Almost 400 million...

That's all.

It doesn't mean that the opponent's spiritual power can defeat him. After all, the opponent is a gathering of countless Yuanying Jindan. If you want to defeat a super Yangsheng with 250 million spirits, you don't have more than 1.3 billion troops.

"Line up on the spot!" He said in a deep voice, and his figure swayed slightly, and he had come to the front of all the troops.

He didn't want to lose too much when he first went to the battlefield. First of all... let them see blood.

By the way, let all those who are interested see clearly what it means to be the first person under Taixu.

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