
Chapter 1359: The Three Saints vs. the Ten Saints (Part 2)

"I will help you!" Immediately, three figures immediately surrounded him. Different from hiding behind Xu Yangyi in previous battles, Zhao Ziqi also sneered: "Then...who will come to play with me?"

"Seeking death!" Three more figures shot away, leaving only Xu Yangyi, the half-human, half-ghost Taichu in white, and the other three Taichus in the sky.

"Monks of the Seven Realms... I promise you that if you surrender to Taichu, we will not erase any of your spiritual consciousness, but will only give you room for development. Your status will not be below that of the deputy commander in the future." Taichu in white said firmly. It gritted its teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi. If possible, it would never want to do anything with this human being.

"Monks of the Seven Realms, you may think that you are facing the entire Taichu Empire, but... that's not the case. The Taichu Empire spans the entire galaxy, and you are just a corner of it. Master Tengebar is only one of the ten legion commanders. One, the main focus is not here. After the master takes his hand, there will be no room for resistance in the Seven Realms." Another voice said hoarsely.

"With your strength, you shouldn't be buried in the Seven Realms at all. Serving for the great Emperor Senluo is your destination. Come... come to us, you will have unlimited opportunities to improve your life level, and... a long To a life you don’t want to live.”

Xu Yangyi listened coldly, suddenly smiled, and slowly raised his hand: "You actually still have time to surrender? You are really generous."

"This Holy Lord... gives you a big gift."

"A gift I've never seen before..."

Before he finished speaking, a green light suddenly erupted from Xu Yangyi's chest.

Magnificent and majestic, as if a giant dragon despises the common people, and the murderous air in the sky is its answer.

Evil heretics will be killed without mercy!

This was his ability to face Taichu.

The seed of Khaos, the thorn of chaos!

Not sure of its power, so I could only choose the safest way to explode from the nearest place.

"This is..." The four Taichus were stunned for a moment, and then a sense of fear they had never experienced before rushed into their hearts. With a scream of extreme horror, they suddenly turned around and ran away!

"It's too late." Waves of green waves converged on Xu Yangyi from all directions. He looked at the four figures with an indifferent expression: "With this distance, you can't escape."

boom! !

His spiritual power was in full operation, but his expression suddenly changed.

So strong...

very scary!

This was the first time that he truly felt the power of Yahweh from within his body. In the past, he could only feel it from the other party. And only when you feel this kind of power can you recognize its true nature.

That is...the universe...the galaxy...the beginning of all things.

The restlessness of rebirth and the sorrow of death are indescribable, different from spiritual power, but the same. They are of the same lineage, but transcend everything.

However...he can't control it!

It was too powerful, beyond imagination. Chaos's divine will was so decisive in the face of the monster he created due to his own mistakes. The power of the gods could only belong to the gods. In an instant, green brilliance covered the sky and blocked out the sun, desperately absorbing spiritual energy without his consent, forming a sun outside his body that shines all over the world.

"Huh?" At this moment, no one could see, two majestic voices sounded from two extremely fringe broken planes.

Like mountains, like mountains, like abyss like sea.

On the plane, hundreds of shadows covering their figures were crawling around, desperately trying to cover up something. But at this moment, they could no longer cover it. Terrible cracks split from the plane, scaring these mindless Taichu and fleeing in panic. , at the same time, the two spiritual consciousnesses immediately collided together.

"Did you feel it?"

"Did you feel it too? I thought I felt wrong. Emperor Senluo?"

There was silence, and after a few seconds, a voice answered: "Whether it is or not."

"We were awakened and must have been noticed by the Seven Realms. It's time to take action..."

"Presumably, even if the troops in front do not penetrate, they still pose a great threat. If you stop Jundali, I will completely destroy the pride of the Seven Realms."

"I will let them always remember that the 'Seven Star Dragon King' Yue Shanzuo, in the 11th era of the Year of Chao Feng in the Chain of Seven Realms, the return number of Mie Yan is here..."

The moment they moved, the main control room of Yanguihui suddenly shook violently.

"This is..." A gasping sound came, and the light curtains in all directions turned red. On the light curtains with countless red dots, the two red suns were getting bigger and bigger!

"This..." Master Yin Yang gritted his teeth and stood up. At this moment, his heart felt cold: "Taixu..."

"The Taixu of Taichu...and...there are two people!!"

what to do?

All the monks looked at each other in shock. They never expected that after besieging Towering City, they could actually mobilize two Taixu to attack the Yanreihuan! Moreover... the last time the commander of the Void Army personally took action, Jundali Pluto was seriously injured...

Rumbling and trembling continued, the stone statue holding the twelve saints suddenly opened its eyes strangely and let out a long sigh.

"Pluto? Your Excellency Pluto? Are you... awake?"

Kakaka... Thousands of cracks appeared on the stone statue, and golden light burst out from inside. There was no answer. Above the light curtain, an equally powerful sun rose simultaneously on the Yan Return.

The three Taixu are facing each other in the void.

At the entrance of the seventh passage, all the monks looked at the sudden appearance of the sun in shock. Taichu, who had no emotions and only obeyed orders, actually refused the order to attack at this moment. Shivering under the green tide, he lay prostrate on the ground and couldn't even run away!

All things bow before the gods.

"Fuck!" In the green sun, Xu Yangyi's eyes also widened, and his eyes were red. A powerful force was imprisoned in this sun, and it quickly gathered towards his chest, and the color gradually deepened, from green, to cyan, to blue, dark blue, blue-black... Finally, it turned into eternal chaos.

That was a void far deeper than a black hole, an existence that no black hole could match.

The spiritual power in his body had been sucked out, and even... began to devour his flesh and blood! The Devouring Talisman had already responded, desperately blocking it, but it couldn't resist at all.

"Miscalculated..." He gritted his teeth, and the Infinite Truth was fully operational, and the gushing terrifying demonic energy was wrapped in the green sun. The Taixu Demon Body appeared without hesitation.

In an instant, all the Taixu demonic energy was devoured, and the bones made a wail of being overwhelmed. He felt cold in his heart, but the next second, this terrible suction finally stopped.

Before he could wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, a hand condensed by black mist slowly stretched out from the vortex in silence. It was elegant, noble, and incomparable. In Xu Yangyi's shocked eyes, it made several movements.

Very slowly, but... he couldn't see clearly!

He couldn't remember everything he saw. A simple movement couldn't be engraved in his mind. Then, the hand flicked outwards lightly as if flicking dust.

Boom! ! !

The void vibrated!

No, not only that, the whole Yan Guilai, the whole body of the talisman flickered, and even fell straight down!

"What's going on!? I don't know, a power that has never been encountered suddenly broke out in Yan Guilai! This... This is too powerful! Is this unique?! What a joke! This power..."

There was a panic in the main control room, no, all the channels were in a panic, the talismans flashing in all directions went out, and Yan Guilai fell like a meteorite. How can I not panic?

"Beep, beep..." At the same time, all the screens screamed. Originally there were three red dots, but now there was one... a red dot that was bigger than the sun and looked like the Milky Way, instantly engulfing the screen, and the spiritual energy counter next to it jumped wildly!

"Nine billion spiritual energy... 13 billion spiritual energy... 18 billion spiritual energy... 27 billion spiritual energy... 30 billion spiritual energy..." "34 billion... 40 billion spiritual energy..."

"Alarm, the highest spiritual energy level of the Legion War level has been reached."

"Alarm, beyond the Legion War level, spiritual energy cannot be counted, cannot... snap!"

All the light screens went out at the same time, and finally reflected the incredible faces of the twelve saints, a large number of monks, and the King of Hell, the Gundali.

In the Seventh Realm, a man in a cloak suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky in disbelief.

This is a caravan. The merchant next to him whispered, "Master Ou, what's wrong?"

The cloaked man didn't speak. After a long time, he lowered his head and smiled complicatedly, "Chaos... God of Chaos..."

"A palm from the gods... What angered this monster who doesn't get angry... Hehe, the opponent's strength is close to that of Lucifer's elder brother... After so many years, we can actually see its glory in this ancient battlefield..."

Behind them, tens of thousands of coffins were pulled forward by camels, but the people present seemed not to see it.

No one saw this scene. In the distant starry sky, the Yan Guilai was shaken all over, and a circle of brilliant green light burst out from Channel 7.

Not violent.

Even gentle.

All the Taichu and all the humans at the scene, at this moment, all the murderous intent and tyranny disappeared from their faces. The closest Venerable Taichu even showed a weird smile.

The next second, it disappeared.

Xu Yangyi, Chu Zhaonan, and Zhao Ziqi's eyes were straight.

Yes, it disappeared.

There was no sign, just like snow will melt, rain will stop, and people will die. It was very natural.

Then, the green ripples tore through the surrounding cabin walls, instantly broke through the entire Yan Guilai, and sank into the universe. The speed was so fast that everything within a radius of light years was included.

On the broken plane, two huge bodies had stood up. They were about the size of a continent on Earth. One had seven heads and looked like an ancient Chinese dragon. Black scales and white mane. The other was like an elk, but with the body of a unicorn.

A huge amount of Taixu spiritual power surged out from the other party, shocking the Taichu demons within a radius of thousands of miles. They lay in the void and trembled. The seven-headed dragon twisted its neck and laughed bloodthirstily: "Ah... I feel the breath of Jundali... Is he declaring war on us?"

"Just him?" Elk Taixu said coldly: "Before he was seriously injured, I was still afraid of him, but now..."

Before he finished speaking, a circle of cosmic light suddenly burst out from the Goose Return. The fearless Taichu actually had a violent mental fluctuation at this moment.

"This is..." The Seven-Star Dragon King was stunned, and then he and Elk Taixu screamed at the same time and fled into the void frantically.

"What... is this?"

"Too terrible... It's simply the suppression of the soul... When did the Seven Realms have such a thing!"

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