
Chapter 1358: The Three Saints vs. the Ten Saints (Part 1)

The scene was too cruel. This was not a civil war among the same race like the World War, but a fight between different races of life and death. However, none of the three Xu Yangyi took action.

Growth must have a price, even if the price is life. The kindness of women will only bury them in this ruthless starry sky.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he couldn't figure out why the scene of Nanhua Butterfly Mother appeared just now. These primordial beginnings... seem to be awakening something.

"Have you found the other party's saint?" He asked in a deep voice after concentrating his thoughts.

"No." Zhao Ziqi's eyes had already opened their dark pupils: "It's too well hidden, I'm afraid I can only lure the snake out of its hole."

The first thing to do when encircling a point to support is to be able to absorb the strength of this "reinforcement". What the opponent is showing now is not enough.

None of the Zunsheng appeared. The seven Star Destroyer Motherships had Taixu, and the opponent's Taixu also had no trace.


The opponent is waiting for a turn in the battle. Wait for the chance to kill the Goose Return with one hit.

They are also waiting, waiting for the moment when the opponent's sage who rules Taichu appears, waiting for a lightning-fast beheading opportunity.

The battlefield has become intense, with humans and monsters biting each other fiercely like intertwined wolf fangs. As he yelled "Death!!" with all his strength, spiritual energy gathered on the roof of the cabin, forming a majestic cloud cave. Under the thousand-meter cloud cave, the God of Thunder was righteous! One after another, red thunder and lightning dragons ran, destroying the void.

"Zhizhizhizhi!! Roar!!" Pieces of Taichu were swallowed up by the sea of ​​thunder, and another 100-meter shadow of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone unfolded, with a blurred face. A huge gourd flew out from behind, and he moved toward the gourd. Bow, suddenly, the void fluctuated slightly, and the thousands of Taixu in front instantly broke into two parts.

A white lotus floated over, and amid the colorful petals, a sea of ​​fire rose out of the air. The white lotus demon in the fire was not alone, and forcefully retreated from Taichu's front line.

All the monks finally got a chance to breathe. The force defense that was like a gust of wind just now was too fast, so fast that they could hear the thumping sound of their heartbeats in their ears. However, before they could take a breath, all the monks gasped in unison. The one with a low level had a hint of fear in his eyes.

Didn't stop!

Under such a violent bombardment by the magical group, Taichu still rushed over one after another. What was even more frightening was...the fragments of those Taichu who had been burnt and trampled into minced meat were actually still crawling and trying their best to gather in one place. Now many Taichu who died before have stood up again.

This is the horror of the beginning.

The beginning of Qi training is cannon fodder, the foundation building is also cannon fodder, the golden elixir, and Nascent Soul are still cannon fodder! Unless the opponent is completely eliminated, the vast sea of ​​ethnic groups can even theoretically annihilate Doppo!

"Death..." The leader Yuanying watched in astonishment as the pieces of flesh piled up again in front of him. A kind of powerless despair surged into his heart. Facing the eternal black tide that made the ground tremble, he took a deep breath and tightened his grip. The giant shield roared with all his courage: "Hold the formation gate!!"


With this sound, the shield army in front advanced instead of retreating, pressing forward with all their strength towards the black tide coming again.

"Power! Power! Power!" The foundation builders and qi refiners behind them gritted their teeth, put aside their momentary cowardice, roared one after another, grabbed the magic weapon in their hands, and followed the steel torrent in front of them to advance forward.

The indifference of indifference and the moment of bravery are intertwined into the boundary between blood and fire. Uniform and unanimous roars, and the violent screams of Taichu continued to sound, and the Vajra shadow bloomed with dazzling brilliance all the time. Twenty minutes, thirty minutes, forty minutes... Another hour is about to pass, and the entire shadow has been shaken by the impact, but the last layer of light curtain seems to be thin, but like the leaves in the storm, after several bumps, Still not smashed.

Behind Taichu, several frightened and angry eyes stared at the battlefield. They couldn't believe that this was just a newcomer. They didn't even know how to kill Taichu, but they could survive for so long under their own hands!

But they also know that this is a bulkhead. It's a double-edged sword. Geographical conditions limited Taichu to only be able to rush in so many, point-to-point, face-to-face, and the three sects could only attack so many at once. But as long as Taichu's head-on attack can completely destroy the opponent's defense, there will be no way for the opponent to escape.

However, can they do it?

They have no confidence at all, nothing at all. Once the Saint takes action, the other three will definitely take action. They thought of the death of the one who crossed the line before, and thought of the other party's ability to kill thousands with one horse, so they suppressed the violent murderous intention in their hearts.


Can only wait.


Several eyes looked tacitly at the vast void behind them. Behind a certain broken plane, two spiritual powers that only they could feel, as majestic as the stars, were quietly moving under the cover of hundreds of Shadow Taichu. Sleep there.

That is the shadow hell that light can never reach.

"Haven't you found it yet?" In the crowd, Chu Zhaonan held the King of Hell tightly and asked through gritted teeth.

Around them, the monks who were replaced one after another were adjusting their breaths with pale faces. Many monks immediately returned to their original positions within a few minutes of teasing. Several golden elixirs were already unconscious, and the Nascent Soul was only struggling to hold on. The war between the monks and Taichu was unlikely to result in casualties at the beginning, but once the monks' formation was broken, a massacre would follow.

After several hours of fierce fighting, the monks in the lower four realms had almost exhausted their spiritual power, and now they were only supported by a stream of energy. If there is no sudden change in the war situation, they must take action

But ahead is the endless ocean of Taichu. If the location is not determined, walking through here to find the other side's saint is simply wishful thinking!

"No!" Zhao Ziqi bit his lip fiercely: "They have been avoiding me! I only felt that there were more than three or four! The spiritual power is not weak, but I still can't find them!"

At this moment, a wave of spiritual energy suddenly appeared in the air, and then a voice suddenly appeared.

"The seventeenth, eighty-third, sixty-four, ninety-two, seventy, and five entrances are closed. You all listen to the order. All B-level sects immediately rush to the rescue of the seventh, first, and twenty-ninth entrances... "

The scene was suddenly silent, and the sudden silence in the battlefield came unexpectedly. The alarm talismans in the ship cabins in all directions were still flashing desperately, highlighting the strange silence here.

That's not tranquility.

But the eve of the storm.

Five entrances have been recaptured by the Return of the Wild Goose, and reinforcements from the Seven Realms are on the way. There were only two choices in the beginning.

Either retreat or give it your all.

The hoarse voice of the message echoed through the passage hundreds of meters wide. The three of them raised their heads, and their spiritual consciousness came out, just in time to come into contact with the ten rays of divine consciousness on the other side that were no longer concealed.

The answer is obvious.

Thirteen saints' consciousnesses crisscrossed in the air, with murderous intent boiling in the cold. Taichu behind them was already in chaos, as if some huge creature was awakening. The black figures were blown away one by one, and the fuse/cord was burning quickly. The killing intent at the saint level was revealed, and the three monks below were stunned. Then a monk shouted to the sky: "Everyone! Hold on! Hold on!!"

This was a golden elixir. His voice was hoarse. He wanted to say something more, but he had no strength at all. He just raised his spear tremblingly, put it on the big shield, and said hoarsely: "Awe!!"

"Kill!!" Almost at the same time, the silent fuse/rope came to an end, and ten saintly auras burst out from the back of Taichu! With no cover left, as the majestic figure appeared, countless Taichu rushed up like crazy, and... all Taichu's eyes were red, and their bodies were twisted sharply.

"Hold it!" There were roars from the front line of King Kong's phantom. The next second, countless ripples appeared on the phantom, and groups of terrifying self-destructing fireworks turned into terrifying shock waves that swept across the entire place.

Boom! This explosion was so violent and continuous. This was a signal from the other side to capture this place at all costs. Wave after wave, wave after wave, endless. The monk in front closed his eyes and felt that the world was shaking. They could barely stand in the first few seconds. I don't know how long it took, but there was a crisp sound in the roaring world. Before they could even scream out, the Shield Team, the Spear Team, the Crossbow Team... were already like pieces of paper. Was blown hundreds of meters!

The Vajra Shadow finally completely collapsed in the tsunami-like self-destruction regardless of the cost!

"You... all deserve to die!!" At the same time, a hateful voice resounded through the void. The moment the shadow collapsed, pieces of Taichu behind were swept out by huge black shadows like snakes. Hundreds of tentacles stretched out like lightning, stabbing all the monks in the air.

The losses were too great. Before the battle, they had of course predicted what they would do if they encountered the Six Saints Yuanling and Lord Qingdeng, the top ten saints. But it is impossible to pay such a high price. The current price has exceeded their expectations.


The hiding Supreme Saint finally couldn't bear the order that turned the battlefield upside down. Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly. In order to kill these ten saints, he left a special trump card.

"What a loud tone!" However, someone is faster than him! A figure suddenly rushed out, raising his two spears into the sky. The shadows of the spears flickered, and all the tentacles that entered the restricted area were turned into fly ash.

"Hi!!!" The painful voice was heartbreaking, but at the same time as the tentacles were retracted, nine stars shot through the sky and charged straight at the Seven Realms Army. The leader is a female humanoid monster wearing a white cloak. On the left is a charming woman, and on the right is a skinned man with a fluttering white robe. A jade vase in the left hand and a willow branch in the right hand. Eyes full of explosive anger, he stared at the three figures in front of him, opened his mouth to an incredible size of one meter, and roared: "Kill! No one will be spared!!"

"Death!" A 30-meter-long Taichu Saint with a head like a human head, with thousands of hands behind him, shouted loudly, and circles of blue ripples scraped through the air like knives, and the entire void was filled with its roar. Be neatly cut.

Ten magical powers rushed towards him, and a strong wind blew across his face. Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath, and suddenly roared, the dragon with his left spear flew into the sky, and the phoenix with his right spear passed into nirvana. The phantom of the dragon and the phoenix rotated into a magnificent Tai Chi, and it resisted the supernatural powers of ten saints head-on!

Boom! !

The narrow space instantly deformed, and the light filled the sky. After half a second, his figure stood in the void like a King Kong, with a 100-meter-long arhat looming behind him, a dragon on the left and a phoenix on the right.

Facing generals, soldiers against soldiers, needles against wheat awns, vast spiritual energy spread across the space, he held two guns and pointed at the eight figures of the opponent: "Come."

"Who will lead Grandpa to death?"

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