
Chapter 1357: The Great Saint

The blood on the ground awakened their hatred for Taichu and their determination to fight their first battle as rookies.

"Wei..." A rookie of the Vajra Dao, with red eyes in his middle-aged Yuanying, unconsciously clenched the big shield in his hand. Suddenly, the spiritual energy rose, thousands of precious lights appeared, and a mighty Buddha appeared on it.

His eyes had changed from the panic just now to determination. And this gentle sound spread like waves, and those monks who were watching this scene dully felt their hearts warm and clenched the magic weapon in their hands for the first time.

Holding it tightly, the soul entered the bones.

"Wei..." Another Yuanying said in a hoarse voice, and the golden light also bloomed on the giant shield. Then, it was the next one, one by one, piece by piece, this team of thousands of people found their soul and their fighting spirit.

Wei! Wei! Wei!

With calm but passionate roars, giant shields were erected one after another, straight as a wall. Long spears stood straight, emitting thousands of cold rays. The crossbow team holding the Immortal-killing Crossbow in the back did not tremble with the crossbow arrows in their hands. They held the infinite Taichu on the opposite side like wolf teeth.

The spirit was different.

Xu Yangyi used more than an hour of brutal suppression to interpret the method of dealing with the enemy. Now, the military soul awakened by him condensed into a mighty King Kong behind him. Hundreds of meters tall, blocking the passage tightly.

The King Kong glared.

Even Taichu could see it, but their understanding of the wall was only... to break it!

Completely smashed, no one could stop the Taichu Legion that was conquering the heavens and the worlds!

"Kill!!" A furious roar broke out from Taichu, and suddenly, all the Taichu bodies sank, and they exuded a more violent momentum than before.

"Other generals have already entered the first barrier, but I am still stopped here... I am alone, and the other side has only one person! Do you... want to die?"

"Kill them all! No matter the cost! Even if they are piled up, you must rush over! For me... attack with all your forces!!"

Attack, attack, attack... Xu Yangyi suddenly covered his chest, his face flushed.

"Young Sect Master?" "Sir!" The cultivators in the back gasped, and as a Yuanying from Tianjian Villa shouted "Protect the Young Sect Master!" Thousands of streamers flew out subconsciously, and the Immortal-Destroying Crossbow pulled out silver lines, rushing at lightning speed, and then bursting with brilliant sparks.

But, it was not enough.

The distance was too long, and they only had the will to fight, but no fighting skills. This extreme distance for the veterans was actually slowed down by their disorganized formation and their scrambling.

Xu Yangyi could not hear anything, and for some reason, in an instant, he clearly saw the Venerable Saint of Taixu. That feeling was very strange. The world seemed to have turned into an old TV screen. Countless images surrounded him, combining in fragmentation and then breaking in combination. The other party's voice was endlessly looping in his mind, and then...

He saw a butterfly.

The huge butterfly, with unicorn horns and phoenix tail, was completely composed of spiritual light. Its huge body was like a plane, soaring in the universe.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother...

She was hit here by a stream of light, her whole body covered with meteorites, and purple light burst out from it. It was as if she was hit here by something unknown. As she went deeper and deeper, the purple light on her body became weaker and weaker. Finally, there was a loud bang, and the meteorite was completely exploded. A figure wearing bronze armor and a short stature, with sixteen wings covered with feathers on his back instead of butterfly wings!

It was like an angel. An iron-clad angel.

The magnificent and elegant appearance even ignored her short stature...More and more images rushed into his mind, squeezing his brain to explode. He couldn't remember it at all with his photographic memory. He couldn't help but hug his head and yelled.


Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, and this moment seemed to have traveled through thousands of years. When he woke up, he was sweating profusely, and his sense of touch, vision, and smell gradually returned to his body. A noisy sound that upset him suddenly rang in his ears. Before he could shout to shut up, the gradually clear shouting had completely brought him back to his senses.

"Young Sect Master!" "Be careful!" "Young Sect Master! You defend yourself!"

The rumbling sound of the monks stepping in and the anxious shouting echoed in his ears. In a second, the dream returned to thousands of years. The scene in front of him was almost frozen. Thousands of dark figures formed a wall of dark clouds, and he could even smell the fishy smell of the other party. The next second, the sky collapsed and pressed down.

Almost instinctively, the soul hunter roared out, covering the swallowed talisman to form a long golden river.

Ten thousand blades were added to the body, and the knife light brushed the face. The sudden change, even Taichu did not expect to encounter such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but the opponent's decision was so decisive, the black frenzy was boundless, and Taichu, who entered the Devouring Talisman, was instantly eaten up and only left with his limbs, but the waves behind him crashed against the shore, and in just a few seconds, a thick Taichu wall was piled up outside the Soul Hunter, wrapped into a Taichu ball with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Immediately afterwards, all the Taichu lit up a series of talismans from their flesh and blood, their bodies twisted rapidly, and the torn spiritual energy actually formed a terrifying black hole around Xu Yangyi.

"Self-explosion?" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. He had been fighting for more than an hour in a row. Every time he faced a punch of almost the same strength as the God of Evil, his spiritual power had begun to warn. This slightly hasty defense will never be good!

"Die... mortal!" Behind Taichu, several voices with crazy killing intent sounded at the same time, and with a loud bang that shook the earth, a terrifying white light instantly swallowed the entire passage.

The world seemed to have lost its sound. Except for the initial "boom!!", there was only a constant buzzing.

The world seemed to have lost its color. Except for the black light that made everyone close their eyes subconsciously at the beginning, nothing else could be seen.

The brilliance was so short-lived. A second later, everyone opened their eyes at the same time. Tianjian Villa exclaimed "Young Master!" The whole army pressed forward.

In front of them, there was only smoke. Although the self-destructed Taichu realm was low, there were too many of them. In addition to the first one, the Taichu behind them continued to fall one after another, and there were more than a few thousand. This passage allowed Xu Yangyi to stop the Taichu army for more than an hour, but it became a double-edged sword at this moment.

The cabin was completely deformed and spread in all directions in a spherical shape. How terrible was the power of such a small range and such a dense explosion? The eyes of the cultivators of Tianjian Villa were red, and the Vajra phantom advanced rapidly. However, when they rushed into the smoke for dozens of meters, everyone stopped.

"All right?" A voice sounded in the smoke, Xu Yangyi's voice was accompanied by a smile: "Too timely."

A huge black vortex was suspended in the air, ghosts were howling, Meng Po, King of Hell, Envoy, Wu Chang, four ghosts held up the treasure mirror, shining a thousand meters, opening the passage to the underworld.

And the shock waves of the explosion were actually sucked into this passage.

"Four mirrors?" The monks of the Ku Gu Temple were stunned, and then all shouted excitedly: "Welcome to the young master!"

In the smoke, Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan had arrived at some point, the gate of the underworld was opened, and the vortex tightly wrapped the three people. Zhao Ziqi's face was solemn, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What are you standing there for?"

"Kill them all!! Have they been hiding behind the eldest brother all the time!"

With one sentence, all the monks' eyes were red.

The battle line of thousands of people, but one man was guarding the pass. The opponent used his fighting method and his way to awaken the fighting spirit of these newcomers. But just after the outbreak, Zhao Ziqi saw that this pillar was in danger and could not be saved. This sentence was undoubtedly like pouring boiling oil on boiling water!

They are all cultivators, and they are all the backbones of the seven realms who have cultivated to the Golden Core Yuanying stage. Who is worse than who?

"Everyone!" The cultivators of Tianjian Villa felt a burning pain on their faces, and they were proud of it in their hearts. A feeling called honor was boiling in their blood. At the front, a cultivator in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage suddenly raised a huge shield and roared hoarsely: "Kill!!"

"Rehabilitate the three sects! In the name of the seven realms!!"

"Kill them all!!"

The horn of war sounded, and for the first time, the first time to step into the passage, the first time for the rookies, thousands of magic weapons burst out with golden light, and with a shocking "Wei!!" The steel torrent rushed to the opposite black ocean without hesitation.

Real swords against white blades. The spiritual energy to the flesh, the heavy and messy steps, completely without the uniformity of the elite who have fought hundreds of battles, but with the courage of a newborn calf who is not afraid of a tiger, they will advance without retreat, breaking through the smoke, bypassing Xu Yangyi and the other two like a big river, and rushing towards the endless Taichu hundreds of meters away.

Getting closer and closer, the cold killing flames can almost be felt in the air, five hundred meters, three hundred meters, one hundred meters!

Countless newcomers hold their magic weapons tightly, and with the three sects' cultivators shouting "Kill!!" in unison, this close combat breaks out.

Boom! The collision of flesh and magic weapons sounded at the same time, the ocean hit the giant mountain, and circles of ripples and precious light were brilliant. In the front was the highest-level Yuanying cultivator with the Jindan cultivator, and with a loud roar: "Wow!!"

Kakaka, they desperately blocked this wave of Taichu's impact, veins bulged, the light curtain in front of the shield trembled violently, all the long spears behind them burst out with thousands of feet of golden light, rushed out from the gaps in the shield, and instantly tore the rows of Taichu in front into pieces.

The smell of flesh and blood filled the nose, awakening the cruel instincts of creatures. Taichu's eyes were red, and a bloodthirsty roar swept through like a gust of wind. The Taichu in front had not been shredded yet, and the endless black tide behind had already swarmed in.

"Roar!!!" The ferocious face was close at hand, and a few seconds passed in a flash, but it had already endured hundreds of thousands of impacts! The phantom of the diamond violently fluctuated in the air. The light became increasingly dim, and at the same time, the Immortal-Destroying Crossbow behind him turned into a galaxy covering the sky with a shout of "Release!", rippling circles of fine ripples on the Vajra phantom, blooming with the brilliance of destruction.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" Another straw-like Taichu fell down, and in front of the phantom that blocked the entire passage, their corpses instantly piled up several meters high, and the new Taichu crushed the old corpses fearlessly, forming a higher corpse wall.

The sky was full of blood rain, and killing became the only melody. Just as the Immortal-Destroying Crossbow passed, three rows of monks squatted down together, and behind them, chanting sounds resounded through the sky, and several Jindan groups, a golden scroll in front of them shook in the void, and countless mysterious runes rose around them.

The Tao became a strange vision. Behind the team, there were thousands of golden lights, lotus, white cranes, Buddha... A terrible storm of magical powers was brewing. The front was trying hard to withstand the crashing waves. In just a few seconds, the monks at the forefront felt that their bodies were about to fall apart. The Jindan monks had blood shaken out of their seven orifices, but no one stepped back while stepping on the bloody body parts on the ground!

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