
Chapter 1356: One Man Stands on the Pass (3rd Update)

Well... I said there would be three climaxes, but this is just a small climax, or even not a small climax, so let's just take three for now...



The monks from the three sects lined up in a row. The Wild Goose Returns was too big, and to allow all the monks to move freely, each passage was hundreds of meters long.

The newcomers held the giant shield with both hands, and trembled slightly. With a powerful enemy in front of them, the silence in silence made people crazy. Countless military spears stood up like hedgehogs behind them. There were three rows of monks standing in the back. The Dry Bone Temple, the Vajra Dao, and the Heavenly Sword Villa were indistinguishable from each other, forming a thick human wall.

The young faces were nervous as if they were on the battlefield for the first time, but no one retreated, and their breathing was stagnant. In the sudden silence, the front door slowly opened.

Kakakaka... The gate of hell opened, and a strong smell of blood and a majestic aura wandered in like a ghost. The dark figures of the demons behind him have already come into view.

The skinned Taichu, lying on the ground, with cold bone spurs sticking upside down, and the monsters hanging upside down on the top of the ship like bats above, the eyes of both sides met in silence, and some of the monks behind them had weak legs. They saw countless bloodstains on these Taichu, and saw that some monsters still had stumps in their mouths. Even some of the less courageous ones began to breathe rapidly.


The gate was finally fully opened, and on the other side was the countless Taichu Sea, which was like an ocean, and here, there was only Xu Yangyi on the top.

"Hello." Xu Yangyi looked coldly at these emotionless killing chimeras and said lightly: "Thank you for your care in the past."

"Then, go to hell."

He pressed his hands suddenly to the ground, and with a whistle from the red line, the dark forest opened again in the black light, and the killing field swallowed up the whole scene like a tide. The next second, all the Taichu roared in unison, black clouds danced, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, rushing towards him frantically.

At the same time, the main control room of the Yan Guilai was completely tense.

"Close channel 103. The entire C-level sect Jinri Sect was destroyed, and there are no survivors." "Channel 92 was breached, close it immediately." "The B-level sect Diewu Palace has gone to channel 13, and the Xuanjia Army went to reinforce." "Channel 57, the five C-level sects joined forces to resist the Taichu attack, and reinforced immediately."

The magnificent Mingwang statue, the mechanical sound filled the empty space, and streams of light shuttled quickly, and all departments were in operation. The three old men in the Supervisory Department all released golden light in their eyes, and they were not panicked. They had experienced too many wars and knew that although the situation was critical, the more panicked they were, the faster they would die.

Pictures slowly surrounded them, and every second a new picture was transmitted to the hands of the saint sitting in the palm of the Mingwang statue. Venerable Qingdeng looked at it for a few seconds and clenched his fists: "New species... Another new species has appeared! What about the other motherships? They will definitely not only attack us!"

Surround and attack the reinforcements.

They now know the opponent's tactics. In order to catch this big fish, the first few groups of people actually held back and did not take action due to Taichu's bloodlust.

Before the voice fell, a new set of pictures was delivered to the hands of the saints.

The whole body of the Yan Guilai was covered with a layer of pale Taichu, and more were rushing out from the shadows of the void. Ten thousand ants devouring elephants, although these Taichu are only practicing Qi, there are too many of them! Moreover, Taichu Qi Refining Stage can survive in the galaxy. Once these Taichu rush into the mothership, the consequences will be unimaginable!

But all the saints did not look here, but looked further away.

At the edge of the black tide formed by Taichu, there were nearly 100,000 Taichu with countless hands growing from a core, forming a dense blockade line.

"Heavenly Eye Taichu..." All the saints gritted their teeth. This kind of Taichu has no combat power, but the disgusting thing is that they can block all spiritual power transmission!

In the air, tens of thousands of masters floated like balloons, with ugly eyes and waving tentacles, conveying orders one after another. The faces of the saints became more and more solemn, but none of them spoke.

"Where is 'it'?" The Six Saints' Yuanling finally gritted their teeth and said: "Dare to attack the Yan Guilai, even if there are new species, they can't beat it down."

"But they did it, this... must be the general flag of a deputy legion commander, it... must be somewhere! Together with other Taichu generals, just waiting for the moment to take advantage of the opportunity."

"I don't know." Venerable Qingdeng looked at those devil-like Taichu and said bitterly: "They may even be able to hide the spiritual power of Taixu... What is the Supervisory Department for! Didn't they find any signs at all!"

Encircling the point and attacking the reinforcements, without eating the strength of this "reinforcement", that is to give Cantian City a chance, Taichu can't be unaware of this. Since they did it, there will be no future troubles.

Taixu took action personally... The deputy commander of the army was fighting against the king of the underworld... This scene made everyone's scalp tingle. The dense Taichu in their eyes was just the prelude, and the real frenzy was far from coming!

"Don't lose your composure!" A fat saint breathed a little quickly and said decisively: "There are a total of 130 entrances to the Yan Guilai, and now eleven have fallen. There are ten Class A alarms, and thirty are being fought with Taichu. Everyone, sitting idle is useless. The forbidden 'Pangu' is reviving. Now it's good to get one more entrance. Supervisory Department, send the pictures of all the entrances."

Suddenly, one hundred and nineteen groups of pictures appeared in the void. All the saints looked over one by one. Before any passage, there was a feast of flesh and blood. However, when they saw a passage entrance, the twelve saints were almost stunned.

"This is..." A Yin Lord blinked, stood up suddenly, and shouted: "Which fellow Taoist is this?!"

No one answered, everyone looked at the picture as if they had seen something wrong. A few seconds later, Lord Qingdeng subconsciously looked at the number: "Landing port No. 7... Is this Fellow Daoist Ben Lei?"

Yin Yang Tianzun stared at the light curtain dumbfounded, and suddenly felt cold all over his body.


So fierce!

No one could speak. The scene at landing port No. 7 was extremely strange.

A long bloody line was drawn in front of Xu Yangyi. Opposite was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Taichu's corpses lay scattered on the ground, but here, there wasn't even a grain of ash!

"He..." The Six Saint Yuanling also stood up and said dumbfounded: "This... this can't... really the one who crosses the line will die..."

At this moment, with a roar, the sea-like Taichu rushed over again.

Those in front did not advance even half an inch, while more and more Taichu from behind rushed in from outside the mothership, densely packed like flies and mosquitoes. A huge frenzy was set off, and a human standing in front of a tsunami hundreds of meters high was like a lonely boat in the sea.

The next second, a golden dragon roared into the air. The dragon danced for nine days, and the dragon fought in the wild. The long golden river swallowed everything and wiped out everything. The void collapsed in all directions. Circles of terrifying shock waves rolled across the fields. He looked like a god of death in front of him. In the restricted area, all Taichu who passed through this line were instantly turned into ashes!

There are Nascent Souls, golden elixirs, and countless foundations...but they are useless, moths, they are all moths! They rushed towards the fire desperately, but still could not escape the fate of being burned.

boom! !

With the last sound, the dragon's roar was real, Xu Yangyi's face turned pale, he gasped and took back the golden dragon, calmly looked at Taichu opposite, and crossed his fingers.

"Is there anyone else?" A human figure, facing this kind of monster from the universe, expressed the feeling of being at the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains at a glance.


It is obvious that the crisis is extremely serious now, and everyone wants to go to a passage immediately, but in their hearts, they feel like they are possessed, and they just want to see more of this person.


This is not human!

"Can you... do it?" Lord Qingdeng didn't know who to ask, and it was probably a meaningless question. However, no one answered at the scene.

The Six Saint Yuanling stared at this scene with wide eyes, are you relaxed? It was really easy. The other party was lifting his weight with ease. Until now, there wasn't even a trace of blood foam on his body. But it’s clear that it’s definitely not going to be easy!

The combined impact of Taichu just now is equivalent to a person facing hundreds of millions of spiritual energy. Who can withstand it?

He can't, he can't. This is also one of the few ways for low-level monks to defeat high-level ones. They gather their spiritual power together and rush over. It is simple, rough and unsophisticated, but effective. However, this passage limited the number of people in Taichu, so Xu Yangyi could not face too many at one time.

But never less!

The hundreds of meters of passage are now blocked by water in the entire space. There are all kinds of things hanging upside down, flying, crawling, roughly calculated to be close to 300 million spirits! He at least vomited blood under the impact.

However, this man did it.

" already the number one person under Taixu?! Where did he come from! Isn't fellow Taoist Longhu in retreat?" "You mean, fellow Taoist Longhu can compare with him? Maybe we can still There is a fighting state, but not in Taichu. They only have bloodthirsty and machines. How long have they been fighting here? It has been half an hour now, right? No one from Taichu can do it."

"The Dao Ancestor is here..." The Six Saints Yuanling, who was famous for his warlike and violent nature, was really stagnant this time. He even had a feeling of surviving a disaster in his heart. He could hardly hear the comments that exploded around him, and his heart He jumped wildly and wiped his sweat: "Is this... is this still a human being?"

Xu Yangyi had no idea that anyone had seen this scene.

This is his music, the melody of killing. After the passage, all the beginnings have become too numerous to count. They are hanging on the wall like spiders and lying on the ground like maned dogs. The entire passage is only left with oppressive blackness, which is impenetrable. .

"Come on." Xu Yangyi's face turned a little pale, but he still hooked his hands calmly and calmly: "Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?"

The monk at the back was completely stunned, and at the same time he could only feel his blood rising.

One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.

Who would have thought that the expected battle to the death did not occur, but instead a one-sided massacre?

The soldiers are the general's power and the general's soldiers are courageous. With this kind of backbone, why should we be afraid?

Impact after impact, they were blocked by this invincible wall again and again. They were like nails stationed in the seventh channel, straight and unbent.

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